Rubbercrete Analysis of the physical and mechanical properties and durability Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Carlo Marano, Politecnico di Bari Dott. Ing. Cesare Marti Ph. D., Politecnico di Bari p.i. Marcello Molfetta, Italcementi Group – Laboratorio di Mesagne (BR) Ing. Valentina Sammarco, Libero Professionista ABSTRACT The build up and disposal of waste tyres is an important problem in the world and it poses a threat to human health and increases environmental risks. According to some estimation, in 2010 the European Union (EU) was faced with the challenge of managing more than 3.3 million tones of used tyres; without considering any used tyres dumped or stockpiled illegally. The problem is worse for less developed countries which do not have any resources to dispose of waste tyres in a safe and effective way. Therefore it is in the best interest of everyone to develop a safe and sustainable way of disposing waste tyres. The following research report analyses the characteristic of light “alternative” concrete, the «rubbercrete», characterized by the presence of rubber particles deriving from waste tyres in substitution of a percentage of ordinary aggregates with a variable rate from 0% to 75%, analyzing in addition to the main physics and mechanical characteristics (such as compressive strength, flexural strength, elastic dynamic and secant modulus, the Poisson’s ratio, shrinkage, toughness and thermical properties) durability, too. Not being previously examined, it is important to test on durability (such as sulphate and chloride etching, freeze thaw resistance and water absorption) in function of aggregate substitution ratio. The main objective is to observe the rubber influence in cement matrix and its behavior in diverse exposures (wet environment, rich in sulphate and chloride ions or with high thermical range). INTRODUCTION Waste tyres management is an important challenge because the rubber is not biodegradable, so the recycle represent an alternative (Guneyisi et al. 2004). The recycled rubber from tires is currently used in various fields and for some specific applications. At first it is used as a fuel (low specific heat) in cement kilns, as feedstock for the manufacture of carbon black, or chopped into particles of small size, it is used as "artificial sand" or as feedstock for the realization of artificial reefs in marine environment (Siddique e Naik,2004). Additional uses may include the creation of artifacts for playgrounds, road safety barriers, guardrails, noise barriers and asphalt paving mixtures (Toutanji, 1996). During the last two decades, researches have focused on the use of the rubber from discarded tyres as aggregate in concrete mixtures (Ganjian et all. 2009, Eldin e Senouci 1993, Toutanji ottobre 13 1 1996, Khatib e Bayomy 1999, Siddique e Naik 2004, Batayneh et al 2008, Aiello e Leuzzi 2010 e Najim e Hall, 2010). The rubber obtained from the recycling of waste tyres, in fact, is a promising material with some interesting applications in the construction industry for its lightness, elasticity, absorption capacity of energy, acoustic and thermal insulation. In this paper we’ll describe the results of a research aimed to analyze in full the characteristics of these concrete mixtures through a wide series of tests developed at the research laboratory of Italcementi in Mesagne (BR). THE EXPERIMENTATION In general, the experimentation can be divided into two parts, one referring to the study of the physical - mechanical characteristics of the mixtures, and one referring to the durability of the same subject to various attacks. In the study of the durability a set of mixtures of additived cement conglomerates have been analyzed, containing rubber particles deriving from waste tyres in substitution of a quantity of ordinary aggregates in percentages varying from 0% to 75%, formed on the volume of aggregate obtained from the mix design of mixtures: in particular, we will refer to a reference mixture, called «mix TQ» containing zero percentage of aggregates of rubber, and a set of mixtures called «mix "X %"» in which the only variable is the percentage of rubber. Table 1 shows the composition of the various mixtures analyzed: mix TQ mix 10% mix 20% mix 30% mix 40% mix 50% mix 75% 1635,5 1292 1117 924 761 632 272 0 70 130 182 233 289 359 310 380 380 380 380 380 380 Superfluidizing 4 4 4 2,91 4,16 4 4 Aer-entraining agent - 0,023 0,013 0,008 0,008 0,0048 0,0030 Water 190 195 185 180 170 160 140 Entrained air 55 100 125 160 190 200 300 2137 1939,5 1815 1669 1545 1463 1154 Mixtures Sand 0÷4mm Rubber 2÷4mm 42,5 II-A/LL Theorical density Table 1 – The composition mixtures, in [kg/m3]. The main physical-mechanical characteristics analyzed were the compressive strength, the flexural strength, elastic dynamic and secant modulus, the Poisson ratio, the shrinkage, the ductility, the thermal properties. Figure 1 shows an outline of all the properties analyzed. ottobre 13 2 FRESH STATE HARDENED STATE DURABILITY • Density • Consistency • Air content • Compressive strength • Flexural strength • Poisson ratio • Elastic dynamic modulus • Elastic secant modulus • Shrinkage • Ductility • Thermal properties • Freeze thaw resistance • Sulphate etching • Chloride etching • Water absorption Figure 1 - List of properties analyzed in the fresh state and hardened state and for the analysis of durability. CHARACTERISTICS OF MATERIALS The cement used is 42.5 R II-A/LL, Portland cement with limestone. For stone aggregates was used the only fine component , that calcareous sand ranging in size from 0 to 4 mm, already known by the abbreviation “Sand 0 ÷ 4 mm.” The aggregates used in rubber, as a partial replacement of the aggregate stone, are of the type G1-1 (grain size ranging between 2 mm and 4 mm) and they are obtained by mechanical grinding of used tyres from trucks. Figure 2 shows the aggregates of rubber used in the preparation of the mixture. ottobre 13 3 Figure 2 – Rubber granules used. In all the mixtures was used a super fluidizing, high power water reduction and long workability, for concrete with low slump loss, suitable for all types of cement. These types of additives have four main benefits on the concrete mix: 1. Encouraging strong workability with any kind of cement, preferably the pozzolanic one; 2. Having a high degree of water reduction; 3. Improving the yield of the mixture; 4. Lowering the content in air. In addition, we used an air-entraining agent, which has allowed an increase in Freeze thaw resistance and de-icing salts through the introduction of air microbubbles evenly distributed throughout the cement paste. FRESH STATE The density of the fresh mixture (UNI EN 12350-6), monitored for time intervals of 0 ', 30' and 60 ', has shown a reduction of the same, in the various mix increases the quantity of rubber. In the diagram shown in Figure 3 we report the change. 2400 kg/m3 1900 0' 1400 30' 60' 900 Mixtures Figure 3 - Variation in density as a function of the amount of rubber. Fresh state 0 ', 30', 60 '. ottobre 13 4 Spreading [cm] From the point of view of workability (UNI EN 11041) was obtained a slump-flow> S5. It is necessary to highlight that the presence of the rubber reduces the workability of the mixtures: the phenomenon is evident by comparing the consistency of the mix 10% and 20% with that of mix 50% and 75% (the observed reduction varies from 15% to 25%). Figure 4 analyzes the change of the consistency on the varying of the rubber percentage: 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 consistenza 0' consistenza 30' consistenza 60' mixtures Figure 4 - Change in consistency depending on the quantity of rubber The air content (UNI EN 12350-7) influences the workability of the mixture, the density and its resistance. The latter increases with the quantity of rubber used. In Figure 5 is shown the percentage of air on the varying of the percentage of replacement of rubber inside the mixtures: Figure 5 - Variation of the air content in function of the type of mixture analyzed It is evident as the percentage of air increases as the quantity of rubber used. Mixtures with substitutions at 50% and 75% of rubber have equal values to 2.5 times and 5 times the quantity of air in the mix TQ. HARDENED STATE The Compressive strength (EN 12390-3) decreases with the increasing amount of rubber. Below, the results obtained from the test of resistance to compression, in function of the ottobre 13 5 percentage of rubber, for aging times of 7, 28 and 60 days, Figure 6, and in function of time, Figure 7: Compressive strength [MPa] 60 50 40 30 7gg 20 28gg 10 60gg 0 Mixtures Figure 6 - Variation of Compressive strength increases as the percentage of rubber. Curing time: 7, 28 and 60 days. 35,00 Compressive strength [Mpa] 30,00 25,00 mix TQ mix 10% 20,00 mix 20% 15,00 mix 30% mix 40% 10,00 mix 50% mix 75% 5,00 0,00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time [days] Figure 7 - Variation of Compressive strength as function of time. In particular, it is evident the worsening of compressive strength due to the replacement of ordinary aggregates with those rubber: hence the limitation in the scope of rubbercrete applications to non-structural types. However, it is important to note that varying percentages up to 15%, the material takes on a very similar behavior to the concrete reference: the values of compressive strength are very ottobre 13 6 close. We report in Figure 8 the variation of compressive strength as function of density. Compressive strength [Mpa] 60 50 40 7 gg 30 28 gg 20 60 gg 10 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 Density 1800 2000 2200 [kg/m3] Figure 8 - Variation of Compressive strength as function of density. Hardened state: 7, 28 and 60 days. For Flexural strength (UNI EN 12390-5) (60 days) there is an evident reduction in the increase of the quantity of rubber used, (Figure 9). Flexural strength [MPa] 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mixtures Figure 9 – Variation of flexural strength as function of quantity of rubber used. The elastic dynamic modulus (UNI 9524) calculated through a value of Poisson's ratio equal to 0.25, shows its variation increasing the percentage of rubber, for aging times of 7, 28 and 60 days (Figure 10). It is evident that with the increasing of the rubber, the modulus of elasticity is reduced substantially: the reduction ranging is from 42% (20% mix) to 82% (75% mix) because the MED of the rubber itself is lower than the one of the mix TQ and this contributes to the reduction of the MED in rubbercrete proportionally to the quantity of ordinary aggregate replaced. In the test, in fact, the rubber acts as a barrier against the ultrasonic waves, thereby leading to the increase of the crossing time of the specimen and consequently to the reduction of the MED. ottobre 13 7 30 25 MED [GPa] 20 15 7gg 28gg 10 >28gg 5 0 Mixtures Figure 10 - Variation of the MED increases as the percentage of rubber. In the diagrams shown in Figure 11, the variation of the MED in function of the density in the hardened state is reported, for aging times of 7 and 28 days and in Figure 12 the MED in function of time. 35 30 MED [Gpa] 25 20 7gg 15 28gg 10 5 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 Density 1800 2000 2200 [kg/m3] Figure 11 – Variation of the MED in function of the density in the hardened state, 7 and 28 days. ottobre 13 8 30,00 25,00 MED [Gpa] 20,00 mix TQ mix 10% mix 20% 15,00 mix 30% mix 40% 10,00 mix 50% mix 75% 5,00 0,00 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 time [days] Figure 12 - Variation of the MED in function of time The calculation of the MED through the Erudite (UNI 9771), a tool whose purpose is to determine, in a non destructive way, the resonance frequencies of longitudinal, torsional and flexural that will allow us to obtain a more realistic value of the elastic dynamic modulus, has not returned significant changes compared to the results obtained with the calculation of the MED through the ultrasound testi. The Secant Modulus (UNI 6556) also in this case decreases with the increasing of the quantity of rubber (Figure 13): 25 MES [GPa] 60 days 20 15 10 5 0 Miscela Figure 13 - MES. State hardened, 60 days ottobre 13 9 A high elastic modulus is searched when you need low distortion, while a low elastic modulus gives "flexibility." It is therefore clear that "flexibility" increases as the quantity of rubber in the mixture. Below MES related to the mass density [kg/m3], Figure 14: 25 MES [GPa] 28 days 20 15 10 5 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 Density 1800 2000 2200 [kg/m3] Figure 14 – Changes of the MES function of density in the hardened state, 28 days. In reference to the shrinkage (UNI 6687-73), all mixtures have a lower shrinkage to the mix TQ in the first week, Figure 15: tempo [giorni] 1 2 7 14 21 28 0 -200 mix TQ Shrinkage [mm/m] -400 mix 10% -600 mix 20% -800 mix 30% -1000 mix 40% -1200 mix 50% mix 75% -1400 -1600 -1800 Figure 15 – Shrinkage T=20°C, U.R.=50% The mix 75% is the most subjected to this phenomenon as the same quantity of cement, there is less amount of ordinary aggregate (which contrasts the shrinkage) which involves a decrease in the aggregate/cement ratio and consequently there is the accentuation of the phenomenon. Then, focusing on weight loss, Figure 16: ottobre 13 10 tempo [giorni] 1 2 7 14 21 28 0,00% -1,00% mix TQ weight loss [%] -2,00% mix 10% mix 20% -3,00% mix 30% mix 40% -4,00% mix 50% -5,00% mix 75% -6,00% -7,00% Figure 16 - Weight loss in time. T=20°C, U.R.=50% the mix 75% is also the mixture that has less weight loss between all mixtures analyzed (approximately equal to 45% compared to the mix TQ), in fact it has the lowest water/cement ratio. From the analysis of the load-deflection diagram, Figure 17, in the flexural test with 4 load points for the analysis of the ductility (ASTM C 1018-97), it is clear that increasing of the rubber the ultimate load is reduced (as already observed for the compressive strength and flexural strength), the behavior of the sample is not brittle type (as in the case of the mix TQ) but tends to take a behavior of ductile type: they have large deformation under stress, especially for percentages of rubber greater than 30%. This gives the rubbercrete good ductility. Figure 17 – Load-deflection curve: complete diagram. ottobre 13 11 With regard to the thermal conductivity (UNI EN 12664), if we analyze such property in relation to the percentage of rubber contained in the mix, there is a decay of the same with the rubber increasing, Figure 18: Thermal conductivity [W/mK] 1,40 1,20 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 mixtures Figure 18 – Variation of the thermal conductivity as a function of the percentage of rubber. Thermal Conductivity [W/mK] The combined action of air and rubber creates a discreet thermal insulation that prevents the transport of heat. If we analyze such properties in relation to density in the hardened state, we can note an increase of the thermal conductivity with the density increasing (Figure 19): the increase of density corresponds to a more compact structure, so to a reduction of its porosity. 1,40 1,20 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Density [kg/m3] Figure 19 – Variation of conductivity as function of density. State hardened, 60 days. DURABILITY The results obtained by subjecting the samples to freeze-thaw cycles (UNI EN 12390-9) shows that the tyre has no influence on the strength of rubbercrete, in locations subject to extreme temperature changes. None of the specimens of the mixtures tested has shown, at the end of the cycle, variations in terms of mass with the exception of the mix TQ that, even if in small quantities, has found a slight flaking surface, Figure 20: ottobre 13 12 Figure 20 - Freeze thaw resistance: mix TQ The total weight of scales per unit area, of the mix TQ, is equal to 0.036 kg/m2; for all the others it is null. In reference to the test concerning the resistance of rubbercrete to Sulphatic attack (CEN/TR 15697) it is evident that, all the blends have lower compressive strength compared to the normal condition, consequently they are all vulnerable to attack by sulphate ions, Figure 21. 40,00 35,00 Rc [MPa] 30,00 25,00 20,00 15,00 Rc rif 10,00 Rc SO4= 5,00 0,00 mixtures Figure 21 – Comparison between the compressive strengths of the specimens immersed in solution with those of the specimens in normal conditions ottobre 13 13 mixtures 0,00 Rc [MPa] -5,00 -10,00 -15,00 -20,00 -25,00 -30,00 Figure 22 – Loss of compressive strength The diagram in Figure 22 shows the loss of compressive strength, in function of the replacement percentage. The presence of the rubber has a beneficial effect on the resistance to penetration by chloride ions (Nordtest Method ISSN 0283-7153), in percentages lower than 60% (Figure 23): 7,00E-11 diffusion coefficient [m2/s] 6,00E-11 5,00E-11 4,00E-11 3,00E-11 2,00E-11 1,00E-11 0,00E+00 Mixtures Figure 23 - Variation of the diffusion coefficient of chloride ions to varying the percentage of rubber. The coefficient of penetration is reduced by 10%, 30% and 60% (maximum reduction) in reference to mixtures containing, respectively, 10%, 20% and 30% of rubber. After passing the latter proportion of rubber it increases the vulnerability, while remaining lower than the mix TQ one. For values of rubber higher than 50%, finally, the resistance worsens significantly: the penetration of ions is greater than the mix TQ one. As known, the resistance to chloride ions is influenced by the water/cement ratio: the higher the ratio, the higher the ottobre 13 14 porosity of the cement matrix. Because the water/cement ratios decrease as the percentage of rubber increases, one would expect a reduction of the porosity but, exceeded 50% of aggregate in rubber, rubber-cement matrix interface provides, probably, a preferential path to permeation of ions chloride inside. The analysis of the results obtained from the test concerning the absorption of water by capillarity (NORMAL 11/85) shows that all the blends have an absorption (Figure 24), so an absorption coefficient (Figure 25), lower than the mix TQ one with the exception of the mix 20%: 3,5 Total Absorption [%] 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 Total Absorption 1,0 Rif. 0,5 0,0 mixtures Figure 24 - Total absorption to varying the percentage of rubber. Capillary absorption coefficient [g/(cm2* s1/2)] 0,000014 0,000012 0,00001 0,000008 0,000006 Absorption coefficient 0,000004 Rif. 0,000002 0 mixtures Figure 25 – Change in Capillary absorption coefficient as a function of the percentage of rubber More tests are needed to analyze the behavior of this mix. ottobre 13 15 CONCLUSIONS It should be noted that all the laws of interpolation obtained are usefull for the same amount of cement and initial workability (slump-flow> 50 cm). In the light of the results obtained it is possible to affirm the existence of merit that the mixture could be used in some specific applications of non-structural field as in the case of insulating screeds, light brickwork (very useful in cases where you do not want to burden with the structural weight), curtain walls and filling materials, all applications can be used in environments subject to extreme temperature, aggressive environments containing chloride ions, paying greater attention to the presence of sulfate ions. It is important to remember that these materials are highly deformable and therefore allow a good energy dissipation and high ductility. Not least the sustainability of the product is, in accordance with the regulatory criteria for the manufacture of concrete with aggregates from PFU. ottobre 13 16