Chapters 4, 5 & 6 By Cadence Chapter 4 - Ecosystems The Nature of Ecology The Earth's Life-Support Systems Ecosystem Components Energy Flow in Ecosystems Primary Productivity of Ecosystems Soils Matter Cycling in Ecosystems How Do Ecologists Learn About Ecosystems? Back to Bio: A Crap-ton of Definitions - Welcome to your Sophomore Year - back to memorization Admit it, you've all misspelled it - organisms Not to be confused with that-thing-you-lacked-in-high-school - populations - "Totally Spherical, Dude" - interactions in ecosystems - Energy Sources - it doesn't just come from CMP - Energy Movement - it moves through an ecosystem like taco bell. "C'mon, now they're just making up prefixes!" - the biogeochemical cycles Big Fish eat Little Fish - food webs & trophic levels & energy movement - Diversity - Not just important in your college decision - The Dirt on Dirt - your 411 on all things earthy ABC's in Bed) (Acronym: Oh, the Law of Tolerance The existence, abundance and distribution of a species is determined by whether the levels of physical or chemical factors fall within the range tolerated by that species. Limiting Factor Principle Too much or too little of any abiotic factor can limit or prevent growth of a population, even if all other factors are at optimum levels. s/images/lithosphere.gif http://brighterfuturechallenge. com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/05/bios phere.gif on/img/carboncycle.gif http://biologytb.net23.n et/text/chapter36/36im ages/36-02.gif s_diagram.jpg Chapter 5 - Evolution & Biodiversity Origins of Life Evolution & Adaptation Ecological Niches & Adaptation Speciation, Extinction & Biodiversity What is the Future of Evolution? The Land Before Time: Everything is Dead Now - Past, Schmast - what's so great about it anyways? - Evolution and Genetics - you'll feel like a genius after this. "Microwaves, right? No, wait, I swear it started with 'Micro', right?" - micro/macroevolution Last to be picked for every dodgeball team - natural selection Cooperation, but aggressive cooperation - coevolution - I Still Don't Know How to Pronounce Niche - nitch? nesh? quiche? - Change Is Good - how speciation and extinction lead to biodiversity. "You two behave, or I'll separate you!" - speciation Just like zombies, some things are better off left dead - extinction - The fuuuuuuuuture! - has science finally gone too far? probs. mani1.jpg Biologia.jpg http://whsapbiology dnatech.wikispaces .com/file/view/comi c7.gif/32712122/co mic7.gif e/view/genes.gif/836 02113/315x289/gene s.gif rops/ag546-1/helixes3.jpg 04/gmo-protestors.jpg Chapter 6 - Climate & Terrestrial Biodiversity Weather: A Brief Introduction Climate: A Brief Introduction Biomes: Climate and Life on Land Desert Biomes Grassland, Tundra and Chaparral Biomes Forest Biomes Mountain Biomes The Local Weatherman & Travel Agent: Biomes - It's Raining, It's Pouring - this presentation's got me snoring. I'm walking on sunshine - weather Peer pressure - atmospheric pressure systems - Long-Term Relationship - climate & you 4EVA <3 Bad Influence - what influences climate Surf's Up! - oceans It's a gas-tastrophe! - atmosphere gases Candy mountain, Charlie! - topography - There is no pun for Biome - it's like orange, nothing rhymes with it. A horse with no name - desert biomes "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto!" - grassland biomes Make like a tree and leaf - forest biomes Take a hike - mountain biomes mages/Oceanography/surface%20 currents.jpg http://ww w.hurrican escience. org/image s/hss/Nat SnowandI ceDataCe n_global_ circulation .gif /World_OceanFloor_topo_green_br own_1440x720.jpg Thank You!