Pin Oak Tree Quercus palustris

Power Point
Power Point Rubric:
Exemplary = 4
Proficient = 3
Progressing = 2
Insufficient = 1
In addition to proficiency,
includes proper,
italicized, specie name.
Genus is capitalized,
specie is all lower-case.
Correctly identifies all
levels of the taxonomic
Misidentifies at least
one of the levels, or
has a misspelling.
Misidentifies or
misspells three or more
taxonomic levels.
In addition to proficiency,
includes appropriate
visuals to support the
meaning of the two
Correctly identifies the
meaning of the two
taxonomic levels for the
assigned plant.
Misinterprets the
meaning of one of the
taxonomic levels or
draws attention to the
wrong taxon.
Misinterprets both of the
taxonomic levels.
and Features
In addition to proficiency,
includes information
about fruits, stems (or
bark) and leaves.
Descriptions about its
habitat and feature are
clear and succinct.
Too much / Too little.
Content may either
distract from the
presentation or is
Content is not
informative or does not
highlight important or
useful generalities.
In addition to proficiency,
there are custom
animations that enhance
the flow of the power
There is an even
balance of content and
visuals that match the
content that is aligned.
≥ 10 slides.
Animations are overly
emphasized and
distract from the
content or some
visuals do not match
content. < 10 slides.
Slides are unorganized
and visuals either
distract from the content
or the content is not
consistent with the
visuals throughout.
Use of Class
In addition to proficiency,
used class notes or
material in the power
point to highlight
Spent ≥ 95% of class
time navigating for
information and images
for the project.
Had to be told at least
twice to stay on-task
due to web “surfing”.
Had to be told more
than four times to stay
on-task due to web
Pin Oak
Quercus palustris
By: Mr. DeStefano
Pin Oak Taxonomy
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Phylum: Magnoliophyta (Angiosperms)
Class: Rosopsida (Eudicot)
Order: Fagales
Family: Fagaceae (Beech)
Genus: Quercus (Oak)
Specie: Quercus palustris (Pin Oak)
Phylum: Magnoliophyta (Angiosperms)
Flowers aid angiosperms by enabling a wider range of adaptability and
broadening the ecological niches open to them. This has allowed flowering
plants to largely dominate terrestrial ecosystems.
Class: Rosopsida (Eudicot)
Pin Oak flowering
Eudicots refer to a monophyletic group of flowering plants that means "true
dicotyledons" as it contains the majority of plants. The term "eudicots" has
been widely adopted to refer to one of the two largest clades of angiosperms
(constituting >70% of all angiosperms), monocots being the other.
General Characteristics
Pin Oaks are native to eastern North America and are one of the most popular
ornamental trees in the United States. They are large-sized deciduous tree that grow to
be 60-70 ft. tall, with a trunk diameter of up to 3 ft. They are relatively short-lived
trees compared to other oaks, but they still have an average lifespan of 90-120 years.
The lower branches are often a
tangled mess. They tend to die off
as the tree grows taller, especially
in a wooded area.
The lower branches grow in a
downward direction any way so as
they die (due to lack of light) it
looks like they are surrounding the
trunk. The middle branches grow
horizontally while the upper
branches grow in an upward
The bark is relatively thin and does not have deep furrows like burr oak, or
black oak.
FYI- It was used by some Native American tribes to make a drink for treating
intestinal pain.
Pin Oak Wood:
The wood is generally marketed as red oak, but is of significantly inferior
quality, being somewhat weaker, often with many small knots. The wood is
hard and heavy and is used in general construction and for firewood.
How it got its name:
One might think that the pin oak gets it name from the
"pinny" appearance of the leaves and branches. Actually
the name comes from the practice years ago of "pinning
together" the timbers of a barn.
The leaves of the pin oak tree
The pin oak leaf has "U-shaped" sinuses and bristled tips. There are three
to five inch alternate leaves have 5 to 7 points or lobes. The leaves are
deciduous but will usually persist on the tree into winter.
U-shaped sinus
Pin Oak Fruit:
An acorn (nut) matures at the
end of the second growing
season after flowering. Acorns
are dispersed from September
to early December.
Pin Oak Range
They love the swamp!
The pin oak tree can typically be found in swampy, low lands of forested areas. It
is very common to see it in seasonal standing water where no other oaks are
It likes acidic soil which is common in the swampy spots of the forest.
Autumn Colors:
The leaves change in color from a dark green to a deep scarlet red in fall.
Pin oak acorns are an important food for
mallards and wood ducks during their fall
migration. Acorns are also an important
food for deer, squirrels, turkeys,
woodpeckers, and blue jays.
The End
Types of Plants or trees to choose from:
Climbing Fern
Cat-tail moss
American Beech
Ginkgo Biloba
Gray Birch
White Birch
White Pine
Black Locust
Balsam Fir
Weeping Willow
Douglas Fir
American Chestnut
Coconut Palm
Regal Elm
Sugar Maple
White Ash
Silver Maple
Scarlet Oak
Norway Maple
Charter Oak
Shagbark Hickory
Osage Orange