Proving Wegener Mid Ocean Ridge • The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is part of under-seas Mountain Range known as Mid-Ocean Ridge • The rocks found on Continents are as old as 3.8 billion years old. • The oldest rocks in the ocean are only 190 million years old. • The closer to the Mid-Ocean Ridge the young the rocks became Mid Ocean Ridge Mid-Ocean Ridge Mid-Ocean Ridge Sea Floor Spreading • Harry Hess suggested the Mid-Ocean Ridge was a rift. • Magma wells up forming new ocean floor pushing the old floor further away • Hypothesis: If the ocean floor is moving then so must the continents be moving • Hess found the mechanism Wegener had been looking for. Sea-Floor Spreading Magnetic Reversal • Paleomagnetism is when magma cools and hardens into rock and the magnetic orientation becomes permanent. • Scientist found that the Earth has reversed its magnetic field. North becomes South; and South becomes North • Scientist discovered that rocks of the same age had the same polarity. • Scientist discovered a pattern of alternating polarity among rocks called Geomagnetic reversal time scale. Magnetic Symmetry • Discovered on either side of the Mid-Ocean Ridge identical pattern of magnetic reversal. • Using this data and geomagnetic reversal time scale were able to date the ocean floor. • Found the age of the sea floor was also symmetrical. • The further from the Mid-Ocean Ridge on either side the older the rocks became • This further supported Hess’s Theory of Sea Floor Spreading Magnetic Reversal Wegener Redeemed • Scientist found the same magnetic reversal on Land as on the Ocean Floor • Scientist reasoned that Sea Floor Spreading was the missing mechanism that forced the continents to move. • Wegener’s idea of Continental Drift becomes the Theory of Plate Tectonics. Tectonic Plate Boundaries Plate Boundaries Divergent Plate Boundaries Convergent Plate Boundaries Transformed Plate Boundaries