Use of native Agave to recover degraded lands and to control soil erosion in the perspective of production of Mescal (Cointzio Basin, Michoacán , México ) Martínez-Palacios, A., Prat, C., Rios, E. (UMSNH; IRDLTHE; SEMARNAT) PLANT DIVERSITY IN MEXICO 10% of the world phanerogamic diversity. The endemism correspond to 10% at a generic level and 75% at species level. (Rzedowski, 1993). DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTION OF AGAVACEAE FAMILIY Distributed from sea level to 3500 altitude. The greatest diversity is located in xeric scrub and temperate forests (Garcia-Mendoza, 1992). Canadá Genero Agave # spp # spp MEX. % 166 125 75 7 7 100 20 11 55 3 3 100 Manfreda 28 27 96 Polianthes 13 13 100 1 1 100 50 30 60 288 217 75 Beschorneria Furcraea Hesperaloe Prochnyanthes Yucca TOTAL Fuente: García-Mendoza y Galván, 1992 55% are endemic (Rzedowskui, 1993). EUA México Cuba Venezuela C. A. Ecuador Bolivia Paraguay MAGUEY USES Agave spp. FARMACOLOGIC ACTION OF THE SAP: Phytoestrogens (saponins (steroid)), blood lipid lowering, energy. Demulcent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, skin protection, emollient, hepatoprotective, digestive and laxative. RECOMMENDED FOR: Arthritis, cholesterol, constipation, fatigue, menstruation is not regular. digestive problems General dose: 1 cup honey water, or 10 ml of concentrate, one or more times per day. OTHER: dresses, fiber for ropes, wires and nets, bags, brushes, live barriers, construction material, food, etc.. Current Uses: Ornamental, alcoholic beverage (Mescal, Tequila), inulin (polysaccharide), maguey honey. Potential for Biodiesel. Industrial distillation of Tequila (Agave tequilana Weber) STEMS OLD STORAGE TRADITIONAL PRODUCTION OF MESCAL Rustic distillation process of the mescal. 45-55% of Alcohol MESCAL TRADITIONAL PRODUCTION PEARLS MESCAL Traditional distillation column ORIGIN DENOMINATION Soil Erosion, for monocultures Tradicional intervention of land: Tumba y quema del bosque. Zea maiz (corn) Agave cupreata Agave tequilana STUDY SITE “LA YERBABUENA” PLANTING ZONES IN TZIZIO MUNICIPALITY GULLIES LANDSLIDES DUE DEFORESTATION OBJECTIVES General objective: • Soil erosion mitigation and use of the native maguey in high marginal locations. Specific objectives: • Stablish integral planting of native maguey, trees and other potential species in abandoned rainfed agriculture areas. • Mitigation of gully erosion based on biological barriers (Agave spp) between eroded and productive areas. • Create long term employmente through the explotation of the plantations (Agave: mescal, fibra, inulina; Arboles: fruta, madera, medicinal, forraje; Plantas anuales: forraje, medicinales, etc.) • Impulse Agroforestry practice in order to increase the plants and animals biodivesrity. • Sustentable use and conservation of native agave population Integral funding (federal, state and municipality support); coordinates in marginal comunities and the universidad Michoacana. Controled seeds germination (98%) 4 AÑOS EN CAMPO Local training in the “MAGUEY MEZCALERO” culture (Agave cupreata) 2 months TZITZIO, MICHOACAN 3 months 1 year in greenhouse 2 years Response in 3 years plants for 3 different sun exposures. ANOVA 95%: (¨*)P= 0.03, S.D.= standar Deviation. Sun Exposition n Height cm.-SDTukey Diameter cm.-SDTukey Interval diameter (cm) Leave long. cm.-SDTukey Leave wide* cm.-SDTukey East 50 43.76±12.7a 84.46±20.9a 25-120 35.50±8.9a 15.86±3.2a South 50 40.86±13.4a 80.74±20.9a 40-120 33.86±9.8a 15.22±5.9ab Indirect light 48 39.69±14.1a 79.40±25.0a 37-145 31.02±12.1a 13.52±3.7b 1st year: 15% of losses. Direct light 3th year: 3.5% of losses Indirect light A. cupreata (AGAVACEAE) planting 7 year of stablishment Agave cupreata at 7 years of plantation. At 7 years of planting, the populaton presents 20-30% of fructifacation Integral practices for soil conservation RESPECT AND MANAGE THE HERBACEOUS AROMATIC, HAS REDUCED PEST ATTACK OF A DIVERSE AGAVE AND BENEFICIAL INSECTS CORRIDOR 6m CORRIDOR 3m PROPOSAL FOR PRODUCTION AGROFORESTRY agave, TREES AND HERBACEOUS 2.5m slope 3.5m 6m PLANTATION DENSITY PER HECTAR 830 Agave inaequidens 270 trees + herbaceous (medicin, food, aromatics) Trees: Forages, fruits, wood, medicament, etc. LIVE BARRIERS BETWEEN PARCELS WITH DIVERSE PLANTATIONS (AGAVES, FORAGE, GRASSLAND, ETC). Agave cupreata Agave sisalana Agave y cactus (nopal) LIVE BARRIERS OF Agave salmiana (MAGUEY PULQUERO) Zea maiz LIVE BARRIERS FOR MITIGATION EROTION Y THE PRODUCTION OF AGAVE (MAGUEY PULQUERO). LIVE BARRIERS OF A. SALMIANA (MAGUEY PULQUERO). AND EXPLOTATION OF HONEY WATER OR PULQUE. Agave salmiana Mayahuel la diosa pulquera Native agave plantation de Agave inaequidens in great degradation land. , 14 month of plantation, 80-95% survival. Proyected to plant 200 000 per year. CONCLUSIONS. A number of actions required and planned some with financing: Mass production of agave plants and monitoring A. inaequidens plantation carried out in 2010. Capacity building for community nursery management. (FinancingSEMARNAT) Installing the community nursery (Financing SEMARNAT). Identification of sites for plantations and design layaout of plantation. Designing an effective system of monitoring. Mitigation of soil erosion: a) biological barriers (Agave inaequidens) gully, b) land under agroforestry in agricultural yields, c) boundaries of agaves and trees between plots. Association of marginalized communities in participatory agroforestry. Bases source of employment for the operation of the agave products (fiber, mescal, maguey honey, syrup, etc.).. Fruit trees (Annonaceae, sapodilla, Capulin, etc.). Fodder: Fodder for cattle. Herbaceous food and medicinal aromatic Increased biodiversity (animals and plants) and decreased use of agriultural agrochemicals,organic farming trend. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION RECOMENDATIONS Encourage producers not to collect or make use of wild individuals sustainable in order to seek recovery of population surage producers not to collect or make use of wild individuals sustainable in order to seek recovery of populations, Ongoing advice on the cultivation of agave and other plants, marketing and designation of origin of the agave. Improvement of plantations through selections more robust and healthy plants. Obtain new genetic material from plantations in reproductive status. Integrated management of agave and the forest, deforested necessary. Monitoring recovery of wild populations, seed release and recruitment.