Geographical area = 3,42,239 sq km Forest area = 32,494 sq km (9.5%) Forest cover= 16,367 sq km (4.8%) Geographical area = 1,96,022 sq km Forest area = 18,999 sq km (9.7%) Forest cover= 15,152 sq km (7.7%) Geographical area = 491sq km Forest area = 204 sq km (45%) Forest cover= 169 sq km (34.1%) AFRI Organizational Chart DIRECTOR CO(F) IT CELL PURCHASE GCR ACCO UNTS Silviculture Forest Ecology Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding Forest Protection Non Wood Forest Products Agroforestry & Extension ESTT. & HINDI SECTIO N PATENS AND PUBLICATIONS SNo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Impact factor <0.5 0.5-1.0 1.0-2.0 2.0-5.0 >5.0 - Nos. of papers India 9 21 0 0 0 335 365 Abroad 10 46 19 20 82 91 194 Total % 19 67 19 20 8 446 559 3 12 3 4 1 76 100 STORE COMPLETED AND ONGOING RESEARCH PROJECTS IN 2013-14 Completed projects by up to 2012-13 Completed projects (2013-14) Ongoing projects ICFRE funded projects Externally aided ongoing projects Externally aided new projects Consultancy : 18 : 08 : 05 : 03 Project concluded during 2004-2014 SNo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Division Forest Ecology Division Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding Division Forest Protection Division Non Wood Forest Product Division Silviculture Division Agroforestry & Extention Division Information Technology Cell Total :93 : 09 : 34 :64 Projects concluded (Nos.) 15 10 11 7 15 5 1 64 REHABILITATION OF DEGRADED HILLS Use of different rainwater harvesting devices and mixed plantation Variables Run-off losses Soil losses Nutrient losses Soil water Soil bulk density Fine earth fraction Soil nutrients (NH4-N, NO3N & PO4-P) Soil carbon Plant growth Herbaceous diversity Regeneration diversity Diversity of fauna Fodder availability Fuelwood availability Trend after work initiation Decreased (by 2% of total rainfall) Decreased (from 3.43 to 0.19 g l-1) Decreased Increased Decreased Increased (greater in higher slope) Increased Decreased in lower slope increased in upper slope Increased Increased (39 to 92 species) Increased (22 to 42 species) Increased Increased Increased and Soil formations stages BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT A total 144 plant species (15 tree species, 17 shrub species, 82 herb species and 30 grasses/ sedges) recorded in Hydrocarbon Project Area of arid Rajasthan. Survey of 123 sacred groves in Rajasthan revealed dominance of 26 tree and 25 shrub species. These are: A. pendula >P. juliflora >Salvadora oleoides> Capparis decidua> P. cineraria>Tectona grandis >Acacia leucophloea >Acacia nilotica>Butea monosperma>Zizyphus rotundifolia. There are 31 sub-types of forest in Rajasthan, where P. juliflora, A. pendula, Acacia tortilis, A. leucophloea, A. senegal, B. monosperma, P. cineraria, C. decidua, D. melanoxylon and M. emarginata were recorded in >10% forest block. Biological invasions P. juliflora of >30 cm, 10-30 cm girth and saplings in varying density were observed in 47.2%, 46.3% and 30.9% sacred groves, whereas L. camara was recorded in 8.9% sacred groves. Invasive species P. juliflora and Lantana camara observed in 36.7% and 7.2% forest block distributed in 32 and 15 district, respectively in Rajasthan forests . P. juliflora has also been reported as new host for 15 species of insects belonging to orders-Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera and Hymenoptera from Rajasthan, India. P. juliflora can be utilized for rearing of cantharidin producing beetles Mylabris species. CLIMATE CHANGE: CARBON IN RAJASTHAN FORESTS Component Above-ground Below-ground Total Live biomass 27.31 16.68 38.98 Herbaceous 0.77 - 0.77 Dead material 1.24 - 1.24 SIC - 142.60 142.60 SOC - 121.60 121.60 Total (million tons) 305.19 REHABILITATION OF STRESS SITES Use of Gypsum (100 % soil GR), FYM and nitrogen enhanced growth (30-70%) depending upon treatments for all the plant species in Rajasthan. FYM + Wheat husk was best for black soil in Gujarat. Application of Phosphorus with FYM enhanced the plant growth and fruit yield in S. Persica. Zinc influenced seed size and no of seed/g were 45 in FYM + K2SO4(50 g K2O) treatment in Acacia ampliceps. There is overall improvement in soil properties (SOC, pH, EC) and biodiversity of the treated areas. Maximum growth and biomass was recorded in E. rudis followed by Corambia tessellaris, E. camaldulensis and E. fastigata. Ground water level receded by 145 cm in E. rudis plot. In C. tessellaris, E. camaldulensis and E. fastigata, water level receded by 90 cm, 70 cm and 60 cm respectively. A. nilotica and T. aphylla showed higher tolerance towards salinity compared to E. camaldulensis. However, under water logging condition at shallow depth E. camaldulensis outperformed others. STUDIES ON TRAITS & DEVELOPMENT OF SEED TESTING PROTOCOLS Studies have been performed to refine and develop seed testing protocols of • A. indica • Acacia nilotica, A. catechu • D. sissoo • E. camaldulensis • P. cineraria • Capparis decidua • Tectona grandis • Salvadora persica • Commiphora wightii • Other medicinal plant species Studies on seeds collected from Seed Stands / SPAs / SSOs / CSOs of important species of Gujarat State has also been taken up. STUDIES ON MEDICINAL PLANTS STANDARDIZATION OF SILVICULTURAL PRACTICES Cassia angustifolia (Senna) Commiphora wightii (Guggal), Aloe vera (Guarpatha), Catharanthus roseus (Sada Bahar), Withania somnifera (Aswagandha), Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi), Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDIES Correct harvesting period prescribed for Calotropis procera, Tribulus rajasthanensis, Pluchea lanceolata. Alkaloid contents were high in summer while steroids were high in winter in C. procera flower. Maximum content of secondary metabolite (sterols-2.65% & alkaloids-8.0%) was from ACZIA (Jaisalmer region). GERMPLASM BANK Established germplasm bank of 150 medicinal plants at AFRI model nursery Screened germplasm (204 sources) & more than 115 Plus plants of Jatropoha curcas for higher seed and oil yield and agri-techniques developed Cassia angustifolia FINDINGS ON GUGGAL PROGRAMMES 21 clonal accessions were selected from Rajasthan and their performance and agritrial laid. Jaipur and Tonk accessions performed best. Germ plasm bank established. Developed low cost macro- and micro-propagation protocol and established field trial. Guidelines were prepared for seed germination and vegetative propagation. Out of 33 districts surveyed in Rajasthan, maximum Guggul population was in Barmer (58 plants/ per ha). So far no male plant was observed. Ethephon (a plant growth regulator) injection gave encouraging results, where Guggul plants are surviving even after three time gum exudations. Application of FYM has helped maintain plant survival. Plants are tapped thrice in four years. Their yield was ranging from 50.0 to 80.0 g per plant and they are surviving. Germplasm of Guggal was characterized by DNA marker studies. PLANTING STOCK IMPROVEMENT Established genetic resources: Selected CPTs, established SPAs, SSOs, CSOs and VMG for Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia nilotica, Tectona grandis and Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Reproductive biology, Oil and Azadirachtin content and fodder value studied for A. indica. Genetic Field Trials: Provenance (A. indica-47 and A. nilotica-31), progeny (A. indica-30, T. undulata-40, Jatropha curcas-116 CPP, Prosopis cineraria-52 and Tectona grandis-28, Melia dubia-24) and clonal (E. camaldulensis-35, D. sissoo-30, Jatripha curcas-185, Commiphora wightii-22) trials established at different locations and evaluated. 0 Demonstration Trials: A large scale field trials of tissue culture raised plants of Dendrocalamus strictus and Bambusa bambos were established and evaluated in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Six bamboo species were also tried for their performance where D. stricus showed maximum survival (77%), followed by B. bambos (58.3), B. valgeris (52.1), B. nutans (35.4) and B. tulda (30). Survial was minimum in D. asper plants (only 2%). Genetic evaluation: Genetics and inheritance of seed and growth traits investigated for western Indian Teak investigated. Twelve elite parents of Tectona grandis were identified. Genetic estimates for pods and germination parameters of khejari were estimated and its inheritance was investigated which was hitherto unknown DNA Marker and Gene Expression: DNA marker studies were carried out on Neem, Guggul, Rohida for studying genetic diversity, clonal fidelity tests and other desired genetic traits. Under gene expression studies, out of nine putative genes identified, three have possible role in abiotic stress physiology (a halophyte- Lepidium sativum). VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION TECHNIQUES Macropropagation Micropropagation A. B. C. D. E. F. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Azadirachta indica Ailanthus excelsa Acacia nilotica Tecomella undulata Dalbergia sissoo Eucalyptus camaldulensis Azadirachta indica Ailanthus excelsa Acacia nilotica Balanites aegyptiaca Commiphora wightii Jatropha curcas Terminalia arjuna GROWTH & YIELD MODELLING AND REGRESSION EQUATIONS Growth and yield models (i.e., volume functions, site index equations, potential density, mortality and basal area projection models) developed for A. indica, E. camaldulensis, D. sissoo, T. undulata, A. nilotica and E. hybrid. Aboveground biomass equation for neem, volume equations for A. tortilis and generalised height-diameter equations for A. indica and Tecomella undulata have also been constructed and validated. Preliminary growth models developed for P. cineraria and A. excelsa trees. Common regression equations have been developed for predicting both above- ground and below-ground biomasses and carbon accounting of trees, shrubs, undershrubs and Euphorbias in Rajasthan. Tree and shrub species based equations have also been developed for Hardwickia binata, C. mopane, P. juliflora, L. pyrotechnica and Calligonum polygonoides for their biomass assessment . i.e., tree above-ground biomass (kg) = 0.181494261*D2.058650773 PHYTOCHEMICAL EVALUATION & VALUE ADDITION OF NTFPs Potential Famine Foods: Bark of Acacia leucophloea, Acacia nilotica and Prosopis cineraria contains 13.7% to 23.1% Crude Protein Leaf protein concentrates: Prepared from Azadirachta indica, Moringa oleifera and Achyranthes aspera Oil extraction: Oil content in Salvadora oleoides seeds ranges from 39.5% to 44.8% and S. persica from 38.4% to 45.3 % in different agro-climatic zones. Neem oil content ranges from 32.4% to 43.2%. Utilization of Lesser Known Timber species: Shelf-life of chemically treated with CCA, 2% and seasoned woods of Prosopis juliflora, Acacia tortilis and Prosopis cineraria has increased and value added products like sofa set, utility box and pen stand etc. have been made from these treated woods. Potentials of Sandal Cultivation: Survey of sandal population in south and eastern Rajasthan indicated presence of its natural stands, where heartwood and oil content varies with place and age ranging from 0.9 to 3.0%. NTFPs: Survey conducted in Udaipur region showed that NTFP contribute 35-40% to the annual income of tribal families. MANAGEMENT OF INSECT PESTS AND DISEASES A check- list of 49 insect species associated with Tecomella undulata has been prepared. A diverse population of 105 species of butterflies and 115 species of moth (Lepidoptera) have been identified from Gir National Park. Besides, a checklist of total 220 species of lepidopteron fauna have also been prepared. Relative resistance of Neem provenances were tested against Patialus tecomella, where Bhaislana and Osian provenances were found the most resistant. Neem provenances from Palanpur and Jhansi exhibited the best resistance against neem weevil, Myllocerus tenuicornis. Beauveria bassiana- a fungus and root decoction of Datura metel have been found very effective against Neem defoliator. Datura metel root extract was also found most effective in controlling the sap-sucking insects and semilooper attack on Mehndi. For rapid composting litter decomposing mycoflora have been isolated and identified. Mycorhizal association About 30- 40% greater growth recorded in VAM inoculated seedlings of Tecomella undulata, Prosopis cineraria, Azadirachta indica and Dalbergia sissoo. Indigenous strains of Glomus fasciculatum and G. aggregatum performed better than non- indigenous strains . Glomus multicaulae and Sclerocystis indica are new records from the region. KHEJRI MORTALITY IN RAJASTHAN AND IT’S CONTROL MEASURES KHEJRI MORTALITY (20-25%) BIOTIC FACTORS Ganoderma lucidum Root borer, Acanthophorous serraticornis Tractorization Indiscriminate lopping ABIOTIC FACTORS Exploitation of water ROOT TREATMENT Root treatment containing Bavistine (0.1%)+ Chloropyriphos (0.1%)+ Agromin ( 2ml/lit) @ 20 lt aqueous suspension per tree quarterly) Depletion in water table Silvicultural Management Alternate Year lopping Two third lopping Young trees should not be lopped AGRI-SILVI AND SILVIPASTURE MODELS FOR DRY AREAS Ailanthus excelsa, Colophospermum mopane, Cordia myxa, Prosopis cineraria, and Zizyphus mauritiana are potential species for farmlands. At 5 years age reduction in wheat yield significantly in P. cineraria: Z. mauritiana combination plots. Canopy removal and root trenching had positive effects on crop and grass production. Out of 9 tree species & grass combinations tried, Zizyphus mauritiana + Cenchrus ciliaris based silvipastoral model was best in arid, frosty and degraded forest lands followed by Ailanthus excelsa + C. ciliaris and Cordia gharaf + C. ciliaris T. undulata + V. radiata Z. mauritiana + C. ciliaris TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPED BY AFRI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Prosopis cineraria based agroforestry for hot arid region of Gujarat and Rajasthan Use of surface vegetation in sand drifts control and sand dune stabilization of hot arid region Rehabilitation of degraded land through seed sowing to increase land productivity and combat desertification Rehabilitation of degraded hills through afforestation and rainwater harvestings Enhancing productivity of arid salt affected soils through afforestation techniques Utilization of wastewater in afforestation to increase aesthetic value and fuelwood supply in suburban areas of desert cities Reclamation/rehabilitation of waterlogged soil in canal command area of IGNP using principle of biodrainage Mulching and weeding for conservation of soil moisture and enhancing plant growth Micro-catchments for plantation establishment Silvipastoral approach for augmenting the fodder availability during lean seasons in arid regions Growth and yield models for some forest plantations in Rajasthan and Gujarat for their sustainable management Isolation and mass multiplication of VAM for improvement of planting stock in forest nurseries Seed germination protocol for Capparis decidua Post harvest treatment and enhancement of germination of seed of Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari (guggal) Development of refined technology for in vitro propagation of Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari (guggal) Development of grafting technique for clonal propagation of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. Optimum harvesting time of important medicinal plants of Rajasthan for their secondary metabolites Protein rich food supplements for desert population FORESTRY RESEARCH PRIORITIES FOR NEXT 20-25 YEARS Thrust Research Activities 1 • Economic impact of desertification and strategies (including sequential restoration) to mitigate it. • Developing package of practices to enhance productivity of degraded lands through multidisciplinary approaches like ecology, silviculture, biofertilizers, genetics including biotechnological tools. • Designing effective mechanism to manage insect pests and diseases associated in forest nurseries, plantations and natural forests. • Studies on nano particles produced either intra- or extracellular and their application. • Phyto-chemical evaluation , value addition and development of packages for various food, NTFPs and medicinal plants. • Survey and study on availability and collection of NWFPs and its role in socio-economic status of local people. 2 • Examining the climate -driven effects of biodiversity on water processing, nutrient cycling and carbon storage. • Endemism and relationships between soil and vegetation diversity. 3 • Studies on impact of increasing CO2 concentration and climate change on seed traits, plant physiology and biological diversity in degraded drylands. • Assessment of pollution load on existing vegetation and designing of green belts in urban areas. 4 • Utilization of genetic variation in different trees species like Prosopis cineraria, Tecomella undulata, Tectona grandis, Anogeissus pendula, Capparis decidua etc in productivity enhancement. • Utilization of clonal forestry in enhancing forest productivity. • Development of state-of-the-art molecular biology lab to carry out research on genetic engineering and molecular characterization etc. 5 • Studies on appropriate extension mechanism and developing better linkages and effective coordination for effective transfer of research outcomes to the end users. • Publications of outreach material for scientific professionals and end users. CASE STUDIES AND EXTENSION Training imparted: About 8928 trainees including farmers, N.G.O.s, S.H.G.s, V.F.P.C. Members, Watershed Cluster Members, Watershed Development Teams, Forest Field Officials, and 324 school children have been exposed to the research finding • Participation in Trade fairs/Exhibition every year • Organized farmers fairs Establishment of VVK • VVK Bichhwal, Bikaner, Rajasthan • VVK Chipardi beedi, Rajkot, Gujarat Publication of extension materials • Newsletter: 01 (Quarterly in Hindi) • Brochures- 50; Proceedings-3; Pamphlets-25 Demo Village: Technology package like live fencing, pasture development, Rainwater harvesting etc demonstrated at Demo village Salavas, JodhpurdeTec WEB portal: A bilingual web application of the 160 important plants species developed and hosted on the web server at URL Direct to Consumer: Some successful programme have been taken to field functionaries through training, workshop and field visits/demonstration under this scheme. Thank you