TABLE: Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy exams descriptions and comparative interpretation. Subject ID # Day 2 1 2 3 5 6 Changes in GI segments, and aspect in the second SBCE Day 30 Stomach Small bowel Improved in duodenum, Normal small bowel mucosa. Distal small bowel stricture. similar, normal mild abnormality Healed gastric erosions. Delayed gastric emptying of the capsule endoscope without Improved, mild NA visualization of the small bowel after 8 hours of recording. abnormality Normal capsule endoscopy examination without evidence of gastroduodenal erosions Improved, mild Improved in duodenum or ulcers. abnormality Multiple tiny red spots in the proximal duodenum and jejunum. similar, normal similar, normal Grossly normal gastric examination. A circular narrowing in jejunum, with some No change, significant similar, normal ulceration. Multiple small linear erosions. Possible capsule retention. abnormalities Multiple tiny red spots in proximal small bowel. A linear ulceration and a small Worsened , significant similar, normal additional ulceration in the terminal ileum. abnormality A focal erythema in the gastric antrum/distal body. Mid-to-distal jejunal ulceration. iIeal similar, mild Worsened, significant erosion and ulcerations. abnormality abnormality Stomach grossly unremarkable. Duodenum bulb erosion, multiple tiny red spots Improved, mild similar, mild duodenal throughout the entire small bowel. Proximal colonic ulceration. abnormality abnormality Non-specific mucosal changes in the duodenum and proximal jejunum, with mild, Slight worsening. Mild patchy, duodenal mucosa, and also cracked earth appearance. Mild linear erosion in similar, normal abnormalities the terminal ileum. Focal antral erosions and erythema. These changes are non-specific for a mild case of Minimal worsening, Improved, mild gastritis. Essentially normal small bowel, with some distal debris obscuring a part of mild abnormality abnormality the examination. Normal gastric mucosa. A tiny red spot in the proximal small bowel. Phlebectasia in Improved, mild the distal small bowel. A small reddish streak in mid-to-distal small bowel. The exam is similar, normal abnormality essentially unremarkable. Slight worsening. Mild, diffuse, antral gastritis. Denuded mucosa, erosion, ulcers from proximal jejunum Slight worsening, Significant to distal ileum. Probable mild colonic inflammation mild abnormality abnormalities Slight worsening. Normal stomach. Some non-specific villous changes in the jejunum, with 2 ulcers in similar, normal Significant the distal jejunum/proximal ileum where there may be post op changes. abnormalities Irregular Z-line. Very mild gastritis. Mild scar tissue or stricturein the proximal-mid Uncertain of any ileum. Two small patches of whitish discoloration in the proximal duodenum. This may Minimal worsening, changes, mild be due to some non-specific mild injury of the mucosal area. Couple of tiny red spots mild abnormality abnormalities in esophagus. SBCE description Duodenal erosions, moderate intra-luminal narrowing in the distal ileum (possible ileal web) Multiple superficial gastric antral,duodenal and jejunal erosions. , and large lymphangiectasia in mid-distal ileum. Gastric erosion with coffee ground stain, duodenitis and lymphangiectasia in the proximal and mid small bowel. phlebectasia in mid and distal small bowel. Multiple red spots in the duodenal bulb, with a small patch of erythema in the terminal ileum. One or two erythematous strictures in jejunum. Two or three additional small shallow linear ulcerations of the small intestine. Delayed capsule passage. 9 The capsule endoscopy is essentially normal, with a few incidental tiny red spots. 10 Very mild gastritis. A small patch of erythema at the mid to distal small bowel. 11 Mild Gastritis. Mild duodenitis. Very minimal erythema in the terminal ileum. 12 Numerous, small, focal denuded mucosa in the duodenum and proximal jejunum. A piece of foreign matter was probably a pill or some form of undigested food. 13 One tiny red spot in the stomach. A couple of tiny red spots in the proximal small bowel. Two to three focal erosions and possible shallow ulcerations in the mid small bowel. 14 Mild antral gastritis. Phlebectasia in the mid small bowel. Large amount of debris in the midto-distal small bowel, obscuring a significant portion of the small bowel. 16 Normal stomach. Poor study quality due to a large amount of luminal small bowel debris. Probable healed small ulcers/scars in mid jejunum. Tiny ulcer in the proximal ileum 17 Normal stomach. Very trivial findings of minimal erosion denuded mucosa and blunted villi in the small intestine. . 18 Normal stomach. Multiple tiny red spots. Small erosion near the ligament of Treitz. 19 Very mild gastritis with lumpy bumpy gastric mucosa. A small focal area of the denuded mucosa within the proximal duodenum. Probable mild superficial erosion in the area of the distal jejunum. A small area of either focal inflammation or AV malformation at the distal ileum. 21 An essentially normal study. 23 Diffuse antral gastritis/mild. Tiny duodenal ulcer. Dark mucosa 24 Mild gastritis. Erosion and ulceration in jejunum. Tiny nodular mucosal fold in the proximal stomach. Probable focal scar tissue in the proximal jejunum. One or two areas of either circumferential scar tissue or slight narrowing in the ileum. A rapid small bowel transit, with less than 1 hour of duration of small bowel recording. Overall, the entire study appeared to be grossly unremarkable. Small antral gastric erosion. Mild small bowel erosion/ulceration at proximal to mid jejunum. Dark ileal mucosa. Failed small bowel examination, unable to give impression on the small bowel condition. Improved, mild normality Improved, mild abnormality similar, normal similar, normal similar, mild abnormality similar, non-specific findings NA NA Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy exams were evaluated by a blind GI specialist with initial descriptive report. By the end of the study, reports were returned to the same specialist who gave his interpretation on the significant changes between exams by each GI segment (stomach, and small bowel).Abbreviations: ID, identification number; GI, gastrointestinal; SBCE, small bowel capsule endoscopy; and N/A not appropriate.