Dealing with Uncertainty: Navigating Biodiversity Change in Canada’s Arctic National Parks ARCTIC BIODIVERSITY SYMPOSIUM MUSEUM OF NATURE, OTTAWA, NOVEMBER 2010 Torngat Mountains National Park, Labrador Photo: D. McLennan Outline 1. Parks Canada in the North 2. Arctic climate change - synopsis 3. Navigating biodiversity change - a proposed proactive adaption strategy for Arctic national parks 4. A strategy for the Arctic? Arctic shrub increases Parks Canada Agency behalf of the systems people of ofprotected Canada, areas we •oneOn of most extensive So…. what in the world.and present nationally significant protect about climate • protects andof presents these treasures oncultural behalf of examples Canada's natural and Canadians change? heritage and foster public understanding, • celebrating 125 years of natural heritage appreciation and enjoyment in ways that conservation ensure their ecological and commemorative integrity for present and future generations. Sea ice Orcas in Hudson Bay disappearing Protected Areas in the Canadian Arctic Increased productivity Sirmilik NP With permission Cadieux et al 2008 • increased ‘greening’ • increased productivity • permafrost slumping • lemming cycle dampening? Dampening of Lemming Cycles Permafrost Melting With permission Cadieux et al 2008 ? 1992-2008 Photo: Joseph Culp/Erik Luikers, EC Analysis by Rob Fraser and Ian Olthof, CCRS National Park Application of Lawler (2009) models by Katherine Lindsay, EC Synopsis: Arctic Change 1. Arctic climate is changing rapidly 2. Arctic ecosystems are also responding, but much less rapidly i. ii. terrestrial physical environment showing important changes biota less responsive – mainly in situ productivity/relative dominance changes 3. How fast? What species? Species interactions? Disease? Species adaptation? Climate feedbacks? C dynamics? 4. more questions than answers 5. monitoring and research to reduce uncertainty Reducing Uncertainty A Model for Proactive Adaptive Management Conduct/upgrade process-based inventories Park Management Plan ‘Maintain or restore EI’ consultation and decisions set 5-15 year targets Scoping Document State of the Park Report Ecological Integrity Monitoring What change is happening in park ecosystems? Focussed Research How and how fast are park ecosystems changing? Management Decision Support 1. Outline key issues 2. Provide a 5-15 year forecast 3. Outline options and risks Focal watershed Ivatak Brook Focal watershed Nachvak Brook ‘Mapping Ecological Integrity’ Biodiversity + Ecosystem process LONG TERM SITES (FOCAL ECOSYSTEMS) na Tundra/Wetland/Forest • vegetation change (ITEX, surveys, structure, biomass) • active layer (CALM) • soil temperature • snow • small mammals • songbirds • (arthropods) Streams • benthic inverts • discharge • water quality • char/fish community OTHER GROUND MEASURES Tundra/Wetland grizzly, fox, caribou, muskox, raptors, BBS, lemmings, plant phenology Lakes and Streams char/fish community, Harlequin ducks Coastal polar bears, coastal fish, shorebirds/waterfowl, raptors REMOTE SENSING ParkSPACE Measures • land cover (ecotype/community) • productivity (biomass and VIs) • permafrost (NEST) • lake and river ice • coastal change • glaciers (area, retreat, mass balance) The Coast • increased coastal erosion/sedimentation • changing hydrology in estuaries and lagoons • coastal fish ecology andEcotype access to streams Map • direct effects on ice-dependent species (polar bears, seals, walrus) Ivvavik NP Potential Climate Change EffectsIvvavik NP Tundra and Wetlands • eastern boundary of • ongoing influx of southern species Beringia – unglaciated • effects on caribou • most northerly forests in • increasing shrubs and trees NA – south facing slopes • > tundra fire? snow? CO2? • 28 ecotypes • important range for Porcupine Caribou Herd Streams and Lakes • changes in flooding; break up/freeze up • > mass wasting? • changes in permafrost and thermokarst • mountain stream winter freezing? • effects on charr - new fish species (salmon?) Opportunities for Development Porcupine Bluenose West Bathurst Beverly Bluenose East Ahiak Qaminirjuaq The Challenge • navigating the combined ecological effects of climate change and Northern development to foster socialecological resilience and mitigate biodiversity loss • Success will depend a new kind of inclusive approach that coordinates and optimizes the efforts of all Northern actors. An Arctic Model for Proactive Adaptive Management Pan-arctic Inventory Coordinated Monitoring What change is happening in Arctic ecosystems? Northern Strategy (‘Northern Management Ctte”) consultation and decisions set 5-15 year targets Scoping State of the Arctic Report Focussed Research How and how fast are Arctic ecosystems changing? Management Decision Support 1. Outline key issues 2. Provide a 5-15 year forecast 3. Outline options and risks Ongoing Arctic Monitoring Initiatives Federal • • • • • • Parks Canada EI Monitoring EC/MSC/WSC – climate, water quantity and quality, CABIN EC/CWS – caribou, polar bears, migratory birds, seabirds, EC – CBMP EMG Freshwater DFO – CBMP EMG Marine INAC – BREA , MGP Territories and Others • • • • Territories (INAC) – NWT - CIMP – Nunavut - NGMP Communities – Arctic Borderlands – Sea Ice Nunavut – others Industry – Akati Mines – Mackenzie gas pipeline Academia – CEN – Arctic Net National Park Community > 1,000 CHARS Science Sites Tundra Ecosystems – Olthof et al. CCRS Canada’s Arctic and PAs Arctic National Parks as INoRMs Integrated Network of Research and Monitoring 1. ‘baselines’ of Arctic ecological change 2. Focal Watersheds Model: ecological inventories, long term monitoring sites, stream discharge, weather stations; 3. “sites for science” 4. long term commitment to EI monitoring and reporting 5. cooperative management with Indigenous partners 6. present in northern communities/ operational in the field 7. research logistical support – transportation, safety Canadian Arctic and Sub-Arctic Protected Areas Northern Science Build on IPY Momentum • world-leading science coordinated nationally and cooperating internationally • “From Knowledge to Action” IPY Montreal 2012 • strong outreach/communication component • effective interaction with Arctic communities • legacy of young scientists to ‘carry the torch’ Keys to Success 1. Work together on pan-Arctic objectives set out in the Northern Strategy 2. Empower northern communities as a key component of the solution 3. Invest in a knowledge system to reduce uncertainty and understand change Please Contact: Donald McLennan Parks Canada Agency 25 rue Eddy, Hull, QC, K1A0M5 Tel: (819) 953 6464 email: An unknown future working together for a common future Science Management Support 1. Research Summaries • plain language summary of research results • implications for park management objectives • risks/benefits of acting/not acting • identify emerging issues 2. Process Models and Projections • scaled down climate models, weather projections • 5 – 15 year projections of ecosystem change • model monitoring/model improvements/model iterations The Role of Traditional Knowledge There is now less snow fall and the only snow fall we get, the wind blows it away so it doesn’t have time to build up and get compact. Now we just have very small snowdrifts. The snow drifts in the past were so big that the igloos were automatically half way built. [Original in Inuktitut – Inuit Knowledge Project] Figure4.4. Mean annual air and soil temperatures (at 2-cm and 10-cm depths) from 1995 to 2002 in the Qarlikturvik Valley lowlands, Bylot Island (Gagnon et al., 2004). The Need to Collaborate Internationally 1. the circum-polar Arctic is one interconnected and interdependent ecosystem - need for cooperation 2. build on IPY progress and further increase circumpolar cooperation and collaboration (ITEX, PPS, seabirds, others) 3. SAON, IASC, and many other initiatives ongoing 4. broaden opportunities for science funding; access to global expertise 5. CBMP links biodiversity monitoring – Expert Monitoring Groups 6. Canada takes over Chair of Arctic Council next S&T Program Extensive process to define S&T priorities for CHARS • Scoping and synthesis papers • Visioning Workshop • International panel convened by Council of Canadian Academies Canadian Visioning workshop’s proposed S&T priority themes: Sustainable resource development Environmental science & stewardship Climate change Healthy & sustainable communities