Haleakala National Park

By: Olivia Graham
Haleakala’s Land
Haleakala was formed when the tetonic
plates push against another and they had
enough force. Haleakala's land went
upward. Which created volcanoes and
moutains. Some volcanoes that the tetonic
plates made are Kilauea, Mauna Loa, and
Hualalai. Haleakala was also formed when
the volcanoes erupted because the lava
made new land.
The Plates of Haleakala
When did your national park
become a park and why?
Haleakala became a national park in 1980
because of it's endangered species, tropical
rainforests, and volcanoes. Most of the
endangered species are plants and birds.
Tropical rainforest are important to have at
Haleakala because it's the home to many
endangered species. Some volcanoes you
might find in Haleakala are East Maui, Kilauea,
or Mauna Loa. I think that Haleakala is a very
important because a lot of animals and plants
depend on it.
Mountains and Volcanoes
Haleakala’s Rocks
In Haleakala national park you can find
sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks. There
are fossils in Haleakala national park and
fossils can be found in sedimentary rocks.
Igneous rocks can be found when
Haleakala's volcanoes erupt and when this
does happen magma comes out of the
volcano. When the magma cools it turns
into a igneous rock.
sedimentary rock
What special landforms or
features are in your park?
The special land forms and features inside of Haleakala
are mountains, volcanoes, and rain forests. The special
land forms and features were created by a crater. It
happened when the crater when two valleys met at the
top of a mountain top and eroded. In Haleakala there is
a big space in the land that was hit by the crater and
there are mountains and valleys in the space.
Volcanoes are created by convergent and divergent
boundaries. A convergent boundary is when two
tectonic plates meet and one dives under another. A
divergent boundary is when two tectonic plates come
out and move in the opposite direction, it's when the
earth gets new crust. The rain forests in Haleakala were
created just by nature spreading.
Haleakala crater
How is the land in your
national park changing?
The land in my national park is actually
changing because of one active volcano,
East Mani and erosion. Volcanoes can
change the land form when magma cools it
can makes new hills, mountains, or just any
type of land form. Erosion can also change
land. Erosion is when wind, water, or ice
pick up part of the land (it doesn't have to
be a certain size) and carries it away.
Haleakala’s changes
East Mani
What environmental issues are
affecting your park?
Did you know that Haleakala national park is one of the most
threatened national parks within the national park system. The
endangered animals include the Hawaiian Goose, Hawaiian Petrel,
and Green sea turtle. They're three of about seventy animals that are
endangered. These animals are endangered because of hunting,
predators, and disease.
Hunting is one of the main reasons that the animals in Haleakala
national park are endangered. People hunt animals and sell them for
money or cook them for dinner. One of the animals that they have
hunted is the green sea turtle.
Another reason is predators Haleakala has gotten some predators that
aren't originally from Haleakala and have endangered animals
because the animal wasn't use to hiding from that predator. I think we
should be more careful.
One more reason is disease, disease comes from animals like
mongoose, rats, cats, and pigs. They spread by mosquitos. The
diseases usually get to birds.
Predators, Hunting, and
 http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/volcanoes/haleak
 http://www.mauidownhill.com/haleakala
 http://fhnp.org/issues.html