DOCTORS WORKFORCE IN ERBIL GOVERNORATE: A STUDY ON DISTRIBUTION AND TURNOVER By MOAYAD ABDULLAH WAHAB M. B. Ch. B SUPERVISOR PROFESSOR TARIQ S. AL – HADITHI M.B.Ch.B, M.Sc., DTM & H, Ph.D. Outline Introduction Subjects and Methods Results and Discussions Conclusions Recommendations Introduction The first decade of the 21st century is considered to be the era of health workforce. Many countries face workforce imbalances. The problems are rooted in political, economic, cultural, and health systems. After 2003, Erbil governorate faced tremendous health demand, due to rapid socio-demographic changes. Many aspects of doctors workforce distribution in Erbil governorate are not disclosed. There is few published studies in this field in Kurdistan region and Iraq. Aim of the study The aim of this study was to tackle the problem of uneven distribution of doctors in Erbil governorate and rapid turnover of doctors in primary health care centers in Erbil city. Objectives 1. To find out current distribution of doctors relevant to age, gender, location, marital status. 2. To determine current ratio of doctors to population at the governorate and district levels. 3. To identify possible causes for uneven distribution of doctors in Erbil governorate and their rapid turnover at PHCs inside Erbil city. 4. To set up certain recommendations for health policy makers to ensure proper future distribution of doctors. Subjects and Methods A cross-sectional study was done from 1st Sep., 2008 to 31st March, 2010 ( Data collection from the period 1st Feb., to 30th Sep., 2009. The sample included 962 doctors from: DOH-Erbil health facilities and HMU affiliated to DOH-Erbil. Exclusion criteria: 1. Doctors not affiliated from HMU to DOHErbil. 2. Employers other than DOH-Erbil & retired doctors. 3. Postgraduate students (529 doctors). 4. Long leave for >72 days (23 doctors). 5. Koya and Makhmour districts. Mergasor 62,139 Soran PHC=5, H=1 232,938 PHC=7, H=3 Choman 35,922 PHC=2, H=1 Shaqlawa 147,682 Khabat Nawandi Hawler 63,566 1,192,459 PHC=21 ,H=8, SMC=7 PHC=20 PHC=7, H=3 DashtiHawler 128,287 Koisnjaq 112,864 Results & Discussion Distribution of doctors by gender Fe m ale 38.6% M ale 61.4% Male: female ratio is 1.59:1 Distribution of doctors by age 50 45 40 42.9 39 36.6 Percentage 35 29.8 30 25 Male 21.3 Female 20 13.8 15 8.6 10 3.5 5 3.7 0.8 0 < 30 30 -39 40 - 49 50 - 59 ≥ 60 Age group Mean age ± SD is 35.10 ± 9.79 y ranging from 23 – 68 y Percentage Distribution of doctors by marital status and geographical distribution 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Nawandi Hawler Dashti Hawler Khabat Shaqlawa Districts Soran Mergasor Choman Single Married Total In: Single= 80.2%, Married = 85.4%, T = 83.6% , P = 0.001 Distribution of doctors by No. of children 100 Percentage 90 80 95.2 92.6 74.2 70 60 50 Inside Erbil city Outside Erbil city 40 30 25.8 20 10 7.4 4.8 0 <2 2-3 No. of children P = 0.001 ≥4 Distribution of doctors by type of health facility DOH & SMC 2.5% PHC 23.3% Hospital 74.2% Percentage Distribution of doctors by hospital per district 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90.1 9.9 Urban hospitals District hospitals Doctors workplace ed liz Hospitals e H . H. l 2.5 Pr iv at y sp ita H. 3.7 nc ho al y . H. H H. 5 Em er ge ca l an ak nc y in al . 8.4 Su rg i N m er ge ap ar ol og ic R ec Er bi lH 10 ec ia gy n aw le rE & . 20 H et ric s ar iH 30 Sp bs t iz g 35 O R Percentage Distribution of doctors by hospital per district 32.4 27.2 25 15.9 15 7.6 1.7 0.6 0 Relationship between workplace and birthplace 70 61.1 60 Percentage 50 40 27.7 30 20 10 6.2 3.2 1.8 0 Erbil Sulaimania Duhok Birthplace Rest of Iraqi governorates Abroad Relationship between workplace and birthplace District Total No. Born in the same district No. % Nawandi Hawler 804 412 51.2 Choman 16 0 0.0 Mergasor 22 1 4.5 Shaqlawa 45 1 2.2 Dashti Hawler 30 0 0.0 Khabat 10 0 0.0 Soran 35 1 2.9 Total 962 415 43.1 Distribution of doctors by job title 40 Percentage 35 33.5 30 25 21.2 20 15.2 12.3 15 11.1 10 6.7 5 0 Specialist House Officer Senior House Specialty Officer Practitioner Job title Rural Practitioner General Practitioner Distribution of doctors by type of health facility 45 40 35 30 25 Percentage 20 15 10 5 0 40.1 35.3 33.5 28.6 24.1 20.5 5.9 3.9 0 House officer 1 7.1 0 Rural General Senior house Specialty Specialist practitioner practitioner officer practitioner Job title Hospital PHC 100 99 100 98 97.5 89.2 70.2 DOH 29.8 HMU 10.8 Job title 2.5 l 2 To ta 0 Sp ec ial ist 0 Ru ra lp ra ct iti Ge on ne er ra lp ra ct iti Se on ni er or ho us eo Sp ffi ec ce ial r ty pr ac tit io ne r 1 of fic er 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Ho us e Percentage Distribution of doctors according to job title and employer Percentage Distribution of specialists by gender & specialty 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 12.1 7.7 11.8 9 8.7 Medicine 44.4 38.5 100 94.7 65.5 Surgery 4 5.3 34.5 92.3 8.4 55.6 61.5 Pediatrics Obstetrics Radiology Dermatology Specialty Total Female Male Distribution of doctors by job titles for those working for private clinic and / or hospitals Type of private work (%) Job title Clinic Hospital Both Total Specialist 58.2 3.3 38.5 83.8 General practitioner 80.0 20.0 0.0 1.6 Specialty practitioner 85.0 2.50 12.5 12.4 Rural practitioner 42.9 57.1 0.0 2.2 Total 61.5 4.7 33.8 100 Factors influence employment process in rural areas Variable Doctors willing to stay in current workplace Total Yes No % % % Marital status (P < 0.001) Married 84.4 15.6 64.1 Single 52.5 47.5 35.9 Opportunities to select workplace (P < 0.001) Yes 90.2 9.8 63.6 No 42.9 57.1 36.4 Variable Doctors willing to stay in current workplace Total Yes No % % % Working for private sector (P < 0.001) Yes 93.2 6.8 52.7 No 67.8 32.2 47.3 Place of better financial income for those working in private sector (P < 0.001) Inside Erbil city 95.1 4.9 94.4 Outside Erbil city 61.1 38.9 5.6 Density of doctors per 10,000 populations Ratio / 10,000 population 8 6.7 7 6 5.1 5 4.5 4.5 4.2 3.6 4 3.1 3 2.5 3.4 3.1 2.2 2.2 2.4 1.5 1.7 1.2 0.3 1.6 1.6 2 0.9 0.5 1 0.2 l To ta So ra n ba t Ha w ht i Sh a Kh a le r a w r er ga so M an Ch om ql a Da s Na w an di Ha w le r 0 Specialist Non-specialist Districts Total Density of doctors per 10,000 populations 8 6.7 Ratio / 10,000 population 7 6 5 4.2 Iniside Erbil city 4 3 Outside Erbil city 2.5 2.4 2 2 1 0.4 0 Specialist Non-specialist Job title of doctors Total Doctors satisfaction with the current health system by socio-demographic characteristics and other variables Doctor satisfied with the current health system Variable % Gender Male 56.7 Female 61.2 Age < 30 56.0 30 -39 61.8 40 - 49 56.5 50 - 59 64.1 ≥ 60 48.0 Marital status Single 55.9 Married 59.8 Job title House officer 53.7 Rural practitioner 58.9 General practitioner 62.5 Senior house officer 59.6 Specialty practitioner 59.3 Specialist 59.6 Workplace Inside Erbil city 59.6 Outside Erbil city 52.5 Total 58.4 Conclusions 1) Numerical imbalance : below the regional and international average. 2) Urban- rural imbalance: geographic maldistribution of specialists. 3) Institutional imbalance: hospitals versus PHCs. 4) The largest category is specialists and the smallest is general practitioners. 5) The proportion of pediatricians is declining. 6) The most common specialties: Overall: General surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics. Female: Obstetrics , radiology, pediatrics, dermatology. 7) Most influential factors to determine the workplace and satisfaction are: Having private practice. Opportunity to choose workplace. 8) More than half of the doctors are satisfied with their work. Recommendations 1) Increase no. of doctors: next 6 y by two fold = 10 / 10,000 populations ( Middle East region level). 2) Make rural jobs more attractive than urban jobs: financial and non-financial incentives. 3) Strengthening liaison between DOH and HMU through emphasis on primary health care and family medicine: ٍٍPostgraduate study. Adopt family health care system. 4) Emphasis on appointment of properly trained health managers: regular supervision of health facilities. 5) Make private sector synergize with the public sector. 6) Similar studies in this field are highly recommended in Erbil governorate to study in more details the findings of this study. THANK YOU