Faculty of Sciences Department of Biology Research group Terrestrial Ecology Academic year 2013-2014 Climate change and intraspecific phenological mismatches as a consequence of asynchronic development. Margaux Boeraeve Promotor: Prof. Dr. Dries Bonte Tutor: Drs. Katrien Van Petegem Thesis submitted to obtain the degree of Master in Biology ©December 2013 Faculty of Sciences – Terrestrial Ecology © All rights reserved. This thesis contains confidential information and confidential research results that are property to the UGent. The contents of this master thesis may under no circumstances be made public, nor complete or partial, without the explicit and preceding permission of the UGent representative, i.e. the supervisor. The thesis may under no circumstances be copied or duplicated in any form, unless permission granted in written form. Any violation of the confidential nature of this thesis may impose irreparable damage to the UGent. In case of a dispute that may arise within the context of this declaration, the Judicial Court of Gent only is competent to be notified. 2 Inhoudsopgave Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 4 Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Materials and Methods ....................................................................................................................... 7 Results ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Experiment 1 ................................................................................................................................... 9 Experiment 2 ................................................................................................................................. 11 Discussion .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Samenvatting..................................................................................................................................... 17 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................... 19 References ......................................................................................................................................... 19 3 Introduction The timing of life cycle events of organisms, also known as their phenology, strongly depends on environmental factors like temperature (Kelly et al. 2008), moisture availability (Kimball et al. 2010) and photoperiod (Vitasse & Basler 2013). Over the past decades some of these environmental factors have been changing due to climate change. Surface temperatures for example have increased by about 0.74 °C (as a global average) between 1906 and 2005 and eleven of the twelve warmest years on record have occurred in the past twelve years (Solomon et al. 2007). Global warming causes regional changes in the length of the growing seasons and seasonal temperatures. In Germany for example Menzel et al. (2008) found that four deciduous tree species unfolded their leaves on average 0.36 days earlier per year since 1951. Such changes in the phenology of species are called phenological shifts (Clausen et al. 2013). When the phenology of interacting species shifts differently, negatively affecting the fitness of (one of) these species, we can expect a phenological mismatch to arise between those species. An example of this can be found in Great tits (Parus major) (Visser et al. 2006) (Fig. 1). These insectivorous birds rely on the presence of caterpillars on oak to feed their offspring. The caterpillars appear after bud burst and disappear when they are fully grown and ready to pupate in the soil. The reproductive output of Great tits is maximal when the peak in caterpillar biomass coincides with the nestlings being eleven to twelve days old. The recent increase in global temperatures has shifted the peak in caterpillar biomass to an earlier time in the year and has compelled Great tits to follow. The peak in caterpillar biomass, however, has advanced more in time than the egg-laying schedule of Great tits, resulting in a decreased fitness of late breeders, whose chicks miss the short food peak. Other examples of phenological mismatches can be found between plants and their Fig. 1 Phenological mismatch between the pollinators (Kudo et al. 2013), between species of different Great tit and the food source for its nestlings. In a normal situation will the caterpillar trophic levels (Edwards et al. 2004) and between other biomass peak around the time when the interacting ecological groups. This makes phenological nestlings are eleven to twelve days old. Climate change has caused a shift in time of mismatches between (groups of) species a well-studied the caterpillar biomass, decreasing the fitness subject. of late-breeding Great tits (from Durant et al. 2007). In theory, however, mismatches should also be possible within a single species. Populations can become reproductively isolated because of differences in phenology (Heard et al. 2012), as illustrated by Petrova et al. (2013) in Pinus sylvestris L., or previously isolated populations can become reunited, which could result in outbreeding. Moreover, phenological mismatches are also possible within a single population; for example between the sexes of a species. Differences between sexes can be found in many taxa for morphological (Stillwell & Davidowitz 2010), ecological (Houston & Shine 1993) and life history traits (Wiklund et al. 2003). These differences between sexes might result in male and female phenology to react differently to changes in environmental factors. One way in which differently changing phenologies of sexes could result in a phenological mismatch, is by impeding protandry. Protandry occurs when males arrive or emerge earlier at sites of 4 reproduction than females. This phenomenon is very common in arthropods. Protandry allows males to maximize their mating opportunities with females, and allows females to minimize their risk of pre-reproductive death (Morbey 2013). The fitness of a male individual not only depends on the timing of his emergence relative to the emergence of females, but also on the timing of his emergence relative to the timing of emergence of other males in the population (Holzapfel & Bradshaw 2002). A slightly shorter developmental time relative to other males in the population will result in more mating opportunities. But a shorter development also implies a greater risk of precopulatory death and greater costs as a result of the need for an increased growth rate. While a short developmental time is advantageous for males, it is not necessarily advantageous for females. In females, a longer development allows a larger adult body size, which leads to a higher fecundity. Male development knows fewer constraints than female development. It is therefore possible that an environmental factor decreases female development more than male development, resulting in a disruption of protandry. Such a disruption could result in a decreased individual fitness of females because of a higher risk of pre-reproductive mortality. A decrease in fitness on the individual level, however, does not necessarily imply a decrease in fitness on the population level. In the earlier example of the Great tits, Reed et al. (2012) did not find an effect of the phenological mismatch on demography, despite the strong effect on the individual level. There are several possible explanations. Firstly, decreases in the reproductive output of late breeders could be compensated for by increases in the reproductive output of early breeders. This is because the nestlings of the latter develop with fewer at the same time during a peak period in caterpillar biomass, resulting in a lowered competition for food. Secondly, if climate change increases survival outside the breeding season, this could counteract negative fitness effects during the breeding season. And thirdly, high environmental stochasticity in demographic rates makes it difficult to detect the signals of a potential mismatch. This thesis will focus on a possible phenological mismatch between the sexes of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari, Tetranychidae) and its potential consequences for fitness at the level of the individual and the population. Tetranychidae, the family of the spider mites, have a worldwide distribution. They comprise over 70 genera with about 1200 species (Zhang 2003), including some of the most important pest species in the world, like T. urticae. They are all soft-bodied mites with a size of approximately 400µm (oral-aboral axis) for an adult female and 190µm for an adult male (Sato et al. 2013). T. urticae is a herbivorous mite species with a cosmopolitan distribution. It has a rather short life cycle, comprising five stages: Fig. 2 Adult female Tetranychus egg, larva, protonymph, deutonymph and adult. The development urticae (From Zhang 2003) time of T. urticae decreases with temperature. For female mites (Fig. 2), it takes about 15 days to develop from egg to adult at 20°C. Males, however develop a little faster than females. After reaching adulthood a male searches for a female teleiochrysalis (the resting stage between the deutonymph stage and adulthood) and guards her until she emerges, allowing him to fertilize her immediately. This mate-guarding behaviour invokes strong male-to-male mate 5 competition: males guarding a female are often challenged to a fight by other males (Sato et al. 2013). T. urticae has an arrhenotokous haplodiploid genetic structure; unfertilized eggs become males and fertilized eggs become females. This genetic structure has several consequences. Firstly, haplodiploid species suffer less from inbreeding than diploid species (Henter 2003) because males are haploid and will thus express deleterious recessive alleles, which can then be purged, reducing genetic load. This is an advantage as inbreeding is quite common (colonies are mostly founded by a single mated female). Secondly, the primary sex ratio can vary greatly. Female mites are supposed to have some control over the fertilization of their eggs and thus over the sex of their offspring. According to Hamilton’s local mate competition model, females will bias their progeny’s sex ratio towards a more female-biased sex ratio in order to reduce the male-to-male mate competition and according to Roeder et al. (1996) this is indeed the case for the two-spotted spider mite. This female-biased sexratio, together with the rapid development and high fecundity, results in a very fast population growth. As the species has a very broad host range (more than 1000 plant species (Migeon et al. 2006-2013)) and the highest incidence of pesticide resistance in arthropods (currently for at least 92 active ingredients (Van Leeuwen et al. 2010)), it is considered a major pest for both field crops and greenhouse production around the world. These same characteristics that make this species a pest also make it a useful organism for experiments: it can easily be grown in the lab in large numbers and it has a short development time allowing it to evolve very fast and to be highly adaptive. In previous experiments we tested several populations (from different latitudinal gradients) for the influence of temperature on development time and fecundity (Volckaert 2012). We found that temperature did not influence male and female development in the same way (Fig. 3). Furthermore, we found the difference in development time between females and males to decrease with increasing latitude. This suggests that females that are locally adapted to lower temperatures (as is expected to be the case with females from northern latitudes) will have a development time that is as short as or even shorter than that of local males when temperatures increase. 22.2 16 development time (days) development time (days) Development time at 17°C 21.7 21.2 20.7 Male 20.2 50 Female Development time at 21°C 15.5 15 14.5 14 Male 13.5 55 latitude 50 Female 55 latitude Fig. 43 In populations from higher latitudes (adapted to colder temperatures) the difference in development time between females and males decreases with increasing temperature. In populations from lower latitudes (adapted to higher temperatures) it is the other way around. 6 Since males might need their shorter development time to find a female soon enough to fertilize her, a decrease in female development time might results in a phenological mismatch between the two sexes. The purpose of my thesis therefore is to examine the potential influences of such a phenological mismatch on the population. Objective The main objective of my thesis is to know whether temperature causes a phenological mismatch between the sexes of T. urticae and whether this could have an influence on the population growth and sex ratio in such way that it outbalances positive effects of temperature. My hypothesis is that a higher temperature will have a long-term negative influence on population growth, especially in northern populations. I also expect that the longer it takes for a female to get fertilized (= the smaller the difference between male and female development), the slower the population will grow and the higher the sex ratio (number of males to total number of adults) will be. This is because a nonfertilized female will only produce sons. Only after being fertilized, she will be able to produce female offspring. I therefore expect the number of male offspring to initially be higher and the number of female offspring to initially be lower (Fig. 4). Population growth will thus be slower as it will take longer before a second generation of females is able to reproduce. Normal first generation: adult females and males 5 10 15 20 Time since founding female is adult (in days) Female Male Expected first generation: adult females and males 5 10 15 20 Time since founding female is adult (in days) Female Male Fig. 5 On the left: how we expect the numbers of adult males and females in the first generation to be distributed in time. On the right: distribution of numbers of females and males in time when the founding mother is fertilized later than in the normal situation. We expect to see a higher peak in male offspring and a shift in increase of female offspring to later in time. Materials and Methods Spider mites were collected in August 2012 at three different sites along a latitudinal gradient: in 55.74° north latitude (Lonne hede, Denmark -hereafter referred to as BLA), in 53.85° north latitude (Arensch, Germany -hereafter referred to as ARE) and in 51.68° north latitude (Burgh-Haamstede, The Netherlands -hereafter referred to as KVS). At the first two sites, mites were harvested from leaves of European honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum), at the last site, mites were harvested from European elder (Sambucus nigra). Once in the lab (of the Terrestrial Ecology Unit, University of Ghent), the mites were grown on bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris, variety ‘Prélude’) at room temperature with a fixed light regime (16 hours light – 8 hours dark) until the beginning of the experiments. Two experiments were performed. In a first experiment, spider mites from the three different latitudes were reared at three different temperatures (17° C, 19° C and 21° C) to see whether coldadapted female mites performed worse at higher temperatures (effect op temperature at 7 population-level). In a second experiment, freshly emerged males from KVS were placed together with KVS females from one out of five different age-classes (deutonymph, teleiochrysalis and one, two or three day old adults) at three different sex ratios (1 male : 3 females, 1 male : 2 females, 1 male : 1 female) to see whether a shift in male development relative to female development results in a fitness effect at the individual level. In each experiment, ten replicates of each treatment were monitored for at least two generations. The numbers of all developmental stages (from egg to adult) were recorded every other day. The second experiment was performed for five replicates at a time (because of practical reasons), in two series. Before starting these experiments, a pool of same-aged adult female mites was produced each time by putting 30 mated females on a bean leaf (in a petri dish, on wet cotton) and allowing them to lay eggs for 24 hours. For the first experiment, the offspring of these 30 females was used. For the second experiment, however, this procedure was repeated several times in order to produce a large enough pool of female mites from the five different age-classes. To produce the pool of freshly moulted male mites, needed for the second experiment, 30 non-fertilized females were put on a bean leaf and allowed to lay eggs for 24 hours. (As T. urticae is an arrhenotokous haplodiploid mite species, all non-fertilized eggs develop into male individuals.) The gathered data were analysed in SAS 9.4, with the GLIMMIX procedure. For the first experiment a generalized linear mixed model was used with population size, temperature and time as fixed factors and source population (ARE/BLA/KVS) as random factor. A poisson distribution and a log link function was specified. The LSmeans of population sizes were determined at day 21-23 (moment at which one of the replicates started to decrease in population size). A Tukey-Kramer test was applied to determine the differences between LSmeans of the populations from different latitudes. Microsoft Excel was used to plot the model and simulate population growth of the different populations in time. For the second experiment a generalized linear mixed model was used to determine whether treatment and initial sex ratio had a significant influence on the population growth and the secondary sex ratio (number of adult males/total number of adults).Fixed factors in the model were population size, secondary sex ratio (number of males/total number of adults) and time. Treatment (moment at which the male is put with the female), initial sex ratio and replicate were put in the model as random factors. For analysing population growth a poisson distribution and a log link function was specified, for analysing the secondary sex ratio a binomial distribution and logit link function was specified. In order to correct for overdispersion a residual random component was added. In order to simulate population growth in time, the model was plotted in Microsoft Excel. LSmeans of secondary sex ratio at three moments in time (9-11 days, 14-16 days and 19-21 days after the founding female(s) reached adulthood) were calculated. 8 Results Experiment 1 A significant influence of temperature, time, source population and interaction between time and temperature was detected (Table 1). There was no significant interaction effect between population and time and between population and temperature. Type III Tests of Fixed Effects DFnum DFden 2 944 1 944 2 27 2 944 4 940 2 938 Factor Temperature Time Source population Time*Temperature Population*Temperature Population*time F Value 72.97 1277.51 5.44 26.61 1.76 0.00 p value < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.0103 < 0.0001 0.1340 0.9972 Table 1 Degrees of freedom, F and p values for the factors included in the generalized linear mixed model used to analyse size. size at day 21-23 show that populations perform best at 21°C (Fig. 5). At 21°C LSmeanspopulation of population there’s a clear difference between KVS, the most southern population and ARE and BLA, the more northern populations. AT 17°C and 19°C this difference is absent. 90 LSmeans of population size 80 population size 70 KVS 60 BLA ARE 50 40 30 Fig. 6 LSmeans of population size at day 2123 (moment at which one of the replicates started to decrease in population size). Red indicates LSmeans of populations reared at 21°C, yellow at 19°C and blue at 17°C. Population size is for every population largest at 21°C. There is no significant difference in population size at 17°C and 19°C 20 10 51 52 53 Latitude 54 55 56 This is on the short term (within one generation), to observe effects on the long term, the model was plotted in Microsoft Excel. In the resulting graphs, we see a clear difference between short term (before day 30) and long term (after day 30) (Fig. 7). The form of the curve also differs between the three temperatures; the incline is much steeper at 17°C than at the other two temperatures (Fig. 6). Because of this, the population size on day 50 is much larger in populations reared at 17°C than at 19°C and 21°C. KVS clearly performs better at any temperature, but the difference is smaller at lower temperatures (Fig. 6). 9 7000 3000 Population growth at 17°C Population growth at 19°C 6000 ARE BLA 2500 KVS ARE Population size Population size 5000 4000 3000 2000 2000 1500 1000 0 0 10 800 20 30 Time (in days) 40 0 50 0 Population growth at 21°C 700 Population size KVS 500 1000 ARE 600 BLA BLA 10 20 30 40 Time (in days) 50 60 Fig. 6 Population growth curves of the three population at three different temperatures. There is a clear difference in form of the curves between the three temperatures: at 17°C the curves have a much steeper incline than at the other temperatures. KVS 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time (in days) 50 60 7000 140 Population growth of KVS Population growth of KVS 6000 120 19 17 21 80 60 21 4000 3000 40 2000 20 1000 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time (in days) 10 19 5000 100 Population size Population size 17 25 30 0 20 25 30 35 Time (in days) 40 45 50 120 7000 Population growth of ARE 19 21 17 5000 80 Population size Population size 17 Population growth of ARE 6000 100 60 19 21 4000 3000 40 2000 20 1000 0 0 20 0 10 Time (in days) 20 30 30 50 6000 100 Population growth of BLA 17 19 Population growth of BLA 5000 21 Population size 80 Population size 40 Time (in days) 60 40 17 19 21 4000 3000 2000 20 1000 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time (in days) 25 30 0 20 25 30 35 40 Time (in days) 45 50 Fig. 7 Population growth of the three populations at the three different temperatures. At the left, the first thirty days, at the right population growth projected further in time. Populations always perform best at 21°C at first but worst later on. Around day 25-30 population growth at 21°C is taken over by population growth at 17°C. In the populations coming from higher latitudes, this happens sooner than in the populations from the lowest latitudes. Experiment 2 Population growth Treatment alone (the time interval between the moment a female reaches adulthood and the moment a male is put with her) appeared to have no significant effect on population size. In interaction with time and in interaction with initial sex ratio however, treatment did significantly influence population size (Table 2). The initial sex ratio (1male:1female, 1male:2females, 1male:3females) did have a significant effect, also in interaction with time. When population size was analysed separately for every initial sex ratio, treatment alone never had a significant influence (Table 3). Time alone had every time a significant influence and in interaction with treatment it had a significant influence for initial sex ratios 1m:2f and 1m:3f. 11 Type III Tests of Fixed Effects DFnum DFden 4 60 2 60 1 1533 4 1533 8 60 2 1533 Factor Treatment Initial Sex Ratio Time Time*Treatment Treatment*Initial Sex Ratio Time*Initial Sex Ratio F Value 1.99 15.89 1346.87 8.52 3.57 16.19 p value 0.1079 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.0019 < 0.0001 Table 2 Degrees of freedom, F and p values for the factors included in the generalized linear mixed model used to analyse population size Type III Tests of Fixed Effects DFnum DFden Initial Sex Ratio: 1 male : 1 female 4 20 1 427 4 427 Initial Sex Ratio: 1 male : 2 female 4 20 1 484 4 484 Initial Sex Ratio: 1 male : 3 female 4 20 1 614 4 614 Factor Treatment Time Time*Treatment Treatment Time Time*Treatment Treatment Time Time*Treatment F Value p value 1.74 478.49 1.95 0.1807 < 0.0001 0.1019 1.17 400.12 5.04 0.3534 < 0.0001 0.0005 1.63 383.16 4.13 0.2046 < 0.0001 0.0026 Table 3 Degrees of freedom, F and p values for the factors in the generalized linear mixed model when population size was analysed separately for every initial sex ratio. 8000 14000 Population growth initial sex ratio 1m3f 12000 initial sex ratio 1m2f 6000 10000 Population size Population size 7000 Population Growth 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 T 20 D 80000 2dA 3dA Population growth 70000 Population size 1dA 40 Time (in days) initial sex ratio 1m1f 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 T 12 D 20 1dA 2dA 3dA 40 Time (in days) 0 T 0 D 1dA 2dA 20 3dA 40 Time (in days) Fig. 8 Population size (total number of juvenile and adult individuals) in function of time (days since founding female(s) reached adulthood), for the five different treatments and the three different initial sex ratios. 3dA (male is put with female that is three days adult) performs systematically better than average. 1dA (male is put with female that is one day adult) performs systematically worse than average. Secondary Sex Ratio Statistical analysis of the secondary sex ratio (number of adult males/total number of adults) revealed that the initial sex ratio had no effect on the secondary sex ratio (Table 4). This variable was thus excluded from any further analysis. Treatment, time and the interaction between those two were all significant. Factor Treatment Initial Sex Ratio Time Time*Treatment Type III Tests of Fixed Effects DFden F Value 65 26.24 65 0.23 1071 358.12 1071 56.30 DFnum 4 2 1 4 p value < 0.0001 0.7979 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 Table 4 Degrees of freedom, F and p values for the factors included in the generalized linear mixed model analyzing the 200 200 First generation: adults Treatment: 3dA 150 100 50 50 0 0 200 10 15 Male Female 20 25 5 200 First generation: adults Treatment: 1dA 150 Treatment: 2dA 150 100 5 First generation: adults 10 100 50 50 0 20 Female 25 First generation: adults Treatment: T 150 100 15 Male 0 5 200 10 15 20 Male Female 25 Treatment: D 100 50 0 5 10 15 Male 20 10 Male 15 Female 20 25 Fig. 9 Number of adult individuals of the first generation: males versus females. It is clear that depending on when a female gets fertilized the distribution of male and female offspring in time differs. When a female gets fertilized three days after she reaches adulthood, there is first a peak in male offspring which is taken over by female offspring after a few days. When the female is fertilized the moment she reaches adulthood, the peak in male and female offspring fall at the same time. First generation: adults 150 5 25 Female Secondary sex ratio. When the numbers of males and females are plotted in time (Fig. 9), there’s a clear difference between the treatments. In 3dA (female is three-days-old when the male is put with her) there is first a peak of male individuals that is then taken over by a strong increase in females. In 2dA (female is 13 LSmeans of Secondary Sex Ratio 1 Secondary sex ratio (# males/# adults) two-days-old when the male is put with her) there is more overlap between the peak in males and the peak in females. In the other treatments, there’s complete overlap of the peak in females and in males. 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 This can also be seen in the LSmeans of the secondary sex ratio (number of adult 0.5 males/total number of adults) at three 0.4 moments in time (day 9-11, day 14-16 and day 0.3 19-21) (Fig. 10). 3dA has at moment one the 0.2 highest (most male-biased) sex ratio (0.939 ± 0.1 0.02109, significantly different from 1dA, T and 0 D (p<0.0001), not significantly different from 0 1 2 3 2dA (p=0.0955)), while at moment two and moments in time 1dA 2dA 3dA D T three its sex ratio does not significantly differ Fig. 10 LSmeans of Secondary Sex Ratio at three moments in from the other treatments. At moment one, time (moment 1: day 9-11, moment 2: day 14-16 and moment 3: 1dA has the lowest value (0.4657 ± 0.0745) but day 19-21). 3dA and 2dA are at moment 1 clearly more malebiased than the other treatments, while at moment two and is only significantly different from 3dA three there's no clear difference in secondary sex ratio between (p<0.0001). 1dA, T and D all differ significantly the five treatments. from 3dA but not from each other. At moment two and three none of the treatments significantly differs from each other. Discussion At first (in the first 30 days after founding the colony), there’s no indication of a population-level effect of the shift in male development compared to female development: populations perform better at higher temperatures. Temperature-effects on population growth overrule any possible result of its uneven effect on female and male development. But after about one generation there is a clear shift; populations reared at 17°C start to grow faster and overrule populations reared at higher temperatures. This is possibly the result of a phenological mismatch. There is also some indication of local adaptation; in populations coming from higher latitudes, the moment when populations reared at 17°C catch up with populations reared at 21°C, happens sooner than in populations coming from the lowest latitude. The population coming from the most southern latitude always performs better, but the difference is smaller at lower temperatures. At the individual level, when effects of the shift in development is separated from other effects of temperature (in the second experiment), both population growth and sex ratio are affected. Most striking is how the population growth in populations founded by a female fertilized a day too late is much lower than in the populations founded by a female that was fertilized two or three days too late or a female that was fertilized on time. Populations founded by a female fertilized two or three days too late grow even faster than the control populations. This suggests some kind of compensation mechanism that is only active when the timing of male development compared to female development is really bad and not when it only deviates a bit from the normal situation. The sex ratio in populations founded by females fertilized three days too late is strongly male-biased at first but becomes soon female-biased, indicating a sudden increase in female offspring. Although 14 less distinct this pattern is also visible in populations founded by females that were fertilized two days after reaching adulthood. This can also be seen in the absolute numbers of males and females; first there is a clear peak in males (founding female is not fertilized yet and thus can only produce males) followed by a strong increase in females, while numbers of males are in decline (founding female is fertilized and will produce mostly females). In control populations the increase in males and females happens almost at the same time, with males reaching adulthood only slightly before females. This indicates that females that are fertilized two or three days after reaching adulthood will adjust their primary sex ratio to compensate for the days they were unable to produce female offspring. This is most probably the compensation mechanism causing the faster population growth in populations founded by females fertilized two or three days after reaching adulthood. Tetranychus urticae Koch is known to adjust its sex ratio in response to the environment (Young et al. 1986) or to its relatedness to other individuals in the population (Roeder et al. 1996). This is in accordance with the sex allocation theory (West 2009), which states that mothers should change the allocation of resources towards sons versus daughters as the fitness returns of producing sons versus daughters changes. The sex-ratio adjustment is achieved through alteration of egg size (Macke et al. 2012): larger eggs have a higher chance of getting fertilized (Macke et al. 2011). Here we find an adjusted sex ratio in response to delayed mating. Our findings are also in accordance with the sex allocation theory. As founding females that are fertilized too late, have already produced some male offspring by the time they get fertilized (and are able to determine the sex of their offspring), the fitness returns of male offspring are then much lower than normal and the sex ratio of their offspring will be more female-biased than normal. Note that the secondary sex ratio does not differ between the treatments from about day fifteen. It is thus only the primary sex ratio (at the individual level) that is adjusted and not the secondary sex ratio (at the population level). A female will thus allocate her resources more towards female offspring until a normal, female-biased secondary sex ratio is reached. In some species the reproduction is negatively affected by delayed mating. This is especially wellstudied in crop-damaging Lepidoptera, which can be controlled by using sex-pheromones to interfere with the timing of mating. Delayed mating causes in for example the autumn gum moth (Mnesampela privata) a decreased likelihood of mating and a decreased likelihood that mating results in fertile eggs (Walker & Allen 2011). In the haplodiploid, parasitoid wasp Diaeretiella rapae McIntosh (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) delayed mating has an influence on the sex ratio of the offspring; the percentage of females produced decreases with increasing mating delay. Like T. urticae, most parasitoid wasp species typically have a female-biased sex ratio to minimize local mate competition. Hence, if the sex ratio of the progeny is female-biased a mother increases the number of mates for her sons and thus decreases the competition among her sons (Reece et al. 2004). But unlike T. urticae these parasitoids are unable of adjusting the sex ratio of their offspring when delayed mating decreases the percentage of female offspring. This adjustment of sex ratio to more female-biased in reaction to delayed mating can also be found in another parasitic wasp species, Aphelinus asychis Walker (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) (Fauvergue et al. 1998). Our findings show a high plasticity of primary sex ratio in the spider mite; within one generation a highly male-biased sexratio can be converted to female-biased. This high plasticity also contributes to the high adaptation potential of T. urticae. 15 The adjustment of sex ratio could also have an influence on dispersal and the founding of new colonies. In T.urticae only adult, fertilized females will disperse. If more female offspring is produced to compensate for the male offspring produced during the pre-mating period, also more dispersing individuals are produced. Thus colonies, in which such compensation mechanism is active, will grow faster and will sooner send out dispersing individuals, founding new colonies. Roy et al. (2003) found a more female-biased sex ratio when temperatures were more extreme. One possible explanation for this pattern is the higher dispersal capacity (which is advantageous in extreme, unreliable circumstances) caused by this increase in females. That females which are fertilized a day too late perform the worst indicates that disruption of protandry can negatively affect individual fitness. This is probably why populations reared at 21°C perform worse at the long term than population reared at 17°C. In the first generation, higher temperature fastens development and thus population growth, but the disruption of protandry soon slows down population growth at higher temperatures. Thus climate change can cause a phenological mismatch by differentially influencing male and female development. In a highly adaptive species like T.urticae this fitness effect is limited, but in other species this fitness effect could have more far-reaching consequences. In Scaphoideus titanus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) for example increasing temperatures during egg stage alter hatching patterns of females but not of males (Chuche & Thiery 2012). As a result the degree of protandry decreased at higher temperatures. Phenotypic plasticity has proven to be very important in adaptation to changing environments (Hoffmann & Sgro 2011); it allows individuals to endure a certain change in the environment and gives them time to adapt. These experiments show how a plastic response can easily undo the negative fitness effects of increased temperature on a very short time-scale. As this plastic response happens within a single individual and thus can easily be undone, we can expect this species not only to be able to adapt to steadily increasing temperatures, but also to increasing variability in temperature (which is also predicted in climate change models). The high adaptive potential of Tetranychus urticae Koch make it unlikely that this species will suffer much under climate change. Conclusion It is clear that increasing temperature can differentially influence the sexes of a species and by doing so can cause a phenological mismatch. In Tetranychus urticae Koch, the fitness effect is restricted; only a small shift in male development compared to female development will result in a decreased fitness (a slower population growth). When the shift in development delays mating by at least two days, the female will compensate for the time she was only able to produce male offspring. As sex allocation is highly plastic in this species, it is able to shift its sex ratio from highly male-biased to female-biased very fast. This high plasticity in sex allocation contributes to the very high adaptive potential of this species. Despite the possibility of climate change to have negative fitness effects on this species, it is unlikely that its populations will decline under increasing temperatures. 16 Samenvatting Het is algemeen bekend dat klimaatverandering de fitness van soorten kan beïnvloeden door verschuivingen te veroorzaken in de levenscycli. Het timen van de levenscycli, ook wel de fenologie genoemd, gebeurd op basis van bepaalde omgevingsfactoren zoals temperatuur, vochtigheid en licht. Als klimaatverandering een effect heeft op één van deze factoren dan kan ook de fenologie van soorten beïnvloed worden. Aangezien de fenologie niet alleen gestuurd wordt door de omgeving, maar ook door de genetische achtergrond van een soort, reageren soorten vaak niet gelijk op een bepaalde verandering in omgevingsfactoren. Wanneer interagerende soorten verschillend reageren op omgevingsveranderingen kan dit de fitness van die soorten beïnvloeden. Zulke verschuivingen in fenologie die een daling van de fitness veroorzaken, worden ook wel fenologische mismatches genoemd. Ondertussen zijn al talloze voorbeelden van fenologische mismatches bekend; tussen planten en hun bestuivers, tussen soorten van verschillende trofische niveaus en tussen andere ecologische groepen. Maar ook binnen een soort is theoretisch gezien een mismatch mogelijk. (Meta)populaties kunnen reproductief gescheiden worden als hun fenologie ongelijkmatig beïnvloed wordt door een omgevingsfactor. Of voormalig geïsoleerde populaties kunnen opnieuw reproductief verbonden worden en daardoor leiden onder outbreeding. Maar ook binnen eenzelfde populatie is het mogelijk dat er een verschuiving van fenologiëen optreedt, bijvoorbeeld tussen de geslachten. In veel soorten verschillen mannelijke en vrouwelijke individuen op vlak van bijvoorbeeld gedrag, morfologie, ecologie of andere levensgeschiedeniskenmerken. Deze verschillen kunnen ervoor zorgen dat de fenologie van mannetjes en vrouwtjes niet op dezelfde manier zal reageren op bepaalde veranderingen in de omgeving. Als die ongelijke verandering in fenologie een effect heeft op de fitness kunnen we spreken van een fenologische mismatch tussen de geslachten. Eén manier waarop een fitness effect zou kunnen veroorzaakt worden is door aantasting van protandry. Protandry is het eerder verschijnen of aankomen van mannetjes op de plaats van reproductie dan vrouwtjes, iets wat veel voorkomt binnen de arthropoden. Verschillende verklaringen worden gegeven voor dit fenomeen; mannetjes zouden zo hun paringskansen vergroten en vrouwtjes zouden zo de kans om te sterven voor reproductie verkleinen. Het succes van een mannetje hangt dan niet alleen af van hoe snel hij is ten opzicht van vrouwtjes maar ook hoe snel hij is ten opzichte van andere mannetjes. Een korte ontwikkelingstijd is dus voordelig bij mannetjes. Bij vrouwtjes is dit niet het geval aangezien er een trade-off bestaat tussen lichaamsgrootte en ontwikkelingstijd. We kunnen dus verwachten dat een mannetje beperkter is in het aanpassen van zijn ontwikkelingstijd dan vrouwtjes en dat omgeving dus een groter effect kan hebben bij vrouwtjes. Nu is het niet noodzakelijk zo dat een fitness effect op individueel niveau ook betekent dat de populatie op zijn geheel achteruit zal gaan. Een daling in reproductie bijvoorbeeld kan gecompenseerd worden door een hogere overlevingskans als gevolg van verlaagde competitiedruk. In mijn thesis onderzoek ik of een toename in temperatuur een fenologische mismatch tussen de geslachten van de Bonenspintmijt (Tetranychus urticae Koch, Acari: Tetranychidae) kan veroorzaken. Deze soort is een herbivore mijt die over de hele wereld voorkomt en bekend staat als een pestsoort voor land- en tuinbouw. De ontwikkeling bestaat uit vijf stadia en is vrij kort. Mannetjes ontwikkelen iets sneller dan vrouwtjes en zullen van zodra ze volwassen zijn op zoek gaan naar vrouwtjes die in hun laatste ruststadium (dit is de laatste vervelling vooraleer ze volwassen zijn) zijn. Daar houden ze de wacht om het vrouwtje direct te kunnen bevruchten wanneer ze te voorschijn komt uit haar vervelling. De Bonenspintmijt heeft een arrhenotoke, haplodiploïde genetische structuur. Dit wil zeggen dat onbevruchte eitjes ontwikkelen tot mannetjes en bevruchte eitjes tot vrouwtjes. Dit zorgt ervoor dat vrouwtjes het geslacht van hun nakomelingen zelf kunnen bepalen. 17 In voorgaande experimenten onderzochten we de invloed van temperatuur op ontwikkelingstijd en fecunditeit in populaties afkomstig van verschillende breedtegraden. We vonden dat temperatuur een ongelijk effect had op de ontwikkeling van mannetjes en vrouwtjes en dat het verschil in ontwikkelingstijd afnam met toenemende breedtegraad. Aangezien mannetjes afhankelijk zijn van dat verschil in ontwikkelingstijd om vrouwtjes op tijd te kunnen bevruchten, onderzoek ik in deze thesis of het te laat bevruchten van vrouwtjes een invloed heeft op de individuele fitness en op de populatiegroei en secundaire sex ratio. Dit gebeurde in twee experimenten. In een eerste werden volwassen, bevruchte vrouwtjes afkomstig van drie verschillende breedtegraden opgekweekt bij drie verschillende temperaturen (17°C, 19°C en 21°C). In een tweede experiment werden mannetjes bij onbevruchte vrouwtjes van vijf verschillende leeftijden gezet (laatste juveniel stadium (D), laatste vervelling (T), één dag oud (1dA), twee dagen oud (2dA) en drie dagen oud (3dA). Dit gebeurde bij drie verschillende sex ratio’s (1 mannetje:3 vrouwtjes, 1 mannetje: 2 vrouwtjes, 1 mannetje: 1 vrouwtje), aangezien we ook verwachtten dat de sex ratio van de nakomelingen beïnvloed zou worden. Van zodra een vrouwtje volwassen wordt, begint ze eitjes te leggen, als ze op dat moment nog niet bevrucht is, ontwikkelen die eitjes allemaal tot mannetjes. De nakomelingen werden om de dag geteld (per stadium) voor twee generaties. Uit het eerste experiment bleek dat de rechtstreekse invloed van temperatuur op populatiegroei (door het verkorten van de ontwikkelingstijd) op korte termijn (eerste generatie) een groter effect had dan de onrechtstreekse invloed via de mogelijke fenologische mismatch. Maar vanaf ongeveer dag 25-30 oversteeg de populatiegrootte bij 17°C die bij 21°C. Dus hogere temperatuur bleek nadelig te zijn op langere termijn. Dit was het geval bij alle populaties. Ook bleek de meest zuidelijke populatie bij alle temperaturen het snelst te groeien. Maar het verschil tussen de drie populaties nam af met dalende temperatuur. Vermoedelijk zijn de populaties aangepast aan lokale temperaturen, waardoor de populatiegroei van noordelijke populaties sterker afneemt met toenemende temperatuur. Uit het tweede experiment bleek het fitness effect af te hangen van het tijdsinterval tussen het volwassen worden van het vrouwtje en het aankomen van het mannetje. Wanneer dit tijdsinterval vrij groot was (twee of drie dagen) bleken vrouwtjes hun primaire sex ratio zodanig aan te passen dat ze vanaf het moment van bevruchting bijna uitsluitend vrouwtjes produceerden. Op die manier werd een hoge sex ratio (groot aandeel mannetjes) op korte tijd omgezet naar een vrij lage sex ratio (meer vrouwtjes dan mannetjes), die normaal is bij T.urticae. Dit compenseerde zodanig dat de populatiegroei bij die behandelingen de populatiegroei bij alle andere behandelingen oversteeg. Dit compensatiegedrag past binnen de sex allocatie theorie, die voorspelt dat vrouwtjes hun energie zo zullen verdelen over hun nakomelingen dat het geslacht dat de grootste opbrengst in fitness oplevert, bevoordeeld zal worden. Wanneer het tijdsinterval echter minder groot was (één dag) bleek de populatiegroei het laagst van al. Dit is waarschijnlijk het gevolg van een verstoorde protandry; mannetjes komen net iets te laat bij vrouwtjes, maar niet zodanig veel te laat dat vrouwtjes gaan compenseren. Daaruit kunnen we dus besluiten dat temperatuur een fenologische mismatch tussen de geslachten van T. urticae kan veroorzaken en dat deze zelfs op populatieniveau van belang kan zijn. Maar de hoge mate van plasticiteit in de primaire sex ratio zorgt ervoor dat bij een vrij groot tijdsinterval tussen het volwassen worden en de bevruchting, er compensatie optreedt voor de periode waarin uitsluitend mannetjes konden worden geproduceerd. Die plasticiteit is één van de kenmerken die bijdraagt tot het grote aanpassingsvermogen van de Bonenspintmijt. Maar er zijn nog soorten waarbij temperatuur een ongelijk effect heeft op de geslachten, bijvoorbeeld Scaphoideus titanus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Bij deze cicade zorgt een normale, lage temperatuur tijdens het ei-stadium ervoor dat vrouwtjes gemiddeld later ontluiken dan mannetjes, terwijl bij een hogere temperatuur 18 vrouwtjes over een langere periode zullen ontluiken, die meer samenvalt met het ontluiken van de mannetjes. Mannetjes vertonen hier geen verschillende reactie op temperatuur. Algemeen kan besloten worden dat fenologische mismatches tussen geslachten mogelijk zijn en dat fenotypische plasticiteit belangrijk kan zijn in een veranderende omgeving. Acknowledgements First of all, I want to thank my promotor Prof. Dr. Dries Bonte and my tutor Drs. Katrien Van Petegem. 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