Grafisk profilmanual (REVIDERAD DEC. 2014) Den grafiska profilmanualens uppgift FÖRORD 2 INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING2 LOGOTYP3 East Swedens visuella identitet är framtagen för att visa att vi finns, vad vi erbjuder och vad vi står för. Den ska ge allmänheten en bild av oss som överensstämmer med vår egen vision och våra egna löften. Vår visuella identitet omfattar logotyp, typografi, färgpalett, grafiskt element och bildmanér. Med tydliga riktlinjer för alla delar kan East Sweden lättare agera på ett tydligt och enhetligt vis, och på så sätt bidra till att göra East Sweden lättare att identifiera i det mediala bruset. Manualen är till för att underlätta arbetet såväl internt som för formgivare, tidningar, tryckerier och externa byråer. Genom att följa den säkrar vi kvaliteten på våra produktioner. Utgå alltid från denna manual och de framtagna original och mallar som finns vid all grafisk produktion. Om du har frågor kring vår visuella identitet, kontakta: Heléne Bäckström, Region Östergötland,, 0705-54 56 34 Varianter4 Frizon5 Minsta tillåtna storlek6 Placering7 IDENTITETSFÄRGER8 TYPOGRAFI9 GRAFISKT ELEMENT10 FOTOGRAFI11 Dos and don’ts12 TILLÄMPNINGSEXEMPEL13 Annons14 Broschyr15 Mera broschyr16 Ännu mera broschyr17 Mässmonter18 Mera mässmonter19 Rollup20 FÖRORD EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 2 Logotyp INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING Ordet logotyp syftar till ett märke, fristående eller tillsammans med en ordbild som representerar ett företag eller en organisation. Ursprungligen kommer ordet från grekiskan och betyder ordbild. East Swedens logotyp är alltså en logotyp i dess mest ursprungliga mening. En enkel och tydlig ordbild utan någon tillhörande symbol, men med en detalj (bokstaven A i East som har en liggande placering) som sticker ut och gör logotypen unik. Genom detta grepp får logotypen en riktning som andas framåtanda och man kan även läsa in värdeord som tillväxt och entreprenörsanda. Tagg-logotyp på magenta-platta. LOGOTYP EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 3 Logotyp, varianter INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING Ordet logotyp syftar till ett märke, fristående eller tillsammans med en ordbild som representerar ett företag eller en organisation. Ursprungligen kommer ordet från grekiskan och betyder ordbild. Förstahandsvalet. Tagg-logotyp på magenta-platta. Får placeras fritt eller utfallande åt höger (se tillämpningsexempel). Versionen har en semitransparent bakgrundsplatta vilket gör att den lämpar sig extra bra att placera på fotografier. Andrahandsvalet. Tagg-logotyp på svart platta. Får placeras fritt eller utfallande åt höger (se tillämpningsexempel). Versionen har en opak, icke-transparent, bakgrund. Tredjehandsvalet. Svart, positiv logotyp. Får placeras fritt. Lämpar sig bra där många aktörer med logotyper finns representerade. Fjärdehandsvalet. Vit, negativ logotyp. Får placeras fritt. Lämpar sig bra där många aktörer med logotyper finns representerade och där bakgrunden är mörk. LOGOTYP > VARIANTER East Swedens logotyp är alltså en logotyp i dess mest ursprungliga mening. En enkel och tydlig ordbild utan någon tillhörande symbol, men med en detalj (bokstaven A i East som har en liggande placering) som sticker ut och gör logotypen unik. Genom detta grepp får logotypen en riktning som andas framåtanda och man kan även läsa in värdeord som tillväxt och entreprenörsanda. EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 4 Logotyp, frizon INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING Logotypen ska placeras så att den uppfattas så tydligt som möjligt. Runt logotypen ska alltid finnas en frizon, där inga andra grafiska element, bilder eller texter får placeras. Tilläggen webbadress och telefonnummer är undantagna. Logotypens frizon kan vara större än angivna mått. Frizonen baseras på höjden av en av logotypens bokstäver, av denna höjd görs en kvadrat, som i bilden anges som ett X. Logotypens frizon Logotypen ska placeras så att den uppfattas så tydligt som möjligt. Runt logotypen ska alltid finnas en frizon, där inga andra grafiska element, bilder eller texter får placeras. Tilläggen webbadress och telefonnummer är undantagna. Logotypens frizon kan vara större än angivna mått. Frizonen baseras på höjden av en av logotypens bokstäver, av denna höjd görs en kvadrat, som i bilden anges som ett X. Minst ett X runtom logotypen ska lämnas fria. Detta gäller även tagg-logotypen. X är ett proportionerligt mått och fungerar oavsett vilken storlek logotypen återges i. Minst ett X runtom logotypen ska lämnas fria. Detta gäller även logotyp med tillägg. X är ett proportionerligt mått och fungerar oavsett vilken storlek logotypen återges i. V isu ell i den ti tet – R i ktli n jeR · 8 LOGOTYP > FRIZON EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 5 Logotyp, minsta tillåtna storlek INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING Minsta tillåtna storlek för East Swedens logotyp är 20 respektive 15 millimeters bredd, beroende på om det är tagglogotypen som avses eller ej. 20 mm 15 mm LOGOTYP > MINSTA TILLÅTNA STORLEK EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 6 Logotyp, placering INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING Tagg-logotyp när East Sweden är delavsändare. Notera: får placeras fritt, behöver ej ligga i högerkant. Logotypens samtliga versioner får användas. Utfallande tagg-logotyp när East Sweden är ensam avsändare. Notera: alltid i högerkant, och den högra delen av T:ets ”överliggare” ligger utanför marginalen eftersom T:ets vertikala linje linjerar med N:ets. LOGOTYP > PLACERING Svart, positiv logotyp när East Sweden är ensam avsändare. Notera: alltid i högerkant, och den högra delen av T:ets ”överliggare” ligger utanför marginalen eftersom T:ets vertikala linje linjerar med N:ets. Svart, positiv logotyp när East Sweden är delavsändare. Notera: får placeras fritt, behöver ej ligga i högerkant. Logotypens samtliga versioner får användas. EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 7 Identitetsfärger INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING East Swedens färgpalett är uppdelad i en primär (magenta, röd och rosa) samt en sekundär del. Pantone®: 1795 C CMYK: C10 M100 Y100 K0 RGB: R224 G0 B24 HEX: #e00018 RAL: 030 50 60 Pantone®: Rubine Red C CMYK: C0 M100 Y20 K0 RGB: R223 G0 B101 HEX: #df0065 RAL: 010 50 53 Pantone®: 2747 C CMYK: C100 M85 Y0 K13 RGB: R16 G45 B124 HEX: #102d7c RAL 290 20 35 IDENTITETSFÄRGER Där East Sweden är huvudavsändare används de primära färgerna främst. De sekundära får en stödfunktion i större produktioner, där vissa tonplattor och delar av diagram kan färgas in i dessa. Färgerna ska alltid återges i 100%. Pantone®: 223 C CMYK: C0 M46 Y0 K0 RGB: R237 G141 B187 HEX: #ed8dbb RAL: 340 70 35 Pantone®: 304 C CMYK: C30 M0 Y10 K0 RGB: R190 G226 B233 HEX: #bee2e9 RAL 210 80 25 Pantone®: Yellow C CMYK: C0 M0 Y100 K0 RGB: R255 G240 B0 HEX: #fff000 RAL 090 80 90 Pantone®: 368 C CMYK: C59 M0 Y100 K0 RGB: R106 G181 B44 HEX: #6ab52c RAL 120 70 75 EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 8 Typografi INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890 Rubriktypsnitt Chambers Regular, Regular Italic, Medium, Medium Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Black och Black Italic. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890 Brödtypsnitt Farnhamn Regular, Regular Italic och Bold Typsnitt för digitala medier och Officemallar Arial Regular, Regular Italic, Bold och Bold Italic. TYPOGRAFI ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890 East Swedens profilerande rubriktypsnitt är Chambers, tecknad av Verena Gerlach 2008. Det finns även som webbtypsnitt som med fördel kan användas på hemsidan. East Swedens profilerande brödtypsnitt för längre löpande texter är Farnham, ett robust antikva tecknad av Christian Schwartz 2004. För att använda Chambers och Farnham krävs typsnittslicens. Typsnittet används i produktioner som skapas i Adobe InDesign. Dokument med typsnittet ska sparas som pdf om de distribueras vidare digitalt. East Swedens typsnitt för digitala medier och Officemallar är Arial. Det tillhör Officepaketets grunduppsättning och är därför installerade i datormiljöer utan att licens krävs. Att använda detta typsnitt minimerar risken för typsnittskrångel i till exempel MS Word och MS Powerpoint. AB C D E F G H I J K LM N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Å Ä Ö abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890 EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 9 Grafiskt element INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING För att stödja logotypen i East Swedens visuella identitet finns ett grafiskt element: Vimpelmönstret. Det grafiska elementet bygger på logotypen och finns i flera färgställningar. Ambitionen har varit att skapa ett mönster som upplevs som nutida men som även fångar upp dåtida designsignaler som kan påminna om klassisk 50-tals design. På så sätt skapar vi ett grafiskt element som inte riskerar att slitas ut eller bli daterat. Det grafiska elementets uppgift är att vara varumärksbyggande men det ska användas sparsmakat och enbart när den tillför en extra dimension. Tänk gärna på det gamla ordspråket ”Man ser inte skogen för alla träd” och följ de visuella exempel och rekommenderade kombinationer som presenteras i manualen. GRAFISKT ELEMENT EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 10 Fotografi INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING Följande tumregler gällande fotografi bör tas i beaktande av formgivare och fotografer som anlitas av East Sweden: • • • • Eftersträva att vara ”dokumentär” dvs gestalta riktiga människor och riktiga miljöer. Det dokumentära kan innebära att vara avslappnad och utan poser. Det behöver inte gestaltas skitigt för att få en dokumentär känsla. Gärna föremål och människor i rörelse. Kan vara bilder som fryser ögonblicket eller med oskärpa. Signalerar energi, vitalitet och möjligheter. Komplettera gärna med någon abstrakt detaljbild som inte är direkt föreställande. Man kan ana motivet. Skapar tankar och dynamik. Stockbilder bör bara användas som ett komplement i absoluta undantagsfall vi eftersträvar alltid autencitet i största möjliga mån. Studera gärna våra dos and don’ts på följande sida för fördjupad insikt. FOTOGRAFI EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 11 Fotografi, dos and don’ts INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING Vid porträttfotografering; fånga stunden och situationen - gärna med rörelseoskärpa och litet skärpedjup för att förstärka autenciteten och närvaron. Undvik uttryck som känns allt för uppställda, strama och arrangerade. Undvik dessutom studiofotografi och frilagda porträttbider. Ibland tvingas vi använda stockbilder av budget- eller tidsskäl. Beskär då gärna bilden tight så den blir mer abstrakt och konceptuell och därmed uppfattas som mer autentisk. Korrigera ljus, kontraster och färger så den harmonierar med produktionens övriga fotografiska material. Tänk också på att geografiska och tekniska detaljer ska vara trovärdiga - vi har t.ex. inga tunnelperronger eller höghastighetståg i regionen (ännu). Fånga intressanta geografiska detaljer för att förstärka den regionala närvaron. Undvik bilder som är direkt missvisande eller ej trovärdiga rent geografiskt. Big Ben är jättevacker, men finns knappast i Skänninge. När vi beskriver våra profilområden, till exempel forskning och cleantech, gör vi det hellre med en extrem närbild av en teknisk funktion än en arrangerad porträttbild i en labbmiljö. Tänk dynamik och trovärdighet. FOTOGRAFI > DOS AND DON’TS EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 12 Tillämpningsexempel TILLÄMPNINGSEXEMPEL INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 13 Tillämpningsexempel, annons INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING Investera i East Sweden Regionen växer Ostlänken Den nya järnvägen är en stor investering som betyder nya möjligheter. Med nya dubbelspår mot Stockholmsregionen blir vårt läge ännu mera attraktivt och satsningen blir en hävstång för investeringar i vår region. Innovative. Inspiring. International. Hållbara Vallastaden Här byggs en helt ny stadsdel, Vallastaden, med social hållbarhet som utgångspunkt. Sommaren 2017 invigs ett bo- och samhällsexpo i stadsdelen. Möjligheter för investeringar på både kort och lång sikt! East Sweden, comprising the towns of Linköping and Norrköping as power houses, is an expansive knowledge and innovations region with many international companies, leading research and high class programmes at Linköping University. East Sweden has one of the best logistics locations in Sweden with 170 000 jobs within a commuting distance of 45 minutes. Ge vardagen nya möjligheter! Are you interested in new career opportunities and an easier way of life? Career East Sweden is a career network comprising of companies and organisations located in the region. Together we work to recruit for the region’s growing job market. Vattennära Saltängen I centrala Norrköping ska inre hamnen förvandlas till attraktiv innerstad med stora kvaliteter i form av närhet till vatten, grönska och kommunikationer. Välkommen att ta del av spännande investeringsmöjligheter inom bostäder, service och handel. East Sweden, med universitetsstäderna Linköping och Norrköping i centrum, är Sveriges fjärde storstadsregion. Här kan både människor och företag växa i en inspirerande miljö som erbjuder högklassiga utbildningar, framstående forskning, starkt näringsliv, attraktiva boendealternativ, enastående naturvärden och rikt kulturliv – och alltid plats för fler människor och företag som vill växa och utvecklas. Vill du hitta nya utmaningar i karriären och en bättre balans i livet mellan arbete och allt det där andra du vill hinna med? Titta närmare på vår region, och vad vi kan erbjuda för karriärmöjligheter och drömboenden. Här finns närheten - och en mångfacetterad mix av spännande arbetsgivare, cityliv, sköna naturäventyr och färgstarkt idrotts- och kulturliv. Här formar du livet som du vill, med boende i stan, på landet eller i skärgården. Eller någonstans däremellan. Vad du än väljer, slipper du slösa timmar i bilköer. Mer tid för livet, helt enkelt. 148*210 mm TILLÄMPNINGSEXEMPEL > ANNONS 210*280 mm 216*303 mm EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 14 Tillämpningsexempel, broschyr INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING East Sweden Business Solutions Effective logistics Welcome to East Sweden: a business environment with growth factor Right location Right driving force Right resources + Right solutions Lucrative investments What do global industrial companies like Siemens, Ericsson, Toyota, Saab and Väderstadverken have in common with market leading retailers such as Stadium, Ö&B and Rusta? Well, every single one has chosen to invest in a region which offers one of Scandinavia’s strongest logistics locations and a growth factor of the highest class. We don’t know which branch you represent or which market you want to tap into. But if you are interested in a location that gives you optimal proximity to Swedish, Scandinavian or Eastern European markets, then we have the answer: East Sweden. Are you looking for optimal solutions for growth in Sweden, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe or the world? Welcome to East Sweden. TRONDHEIM ÖSTERSUND MORA ÅBO GÄVLE HELSINGFORS OSLO ÖREBRO STOCKHOLM GÖTEBORG JÖNKÖPING ÅRHUS TALLINN EAST SWEDEN RIGA MALMÖ KÖPENHAMN 300 KM VILNIUS HAMBURG AMSTERDAM BERLIN 600 KM WARSZAWA Location Driving fource Resources Solutions East Sweden, Sweden’s fourth largest big city region, is strategically located on Sweden’s Baltic Sea coast, just a few kilometres from the demographic heart of the country and a mere 500 kilometres from Riga. In addition to the exceptionally good location you also have the advantage of two equally-sized towns that together form the centre of the region. Together, they contribute to a multi-facetted and dynamic region characterised by quality of life, innovation and a positive business climate. East Sweden is an expansive and innovative region which is at the forefront of environmental technology, aviation technology, visualisation and logistics. Traditionally, we are very strong within industry and IT with a number of major global companies located in the region. All this, hand in hand with Linköping University, science parks, incubators and growth environments are examples of the driving force which characterises the region. A driving force that makes East Sweden attractive to people, companies and investors who value an innovative, inspiring and international environment. A strong industrial tradition in the region has contributed to a complete range of service companies and specialists who support all parts in a company’s value chain. Developed infrastructure, proximity to all modes of transport and a complete logistics cluster all contribute to a cost-effective flow. In addition, the region is affluent in cutting edge research within numerous key areas as well as having good access to a pool of highly qualified professionals. Local and regional networks for competence development facilitate business relocations. What is crucial for your company? Proximity to a container terminal or perhaps to a branch cluster? Cooperation with research teams or innovative technology companies? Strategic logistics planning? Or everything rolled into one? In East Sweden, trade and industry, the university and municipalities cooperate to help you find the optimal solutions for long-term, lucrative investments. You can reach us at Effective logistics Geographical and demographical location Two reasons to choose East Sweden: ”Time-to-market” and ”just-in-time” It is no secret that effective logistics strengthen competitiveness. Neither is it a secret that East Sweden is ranked as one of Sweden’s two foremost logistics regions, and the clear leader on the country’s east coast. With our strategic location in Sweden and with excellent connections to Eastern Europe, East Sweden is a natural link to boundless opportunities. Local to global. From small to large markets. From visions to real growth. Competence development, innovation and sustainability • East Sweden is located on the Baltic coast just south of Stockholm • Forms parts of the Nordic Triangle – Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm/Helsinki • Strategic intermodal hub for trade with Eastern Europe • Close to Sweden’s inhabitants – 80% of the population within 400 km • Close to earnings in Sweden – 80% of GDP within 332 km • Close to trade and industry in Sweden – 80% of companies within 383 km Infrastructure, logistics and transport • Strong infrastructure which has been built up through many generations of industrial progress in the region • All modes of transport – European highways, railways, seaways, aviation • Norrköping Port – one of the Baltic’s most modern harbours • State investments in roads networks and railways • Balance in the flow of goods – heavy and light freight, import and export • Products of broad variety – from industry to fast-moving consumer items • Good access to strategically located land • Complete range of logistic services • Linköping University – Tertiary education with cutting edge research within logistics • Large eco-industrial investments • Good access to highly qualified specialists • Good access to pools of professionals within storage and transport • High quality of life and attractive living environments with numerous options available OSLO STOCKHOLM ST OCKHOLM EAST SWEDEN COPENHAGEN MALMÖ Life and business in perfect balance. In East Sweden, just over an hour’s drive south of Stockholm, it’s easy to create balance. Here, you can find everything close by – the city pulse, cultural activities, the sea and nature, education and jobs, as well as effective means of communication which have a rapid global reach. It’s therefore no coincidence that the region is developing quickly and we will soon hit the half-a-million population mark. With an optimum location, a front-ranking business life and attractive living options, we offer the right pre-requisites for people and companies who want to develop in an environment driven by growth. Welcome to a place for both life and business. East Sweden. Fast facts about East Sweden Magical nature, exciting places to visit and a vibrant culture scene are examples of the added value that makes life complete in East Sweden. • Sweden’s fourth big city region • Two towns at the centre – Linköping and Norrköping • Almost half a million inhabitants • Linköping University with 27 000 students and 300 professors • Broad trade and industry sector with around 40,000 companies • 170,000 jobs within a 45-minute commute • High life quality and attractive living environments • Affordable properties with numerous options • Safe and democratic society TILLÄMPNINGSEXEMPEL > BROSCHYR EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 15 Tillämpningsexempel, mera broschyr INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING With the world around the corner. Experts rank Linköping-Norrköping as East Sweden’s sharpest region. Everything is accessible. Moreover, we have transport options which can take you all over the country and the world - European highways, railways, maritime transports and international flights. Shanghai, Tokyo or Turin – wherever your destination, the world is just around the corner. Design your future. Discover East Sweden. Innovative. Inspiring. International. In the East Sweden Region, just about an hour’s drive from Stockholm, life is special in so many ways. Here you have most things you could wish for in your immediate vicinity - nature, the city pulse, the sea and the world. And what about business? Did we mention that we have Sweden’s highest concentration of high tech companies as well as world class visualisation, aviation technology and environmental technology? Do you want to grow and shape your future for yourself? Come to East Sweden. and trading posts, to the industrial revolution and the rise of our knowledge-based society. Today, as a strong innovation and knowledge focused region, we provide you with the opportunity to shape your life in a climate which favours creativity, life balance and contact with the surrounding world. Magical nature, exciting places to visit and a vibrant culture scene are some of the added values which make life complete in East Sweden. Two cities. A thousand options. With campuses in both towns, Linköping University is a strong link in terms of education, research, trade & industry, development and growth. Together with proactive science parks and towns in collaboration, Linköping University is a shining example of how curiosity and the power of innovation can move boundaries. That successful international companies like Toyota, Saab and Siemens are happy here is only to be expected. Would you also like to experience the power? Or would you also like to be part of the experience? East Sweden is a region driven by the principal towns of Linköping and Norrköping. The fact that two towns such as Linköping and Norrköping are building a regional powerhouse is entirely unique nation-wide and an important result of the diversity and dynamism that characterises East Sweden. Life and business in perfect balance. Thanks to the region’s strategic position on the east coast, our location has been of great importance for Sweden over the centuries. From epochs of medieval royalty, aristocracy Innovative. Inspiring. International. East Sweden. Powered by innovation. We belong to the global elite within environmental technology and have the highest share of high tech companies in the country. Our knowledge-based industry is growing side by side with modern, international stakeholders such as Saab, Siemens and Toyota. Additionally, the service sector, tourism and lifestyle businesses are thriving. East Sweden offers an unusual scope for people, businesses and investors who are venturing into the future. HELSINKI NORRKÖPING LINKÖPING COPENHAGEN AMSTERDAM Welcome to Life and business in perfect balance – that’s our vision. What’s yours? LINKÖPING NORRKÖPING Life as you want it. What does your dream accommodation look like? Here you can find all the options you ever imagined. And wherever you choose to live, you can be certain you won’t be wasting time in traffic. Some say we offer unique freedom of choice. We think you should come here and decide for yourself. And remember to explore house and land prices when you come. We promise you will be pleasantly surprised. East Sweden, comprising the towns of Linköping and Norrköping as power houses, is an expansive knowledge and innovations region with many international companies, leading research and high class programmes at Linköping University. With almost half a million inhabitants and one of Sweden’s best logistics locations combined with attractive accommodation options, outstanding nature, a scintillating student life and rich culture scene, we offer unique opportunities for people and companies who want to grow and develop. TILLÄMPNINGSEXEMPEL > MERA BROSCHYR EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 16 Tillämpningsexempel, ännu mera broschyr INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING Welcome to East Sweden! This is a guide for those of you who have taken advantage of a great long-term or short-term job opportunity and are planning to move to Linköping-Norrköping or the surrounding municipalities. This guide answers all your everyday questions regarding accommodation, education, work, health care and living in Sweden. 4 WORK AND RESIDENCE PERMITS 6 BUSINESS AND WORK 8 HOUSING 12 EDUCATION 14 HEALTH CARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY 16 PRACTICAL INFORMATION 18 CULTURE AND SPARE TIME Fast facts: • A dynamic region with world class skills across many areas of research, development and manufacturing • Population of nearly half a million • 300 R&D-intensive companies at two science parks. • 30 000 students and world-class research at Linköping University • 170,000 jobs within a 45-minute commute • High quality housing in attractive environments, ranging from city centre and suburban locations to small towns and nearby countryside. More information: For more information about housing, schools, preschools, etc, see the websites of the municipalities in the East Sweden region. Newcomer’s guide to East Sweden. 4 NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN WORK AND RESIDENCE PERMITS WORK AND RESIDENCE PERMITS EU/EEA CITIZENS An EU/EEA citizen who is either an employee, self-employed person, a provider or recipient of services, a student or a person who has enough funds to support himself/herself, has a “right to reside” in Sweden and should register with the Migration Board (Migrationsverket). “Right to reside” means that the EU/EEA citizen and his/ her family members are allowed to stay in Sweden for more than 90 days without a residence permit. Family members of such an EU/EEA citizen can also get a right of residence. If they wish to stay in Sweden for more than three months, they are required to apply for a residence card. Citizens of EU/EEA countries do not need a permit in order to work in Sweden and can start working the day they enter the country. Work and residence permits. NON EU/EEA CITIZENS Non EU/EEA citizens who plan to work in Sweden need a work permit before entering the country. A residence permit is needed in addition to the work permit if the person is going to work for a period of more than three months. Citizens of certain countries must also have a visa to work for periods of less than three months and you will find a list of these nationalities at Work permits should be applied for at the Swedish embassy or consulate in the applicant’s country of origin or residence. Work permit applications must include a written offer of employment in Sweden. The offer of employment is provided by the Swedish employer and must include information about salary, insurance and housing in Sweden. 14 NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN Health care and social security. HEALTH CARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN period of initially two years to cover a labor shortage. This occurs only when the applicant applies for limited-term employment in areas where the employer is faced by a labour shortage. Residence permit required for duration of more than 90 days Non-EU/EEA citizens need a residence permit to stay in Sweden for more than 90 days. The permit must be attached to the person’s passport and stamped before arrival in Sweden. As with work permits, a residence permit is applied for at the Swedish embassy or consulate in the applicant’s country of origin or residence. The application is then sent by the consulate or embassy to the Swedish Migration Board which makes the decision of whether or not to grant the application. A residence permit of longer than 12 months gives the foreign citizen the same social and welfare benefits as a Swedish citizen and subjects the person to the same taxes. If a person has held a residence and work permit for at least six months, family members (i.e. spouse/cohabitant and children under 18) can obtain residence and work permits for the same time period. A person who has worked as well as held a residence permit in Sweden for four years may be granted permanent residence. PERSONAL ID NUMBERS & CIVIL REGISTRATION Executives or specialists from non-EU/EEA countries normally have no difficulty getting their work and residence permits if employed by Swedish or foreign-owned companies in Sweden. Executives are normally defined as people in leading roles (for example, those in charge of marketing, sales, export, purchasing, human resources, production or R&D). A work permit may also be given for a limited Anyone who plans to live and work in Sweden for more than 12 months needs to apply for tax and civil registration at a local office for the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). Please note that a visit to the Skatteverket in person is required together with a passport, residence permit, documents relating to civil status and birth certificates for children younger than 18 years. After registration the applicant is given a personal identity number HEALTH CARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY More information is available at (the Swedish Social Insurance Office). CARE CENTRES (VÅRDCENTRALER) The public health care systems in the region is run by the County Council (Landstinget i Östergötland). Each city has at least one care center (vårdcentral), which provides for health care. If needed a district medical doctor at the care centre will then issue a referral to a hospital and a specialist. To make an appointment, call the care centre located closest to your home. All care centers are listed at ANTENATAL CLINICS (BARNMORSKEMOTTAGNING) If you are pregnant or if you need consultation regarding birth control you can contact an antenatal clinic. During a normal pregnancy you will be appointed a midwife and you will only meet a doctor if necessary. The antenatal clinics are listed at CHILD HEALTH CLINIC (BARNAVÅRDSCENTRAL) If you have a child under the age of 7, contact the child health clinic so that you can join the vaccination program and have your child examined. The child health clinic is normally located next to the health centre. MEDICAL CONSULTATION For medical advice call Sjukvårdsrådgivningen at 1177. FEES AND PRIVATE CLINICS A visit at the care center or the hospital is covered 6 NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN BUSINESS AND WORK Swedish management is based on the idea that the individual is both willing and able to do a good job. A Swedish manager tends to think of himself/herself as a coach rather than a commander, and he/she often delegates tasks and authority to his/her staff. As an employee you are expected to take responsibility and initiatives and not wait for direct instructions. Swedish companies usually have a flat and team-oriented structure with few management levels. As a result, the decision making process is simple and direct, even though decisions are made with great consideration. The feeling of agreement and compromise is very important throughout the workplace and in the decision making process, as it is in every aspect of Swedish society. The flat structure and low levels of hierarchy in Swedish companies create a relatively informal business culture where people greet each other with a handshake and use first name-terms in every situation. The dress code is often informal but smart. Office hours are mostly between 8 and 5, but working hours are flexible. It is very important in the Swedish culture to be on time as it is regarded not only as a sign of respect but also of efficiency. This is especially true at the workplace. Most employees are provided 5 weeks vacation per year. It is customary to take at least one or two coffee breaks during the workday, also known as “fika”. These coffee breaks often take place at a given time every day so that everyone in the office can gather together. This is an ideal opportunity to talk to your Swedish colleagues and to get to know them on a more informal basis. Business and work. Skatteverket, local offices: Linköping: Kungsgatan 27 Norrköping: Hospitalsgatan 23 Motala: Kungsgatan 20 Mjölby: Industrigatan 7-9 Försäkringskassan, local offices Linköping: Drottninggatan 16 and Kungsgatan 27 Norrköping: Hospitalsgatan 23 Mjölby: Industrigatan 7-9 Motala: Urban Hjärnes väg 11 More information is available at:, Source: Skatteverket, Business Sweden SALARIES AND TRADE UNIONS Sweden has a tradition of shared respect and cooperation between companies and their employees. Industrial disputes and conflicts are fairly uncommon. Trade unions are important partners for employers because the vast majority of workers are unionised, and employers hold discussions with the unions to agree on collective agreements for their employees. These agreements regulate pay, training and other workplace issues, and nor- NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN by a fee. The fee for a visit at the care centre is 150 SEK and the fee for a visit at the hospital is 300 SEK. Health care for children under the age of 20 years is free. For a visit to a private clinic or a private doctor the fee is often higher but differs from clinic to clinic. Some private doctors are paid by the County Council and their fees are the same as in public healthcare. For more information about private clinics and doctors, see the yellow pages under “läkare” (doctors). SOCIAL ADVICE AND GUIDANCE CENTRE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE (UNGDOMSMOTTAGNING) AGE 13-25 Linköping Ungdomsmottagning, 010-103 31 18 Norrköping Ungdomshälsan, 010-105 93 50 Motala Ungdomsmottagning, 010-104 76 90 Mjölby Ungdomsmottagning, 010-105 98 70 Finspång Ungdomsmottagning, 010-104 24 28 BUSINESS AND WORK SWEDISH BUSINESS CULTURE (personnummer). This number is unique and is needed to open bank accounts and to obtain a phone number, etc. After the personal identity number has been received, the applicant should register for social insurance either at the local office of the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) or at More information is available at: Source: Swedish Migration Board and Invest in Business Sweden Qualifying grounds for work permits Social insurance is an important part of the Swedish social security system. The Swedish social insurance covers everyone that lives or works in Sweden and includes benefits such as pension, medical care and health insurance. 5 Boxholm: Finspång: Kinda: Linköping: Mjölby: 15 18 NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN PHARMACIES (APOTEK) Prescription medication in Sweden is sold at pharmacies, whilst over-the-counter medication is also sold at supermarkets and other shops. Listed below are pharmacies with prolonged opening hours. In case of emergency, call 112. Culture and spare time. DENTAL CARE You can either choose to visit a dentist at “Folktandvården” (Sweden’s National Dental Service) or a dentist at a private clinic. Dental care is free for children under the age of 19. For adults the insurance cover only a part of the costs for treatment. For more information, please visit www.lio. se/folktandvard. For emergency dental care during weekends, call 112 to get the contact information of the nearest open clinic. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CALL 112 The emergency number in Sweden is 112. The operator will connect the call and can also assist at all times with emergencies relating to ambulance, rescue and fire brigade, police, doctor, poison, dentist and priest. HOSPITALS (SJUKHUS) WITH EMERGENCY WARDS, OPEN 24 HOURS Linköping Universitetssjukhuset Norrköping Vrinnevisjukhuset Motala Motala Lasarettet More information available at: TILLÄMPNINGSEXEMPEL > ÄNNU MERA BROSCHYR CULTURE AND SPARE TIME COUNTRYSIDE, SPORTS AND RECREATION The countryside varies greatly from coastal landscapes and open fields to rivers, lakes and islands. There are many locations which provide fishing, 8 HOUSING NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN VALUE ADDED TAX (VAT) The standard rate of value added tax (moms) is 25 percent. A reduced rate of 12 percent VAT applies primarily to food, hotel accommodation and camping. A reduced rate of 6 percent applies mainly to newspapers, books, magazines, public transport, sporting events and to certain cultural activities. Certain services, such as medical and dental care, social services, banking and financial services are not covered by VAT. For consumers, VAT is always included in the marked price. PERSONAL INCOME TAX ESTABLISHING A BUSINESS Income tax has two components: local income tax, and state income tax. Local income tax rates vary between regions from about 29 to 35 per cent. In 2009, the average local income tax rate in Sweden is 31.5 per cent. In addition to local income tax, the employee pays a state income tax of 20 percent on annual income of more than SEK 380,200. For incomes above SEK 538,800 the employee pays a state income tax of 25 percent. These rates apply for the 2009 financial year. If planning to start a business, the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) can help with more information. More information is available at Sources: Business Sweden, Skatteverket, Bolagsverket CAMPUS APARTMENTS More information is available at Apartments reserved especially for students can be found at: TAX REDUCTIONS FOR FOREIGN EMPLOYEES Studentbo i Norrköping AB, 011-21 16 70 HSB Östra Östergötland AB, 011-21 51 00 Studentbostäder i Linköping, 013-20 86 60 Byggvesta,, 013-25 45 60 BUYING A HOUSE/APARTMENT Prices for housing and apartments in the region are highly competitive in international terms. Real estate agents, housing companies, and building owners from all over Sweden advertise their available properties online. Properties currently More information is available at NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN sailing, canoeing and hunting. Fishing is allowed in most lakes and rivers provided that you have a fishing licence. Sites which are particularly worth visiting include Lake Tåkern, an internationally recognised area for birds; Omberg, with its diverse plant life and panoramic views; and Kolmården, one of Europe’s largest safari parks. There are also plenty of facilities for those who are interested in playing or watching football, ice hockey, basketball and golf, and the region is home to leading teams in several sports. Fishing is excellent and is even possible in central Norrköping. More information about attractions and events in the region is available at: HOUSING The region offers plenty of residential options varying from city centers and suburban locations to small towns and nearby countryside. The standard of housing is generally very high. Please note that kitchen appliances such as dishwashers, refrigerators and freezers always are included in the purchase price or rent. There are two alternative ways of renting an apartment. “First hand contract” (förstahandskontrakt), which means renting directly from a property owner (unfurnished) and “second hand contract” (andrahandskontrakt), which means renting the apartment from somebody who in turn rents directly from a property owner (furnished or unfurnished). If looking to buy an apartment, a capital investment is required and a monthly fee is paid to the housing association (bostadsrättsförening) for reparations and maintenance. In some cases it is possible to rent a furnished house directly from a Swedish family and some property owners also offer temporary furnished apartments for companies. See ads in the local newspapers. Housing. Key foreign employees – executives, experts, researchers plus those with special skills that are not available in Sweden – may qualify for a special 25 percent tax break when working in Sweden. The individual is only taxed on 75 percent of his or her income for the first three years of employment. This tax relief applies to all salaries and “perks,” such as employer contributions to housing and living costs. It also applies to stock options and other special compensation offered by the employer. CULTURE AND SPARE TIME The region offers a wealth of culture including theatres, museums, art galleries and a diverse range of music with concerts ranging from classical music to rock and a variety of local bands, music clubs and choral groups. Markets and festivals are arranged throughout the region on a yearly basis, including popular jazz and film festivals. Those interested in architecture and history will find much interest in Old Linköping (Gamla Linköping) and the region’s numerous manor houses, abbeys and churches. The medieval towns of Vadstena and Söderköping and the famous Göta Canal are popular tourist spots, whilst Norrköping has one of Europe’s best preserved industrial landscapes. 7 NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN mally run for 1–3 years. The agreements are made on two levels; on a centralized industry-wide level and on a local company based level. Around 85 percent of wage earners and 75 percent of salaried workers belong to a trade union. Wage earners are mainly members of unions within the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) and salaried workers are generally in unions that are part of the Swedish Confederation for Professional Employees (TCO) or the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (SACO). Motala: Norrköping: Söderköping: Vadstena: Valdemarsvik: 19 Sights and attractions The Norrköping Symphony Orchestra Visualiseringscenter Östgötateatern 20 HOLIDAYS, TRADITIONS & THE SWEDISH WAY NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN Norrköping Art Museum museer/konstmuseum/ Östergötland County Museum Swedish Air Force Museum Museum of Work Reijmyre Glasbruk Kolmården (wildlife park) Göta Canal Cloetta Center (events and concerts) Louis de Geer (event and concerts) Advent is the period of four weeks leading up to Christmas. On each Sunday during this period a new candle is lit on a special Advent candlestick. This means that, on the fourth Sunday, there are four candles burning, and Christmas is about to begin. Christmas (Jul) Christmas is the most important Swedish holiday and it is celebrated on Christmas Eve, December 24th. Most Swedes celebrate Christmas with their families and eat a traditional Christmas dinner with several different dishes such as Christmas ham and rice pudding. It is also common to attend church services during the weeks leading up to Christmas, as well as on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. “Jultomten” is the Swedish version of St Nicholas or Santa Claus, and he brings all the children Christmas presents on Christmas Eve. Easter (Påsk) Old Linköping PUBLIC HOLIDAYS In Sweden, a public holiday is typically referred to as a “red day” (röd dag), as it is printed in red in calendars. It is common for businesses to close at noon the day before certain public holidays. If a public holiday is on a Tuesday or a Thursday, it is common practice take a 2 day holiday, including the day between the weekend and the red. Important holidays New Year’s Day - January 1 Epiphany - January 6 Christmas - December 24, 25 and 26. Labour Day - May 1 The Swedish National Day - June 6 Good Friday Easter Sunday Easter Monday Ascension Day Whit Sunday Midsummer Eve Midsummer Day All Saints Day SWEDISH TRADITIONS Lucia The Swedish tradition “Lucia” is based on the legend of the Saint Lucia and an ancient Swedish tradition. Today Lucia is celebrated with Lucia processions which are led by the Lucia, a young girl, wearing a white garment and a crown of candles to guide her through the darkness. She is followed by a number of attendants including girls and boys, also dressed in white and with candles in their hands. In Sweden, the night between the 12th and 13th of December traditionally was considered to be the longest and darkest night of the year which is the reason that Lucia is celebrated on the 13th of December. Lucia and her attendants visit schools, hospitals, offices and churches and sing traditional Lucia songs. NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN for sale can be found at: and FURNISHED APARTMENTS Furnished apartments, mainly for companies, can be found at: Linköping: Sky Hotel Apartments, 013-328 10 50 Apartments Sweden Homes, 013-14 22 30 In Sweden Easter is celebrated on Easter Eve with Easter egg hunts for the children and traditional Easter food. Sweden is a protestant Lutheran country and much of current Swedish customs are imported from other countries, but the tradition of the Easter witches is entirely Swedish. On the Thursday before Easter Eve, known as Skärtorsdagen, children dress up as witches and knock on the doors of the houses in the neighbourhood in the hope of exchanging homemade Easter cards for candy. Occasionally it is still traditional to light bonfires and firecrackers during the Easter celebrations. Walpurgis Night (Valborgsmässoafton) The last day of April is Walpurgis Night (Valborgsmässoafton) which is a celebration of the arrival of spring. It is celebrated with bonfires, fireworks, singing and speeches to mark the end of winter and to welcome the lighter days to come. Swedish National Day The Swedish National Day is celebrated June 6th and it is a national holiday since 2005. June 6 was chosen because it marks the day in 1523 that 9 HOME INSURANCE In Sweden it is important to have home insurance in order to protect yourself, your home and your belongings. Home insurance often includes a third party liability insurance, legal protection and travel insurance as well. These are some major insurance companies in Sweden: More information is available at: Radiotjänst i Kiruna AB, phone: 0771-91 00 04 TELEPHONE Länsförsäkringar Östgöta 013-29 00 00 If, 0771–655 655 Trygghansa, 0771-11 11 10 Folksam, 0771-950 950 Comhem, 0771-55 00 00 Telia, 90200 Tele2, 0200-25 25 25 Viasat, 0200-210 219 Canal Digital, 0770-33 22 11 Boxer, 0771-21 10 00 Some commonly used fixed telephone line providers are: Telia, 90200 Tele 2, 0200-25 25 25 Glocalnet, 0775-75 75 75 MOBILE PHONES Some commonly used mobile telephone service providers are: Telia, 90 200 Tele 2, 0200-25 25 25 Telenor, 020-22 22 22 INTERNET PROVIDERS Some commonly used internet and broadband providers are: Bredbandsbolaget 0770-77 70 00 NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN Gustav Vasa, considered to be the founder of the modern kingdom of Sweden, was crowned. Midsummer (Midsommar) Midsummer is celebrated on the weekend closest to 24th of June which is actual Midsummer Day. It is an old tradition, and was originally a way of begging the Gods for a good harvest. Today we celebrate midsummer as a big summer party. People leave the cities for the country and many join traditional celebrations during the day, which include dancing and singing around the maypole and afterwards having a barbeque with family and friends. THE SWEDISH WAY Be on time Both at work and in social life, Swedes are very punctual. It is considered impolite not to be on time for a meeting or a social event. Keep in the queue Whenever you are waiting to buy a ticket, to pay for goods in a shop etc, you are expected to wait in a proper queue. Swedes are very strict about this and it is considered to be very rude to skip the line. Even if there is no organized line and people are just standing by the counter, you can be sure there is an automatic queue system. In these cases you will find a little white or yellow box at the entrance of the shop or by the counter, where you are supposed to take your queue number and then wait for your number to turn up on the digital monitor situated over the counter. This is always the case at the bank, post office and ticket office. It is also common for there to be just one line for two registers and when this is the case just get in line, wait to get to the front of the line and then approach the cleared register. Take your shoes off It is important to always take your shoes off when entering someone’s apartment or house. For more formal events or parties, it is however customary to bring an extra pair of shoes for indoor use. Call people by their first name In Sweden everyone is addressed with their first HOUSING NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN LICENSE FEE If you have a television receiver in your home you have to pay a license fee to Radiotjänst i Kiruna AB. This fee is set by the Swedish government and you are required to pay it by law. Bixia Vattenfall, 020-82 00 00 E.ON, 020-22 24 24 TV Linköping and Norrköping: BoTrygg Bygg AB, 010-516 30 00 10 ELECTRICITY There are more than 100 electricity providers to choose from in Sweden. These are some major electricity providers in the region: City apartments are often provided with cableTelevision, but there are also companies offering Television broadcastings through internet broadband. In locations outside of the city centre or suburban area, it may be necessary to purchase a satellite dish or a digital box in order to be able to watch Television. These are some major providers of digital/cable/broadband/satellite TV: Norrköping: Hyresbostäder, 011-21 16 00 Graflunds, 011- 473 55 00 HOLIDAYS, TRADITIONS & THE SWEDISH WAY Advent Holidays, traditions & the Swedish way Ydre: Åtvidaberg: Ödeshög: Telia, 90200 Tele 2, 0200-25 25 25 Tekniska Verken/Utsikt utsikt, 013-20 81 80 Comhem, 0771-55 00 00 WATER It is safe to drink tap water in all of Sweden and the cost for water supply in your home is often included in the rent. Fresh water from most lakes, rivers, streams and springs can also be used for drinking without previously preparing it in any way, unless signs state otherwise. REFUSE COLLECTION/ RECYCLING A refuse collection service operates on a regular basis covered by a fee that is included in your rent. Houses are required to pay this fee directly to the refuse collection service operator. Recycling is common practice in Sweden and large bins or canisters for recycling are located in apartment areas where you can dispose of paper, glass, cans and batteries. These can also be found outside of larger supermarkets or at special waste disposal sites. Most supermarkets provide machines at the entrance of the shop for returning bottles such as aluminium soda cans, and certain, but not all, plastic soda and glass bottles. After having disposed of the return bottles, the machine provides a receipt which can be exchanged for money at the register. LAUNDRY Apartments which are not equipped with a washing machine are provided with a shared laundry room. In most apartment complexes the laundry room is shared by all tenants and you will be required to reserve a washing time. It is very important not to use the laundry room for longer than the time reserved and it is also courteous to clean the room after each wash. There are not many Laundromats in Sweden but the dry cleaners (kemtvätt) often provide wet-wash as well as dry cleaning. RENTING AN APARTMENT There are a lot of different housing companies in the region that offer rental apartments. For a complete list of housing companies, see each city’s website. Linköping AB Stångåstaden phone: 013-20 85 00 HSB Östergötland phone: 013-24 02 00 Riksbyggen phone: 0771-86 08 60 Norrköping Hyresbostäder i Norrköping phone: 011-21 16 00 Henry Ståhl Fastigheter AB phone: 011-23 30 00 Lundbergs phone: 011-21 65 00 HOUSING TRADITIONS AND THE SWEDISH WAY 20 HOLIDAYS, NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN Finspång Vallonbygden phone: 0122 - 249 50 11 12 EDUCATION NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN Kinda Kindahus phone. 0494-792 50 Preschool Tiny Tots, 013-21 18 66 Atlasskolan (grade 6-9), 013-20 73 62 Engelska skolan (grade 6-9), 013- 35 56 80 Katedralskolan (upper secondary school international baccalauerate), 013-20 75 00 Söderköping Ramunderstaden phone: 0121-196 00 Vadstena Vadstena Fastighets AB phone: 0143-41 35 00 Valdemarsvik Fogelvik Estate AB phone: 0123-510 90 For a complete list of schools, see each city’s website. PRESCHOOL Ydre Ydrebostäder phone: 0381-66 12 01 Motala Bostadsstiftelsen Platen phone: 0141-22 89 00 Åtvidaberg Åtvidabergs Bostads AB phone: 0120-295 50 Mjölby Bostadsbolaget phone: 0142-854 54 Ödeshög Ödeshögsbostäder phone: 0144-350 37 EDUCATION NEWCOMERS’ GUIDE TO EAST SWEDEN Child care in Sweden is in international comparisons of a high standard. All families, with parents who are employed or in education, are entitled to daycare for children aged 1 to 5, either at preschools or in family daycare. From the age of four all children, even if their parents are not working or studying, are entitled to three hours per day of preschool activity. Daycare fees are 3 percent of the parents’ combined salaries. There is however a maximum fee of SEK 1,260 per month. Day care fees reduce with each additional child to the family. Boxholm AB Boxholmshus phone: 0142-896 00 For complete lists of preschools, see each city’s website. There are several education centres that offer Swedish language courses. “Swedish for Immigrants” (SFI) is a course arranged by the municipality/city and is free of charge. Linköping Folkuniversitetet 013-10 20 80 Komvux (SFI) 013-20 78 00 LINKÖPING UNIVERSITY Linköping University is one of the largest in the country with nearly 30 000 students on three campuses in Linköping and Norrköping. It is an acknowledged leader in civil engineering, especially in areas such as computer technology, medical technology and industrial economics, and it is also highly regarded in medicine, educational science, social science and arts. More information is available at: DISTANCE EDUCATIONS Distance educations are given over the internet, meaning that you will not have to be physically present at the university in question. More information is available at: Norrköping Folkuniversitetet 011-474 12 00 Komvux (SFI) 011-15 39 00 Motala Komvux (SFI), 0141-22 50 00 Mjölby Vuxenutbildning (SFI), 0142-853 85 Finspång Vuxenutbildningscentrum, 0122-855 20 Other organisers (courses are organised on demand) IUC-Öst, 0122-868 00 Centre for English Language Teaching 013-12 33 49 AMT Communication 011-13 68 13 21 East Sweden, comprising the towns of Linköping and Norrköping as power houses, is an expansive knowledge and innovations region with many international companies, leading research and high class programmes at Linköping University. name and there are no titles used before the name. This is true both at the workplace, in schools and at universities as well as at the doctor’s office and the bank. With almost half a million inhabitants and one of Sweden’s best logistics locations combined with attractive accommodation options, outstanding nature, a scintillating student life and rich culture scene, we offer unique opportunities for people and companies who want to grow and develop. Smoking Smoking is not allowed in public buildings, restaurants, cafés, pubs and nightclubs or on public transport and most offices. It is considered impolite to smoke in somebody’s apartment without asking first. An estimated 10% of the population uses snuff (snus) which is an alternative to cigarettes. Manners A handshake is the most common way of greeting and hands are shaken again on departure. Manners generally tend to be more formal than in other Nordic countries and hugs and kisses are reserved for close friends and family. Casual dress is accepted most of the time, but more formal clothes should be worn on social occasions and at the more exclusive restaurants and Night Clubs. Evening engagements begin and end earlier in Sweden than in most other European countries. In the East Sweden Region, just about an hour’s drive from Stockholm, life is special in so many ways. Here you have most things you could wish for in your immediate vicinity - nature, the city pulse, the sea and the world. And what about business? Did we mention that we have Sweden’s highest concentration of high tech companies as well as world class visualisation, aviation technology and environmental technology? Do you want to grow and shape your future for yourself? Come to East Sweden. Two cities. A thousand options. East Sweden is a region driven by the principal towns of Linköping and Norrköping. The fact that two towns such as Linköping and Norrköping are building a regional powerhouse is entirely unique nation-wide and an important result of the diversity and dynamism that characterises East Sweden. Life and business in perfect balance. Thanks to the region’s strategic position on the east coast, our location has been of great importance for Sweden over the centuries. From epochs of medieval royalty, aristocracy FINSPÅNG NORRKÖPING MOTALA and trading posts, to the industrial revolution and the rise of our knowledge-based society. Today, as a strong innovation and knowledge focused region, we provide you with the opportunity to shape your life in a climate which favours creativity, life balance and contact with the surrounding world. Magical nature, exciting places to visit and a vibrant culture scene are some of the added values which make life complete in East Sweden. SÖDERKÖPING VADSTENA MJÖLBY Welcome to LINKÖPING VALDEMARSVIK ÖDESHÖG East Sweden. Powered by innovation. With campuses in both towns, Linköping University is a strong link in terms of education, research, trade & industry, development and growth. Together with proactive science parks and towns in collaboration, Linköping University is a shining example of how curiosity and the power of innovation can move boundaries. That successful international companies like Toyota, Saab and Siemens are happy here is only to be expected. Would you also like to experience the power? Or would you also like to be part of the experience? E4 Design your future. Discover East Sweden. BOXHOLM 13 SWEDISH LANGUAGE COURSES Education in Sweden is free throughout compulsory school system (7-16 years old), upper secondary school and throughout university and college. For more information about the Swedish School System please visit: Listed below are schools with an international curriculum. Education. ÅTVIDABERG E4 KINDA YDRE EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 17 Tillämpningsexempel, mässmonter INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING © Infuse 2013 All rights reserved. This document and its content, including any objects depicted, is the property of Infuse Communication AB and shall, whatever its legal basis and definition, in whole or in part, be considered as copyrighted, or as protected trade secrets under obligation of confidentiality. This document and its content, in whole or in part, may not be used beside its explicit and agreed purpose, nor duplicated, disseminated, or otherwise disclosed to any third parties. Any deviations, concessions or agreements relating to the above must be in writing. TILLÄMPNINGSEXEMPEL > MÄSSMONTER EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 18 Tillämpningsexempel, mera mässmonter INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING © Infuse 2012 All rights reserved. This document and its content, including any objects depicted, is the property of Infuse Communication AB and shall, whatever its legal basis and definition, in whole or in part, be considered as copyrighted, or as protected trade secrets under obligation of confidentiality. This document and its content, in whole or in part, may not be used beside its explicit and agreed purpose, nor duplicated, disseminated, or otherwise disclosed to any third parties. Any deviations, concessions or agreements relating to the above must be in writing. TILLÄMPNINGSEXEMPEL > MERA MÄSSMONTER EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 19 Tillämpningsexempel, rollup TILLÄMPNINGSEXEMPEL > ROLLUP INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING EAST SWEDEN GRAFISK PROFILMANUAL 20