Chapter 42 Organisms in Their Environment 42.1 Ecological Systems Vary in Space and over Time • Physical geography-the study of the distributions of Earth’s climates and surface features • Biogeography-the study of the distributions of organisms Ecological systems comprise organisms plus their external environments • Abiotic components (non living): –Temperature, light, water, wind (together = climate, prevailing weather conditions at a certain location) •Biotic components (living): –Living organisms •Ecological system –one or more organisms plus the external environment Abiotic vs biotic Ecology • The study of the interactions of organisms with other organisms and with the physical environment. • Studies life on many different levels—from individual organisms to the biosphere. Ecological systems can be small or large • Population—all the organisms within an area that belong to the same species. • Community—all the various populations that interact in a particular locale, e.g. a coral reef, a forest, a pond, or even a rotten log. • Landscapes—multiple communities • Ecosystem—a community of populations along with the abiotic environment • Biosphere—the zones of the earth’s soil, water, and air where living organisms are found. • Large ecological systems tend to be more complex (more parts) • Small systems are still complex, (think of your gut) Each ecological system at each time is potentially unique • Ecological systems depend on their components (abiotic and biotic) • They are different in each ecosystem and change over time • This means each system, at any given time is unique (think of an example for this) The gut again Chapter 43 Populations Population density and populations size are two measures of abundance • Population density: the number of individuals per unit of area (for terrestrial organisms) or volume (for organisms that live in air, soil, or water) • Population size: the total number of individuals in the population • Usually measure density and then multiply it by the area occupied to calculate size Density and size Chapters 44, 45, and 46 Behavioral ecology: science based on the expectation that animals increase their Darwinian fitness via optimal behaviors For example, you might ask: why do some bird have so many songs in their repertoire? Behavioral Biology • Ethology: study of how animals behave Behavioral Biology • Behaviors have genetic (nature) and environmental (nurture) influences • Innate behaviors: developmentally fixed • Fixed action pattern: sequence of unlearned behavioral acts that is essentially unchangeable and usually carried to completion once begun, triggered by a sign stimulus (which is often another species) Video Sign stimulus experiment: figure out what is causing one male fish to attack another male “fish” (fakes) video male stickleback fish attack other male stickleback fish-- in response to the red sign stimulus (they don’t attack females, which do not have red bellies, and they do not attack “fake” fish with no red on the belly) Response to question about the behavior (cause/effect, how, etc.) Response to evolutionary significance of the behavior Imprinting– both learned and innate, usually not reversible, has a sensitive or critical period video Directed Movements: Kinesis: change in activity or rate in response to a stimulus– the pillbug is more active in dry areas, less active in moist areas Taxis: movement toward or away from a stimulus; can be positive or negative Pillbug video: pillbugs are isopods (crustaceans) that are adapted to life on land (we call them “sow bugs” or “roly-polies”—a common experiment is to use choice chambers Learning: an experience-based modification of behaviors • Even most innate behaviors improve with performance and practice • Habituation: loss of responsiveness to stimuli that contain little or no information – Why would this increase fitness? –Allow animals’ nervous systems to focus on stimuli that signal food, or danger, or mates rather than wasting its energy Experiment on the nest-locating behaviors of digger wasps (spatial learning) Video • Associative learning: associating one stimulus to another – Classical conditioning: associating an arbitrary stimulus with a reward or punishment (generally involuntary responses) •Pavlov’s dogs (bell ringing resulted in salivation) •video –Operant conditioning: trial-and-error learning, or repeating or avoiding a behavior depending on if it resulted in reward or punishment (generally voluntary actions) •Skinner’s rats manipulating lever to get food; also important in predator-prey relationships •video Mating Systems • Promiscuous: no pair bonding • Monogamous: one male, one female • Polygamous: one individual of one sex mates with many of the other sex – Polygyny: one male and many females – Polyandry: one female and many males Social Behaviors • Agonistic behavior: contest involving both threatening and submissive behaviors to determine which competitor gains access to a resource, often involves •Ritual: symbolic activity (no one is actually harmed—dogs bearing teeth or tucking tail between legs) and results in •Dominance hierarchy– the “pecking order” Altruistic Behaviors • Altruism: behaving in a way that reduces ones own fitness but increases the fitness of the recipient of the behavior (like an animal “on watch” who vocalizes a warning to others) • Video •Inclusive fitness: the effect an individual has on proliferating its genes by producing its own offspring AND helping its close relatives increase their production of offspring –Measured in the coefficient of relatedness: siblings= 0.5, cousins = 0.125; kin selection indicates you’d choose to aid the sibling before the cousin Population Ecology • Two measurable characteristics of a population: • Density: # of individuals per area or volume, and • Dispersion: the pattern of the spacing of those individuals – Clumped: aggregation in patches – Uniform: evenly spaced – Random: umm…it is…random • Demography: study of statistics that affect population size For example, Age structure: number of individuals at each age at a point in time – Birth rate/ fecundity – Death rate – Generation time: average time between birth of an individual and the birth of their offspring – Sex ratio: proportion of individuals of each sex • Life table: predicts how long an individual of a given age can be expected to live, may be depicted as a • Survivorship curve: shows the number of individuals still alive at each age • Also important to consider are: – Number of reproductive episodes per lifetime (semelparity: one “big” one or iteroparity: lots of “smaller” ones) – Number of offspring per episode (fecundity) – Age at first reproduction Pacific salmon Grain (annual plants) Population growth models •Exponential model: an idealized population in an unlimited environment J-shaped curve (boom and bust) • Logistic growth: incorporates the idea of carrying capacity (K), the maximum population size an environment can really support • As N approaches K, the rate of growth (r) slows • When N=K, then r=0, resulting in Zero Population Growth Limiting Factors affect carrying capacity • Density Independent Factors: weather and other natural disasters • Dependent Factors: food, space, water, parasitism, competition • Two different strategies: – K-selected populations tend to live at or near carrying capacity (K) (long life, few offspring but multiple episodes, extensive parental investment) –r-selected populations tend to fluctuate a lot and be opportunistic (short life, lots of offspring per few reproductive episodes, limited parental investment) r-strategist K-strategist Family characteristics Large litter size Small litter size Short birth spacing Long birth spacing Many offspring Few offspring High infant mortality Low infant mortality Little parental care Much parental care r-strategist K-strategist Individual characteristics Rapid maturation Slow maturation Early sexual reproduction Delayed sexual reproduction Short life Long life High reproductive Low reproductive effort effort High energy utilization Efficient energy utilization Low encephalization High encephalization r-strategist K-strategist Population characteristics Opportunistic exploiters Consistent exploiters Dispersing colonizers Stable occupiers Variable population size Stable population size Lax competition Keen competition Social system characteristics Low social organization High social organization Low altruism High altruism Community Ecology Video: Secret Life of Plankton •Interspecific interactions (between different species) •Predation (+/-)(predator eats prey) •Parasitism (+/-) (needs a host) •Herbivory (+/-) (animal eats plant) •Commensalism (+/0) •Mutualism (+/+) Competition • Competitive exclusion: when populations of two similar species compete for the same resources, one will be more efficient, leading to the demise of the other • Ecological niche: the total of a species’ use of the biotic and abiotic resources in its environment (two species cannot coexist in one environment if their niches are identical) Animal defenses against predators • Cryptic coloration (camouflage) • Aposematic coloration (warning coloration) • Mimicry (resembling another species) – Batesian mimicry: harmless species mimics a harmful one – Mullerian mimicry: two or more unpalatable species resemble each other Community development • Ecological Succession - involves a series of species replacements • Primary Succession - occurs where there is no soil formation (volcanic island) • Secondary Succession - occurs after an area is disturbed (prairie fire) • Pioneer Species - first species to inhabit an area Climax Community - when the species replacement slows and the ecosystem stabilizes Community Biodiversity • Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis - moderate disturbances in an ecosystem are necessary to maintain biodiversity • Keystone Species - needed to maintain biodiversity (often top predators) – Ex: Kelp, Sea otters, Sea urchins, Abalone - what happens when you remove the otters • Exotic Species - a species introduced into a habitat, often causes major disturbance and even extinction of native species – Ex: Kudzu, Snakehead catfish, Piranha, Mussels Invasive species Video Ecosystems • Trophic levels: feeding relationships within an ecosystem – Primary producers/autotrophs – Primary consumers/herbivores – Secondary consumers/carnivores – Tertiary consumers, etc. Figure 54.1 An overview of ecosystem dynamics • Ecological efficiency: amount of energy transferred from trophic level to trophic level (usually about 10%), shown as a biomass pyramid Energy Flow • Food web—represents the various interconnecting paths of energy flow in an ecosystem. – Grazing food web—begins with a producer grass zebra lion --detrital food web—begins with detritus detritus earthworm shrew Trophic Levels • Trophic refers to feeding. • Trophic levels can be linked in a line called a food chain. • Trophic level—composed of all the organisms that feed at a particular link in a food chain. leaves caterpillar bird hawk Figure 53.10 Examples of terrestrial and marine food chains Figure 53.11 An Antarctic marine food web Figure 54.14 Food energy available to the human population at different trophic levels Ecological Pyramids • Only about 10% of the energy of a trophic level is available to the next trophic level. • Can be depicted as an ecological pyramid or pyramid of energy. • Can also have pyramids of numbers (there can be a problem with one large producer such as a tree supporting many herbivores such as caterpillars). • Pyramids of biomass eliminate size as a factor because biomass is equal to the number of organisms multiplied by their weight. Figure 54.10 Energy partitioning within a link of the food chain Biogeochemical Cycles • Named because chemicals circulate through both living and nonliving components of an ecosystem. Figure 54.16 The water cycle Figure 54.17 The carbon cycle Figure 54.18 The nitrogen cycle Figure 54.19 The phosphorous cycle Biological Magnification • Nonbiodegradable materials such as heavy metals and pesticides are not degraded under normal conditions (by decomposers) or in sewage treatment plants). • As they pass along the food chain, they become more and more concentrated because they remain in the body and are not excreted. • Human milk contains detectable amounts of DDT and PCBs which are organochlorides. Figure 54.24 We’ve changed our tune Biological magnification: substances become more concentrated with each link in the food chain