Connectivity over ecological and evolutionary time in coral reef fishes Serge PLANES Connectivity over ecological and evolutionary time Serge Planes ( Connectivity, why is concentrating so much effort… • Represents the scale at which populations respond to the environment. • Represents the scale at which species adapt to the environment. • Scales of management can be adjusted to dispersal distances to achieve different management goals. For example, the appropriate size and/or spacing of marine reserves as: • Harvest refugia • Conservation sanctuaries Connectivity over ecological and evolutionary time Serge Planes ( Connectivity and conservation… => Different processes, different mechanisms, different interpretations Different approaches (genetic) Connectivity over ecological and evolutionary time Serge Planes ( Genetic approach… (genetic models) Species level => phylogeny, phylogeography => mutation from common ancestor Metapopulation level => gene flow estimates => Allelic frequencies variation Population level => self recruitment => relatedness estimates Connectivity over ecological and evolutionary time Serge Planes ( Speciation and dispersal of species • Several evidences of geographix isolation Temporal concordance among clade genesis Temporal concordance in relation with sea-level change Evidence of allopatry in younger clades • No sympatry found before 4 My of divergence • Absence of geographic concordance among clades => Overall modern distribution of species is not related to its age whatever their dispersal capabilities Connectivity over ecological and evolutionary time Serge Planes ( Population genetic to understand connectivity… => No general trend among the several species surveyed GBR, Polynesia : different out comes => Assumption of equilibrium in most computations and consider all species on a same evolutionary stage => genetic structure cannot be directely translated into biological and ecological outcomes Connectivity over ecological and evolutionary time Serge Planes ( Paternity approach • Numerous variable markers Need to characterise each individual (microsatellite) Example: A species case with 10 loci (µsat) (independant, equilibrium, equally frequent) => the number of potential allele combination is 10(2x10) Allele 1 Allele 2 Allele 3 Allele 4 Allele 5 Allele 6 Allele7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 …. => the probability to found 2 similar genotypes is 1/ 10(2x10) => Far from most population size at regional area • Collect tissues samples of potential adults • Collect of new recruits The Kimbe bay - Amphiprion percula case study Kimbe Bay case study Adult sampling Kimbe Bay case study 2004 (Total new recruits) 2 G (10) D (21) 2 C (10) 2 2 3 3 B 1 (20) 4 E 9 (37) 3 2 F (1) A (31) 15 6 Overall selft-recruits 66 out of 130 (51%) Lagoon A: 15 (48%) Lagoon B: 1 Lagoon C: 0 Lagoon D: 1 Lagoon E: 9 (24%) Lagoon G: 1 Main Flux: G-C-B-A Kimbe case study 6% 71 34 Kapepa Turae 2 4 Restoff 3 10% 39 11 1 Schuman Kimbe 2 3% 59 Wulai