History and Government (cont.)

This region has served as
the crossroads for Asia,
Africa, and Europe. As a
result, the region has been
home to many ethnic
groups and cultures.
North Africa
The Sahara and access to
water have profoundly
affected the peoples of
North Africa.
North Africa
A. Egypt
B. Morocco
C. Algeria
D. Tunisia
E. Casablanca
F. Algiers
G. Tunis
J. Cairo
H. Tripoli
K. Suez Canal
I. Libya
Population Patterns
Indigenous ethnic groups, migrations, and
the dramatic climate have shaped
population patterns in North Africa.
• The primary influence on the subregion is a mix of
indigenous and Arab cultures.
Population Patterns (cont.)
• The people:
– Berbers—indigenous to North Africa
– Arab
North Africa, Southwest Asia, and
Central Asia: Population Density
Population Patterns (cont.)
• The Nile Delta region is one of the world’s most
densely populated areas.
• Major urban population centers:
– Casablanca
– Algiers
– Tunis
– Tripoli
– Cairo
History and Government
The Sahara, the Nile River Valley, and
multiple invasions influenced different
cultures throughout North Africa’s history.
• Early Peoples and Civilizations
– 6,000 B.C.— Farming communities along the Nile
River and Mediterranean Sea
– A.D. 6,000—The Egyptian civilization developed in
the Nile River Valley.
History and Government (cont.)
• Invasions and migrations:
– Until 750s—Islamic invasions
– Late 1400s—Jewish exiles from Christian Spain
– 1500s—Ottoman Empire
– Early 1600s—Muslim exiles from Christian Spain
– Early 1800s—France invades
– WWII—U.S. and Britain
North Africa: Invasions and Migrations
The Muslim religion and the Arabic language
define much of the culture of North Africa.
• Religion–Islam
• Language–Arabic
Culture (cont.)
• Education—most people attend school, but
literacy rates range widely.
• Health care—this has improved, but doctor
shortages mean limited care.
• The arts—pyramids; weaving, embroidery, and
metalworking influenced by Islam
The Eastern
Ancient civilizations and
cultures continue to
influence the subregion
The Eastern
A. Israel
B. Lebanon
C. Palestine
D. Syria
E. Jordan
F. Tel Aviv-Jaffa
H. Jerusalem
G. Beirut
I. Makkah (Mecca)
Population Patterns
Migrations, claims to ancestral homes, and
boundary disputes have influenced
population in the eastern Mediterranean.
• The people:
– About 7.1 million people in this region are Israelis
living in Israel.
Population Patterns (cont.)
– 80% of the Israelis are Jewish.
– Tensions between Arabs and Jews resulted in
six wars.
Ethnic Groups in the
Eastern Mediterranean
Population Patterns (cont.)
• Density and distribution:
– The majority of people live along coastal plains
and in the Euphrates River valley.
– This area has some of the highest population
densities in Southwest Asia.
– This subregion is predominantly urban—more
than 75% of the people in Israel, Jordan, and
Lebanon live in cities.
– Just over 50% in Syria and Palestine live in
History and Government
The eastern Mediterranean is home to three
of the world’s major religions that have
shaped politics and culture there for
• Early civilizations:
– Ebla, Syria
– Damascus, Syria
History and Government (cont.)
• Three major religions that began in this subregion:
– Judaism
– Christianity
– Islam
The Old City of Jerusalem
History and Government (cont.)
• Independence:
– By the late 1800s, Western European powers
controlled large areas in this subregion.
– These countries gained independence around
the time of WWII.
History and Government (cont.)
• Conflict:
– Arab-Israeli conflicts—in the 1948 and 1967
conflicts, victorious Israeli forces occupied
Arab lands.
– The status of Palestinian refugees is an
ongoing dispute.
Israel and Palestine
The eastern Mediterranean’s religions and
languages have influenced its art and
everyday life for centuries.
• Religion—Islam
• Language—Arabic
Culture (cont.)
• Education—most young people attend school, but
literacy rates vary widely.
• Health care—this has improved in recent
• The arts—expression through arts and
architecture; artists and writers found inspiration
in religion.
The Northeast
Religious traditions have
shaped the history of this
The Northeast
A. Turkey
B. Iran
C. Iraq
D. Tehran
E. Mesopotamia
F. Fertile Crescent
G. Persian Empire
Population Patterns
Ethnic diversity and the Muslim religion
have profoundly shaped the population of
the Northeast subregion.
• The people:
– Turks
– Iranians
– Arabs
– Kurds
Ethnic Groups in the Northeast
Population Patterns (cont.)
• Density and distribution:
– The most populous countries are Turkey and
– More than half of these people live in cities.
History and Government
Ancient empires and thriving civilizations
influenced the early history of the Northeast,
which today is being shaped by the oil
industry and relations with the outside
History and Government (cont.)
• Civilizations and empires:
– Mesopotamia—the Sumerian civilization lived
in this area.
– The Phoenician civilization began along the
eastern Mediterranean.
– The Persian Empire extended across the
– The Ottoman Empire was centered in presentday Turkey.
History and Government (cont.)
• The modern era:
– Iraq has experienced periods of turmoil since it
gained independence in 1932.
– Turkey was established as a country in 1923.
– Iranians have experienced political and social
upheavals over the years.
History and Government (cont.)
• The era of oil:
– Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and
Venezuela formed the Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in
order to regulate oil prices.
Religion and language shape everyday life
in the Northeast subregion.
• Language—mostly Arabic; Turkish in Turkey and
Persian in Persia
• Religion—mostly Shia Muslims in Iraq and Iran;
Sunni Muslims in Turkey
Early Civilizations and Empires
Culture (cont.)
• Education—required through grade 6 in Iraq and
grade 8 in Turkey; literacy rates are fairly high.
• Health care—this varies, but is struggling in most
• The arts—early civilizations created sculptures,
fine metalwork, and large buildings; literature is
based on strong oral traditions, epics, and poetry.
The Arabian Peninsula
The desert climate and
coastal regions, along with
the religion of Islam, have
formed today’s Arabian
The Arabian Peninsula
A. Kuwait
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Bahrain
D. Oman
E. Yemen
F. United Arab
G. Qatar
Population Patterns
A shared religion, a common language, and
rapid modernization have formed today’s
Arabian Peninsula.
• Most people in this region are Arabs.
Population Patterns (cont.)
• Density and distribution:
– Bedouin still roam the large Arabian Desert,
but many have migrated to cities.
– Population densities can be high in cities.
– The discovery of oil in the early 1900s led to
increased wealth, modernization, and
immigration in many Arab countries.
The Arabian Peninsula:
Citizens and Foreign Nationals
History and Government
Conquering empires and unified
governments have imposed cultures on the
peoples of the Arabian Peninsula that
remain influential to this day.
• Early cultures and conquests:
– One of the oldest centers of civilization in the
area existed in Yemen between the 1100s B.C.
and the A.D. 500s.
The Spread of Islam
History and Government (cont.)
– The region struggled against invasion by the
Ottoman Empire and others.
– The Unified Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was
established in 1932.
History and Government (cont.)
• Independence:
– Countries throughout the region gained
independence slowly.
– Standards of living vary widely across the
region and even within countries.
Religious beliefs and a common language
influence everyday life on the Arabian
• Religion—Sunni and Shia Muslim
• Language—Arabic
Culture (cont.)
• Education—most young people attend school and
literacy rates are high in certain areas.
• Health care—this varies widely.
• The arts—architecture provides some of the best
examples of art.
• Celebrations—Id al Adha, Ramadan
Central Asia
Central Asia’s geography
and climate have created
challenges for the region
that sits at the crossroads
between continents.
Central Asia
A. Afghanistan
B. Turkmenistan
C. Tajikistan
D. Uzbekistan
E. Armenia
F. Georgia
G. Kazakhstan
Population Patterns
Invasions, domination by numerous
empires, and the rugged landscape have
created challenges for Central Asia.
• The people:
– Pashtun
– Armenians
Population Patterns (cont.)
– Georgians
– Turkic—Uzbeks and Kazakhs
Ethnic Groups in Central Asia
Population Patterns (cont.)
• Density and distribution:
– The population is spread unevenly across its
mountainous terrain.
– Afghanistan, home to 29.9 million people, is
the most populous country in the subregion.
History and Government
The location of Central Asia has left the
region’s people vulnerable to centuries of
invasion and to new challenges in the
modern era.
• Ancient cities/cultures:
– Georgia
– The kingdom of Urartu
– Samarqand
History and Government (cont.)
• Conquests:
– Genghis Khan
– Alexander the Great
– Persians
– Arabs
– Ottoman Turks
– The Russian Empire
The Silk Road
The people of Central Asia share many
cultural characteristics and experiences.
• Language—the majority speak a form of the Turkic
• Religion—Islam, mostly Sunni
Culture (cont.)
• Education—it is universal across this region and
mandatory through secondary schools in a few
• Health care—these are lacking.
• The arts—they have a rich literary history.
Ethnicity and Culture
North Africa, Southwest
Asia, and Central Asia
has been a cultural
crossroads for much of
human history.
The region has two
important cultural
hearths in Mesopotamia
and the Nile Valley.
The region has a large amount of ethnic diversity. Many
customs, languages, and beliefs are represented here.
This diversity of peoples has led to conflict in parts of the
Location and Trade
The region’s fertile rivers and
central location made the land
a valuable resource.
Empires in the region grew
rich from trade. As Europe
grew more skilled at sea
travel, the empires’ powers
grew weaker.
Oil has helped make the
region wealthy again. It has
also led to conflict as
countries fight over the
rights to oil reserves in the
The Importance of Religion
Religion is very important to
the people of North Africa,
Southwest Asia, and Central
It is the birthplace of three
of the world’s major religions:
Judaism, Christianity, and
It is also home to the
holiest sights of these religions. Muslims must make a
pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) in Saudi Arabia. Jerusalem is
the Jewish capital and religious center. Christians also hold
Jerusalem close, because many of Jesus’ acts took place