www.byggfakta.no Media kit 2014 www.byggfakta.no Voksesmerter i trønd elag side 12-13 oBos øker i roga This makes Byggfakta an excellent channel for: - Profile Advertising - Promotions campaigns for new products - Visibility of changes in the firm, such as a new addresses or profiles - Job/work advertisement - Distribution of DM in the form of catalogs, product sheets, CDs, and the like. land side 32-34 fortjent stjerne i nesa side 70-71 Kloden står fo ran 40-årig byggeboo m issN 1893-9368 (oNliNe) www.byggfakta.no Prosjektfakta de siste større byggeprosjekten e side 73 - 123 issN 1893-935X (trykt utg.) www.byggfakta.no Nr. 3-201 3 Nr. 3 2013 With 10 issues a year and a proven readership of 40.000 readers, print and digital, ­Byggfakta is the largest independent magazine in the construction industry according to MMI reader survey 2013. Byggfakta is a nationwide magazine and it reaches out to decision makers in the construction industry. BFN_2013-03_1.indd 1 PUBLICATIONS 2013-02-26 13:03:47 No Building: Construction: 1/2 Housing development, education and recruitment Brokke Nord/Sør, Bykle – New tunnel and electric power plant 3 Housing cooperatives, new construction, rehab and outdoor areas Raggovidda vindpark, Berlevåg - Wind mil park 4 Housing development E6-Dovrebanen – FP1, FP2 and FP3 - Railroad and road (E6) 5 Roof, glass and facades/front of building + HSE Dale – Developing of new town district in Sandnes 6 Commercial and Public buildings Saneide-Liavatnet K20, Bergen - New Roads and tunnel 7/8 Schools and Kindergartens + Eco-friendly constructions Construction of new power line, Ørskog 9 Wood as building material + workwear Nyhamna – expansion of onshore facilities, Aukra 10 Construction with steel, brick and concrete + Radon UFP 01 and 02, Larvik - Development of Vestfoldbanen - Railroad 11 Road, tunnel and bridge + HSE Tresfjordbrua, Tresfjord in Vestnes - New bridge 12 Rehabilitation, recycling and waste disposal Frya-Vinstra tofeltsvei, Sør-Fron - New dual carriageway Regular columns: Ecological/ Green corner, Byggforsk-series (research-based knowledge to the construction industry), LGV news, product news, Calendar of events/Trade Fairs, Prosjektfakta (presentation of new building projects). Tips and product news sent by e-mail to: red@byggfaktamedia.no Release Schedule Material deadline Release date Nr1/2 21st January 11th February Nr3 18 February 11th March th Nr4 18 March 8 April Nr5 22nd April 13th May Nr6 20th May 11th June Nr7/8 5 August 26th August Nr9 2 September 23 September th th nd www.byggfakta.no Norg es størs te uavh eNgig e bygg emag asiN Norges største uavheNgige byggemagasi N www.byggfakta.no THE BIGGEST INDEPENDENT BUILDING MAGAZINE IN NORWAY th rd Nr10 23rd September 14th October Nr11 21st October 11th November Nr12 18th November 9th December The warranty will be void if the material deadline is not met. Complaints, corrections and stop orders must be in writing. DISTRIBUTION rivate and public promoters and real estate developers: P Architects, consulting engineers and consultants: Contractors, builders and other building craftsmen, suppliers and the construction trade: e-Magazine and exhibition distribution Verified Circulation: ca 2.800 ca 2.000 ca 5.700 ca 5.000 15.500 Extra! 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