Types of Spatial Models Purely statistical (driven by statistical models of correlations and structures inferred from data) Descriptive spatial and spatio-temporal statistics Examples: Geostatistics (Variogram analysis), Point-pattern analysis, Moran’s I, Spectral/Wavelet analysis, etc. Regression & machine-learning models that link: data, environmental process variables, and statistical models of process/observation error Examples: GLM, GAM, GLMM, RandomForest, MaxEnt, Geostatistics (Regression-Kriging) Purely mechanstic (driven by equations whose parameters and functional forms are taken from prior process-studies or first principles) Coupled Dynamic Physical-Biological Models Examples: ROMS-NPZD, Atlantis, HAB forecast models, spawning habitat models Overview of spatial statistics tools for pelagic habitat characterization • • Spatial statistics and spatial modeling is a vast and rapidly developing field; would be impossible to cover everything here What specific types of problems do we have to address for pelagic habitat characterization? – Generating gap-free gridded maps from scattered survey data – Filling gaps in satellite data – Characterize scales of environmental and biological correlation and coherence – Predictive modeling of species distribution and abundance and/or ecosystem properties • Spatial • Spatio-temporal Not covered here… – Predicting/simulating coupled physical-biological processes – Assimilating data into hindcast ocean models (e.g., 4DVAR) Some handy techniques for marine/ecological spatial modeling Descriptive analysis of pattern • Variography (auto-correlation, cross-correlation) • Point-pattern techniques (e.g., detecting clusters) • Wavelet analysis (scale-dependent coupling) • Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis (EOF) Interpolation • Geostatistical models (Optimal Interpolation) – – – Ordinary Kriging Indicator Kriging Universal Kriging, Kriging with external drift Modeling distribition and abundance • Spatial Generalized Linear Models (GLM’s) • Spatial Generalized Additive Models (GAM’s) • Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM’s) • Geostatistics: Regression-Kriging, Universal Kriging, Kriging with external drift • ‘Machine learning’ techniques: Regression Trees (e.g., TreeNet, RandomForest), MaxEnt (for presence-only data), Neural nets • Hierarchical Bayesian Spatial Models (Markov Random Fields, CAR models) Challenges to ocean habitat characterization • • • • • Ocean is dynamic Multiscale Complex interactions Coupling to human systems Threshold behavior; need to identify and validate indicators Example: geostatistical interpolation Predicted Mean Prediction Error Method: Ordinary Kriging with external drift Source: Poti et al. 2012 (Ch. 3 in NOAA NOS Tech Memo 141) A BIOGEOGRAPHIC ASSESSMENT OF SEABIRDS, DEEP-SEA CORALS AND OCEAN HABITATS OF THE NEW YORK BIGHT: SCIENCE TO SUPPORT OFFSHORE SPATIAL PLANNING Example: Quantifying hierarchical habitat structures with variography Text-book spatial variogram •Results from a single, spatially-varying process •Fits a theoretical model well •Informative for understanding spatial scaling and sampling precision. Actual spatial variogram for sea scallop density on Georges from HabCam data (50m resolution). • Evidence of spatial patchiness •Evidence of hierarchical habitat structures. Parallel evidence for hierarchical habitat structure from scallop fishing behavior (VMS data). HabCam VMS Mid Atlantic VMS Georges Bank Example: Delineating regions with distinct phytoplankton dynamics Methodology: •Merge SeaWiFS and MODIS Chl A datasets for 1998 – 2010 •Transform, scale and center data for each pixel / day of the year •Perform Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis •Run cluster analysis on EOF scores to delineate regions Example: Juvenile salmon habitat in the NCC • H0: Alongshore transport links PDO to regional ocean conditions • Results – Cold phase: more water from north, more cold water copepods, and more habitat – Bi et al. (2011) GRL – Habitat based on presence: Bi et al. MEPS (2007), Bi et al. FO (2008) – Habitat with spatial structure: GLMMS (Bi et al. FO 2011), GAM (Yu et al. in revision) Software overview (not a comprehensive list) • R packages – – – • Matlab toolboxes – – – – – • mGstat EasyKrig BMElib Wavelets others…google search recommended ArcGIS extensions/toolboxes – • Gstat RandomFields others…see CRAN spatial task view Geostatistical Analyst, Spatial Analyst, Spatial Statistics extensions Marine Geospatial Ecology Tools (MGET) – Hybrid of R, ArcGIS, Python Free standalone programs • SGeMS • Gstat • GSLIB • Many others…see AI-geostats list on next page A few links for more information AI Geostats: Forum that has compiled lists of free and commercial geostatistical software w/detailed capabilities; excellent resource: http://www.ai-geostats.org/bin/view/AI_GEOSTATS/WebHome CRAN Task View: Analysis of Spatial Data http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Spatial.html ESRI Geostatistical Analyst http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/extensions/geostatistical/index.html Marine Geospatial Ecology Tools (MGET) http://code.env.duke.edu/projects/mget http://www.spatialanalysisonline.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriging