Public Health: Prevent-Promote-Protect Frederick County’s Health Barbara Brookmyer, MD, MPH Frederick County Health Officer Frederick County Health Department February 22, 2012 Objectives Review Key Indicators of Health Status and later … Describe State Health Improvement Process Describe FC’s Local Health Improvement Process Identify opportunities for you to become engaged What is Public Health? Definition: Protect and improve health of communities and populations through education, promoting healthy lifestyles, and research for disease and injury prevention How: ◦ Population or community level focus ◦ Surveillance and data gathering ◦ Develop plans, programs, and policies ◦ Implement plans, programs, and policies ◦ Evaluate performance and outcomes Reference: Demographics of Frederick County Demographics Frederick Total Population* Age*, % Under 5 Years Under 18 Years 65 Years and Older 233,385 5,773,552 6.4% 25.3% 11.1% 6.3% 23.4% 12.3% 81.5% 8.6% 0.3% 3.8% 7.3% 58.2% 29.4% 0.4% 5.5% 8.2% Race/Ethnicity*, % White Black Native American Asian Hispanic or Latino origin Maryland Median Household Income**$81,436 Households in Poverty**, % 5.5% $70,017 8.6% Pop. 25+ W/O H.S. Diploma** 8.4% Pop. 25+ With Bachelor's Degree or Above**, % 36.2% 12.1% 35.6% Sources: *U.S. Census (2010), **American Community Survey (2008-2010) County Health Rankings All counties in the US 3rd year in a row rankings to be released April Frederick County ranked 3rd overall in health outcomes 2 years in a row! Frederick County Health Factors rank was 4th Frederick’s physical environment ranked 16th Reference: 2007 Community Health Assessment Areas of Opportunity Access to Healthcare Services ◦ Routine Medical Care ◦ Availability (Inconvenient Office Hours) ◦ Health Disparities (Low-Income, Minorities) Death, Disease & Disability ◦ Heart Disease & Stroke ◦ Cancer Colorectal Cancer (Deaths) Prostate Cancer (Screening) ◦ Respiratory Disease Asthma Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease Maternal & Infant Health ◦ Prenatal Care Mental & Emotional Health ◦ Alzheimer’s Disease ◦ Emotional Wellness Stress Suicide Modifiable Health Risks ◦ Overweight & Obesity ◦ Alcohol Abuse ◦ Tobacco Use 10 Leading Causes of Death in Frederick County, 2010 Malignant Neoplasms (332 down from 385) Diseases of the Heart (316 down from 380) Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (92 up from 69) Cerebrovascular Diseases (88 up from 71) Accidents (62 up from 50) Influenza and Pneumonia (46 up from 39) Alzheimer’s (37 up from 23) Kidney Disease (31 up from 30) Diabetes Mellitus (23 down from 27) Septicemia (23 down from 33) Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide) (21 down from 32) Reference: Incidence Rates for All Cancers 1997-2007: Frederick County, Maryland, and U.S. 700 Incidence Rate per 100,000 600 500 400 FC Total MD Total 300 US Total 200 100 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year All Rates are per 100,000. 1997 and 1998 rates are age-adjusted to the 1970 U.S. population, all other years are age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population Source: Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene CRF Annual Reports 2000-2010. 2007 Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) Before Age 75, Frederick County, 2009, Selected Causes of YPLL 3500 3000 2500 Years 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Source of Data: Divsion of Health Statistics, DHMH African American vs. Caucasian Mortality Data for the Top 15 Causes of Death, Maryland 2009 Ratio Disparity Excess Rate of Frederick Cause Statewide Cause of Rank Disparity Rank of Death Death Disease Age-Adjusted Mortality per 100,000 Black White Ratio Age-Adjusted Difference per 100,000 7 1 2 1 Heart Disease 238.3 184.3 1.29 54 9 4 1 2 Cancer 193 176.6 1.09 16.4 8 7 3 3 Stroke 48.3 38.3 1.26 10 4 4 Chronic Lung Disease 27.8 40.4 0.69 -12.6 10 5 Diabetes 34.4 17.1 2.01 17.3 5 6 Accidents 22.9 24.7 0.93 -1.8 4 2 10 10 6 7 Flu and Pneumonia 17.5 17.2 1.02 0.3 6 9 7 8 Septicemia 25.2 16.5 1.53 8.7 11 9 Alzheimer's Disease 15.6 17.6 0.89 -2 19 10 HIV 17.5 1.2 14.58 16.3 22.1 11.8 1.87 10.3 1 5 5 6 9 11 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome, and Nephrosis 2 3 15 12 Homicide 19.1 2.4 7.96 16.7 12 13 Chronic Liver Disease 6.2 7.2 0.86 -1 8 14 Suicide 5.2 11.4 0.46 -6.2 15 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 11.4 2.6 4.38 8.8 3 8 18 Source: Maryland Vital Statistics Annual Report 2009 Frederick County Data: Heart Disease and Related Risk Factors Heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in Frederick County followed by stroke (Maryland VSA 2007-2009, Table 50). Among chronic disease risk factors, 15% of adults smoke, 25% report having high blood pressure and well over a third report having high cholesterol (Maryland BRFSS, 2009). 25% of adults are classified as obese; 40% are classified as overweight, which is 5th worst in the State (Maryland BRFSS, 2010). 72% of adults, 4th highest in the State, describe their activity level at work as “mostly sitting/standing” (Maryland BRFSS, 2010). With regards to chronic disease disparities, the rate (per 100,000) of diabetes-related ED visits is 536 for Blacks vs. 197 for Whites (2.7 times greater), and hypertension-related ED visits is 426.8 for Blacks vs. 142.9 for Whites (3 times greater) (HSCRC, 2010). Age-adjusted mortality data for Frederick County also shows that Blacks, when compared to Whites, suffer a higher rate of death from stroke (1.26 times greater), heart disease (1.29 times greater), and diabetes (2 times greater) (Maryland Vital Statistics Annual Report 2009). # Marylanders Estimated to be Receiving Expanded Preventive Services Under the ACA Total 1,153,000 Children 297,000 Women 448,000 Men 408,000 Based on expanded coverage though employer-sponsored health plans Source = February 2012 ASPE Issue Brief ◦ available on the Internet at: eServices/ib.shtml accessed February 21, 2012 BMI-For-Age 2 to 18: >=95th Percentile Frederick County / Maryland vs. Healthy People 2020 Target 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Frederick County Maryland HP 2020 Target 2006 20.6 21.9 2007 14.2 22.3 2008 19.2 22.3 2009 23 23.1 2010 17.4 25.7 14.6 HP Objective NWS-10: Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who are considered obese (target for ages 2-19). Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Note: BRFSS data & HP objective- similar but not exact. Surveillance System, BRFSS-2006- 2010, Retrieved from: Adults ever told they had high cholesterol 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Frederick County Maryland HP 2020 Target 2001 30.8 31.1 2003 32.9 33.9 2005 30.6 33.2 2007 39.1 36.9 2009 35.5 37.4 13.5 HP Objective HDS-7: Reduce the proportion of adults with high total blood cholesterol levels Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, BRFSS-2001- 2009, Retrieved from: Ever Had Sigmoidoscopy or Colonscopy Exam Age 50+ Frederick County / Maryland vs. Healthy People 2020 Target 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Frederick County Maryland HP 2020 Target 2002 66.8 54.8 2004 48.2 61.1 2006 67.3 65.7 2008 73.8 71.3 2010 70 72.3 70.5 HP Objective C-16: Increase the proportion of adults who receive a colorectal cancer screening based on the most recent guidelines Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, BRFSS-2002- 2010, Retrieved from: Last Mammogram Less than 2 years ago - Women 40+ Frederick County / Maryland vs. Healthy People 2020 Target 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 Frederick County Maryland HP 2020 Target 2000 77.5 81.6 2002 81 82.1 2004 73.7 79 2006 80.1 79.8 2008 78.7 77 2010 80 80.8 81.1 HP Objective C-17: Increase the proportion of women who receive a breast cancer screening based on the most recent guidelines Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, BRFSS-2000- 2010, Retrieved from: Pap Smear Within Past Two Years - Women 18+ Frederick County / Maryland vs. Healthy People 2020 Target 95 90 85 80 75 70 Frederick County Maryland HP 2020 Target 2000 86.8 87.1 2002 89.2 88.4 2004 84.2 84.1 2006 83.9 83.1 2008 85.9 78.2 2010 83.3 82 93 HP Objective C-15: Increase the proportion of women who receive a cervical cancer screening based on the most recent guidelines Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, BRFSS-2000- 2010, Retrieved from: Tobacco Use in Frederick County 25 20 15 10 5 0 2008 State of Maryland Frederick County Drunk Driving Fatalities 20 18 16 14 12 12 10 10 8 6 6 4 Number of Drunk Driving Fatalities 3 2 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 Coverage Source for Overall Mental Health Related ER Visits 45 40 35 30 25 Mental Health Visits All Other ER Visits 20 15 10 5 0 Medicare Medicaid No Insurance Private Dental Care - Adults Calls seeking care received by FCHD >10/wk Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs – # served limited by funding for vouchers: ◦ 2010 = 122 ◦ 2011 = 238 ◦ 2012 = ?>350 Mission of Mercy free dental services ◦ 2011 = 338 Others ◦ Dentists – charity care in office ◦ Seton Center ◦ FCAA Thank You! Frederick County Health Department Is Your Health Department