Coordinador Angel Del Valls Joint Erasmus Mundus PhD. in Marine and Coastal Manangement - Junio 2013 - Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz MACOMA 2011/2020 Coste del contrato 2.800€/mes Salario: 1.700€/mes 3 años de contrato Consorcio: UNIVERSITY OF CÁDIZ, (España) (Coordinador principal), UNIVERSITY OF ALGARVE (Portugal), UNIVERSITY OF AVEIRO (Portugal), UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA (Italia), RUSSIAN STATE HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (RSHU) (Rusia) Miembros asociados: ABENGOA (Spain), IPIMAR (Portugal), UNIVERSITY OF BASQUE COUNTRY (Spain), ENVIRONMENT CANADA (Canada), NINGBO UNIVERSITY (China), UNISANTA (Brazil), UNIVERSITY OF CANTABRIA (Spain), CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE (Italy), GOLDER ASSOCIATES (Canada), LOICZ (Germany), PROGONZ (Russia), SPB BIO RUSSIA (Russia), UNESCO (France), MINISTRY OF GENERAL ENVIRONMENT (Spain), and PORT OF HUELVA (Spain). Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management 7010 PERIODO FORMATIVO: MACOMA Universidad de Cádiz OBJETIVO: Proporcionar una formación especializada de alto nivel en alguna de las áreas que intervienen en el programa Titulaciones con las que se accede Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales, Biología, etc. Tambien se aceptan grados tecnicos como ingenierías y arquitectura Materias OBLIGATORIAS MÓDULO COMÚN 7010002 2 2 7010003 Literature review in Scientific research 2 7010004 Sampling design laboratory, field and global surveys in scientific research 2 7010005 Groups working 2 7010006 Language module English writing for academic and research staff Seminar series for marine researchers – practitioners Design and writing research projects 2 2 Modelling in research. Statistical routines for analysis of marine ecosystems. Practical field study on marine and coastal management Field skills for natural sciences including research vessel work Management of funded research projects 3 2 2 4 7010007 7010008 OPTATIVAS Créd. Science communication in Scientific research Formulation of a research question, Basis and Application of scientific methods 7010001 7010009 7010010 7010011 7010012 5 MÓDULOS ESPECIALIZADOS 7010101 Scientific and Technical 7010102 7010103 7010104 7010105 strategies for CO2 mitigation in littoral ecosystems: for a better climate Scientific diving in marine and coastal research and management Weight of Evidence Assessment of Chemical Contamination in Aquatic Environments Tools for general environmental quality assessment Waste Water treatments and reciclyng industrial residues INVESTIGACIÓN 7010201 Coastal stability and 2 4 2 6 2 sedimentary budgets in the ever evolving landocean interface 7010202 From descriptors to models of coastal water quality, eutrophication and microbial activity 7010203 Records and models of sea level and climatic change 7010204 Integration of social and natural sciences for coastal and marine policy formulation 7010301 Integrated Marine and Coastal 4 4 3 Management and Planning 7010302 Environment Marine and Coastal Resources Economics 7010303 Evaluation of Marine and Coastal Risks 3 3 7010304 Dispersal and Connectivity of 3 7010401 Coastal Salt Intrusion: 7010402 7010403 7010404 populations - Coastal Modelling 4 7010305 Benthic Biotopes modelling through 3 acoustics remote sensing 7010306 Estuarine Dynamics – advanced modelling 3 7010405 7010406 4 Materias 7008901 ESPECIALIZACIÓN 4: UNVERSIDAD DE BOLONIA ESPECIALIZACIÓN 3: UNIVERSIDAD DE AVEIRO ESPECIALIZACIÓN 2: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALGARVE ESPECIALIZACIÓN 1: UNIVERSIDAD DE CADIZ 7010407 7010408 Créd TRABAJO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y MEMORIA DE SÍNTESIS ACCESO AL PERIODO DE INVESTIGACIÓN DEL DOCTORADO ERASMUS MUNDUS IN WATER AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT. OBLIGATORIO PARA ESTUDIANTES QUE NO DEMUESTREN PERIODO DE INVESTIGACIÓN PREVIA 12 hydrogeology and flow numerical modelling Coastal Hazard and Risk Management Tools Marine algal blooms Stress response in marine organisms exposed to environmental factors Use of radioactive tracers for coastal and marine studies Trace metals in marine ecosystems Environmental indicators and indexes Conservation, planning and management in marine urban areas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total: 60 créditos Cada crédito equivale a 25 horas de trabajo del alumno Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management 7010 PERIODO DE INVESTIGACIÓN: MACOMA Universidad de Cádiz ESPECIALIZACIÓN 1: UNIVERSIDAD DE CADIZ Carbon capture and storage (CCS) in marine and coastal environments Bioaccumulation and bioavailability of contaminants in marine and coastal environments Environmental quality assessment based on weight-of-evidence approaches Marine Renewable Energy (The marine and coastal environment for Food and Rural Development.) Dredged material characterization and management Operational Oceanograpy in Marine and Coastal Management Sensitive tools for marine and coastal environmental quality assessment Assessing the effect nutrient sources and water quality on the natural stable isotope ratios of marine macrophytes. pH & Salinity influence in contaminants behaviour and their adverse biological effects in marine and coastal environments, including estuaries. Mitigation and Emergency plans related to accidental spills in the marine and coastal environment …. LINEAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN ESPECIALIZACIÓN 2: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALGARVE Marine processes Large scale geological processes and their local record Marine morphosedimentary processes ESPECIALIZACIÓN 3: UNIVERSIDAD DE AVEIRO Atmospheric Quality (L-AQ) Biodiversity and Biology of Stress (L-BBS) Integrated Watershed Management (L-IWM) Impacts of the environmental changes Marine Ecosystems and Modelling (L-MEM) Science and policy integration for ICZM Environmental and Analytical Chemistry (L-EAC) SimulationESPECIALIZACIÓN of Internal Tidal Waves andRusia its Seasonal 5: RSHU, Variability in the Northern Atlantic Ocean Influence of Internal Tidal Waves on the Climate of the World Ocean Long waves (theory, application, impact, risk management) Oceanography of Polar Regions Antropogenic Impact on Marine and Coastal Environment Fisheries and Oceanography ESPECIALIZACIÓN 4: UNVERSIDAD DE BOLONIA Ecology of marine urban environments Application of molecular tools in management and conservation of coastal ecosystems Biological assessment of coastal and estuarine systems: ecological validation of biomarkers Integrated management of coastal freshwater resources Risk assessment and management of marine coastal environment Dynamical and coastal oceanography Oceanographic and ecosystem numerical modelling Use of short-lived isotopes to study the nature and source of sedimentary organic carbon, and the pollution reconstruction in marine and coastal environments Use of indicators for the characterization of coastal environments Ecophysiology of harmful microalgae LECTURA Y DEFENSA DE TESIS DOCTORAL DOCTORADO ERASMUS MUNDUS IN MARINE AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT Total: 120 créditos Cada crédito equivale a 25 horas de trabajo del alumno Reconocimiento del Programa en las Estructuras Nacionales España Portugal Italia Rusia Reconocimiento del Programa en España OFFICIAL REGISTRATION FOR MACOMA (Ph. D. ERASMUS MUNDUS in Marine and Coastal Management). BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO (BOE) nº 35, Jueves 10 de febrero de 2011, pag 13920 • Disposición adicional primera. Verificación de programas de doctorado conjuntos internacionales Erasmus Mundus. Los programas de doctorado conjuntos creados mediante consorcios internacionales en los que participen instituciones de Educación Superior españolas y extranjeras y que hayan sido evaluados y seleccionados por la Comisión Europea en convocatorias competitivas como programas de excelencia con el sello Erasmus Mundus, se entenderá que cuentan con el informe favorable de verificación a que se refiere el artículo 10 de este real decreto. • Oficial Registration on November, 25th, 2011 Reconocimiento del Programa en España Reconocimiento del Programa en Italia 8 Reconocimiento del Programa en Portugal Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz Primer año: Itinerario Formativo MOVILIDAD ENTRE UNIVERSIDADES: MACOMA Universidad de Cádiz Segundo año: Periodo de investigación 6 meses de estancia: RHSU + 6 meses de estancia: Universidad de Bolonia o 6 meses de estancia: Universidad de Algarve o 6 meses de estancia: Universidad de Aveiro o 6 meses de estancia: Universidad de Cádiz Tercer año: Periodo de investigación 12 meses de estancia: Universidad de Bolonia o 12 meses de estancia: Universidad de Algarve o 12 meses de estancia: Universidad de Aveiro o 12 meses de estancia: Universidad de Cádiz Participación de Erasmus Mundus doct. candidates 5Erasmus Mundus + 3Europeos + 1Balcanes-Turquía (UE) 2Chile + 3 Brasil + 6 España + 1 Mexico + 2 Portugal`+ 1 Colombia (Financiación Externa- CAPES-FPI-FPU-CONACYT-FCT, entes privados etc). Armenia Brazil Russia Croatia Kenya España Malta Visa • Mecanismos para afrontar y resolver cuestiones relativas a la emisión de visados. 1.- Solicitud de permiso de residencia y trabajo temporal en la Oficina de Extranjería. Subdelegación del Gobierno, Cádiz. Trás la reunión con el Director se establecen los siguientes requisitos para la emision del visado a) Documentos: Concesión de la beca Erasmus Mundus Modelo de contrato que se le ofrece al investigador Prueba de los requisitos económicos del contrato Seguro médico internacional Pasaporte y datos personales del candidato 2.- Resolución de aceptación y autorización de visado en un mes 3.- Envío de toda la documentación anterior y de la Autorización del visado al candidato quien lo presenta en la Embajada de España de su país. 4.- Resolución y concesión del visado en menos de 72 horas PROBLEMAS: Las taxas administrativas por solicitud son: 390,47€. En caso de que los candidatos renuncien al contrato una vez emitido el visado, se pierden las tasas Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz The undersigned University of Cadiz and FUECA, represented by the Erasmus Mundus coordinator Prof. T. Angel del Valls Casillas hereafter called “UCA/FUECA”, and (……………….) with identity number (………..), born (date and place), hereafter called “the doctoral candidate”. Have agreed as follows: Article 1: General Principles and Requirements Ph. D. Candidate Agreement Category A The General Principles and Requirements applicable to Employers and Funders as defined in the European Charter for Candidates and any updates and reviews of this Charter provide the framework for the contract. The candidate is the beneficiary of a by the European Commission grant to finance his/her participation in the 36 month Erasmus Mundus Ph. D. Programme in Marine and Coastal Management (MACOMA) starting in the academic years 2011-14. This grant will be administered by UCA/FUECA. FUECA will undertake all the necessary administrative arrangements to address the candidates' rights, including health care, social security and pension rights. Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz Article 2: Administration of the grant The candidate will receive a grant of up to 129.900 € to cover the following: - Travel and installation, 7.500 € for the three years. - Fixed contribution to the Ph. D. doctoral candidate participation cost (600 € per month maximum) and, - Fixed living allowance during 36 months in total with the budget of 2.800 € per month for the total cost of the contract: (Salary will depends on the Job Conditions for Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security Law, including national taxes and regulation). Monthly salary amounting to approximately 1.600€ per month The candidate will open a European bank account and will provide the full details of this account to FUECA/UCA. The grant will be transferred to this account on a monthly basis by the end of the month. The candidate agrees that the FUECA/UCA will receive a coordination fee of 600 € per month retained from the Erasmus grant at the beginning of the 36 month period of the programme. This will be distributed to the partner institutions according to the ECTS gained in each institution. The coordinating institution will retain 7.500 € for Erasmus Mundus Category A candidates from the budget for the travel and installation costs when they are needed. The remainder of the grant 100.800 € will be paid over the 36 months, provided the candidate complies with article 3. Article 3: Attendance of courses and assessment The candidate will follow the General Principles and Requirements applicable to candidates as defined in the European Charter for Candidates and any updates and reviews of this Charter. The candidate will regularly attend the courses taught in the Erasmus Mundus Ph. D. Programme in Marine and Coastal Management, if required (s)he will complete the assignments and seminars except in cases of justified “force majeure”. If the candidate does not make sufficient progress, the payment of the grant maybe suspended or terminated. Prior to this the candidate will be warned in writing on two occasions, and the EACEA will be sent copies of these warnings. Article 4: Dispute settlements Parties will try to resolve disputes arising from this agreement in a conciliatory manner. If no solution is reached, a binding decision will be made by the Erasmus Mundus course coordinator, Prof. Angel del Valls Casillas. University of Cadiz/FUECA Vice rector of Postgraduate Studies Date: The candidate Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz The undersigned University of Cadiz and FUECA, represented by the Erasmus Mundus coordinator Prof. T. Angel del Valls Casillas hereafter called “UCA/FUECA”, and (……………….) with identity number (………..), born (date and place), hereafter called “the doctoral candidate”. Have agreed as follows: Article 1: General Principles and Requirements Ph. D. Candidate Agreement Category B The General Principles and Requirements applicable to Employers and Funders as defined in the European Charter for Candidates and any updates and reviews of this Charter provide the framework for the contract. The candidate is the beneficiary of a by the European Commission grant to finance his/her participation in the 36 month Erasmus Mundus Ph. D. Programme in Marine and Coastal Management (MACOMA) starting in the academic years 2011-14. This grant will be administered by UCA/FUECA. FUECA will undertake all the necessary administrative arrangements to address the candidates' rights, including health care, social security and pension rights. Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz Article 2: Administration of the grant Article 3: Attendance of courses and assessment The candidate will receive a grant of up to 125.400 € to cover the following: The candidate will follow the General Principles and - Travel and installation, (3.000 €, only if the doctoral candidate Requirements applicable to candidates as defined in the includes a mobility period to a third country full/associated partner) European Charter for Candidates and any updates and - Fixed contribution to the Ph. D. doctoral candidate participation reviews of this Charter. cost (600 € per month maximum) and, The candidate will regularly attend the courses taught in -Fixed living allowance during 36 months in total with the budget of the Erasmus Mundus Ph. D. Programme in Marine and 2.800 € per month: (Salary will depends on the Job Conditions for Coastal Management, if required (s)he will complete the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security Law, including assignments and seminars except in cases of justified national taxes and regulation). Monthly salary amounting to “force majeure”. approximately 1.600€ per month. If the candidate does not make sufficient progress, the payment of the grant maybe suspended or terminated. The candidate will open a European bank account and will provide Prior to this the candidate will be warned in writing on the full details of this account to FUECA/UCA. The grant will be two occasions, and the EACEA will be sent copies of transferred to this account on a monthly basis by the end of the these warnings. month. Article 4: Dispute settlements The candidate agrees that the FUECA/UCA will receive a coordination fee of 600 € per month retained from the Erasmus grant Parties will try to resolve disputes arising from this at the beginning of the 36 month period of the programme. This will agreement in a conciliatory manner. If no solution is be distributed to the partner institutions according to the ECTS reached, a binding decision will be made by the Erasmus gained in each institution. Mundus course coordinator, Prof. Angel del Valls Casillas. The coordinating institution will retain 3.000 € for European Mundus Category B candidates, from the grant to make the travel and installation payments when the European Mundus candidate will visit University of Cadiz/FUECA The candidate any of the Third Country Partners to develop the research project. Vice rector of Postgraduate Studies The payment will be made on 50% at his/her arrival to the host Date: institution, and the remaining 50% at the return to the home institution, after presenting the evidence of his/her stay for 3 months. The remainder of the grant 100.800 € will be paid over the 36 months, provided the candidate complies with article 3. Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Passport of Research Mobility Universidad de Cádiz 2. This MACOMA Passport of Research Mobility is issued by Joint Ph.D. Programme in marine and coastal management 1. This MACOMA Passport of Research Mobility is awarded to 1.Surname(s) : 2. First name(s): 3.Address(house number, street name, postcode, city, country): 4.Date of birth: 5.Nationality: 6.Signature of the holder: Foto Explanatory note MACOMA Passport of Research mobility is Ph.D. programme standard document, which recods detail of the contents and the results – in terms of skills and competences or of academic achievements –of period that a Ph.D. student has spent in Institutions another that host University (other Universitiy, Enterprises, Research Center and others) for learning and research purpose. MACOMA Passport of Research Mobility designed on the base of ideas of EUROPASS facility. 7. Name of the issuing organization: University of Cadiz 8. Sending Partner (organization initiating the research mobility experience) : MACOMA 9. Name, type and address : Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Programme, Joint Ph.D. Programme in marine and coastal management (MACOMA), Campus Puerto Real. 11510 Puerto Real. Cádiz. Spain 10. Surname(s) and first names of person: 11.Title/position: T. Angel del Valls. Programme Coordinator 12.Telephone: 13.e-mail: 14.Issuing data ( 15. Signature: 3. The Partner Organization of the MACOMA Research Mobility experience No 1 13. Host partner (organization receiving the holder of the MACONA Passport of research mobility): 14. Name, type and address of host partner: 15. Surname(s) and first names of person 16.Title/position 17.Telephone: 18.e-mail: Duration of the MACOMA Research Mobility: 19. From: dd,mm,yyyy 20. To: 21. Score of the MACOMA Research Mobility (ECTS scale): [ _ _ _ ] 22. Additional requirement or conditions (special equipment, field work, observation data etc): or 22. Grade (please use ECTS scale: A –F) : 23. Any comments from host partner: 24. Signature: (Stamp) 25. Date of issue Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz 3.a Description of the MACOMA Research Mobility experience No 1 26. Objective(s) of the MACOMA Research Mobility: 3.b Description of skills and Competences Acquired During the MACOMA Research Mobility experience No1 33. Research/job related skills and competences acquired: 27. Activities/research carried out during MACOMA Research Mobility : Only like example: - Theoretical research (description of obtained skills and competences will be done in 3.b) - Laboratory experiment - Participation in Workshop (information about activity will be done in 3.a (see 30 or 32) 34. Organization skills and competences acquired (if not included under’ point 30): 28. Study visits (if possible, where): 29. Participation in Conferences, workshops, seminars without presentation (please indicate title, host institutions, duration): 30. Participation in Conferences, workshops, seminars with presentation(s) (please indicate title; host institutions; title of presentation(s); indicate: oral or poster; others): 31. Publications preparing during MACOMA Research Mobility (please indicate title; where and when publication is planning to be published; others) 32. Other information: 35. Computer skills and competences acquired (if not included under’ point 30): 36. Language skills and competences acquired (if not included under’ point 30): 37. Social skills and competences acquired (if not included under’ point 30): 38. Other skills and competences acquired (if not included under’ point 30): 39. Date: 40. Signature of the reference person/mentor 41. Signature of the holder (Signature) (Signature) 42. Position of person/mentor:__________________ Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz 4. The Partner Organization of the MACOMA Research Mobility experience No 2 similarly to 3 Point: (13 +30). (25+30). 4.a Description of experience No 2 the MACOMA Research Mobility 2+N. Total assessment of MACOMA Research Mobility experience (13+ 30N) Total number of MACOMA Research Mobility experiences : N (14+30N) Total score of MACOMA Research Mobility (ECTS scale): 180] (15+30N) Grades, received : A , B, C (16+30N) General quality assessment: similarly to3.a Points (26+30) (32+30) 4.b Description of skills and Competences Acquired During the MACOMA Research Mobility experience No2 Points (33+30) similarly to 3.b (42+30) (17+30N). Surname(s) and first names of person (18+30N).Title/position Programme Coordinator (19+30N).Telephone: (20+30N) E-mail: (21+30N) Issuing data ( (22+30N). Signature: (Stamp) Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz Scientific reserach code: 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname Name Nacional Identity Card Number Grant Code Organism/University Department Personal address Province ZIP Phone Fax number City e-mail address Ph. D. Candidate Progress Report 2. ATTACHED DOCUMENTS Academic documents: Activity performed report of the last year (proxy. 1000 words) PhD Thesis supervisor statement of Credits passed of the PhD academic or the annual report (attach in a closed research period envelop with the Program Director Master Thesis defence document approval) Master degree document Updated CurrIculum vitae of the grant PhD Thesis presentation or admission beneficiary document PhD Program Registration document Date: Sign and stamp of the Organism/University legal Representative Signed: Applicant signature Signed: Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz Annual Memory corresponding with performed activities (aprox. 1000 words) 1. the Description of the performed activities and the obtained results. 2. Attendance to Congresses and Seminars. Ph. D. Candidate Annual Memory 3. Description of the activities to be performed during the next year of grant. Date: Applicant sign Signed.: Date: PhD Thesis Supervisors approval: Signed.: Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz Ph.D. THESIS SUPERVISOR STATEMENT OF THE ANNUAL REPORT (Confidential. It should be attached in a closed envelop) ANNUAL INFORM Date of the beginning of the grant: PhD Thesis supervisor should state his/her opinion about the performed activities during the last year. It should be described the degree of interest and profit of the grant 1. 2. 3. Thesis Supervisor Annual Memory 4. Progress performed during the last year. PhD Thesis status. Estimation of the necessary time to finish the PhD Thesis. Evaluation of the activities performed from 1 to 4: 4.1. Dedication: 4.2. Obtained results: 4.3. Readiness reached: As PhD Supervisor we consider: Advisable renovation of one more research year. Not renovation advisable. Date: PhD Thesis Supervisors Date: PhD Program Director approval: Signed:. Signed: CONTACT Angel Del Valls htm Doctorado Erasmus Mundus in Marine and Coastal Management Universidad de Cádiz