Sparganosis (裂头蚴病) 主讲:石树端 组员:石树端、周宇峰、张森、刘彦辉 吕志成 Sparganosis (裂头蚴病) Spirometra mansoni 曼氏迭宫绦虫 Larvae called Sparganum(裂头蚴). Adults called Spirometra mansoni, living in small intestine. Geographic distribution (地理分布) mainly in southeast Asia, Africa, Australia also has reported. Hainan, guangdong, fujian province for high-risk areas. Spirometra mansoni 曼氏迭宫绦虫 Host range and habitat Intermediate host(中间宿 主):copepod(剑水蚤) snake、 tadpoles(蝌蚪) Paratenic host(转续宿主): snake、birds、human. Definitive hosts:cat, dog Site of infection:small intestine(小肠) Morphology (病原形态) Egg Scolex Morphology (病原形态) Sparganum(裂头 蚴): strap form(条带形) Length at a few cm to 20 cm Depression (凹槽) Morphology (病原形态) Adult (成虫): Spirometra mansoni (曼氏迭宫绦虫) Length at 40~60cm Scolex like fingers Morphology (病原形态) Gravid proglottid(孕节): Uterus have three to five spirals(盘旋) Uterine pore in the vulva (阴门) below Eggs:amber(淡黄色) ellipse(椭圆形)with operculum(卵盖) size at 52um~76um x 31um~44um Gravid proglottid(孕节) Life cycle(生活史) The eggs must develop in water and within a few weeks, each hatches to liberate a motile ciliated coracidium(钩球蚴) which, if ingested by a copepod (剑水蚤), develops into a procercoid(原尾蚴). When the copepod is ingested by second intermediate hosts(第二中间宿主) such as frog, snake, etc, procercoid migrates to the muscles or viscera(脏器) to form the plerocercoid(实尾蚴,即裂头蚴). The life cycle is completed when the infected fish is eaten raw, or insufficiently cooked, by the final host. Development to patency is rapid, occurring within four weeks of ingestion of the plerocercoid. First intermediate host 第一中间宿主--剑水蚤 Life cycle(生活史) Epidemiology(流行病学) Infective stage(感染性阶段): procercoid(原尾蚴) plerocercoid(裂头蚴) Infection routes(感染途径): Peroral infection(经口感染): eat procercoid or plerocercoid by mistake. Epidemiology(流行病学) Wide host range: including amphibians(两 栖类), reptiles(爬行 类), birds(鸟类) and mammals(哺乳类) High activity ability and regeneration capacity (再生能力) Transmission route(传 播途径): eat the infected frogs or snakes in raw or insufficiently cooked Pathogenesis and Symptoms Adult infection(成虫感染): Symptoms are not obvious, mild digestive system(消化系统) symptoms. Larval infection(幼虫感染): Depend upon larval migration(移 行) and establishment position (定居位置). Symptoms:inflammation(炎 症),nodule(结节) or eyeball ablepsia(眼球失明). Diagnosis Immuno-fluorescence assay (IFA) 荧光 抗体试验 Intracutaneoustest (IT) 皮内试验 Clinical symptoms of a slow-growing tumor accompanied by eosinophilia(嗜 酸性粒细胞增多). CT(计算机断层扫描) Treatment and Prevention Surgical removal of cyst or inactivation of sparganum (手术摘除囊肿或失活虫体). Albendazole(丙硫咪唑): 50 mg∕kg. Praziquantel (吡喹酮):25~30 mg∕kg . Avoiding contact with infected animals. Ban to eat raw or insufficiently cooked frogs . Reference 参考文献 蔺西萌,曼氏迭宫绦虫动物模型的建 立和生活史观察,1002- 2694(2011) 02- 0152- 02 王小平,脑裂头蚴病的临床和影像学 诊断,1002- 2694( 2010)01- 009402 Thanks for your watching