MIDLANDS CONSTRUCTION SAFETY GROUP YOU’LL (WELL ACTUALLY THE CONTRACTORS) Presented by Mr David Hortop BA (Hons) MIOSH Safety Advisor Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council CLIENT MANAGEMENT OF SITE RADIOGRAHY CONTRACTORS “FROM ZERO MANAGEMENT TO SUCCESSFULL MANAGEMENT OF SITE RADIOGRAPHERS” Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council CLIENT MANAGEMENT OF SITE RADIOGRAHY CONTRACTORS Who am I? Mr David Hortop Ex HM Inspector of Health & Safety Multi Group HSE Nottingham Office (Proud to have been one of Mike Sparks Inspection Team!) NOW H&S Advisor with Mouchel (full time) Schools and Social Services – and Ex H&S Advisor with the Air Cadets (National Regional and Local levels) Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council CLIENT MANAGEMENT OF SITE RADIOGRAHY CONTRACTORS Government (David’s) Health Warning ! For those of a nervous disposition THIS PRESENTATION CONTAINS IMAGES OF – The Naked Body Aeroplanes Site Radiography Contractors Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council CLIENT MANAGEMENT OF SITE RADIOGRAHY CONTRACTORS The Location A large busy (24 x 7) processing factory The Problem No effective management of site radiography contractors Work considered ‘too specialist’ and complex by factory management. Also fear of process and lack of confidence/knowledge to effectively supervise the contractors. Potentially dangerous working techniques by contractors The Solution A one day training course for factory managers and supervisors Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council CLIENT MANAGEMENT OF SITE RADIOGRAHY CONTRACTORS HOW TO GENERATE CONFIDENCE TO SUCCESSFULLY MANAGE AND SUPERVISE SITE RADIOGRAPHY CONTRACTORS 1 Treat the management and supervision of this work in exactly the same way as any other construction subject e.g. CDM, Asbestos Management, Legionella Management, Steel Erection, Roof work etc. 2 Apply the same basic systematic approach and principles to managing and supervising site radiography as any other construction subject and do not be ‘blinded by the science’ and ‘technical terms’ used. We will now revisit the basic steps to understanding site radiography Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council Site radiography – ‘Made Simple’ 1 The Law - Key Legislation 2 The Problem and Basic Principles 3 The Equipment used 4 The Key ‘Players’ involved 5 The Basic Faults and Failings to look for 6 Other Basic Hazards involved 7 Sources of Information 8 Summary and Any other Questions ? Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 1 THE LAW - Key Legislation The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 Section 2. General duties of employers to their employees Section 3. General duties of employers and self employed to persons other than their employees The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Regulation 3. Risk Assessment Regulation 11. Co-operation and Co-ordination The Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99) Regulation 6 Notification of specified work Regulation 8 Restriction of exposure Regulation 11 Dose limitation Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 2 The Problem and Basic Principles What is the problem? Site radiography uses equipment that generates either X or Gamma rays and are known as ionising radiations. Exposure to ionizing radiation causes damage to living tissue, and can result in mutation, radiation sickness, cancer, and death. X and Gamma rays cannot be seen, smelt, felt, heard or tasted. Gamma rays are more damaging and penetrative than X rays. Gamma rays cannot be switched off – X rays can be switched off. There are three factors that control the amount, or dose, of radiation received from a source – Time - Distance - Shielding Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 2 The Problem and Basic Principles What is the problem? Industrial radiography usually involves using intense radiation sources which can expose people at work to significant amounts of radiation. Site Radiographers have received life shortening exposures and have exposed other people to unnecessary exposures. Over the years several serious incidents have been caused by the failure to maintain equipment, to carry out routine monitoring or to employ proper emergency procedures. HSE inspectors have also found that a significant number of NDT contractors fail to adopt routine working practices capable of keeping radiation exposures of employees as low as reasonably practicable: this is the main requirement of IRR99. Incidents occur because of poor job planning (most notably with site radiography), failure to use adequate local source shielding, or inadequate systems of work. Generally, people working in industrial radiography have received higher doses than those working in other sectors using ionising radiation. Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 2 The Problem and Basic Principles THE DAMAGE TO A HUMAN BODY Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 2 The Problem and Basic Principles X RAY EQUIPMENT GAMMA RAY EQUIPMENT Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 2 The Problem and Basic Principles X RAY IMAGES GAMMA RAY IMAGES Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 3 The Equipment used X RAY EQUIPMENT x-ray tube control unit Key Control Key ON = X-Rays Generating a high voltage power supply Key OFF = NO X-Rays Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 3 The Equipment used GAMMA RAY EQUIPMENT SOURCE INSIDE CONTAINER NO Gamma Rays Once SOURCE wound OUTSIDE Of CONTAINER Gamma Rays Radiating ALL the time UNTIL SOURCE is BACK INSIDE CONTAINER (NO ON/OFF switch) Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 3 The Equipment used SAFETY EQUIPMENT COMMON TO BOTH X and GAMMA WORK BARRIER WARNING LIGHTS WARNING SIGNS WHOLE PERIMETER BARRIER LIGHTS WHOLE PERIMETER WARNING HORN Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 3 The Equipment used SAFETY EQUIPMENT COMMON TO BOTH X and GAMMA WORK RADIATION MONITOR MUST HAVE ON SITE ! RADIOGRAPHERS INDIVIDUAL FILM BADGE RADIOGRAPHERS PERSONAL DOSIMETER (OPTIONAL) Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council SAFETY EQUIPMENT SPECIFIC TO GAMMA WORK WARNING LIGHTS EMERGENCY KIT LEAD SHOT TONGS VEHICLE WARNING SIGNS SOURCE ‘POT’ SOURCE ‘POT’ MUST HAVE ON SITE ! Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council LEAD GLOVES, GAUNTLET, NECK, FOOT AND APRON EQUIPMENT NEVER USUALLY SEEN AT SITE RADIOGRAPHY WORK BUT WOULD BE REALLY USEFULL FOR GAMMA SOURCE RETRIEVAL Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council A MOMENT OF LIGHT RELIEF LEAD APRONS YOU WILL NOT SEE ON A SITE RADIOGRAPHY PROJECT ! Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council SO HOW DO WE REALLY MANAGE AND MONITOR THIS PROCESS ? Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 4 The Key ‘Players’ involved THE CLIENT Responsible for: Justification, Notification and Management/Supervision of the work (a) Justifying the need for Site Radiography (i) Can another NDT technique be used? (ii) Can the Client use the enclosure procedure on their premises? (iii)Can the Client send the component to the Site Radiography contractors premises? (b) Notifying the work to HSE (i) At least 7 days before the work commences – therefore the client must plan the work to comply. (ii) An exemption can be applied for – but it must be for ‘emergency’ purposes only e.g. An unplanned component failure. (iii) Exemptions will not be granted for failure to plan routine work requiring site radiography Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 4 The Key ‘Players’ involved THE CLIENT (c) Management/Supervision and Co-ordination/Co-operation of the work and with the Site Radiography contractor. (i) Draw up their own client risk assessment for the work. (ii) Adequately vet and select the contractor. (iii) Obtain a copy of the contractors ‘prior risk assessment’. (iv) Obtain full details of the contractors Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA). (v) Obtain a list of the contractors Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS) Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 4 The Key ‘Players’ involved THE CLIENT (c) Management/Supervision and Co-ordination/Co-operation of the work and with the Site Radiography contractor. (vi) Obtain a copy of the contractors ‘Local Rules’ for their site. (vii) Obtain a copy or copies of the specific inspection techniques that will be used. (viii) Draw up and Agree reporting/security procedures. (ix) Draw up and Agree ‘emergency’ arrangements between both parties. (x) Train appropriate staff in basic Radiation Safety principles and procedures. (xi) Carry out and record regular supervisory checks of the contractors work on site Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 4 The Key ‘Players’ involved THE SITE RADIOGRAPHY CONTRACTOR Responsible for: Management /Supervision and Co-ordination /Co-operation of the work. (i) Ensure that their staff have on site their ‘prior risk assessment’ document. (ii) Ensure that their staff have on site their ‘Local Rules’ document. (iii) Ensure that their staff have on site the specific inspection techniques documents. (iv) Liaise with the Client about any matters on site that could affect their employees – Clients other processes/activities – reporting and emergency procedures. (v) Ensure the Client is fully briefed and aware of the ‘jammed source’ procedure. Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 5 The Basic Faults and Failings to look for THE CLIENT – (i) No effective management/supervision/monitoring of site radiographers. (ii) No effective planning of the work – continued requests for exemption from 7 day notification requirement. (iii) No Client risk assessment. (iv) No trained supervisors to monitor the site radiographers. (v) No effective Co-ordination or Co-operation between each party. (vi) Barrier breaches by client staff. ALL THE ABOVE CAN AND HAVE ATTRACTED HSE ENFORCEMENT ACTION AGAINST CLIENTS Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 5 The Basic Faults and Failings to look for THE SITE RADIOGRAPHY CONTRACTOR (i) No adequate documentation taken to site – for reference. (ii) No or inadequate emergency equipment for Gamma Radiography. (iii) No or inadequate monitoring equipment. (iv) No or inadequate individual film badges/dosimeters. (v) No or inadequate barriers/warning signs/warning lamps. (vi) No or inadequate Key Control of X – Ray Control Unit. (vii) Damaged equipment/ No spares for equipment on site (e.g. Spare batteries/spare warning lamp bulbs). ALL THE ABOVE HAVE BEEN OBSERVED TIME AFTER TIME AND WILL ATTRACT HSE ENFORCEMENT ACTION Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council A CLIENTS BASIC CHECKING/MONITORING TECHNIQUE NOTE : YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SEE THE SITE RADIOGRAPHY IN PROGESS FOR YOU TO JUDGE THE CONTRACTORS COMPETANCE AND WETHER THEY SHOULD REMAIN ON YOUR SITE. CHECK OPPORTUNITY ONE . On arrival have a member of the security/site staff check the contractors vehicle – Ask to be shown the documentation, the monitors, personal film badges, spares and Gamma Emergency equipment . Anything missing then they do not come on site!! CHECK OPPORTUNITY TWO Get the contractor to set up their equipment and check it before they start the work. You can check their monitors, film badges etc – then they can continue only after your check. Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 6 Other Basic Hazards involved WORK AT HEIGHT Gamma radiography – 70’ above the ground Technique writers were not going to do the work No trial run planned On trial run – source stuck out 7 out of 10 attempts Re-think / Re-Planning / New Equipment X-Ray radiography – 15 – 30’ above the ground Technique writers were not going to do the work Only Safety Equipment – Giraffe steps up to wing and tail working areas Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council Has Work at Height safety been considered in the contractors ‘prior risk assessment’ and ‘local rules’? MANUAL HANDLING Has manual handling been considered in the contractors ‘prior risk assessment’ and ‘local rules’? The Problem – heavy x-ray tube The Solution - Mobile carrier Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council EXCAVATION SAFETY Has excavation safety been considered in the contractors ‘prior risk assessment’ and ‘local rules’? Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 7 Sources of Information Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 Approved code of practice and guidance. Radiation safety for site radiography Engineering Construction Industry Association 1996 ISBN 0 903393 86 7 Series Legal Series Code L121 ISBN 9780717617463 HSE information sheet Industrial radiography - managing radiation risks Ionising Radiation Protection Series No. 1(rev 1) Radiation doses: Assessment and recording Ionising Radiation Information Sheet IRIS2(rev) HSE Books 2000 www.hse.gov.uk/radiation/ionising/index.htm New and expectant mothers at work: A guide for employers HSG122 (Second edition) HSE Books 2002 ISBN 978 0 7176 2583 3 Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 8 Summary and Any other Questions ? Over the years several serious incidents have been caused by the failure to maintain equipment, to carry out routine monitoring or to employ proper emergency procedures. A significant number of NDT contractors fail to adopt routine working practices capable of keeping radiation exposures of employees as low as reasonably practicable: this is the main requirement of IRR99. Incidents occur because of poor job planning (most notably with site radiography), failure to use adequate local source shielding, or inadequate systems of work Too often, clients (or main contractors) can cause difficulties for their contractor by not allowing sufficient time or ensuring effective communication to plan work properly. There is rarely a valid reason for calling in an NDT contractor at the last minute. This work is normally a vital part of a quality assurance process and should be carried out in a carefully planned way. Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council 8 Summary and Any other Questions ? The Client must manage this work process. All they have to do is apply the same management principles as they would towards any other construction/health and safety process A Client must Justify, Notify and Manage/Supervise site radiography A Client can monitor and assess the contractor without the work being in progress Client staff can be easily trained to do this. Effective Client management will vastly improve site radiography standards and safety. Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION AND REMEMBER Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council