Media Plan 2014 PRODUCT AND PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING FOR DEG SOM SKAPER FREMTIDEN WWW.TU.NO FOR DEG SOM SKAPER FREMTIDEN FOR THOSE WHO CREATE THE FUTURE WWW.TU.NO Facts on Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad is Norway’s leading technology and business magazine and is published with 22 issues each year. Who are our readers? 79,000 managers Teknisk Ukeblad has for years strengthened its position and is now counting 306,000 weekly readers, according to TNS Gallup, «Consumer & Media 2013». The same survey is now introducing a new «currency» for measuring readership: Gross Exposure Probability (GEP), based on three factors: Tekna engineers: 55,168 NITO engineers: 68,466 Oljeressursene verdt 5000 milliarder SIDE 6 ENERGI FOR DEG SOM SKAPER FREMTIDEN strømDårlig WWW.TU.NO kvalitet har kostet ham 360.000 127,888 SIDE 40 FREMTIDEN WWW.TU.NO FOR DEG SOM SKAPER Utenlandsk byggemetode: Ny togtunnel gådrer Slik vil dethin signalfeil ISSN 0040-2354 770040 235007 1 9 med Norge 281 3 uten ny olje 160. ÅRGANG – NR. 28/5. SEP 2013 LØSSALG KR 69,- SIDE 20 9 Teknisk Ukeblads GEP is 569,000. 276.000 LESERE SIDE 18 BYGG Råte kan stoppes med strøm SIDE 37 SIDE 44 Distribution and circulation OLJE OG GASS SIDE 18 17,491 students in technology fields PF: 2,230 BRANNKOMPETANSE ER MANGELVARE ER ONSSKUM I NORSKE TUNNEL ANLEGG FARLIG ISOLASJ 38,000 managers in the technical sector Own: 2,024 • AverageIssueReadership(AIR):Thetotalnumber of readers of an average issue of the magazine. • NumberofReadingOccasions(NRO):Thenumber of readings of an average issue of the magazine. • AverageReadershipEngagementScore(RES): Amountofreadingofa magazine on an average reader case. BYGG OG ANLEGG 103,000 technologists/engineers KARRIERE Rekruttering av ferskinger koster flesk total circulation 79,000 managers read Teknisk Ukeblad weekly Each week Teknisk Ukeblad focuses on one of five fixed business sectors on our theme pages. These are: On our website you can also find the latest news from Norway’s key technology sectors, as well as useful Consumer and Career Information. • • • • • Teknisk Ukeblad has a dynamic news team that follows developments hour by hour. This makes stronger than ever, and a real alternative for commercial advertising aimed at technology and business, also for those who want to target people educated or interested in technology as consumers. Oilandgas Constructionandtransport Energy Industryandshipping IT We cover the most important trade fairs in each sector. In addition we also have fixed pages on consumer technology and job/career in all our issues. In the release schedule on the next page you can see when the various themes and trade fair issues are published. has increased in number of visitors the past year to 250,000 unique users per week. TEMA LES MER WWW.TU.NO/INDUST LES MER WWW.TU.NO/OLJE-GASS TEMA TEMA Norge kan få europeisk motorsenter Lukoil posisjonerer seg på norsk sokkel SIDE NY METODE STANSER SOPPANGREP Ved å sette elpulser på tre fjerner forskere på Ås vekst av råtesopp. 45 for F-35 SIDE 36 Ruller TEMA ut nytt mobilt luftvern for Statoil SIDE 48 Norsk boom i Sør-Korea SIDE 46 Brasil viktig OVE HAUKÅSSVEEN, I AIM NORWAY SIDE 38 LES MER WWW.TU.NO/E NERGI Grønne tak kommer ikke i konflikt med solenergi. SIDE 44 RUSSERNE OG ASIATENE KOMMER Anbefaler å avvente kabelutbyggingen ØYSTEIN HOLM, MULTICONSULT SIDE 42 Små pumpekraftverk kan bli de mest lønnsomme BYGGER DAM ME DOBBELTKRUM D mener Det skotske analyseselskapet Wood Mackenzie norsk sokkel asiatiske oljeselskaper snart etablerer seg på på grunn av mulighetene i Barentshavet. 20 kilometer nye tunnele r og en 50 meter høy dam gir 175 nye fornybare GWh i Brokke. HER PLUKKES ET PRODUK T HVERT 6. SEKUND Hva skjer når du trykker på «kjøp»-knappen i en nettbutikk? Vi ble med inn i det aller helligste for å finne svaret. FOR SKOG OG LANDSKAP Første se er mangelvare fram» SIDE 40 Brannkompetan firefeltsbru bygget «fritt RI Vi posisjonerer oss for understøttelse av den kommende F-35-flåten i Europa. LES MER WWW.TU.NO/BYGG Populært: For noen uker siden kunngjorde olje- og energiminister Ola Borten Moe at oljeselskapene nå kan nominere blokker i Barentshavet, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen. Flere utenlandske selskaper SIDE 44 250,000 unique users Teknisk Ukeblad is available as app for iPhone, iPad and onAndroidplatform,aswellasadownloadablePDFonthe Internet news stand ( Release schedule 2014 No. Publication date Week Theme issues 01 16 January 3 Oil and gas Trade Fairs / events Deadline Anleggsdagene, 21–23 January 9 January Enova Conference, 28–29 January 02 30 January 5 Industry 23 January 03 13 February 7 Construction and transport 6 February 04 27 February 9 Energy PTK Conference, 3–5 March 20 February Special: Career and education 05 13 March 11 Industry / IT Special: Career and education 6 March 06 27 March 13 Oil and gas / Subsea Subsea Valley, 2–3 April 20 March 07 10 April 15 Construction and transport 3 April 08 2 May 18 Oil and gas Focus ONS 24 April 09 15 May 20 Industry 10 30 May 22 Energy Eliaden, 2–5 June 22 May 11 12 June 24 Oil and gas UTC Conference, 18–19 June 5 June 12 26 June 26 Construction and transport 13 14 August 33 Industry 7 August 14 21 August 34 Oil and gas ONS, 25–28 August 14 August 15 4 September 36 Energy 28 August 16 18 September 38 Construction and transport 17 2 October 40 Oil and gas 18 16 October 42 Industry / IT 19 30 October 44 Energy 20 13 November 46 Oil and gas 21 27 November 48 Construction and transport Special: Trade fairs, courses and education 20 November 22 11 December 50 Oil and gas OTD, 15–16 October Special: Career and education 7 May 19 June 11 September 25 September 9 October 23 October 6 November 4 December TEMA OLJE OG GASS Statfjord-fatene kan stables 10 ganger til månen SIDE 41 Teknisk Ukeblad is focusing digital and rating 22 issues on paper in 2014. Utslippsfritt i 2040: Transportrevolusjonen SIDE 20 9 FORBRUKER De beste 13-tommerne 770040 235007 1 9 ISSN 0040-2354 4113 160. ÅRGANG – NR. 41/5. DES 2013 LØSSALG KR 69,- 306.000 KARRIERE Selger seg inn som etisk datahacker SIDE 36 LESERE SIDE 63 SIDE 33 TEMA ENERGI Bygger nytt gigantkraftverk i Nordland SIDE 37 UNNI STEINSMO: 770040 235007 9 ISSN 0040-2354 1 9 Her lærer 9-åringene koding SIDE 59 4013 160. ÅRGANG – NR. 40/28. LØSSALG KR 69,- 306.000 NOV 2013 MILJØ Norske elbilbatterier gir lavere utslipp SIDE 16 SIDE 18 ANNONSE ER DU EN SJÅFØR IDEN? FOR FREMT en ny, Finn ut og vinn leaF. 100% elektrisk nissan KARRIERE Se side 15 Krever flere kvinner i lederjobber LESERE SIDE 61 1 9 KARRIERE: Fant dynamitt hos Statnett 770040 235007 SIDE 28 ISSN 0040-2354 – Det pågår en teknologirevolusjon! Who reads Teknisk Ukeblad? Our readers are interested in technology and business and educated within engineering. PROFILEN Lanserer voldsalarm på mobilen 9 According to the latest figures from Mediebedriftenes Landsforening the magazine is now counting 306,000 weekly readers, while has passed 200,000 readers a week. To uker jobb og fire uker fri er for dyrt: Oljearbeidernes fritid under press SIDE 18 3913 160. ÅRGANG – NR. 39/21. NOV 2013 LØSSALG KR 69,- 306.000 LESERE Ad formats and prices Formats Print area Bleed** Main section Special section 217 x 294 mm 63,000 NOK 57,500 NOK 49,500 NOK 46,100 NOK 2/3 page, height127 x 270 mm 139 x 294 mm 49,500 NOK 46,100 NOK 1/2 page, width193 x 133 mm 35,400 NOK 32,600 NOK 1/2 page, height94 x 270 mm 106 x 294 mm 35,400 NOK 32,600 NOK 1/3 page, width193 x 87 mm 23,100 NOK 1/3 page, height61 x 270 mm 73 x 294 mm 24,400 NOK 23,100 NOK 1/4 page, width193 x 64 mm 19,700 NOK 17,600 NOK 1/4 page, height94 x 133 mm 17,600 NOK 1/8 page, width193 x 30 mm 9,000 NOK 1/8 page94 x 60 mm 9,000 NOK 1/1 whole page*193 x 270 mm 2/3 page, width 193 x 178 mm 2/1 double page410 x 270 mm 434 x 294 mm Back page, cover 217 x 244 mm Company profile 1/1, whole page 193 x 270 mm 2/3 height 1/2 width 104,500 NOK 63,000 NOK 217 x 294 mm 1/3 width 95,700 NOK 1/4 height 37,000 NOK 1/8 width Ad formats are specified in width x height, measured in millimeters. See examples of ad placements below. *) 1/1 whole page also include 2nd and 3rd cover page. **) Note! Remember to add 5 mm on the top, bottom and both sides for bleed ads. Important information in the ad must be placed at least 10 mm within the print area. All prices are excl. taxes. Contacts and material (print) Material specifications Programs: InDesign, Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator. Colors: CMYK (if the material is delivered in RGB, colors may vary). Resolution: Should be 300 dpi for optimal image quality. File format: PDF, EPS, PSD, TIFF, JPG, INDD, AI. Siri Thue Elin Flønes Beate Johnsen Key Account Manager Phone +47 992 57 510 Key Account Manager Phone +47 920 48 734 Key Account Manager Phone +47 906 77 282 Material deadline Material supplied ready for printing can follow deadlines as stated in the release schedule for each issue. NOTE! If you want us make the ad for you, the material must be delivered one week prior to deadline date. File transfer You can send material up to 25 MB to For further information see Einar Hagelund Siv Utne Lizzie Nilsen Sales Manager, Rogaland Phone +47 952 70 669 Projects Phone +47 408 46 125 Advertising material Phone +47 988 89 956 Facts on is Norways largest and fastest growing website focusing on technology with about 250,000 unique users and 1,000,000 page views weekly. aims leaders, decision makers and technologists that helps move forward Norway. The typical readers on are: We discuss new technology and highlights social and economic consequences. The articles are written with a depth to provide greater insight for technologists, but are also understandable to a wider audience. • • • • • • • The business sectors covers most thoroughly are oil/gas, construction, IT, energy and industry. In addition we also follow the career, climate and environment, biotechnology, engine and defense. We also consider our readers’ interests as individuals seriously by increasing our focus on consumer tests and discussions of home technology. This content is clearly seperated from the business related section on and fronted primarily evenings and weekends. 89%ofusersaremen. 62%ofusersareover35yearsold. 75%havethreeyearscollege/universityeducation. 24%aremanagers. 50%areITdecisionmakers. 50%decidespurchaseofconsultingservices. 42%decidespurchaseofindustrialproducts. For more information on prices and ad formats see separate media plan about Internet advertising or visit Source: User survey, 2013 Norways largest website within techonlogy Sector pages On you can advertise on one or more of our sector pages. Here you can aim people who are interested in the relevant field. By advertising on these pages you can target your audience. For example, if you advertise within the energy sector, your ad will appear on all energy related news / articles on Job market is a meeting place for job seekers and employers­ only for engineers, civil engineers and others with higher education. On our job pages we also publish relevant articles­within the field job, career and education. • 80 % of the readers have college / university as their highest education. • 58 % of the readers are looking to change jobs. offers both regular weekly prices and view-­based pricing on our banners. Regular banner­s include fixed prices on both the frontpage and our business pages. View-based banners mean that you only pay for each time the page containing your ad is viewed. With this system you can choose the intensity of your advertising campaign, for example many displays over a short period or spreading them out over a longer period of time. Regardless, you only pay for the agreed and documented volume. 1 million page views This opens for new and more flexib­le­ad placement on our website. You can expose yourself on the frontpage or follow­specific business sectors. This way you can target your message to the audience you are most interested in reaching. We also offer rolling banners, with fixed pricing both on the frontpage and our business pages. Contacts and material (Internet) Material specifications Rune Johansson Annette Skram Hansen Sales manager Phone +47 982 16 683 KeyAccountManager Phone +47 924 88 838 Avoidspacesandthelettersæ,øogåinthefilename. File format Internet ads: GIF, JPG or rich media (Flash and HTML). File format newsletter ads: GIF, JPG or text ad. Link(URL)totheadmustbeattached. Links in HTML ads must open in a new window (_blank). FlashadsmustincludeaclickTAG. Adsincludingsoundshouldberestrictedandusedwisely, we reserve the right to approve/deny ads with sound. Material deadline GIF and JPG: Friday at 14.00 hours. Richmedia(FlashandHTML):Thursdayat14.00hours. Special concepts: Normaly one week, but we reserve the right to extend the deadline according to complexity. File transfer or directly to your contact person. Gry Melsom Advertisingmaterial Phone +47 909 65 986 For further information see Subscribe to Teknisk Ukeblad You can easily subscribe in the following ways: • • • • Send SMS code TU to 2007 Go to Send e-mail to Contact customer service by phone +47 23 33 91 48 Prices: 1,240 NOK for 1-year subscription. 750 NOK for half-year subscription. All members of Tekna, Nito and Polyteknisk Forening receive­subscriptions to Teknisk Ukeblad included in their member benefits. Teknisk Ukeblad is also available in single-copy sales, find your nearest retailer on Rune Åse Subscription Phone +47 909 50 007 NITO – The Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists is the largest owner associations with 74,429 members. NITO trains engineers and technologists with both bachelor’s and master’s degree, and others who have acquired equivalent qualifications. Polyteknisk Forening – The Norwegian Polytechnic Society has around 3,000 members and is the nations leading civil forum for public debate. The association is open, neutral and professional, positioned at the intersection between public, private and other sectors of society. FOR DEG SOM SKAPER FREMTIDEN WWW.TU.NO FOR DEG SOM SKAPER FREMTIDEN Design:TekniskUkebladMediaASCoverphoto:Colourbox Tekna – The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals has over 64,405 members and is the union of professionals with a masters degreeor equivalent in science or technology. 72 percent of members are civil engineers, and nearly 80 percent work in the private sector. Teknisk Ukeblad Media AS VisitingAddress: Akersgata35,0158Oslo PostalAddress: PB380Sentrum,NO-0102,Oslo,Norway Phone: +47 23 19 93 00 Fax: +47 23 19 93 01 |