Metallurgical Engineering Technology Group of Industries The most cost-effective and proven Melt Additives, Foundry Chemicals & Fluxes for Foundries… Mr. C. Natarajan the founder of MET group of Industries is a qualified and experienced Metallurgist in the field of foundry industry. NC Innovations P Ltd, a manufacturing wing of MET Group is a leading manufacturer of specialty foundry process and finishing additives for application in the foundry industry which are based on formulations developed at its in-house R & D division. NC Innovations is based in Bangalore. “Providing solutions to the foundries before they have a Problem” is the company’s motto. Main focus of products developed by MET Group, has been to ensure it is eco-friendly, it is recycled and affordable. One such innovation and development is the Reclamation of Sodium Silicate bonded CO2 by DETERGENT WASH method. Email : Ph: +91-98864-94441 Website: Even though there are many different methods and processes in the market for Sodium Silicate Bonded sand reclamation, but, there are many disadvantages and downsides to it, which are listed below: • • • • • • • • • • Cannot remove100% of the binder from the sand system Cannot maintain sand grain size, shape and distribution Still require a complex disposal system Still require procurement of new sand High investment cost High energy to operate Complex process – detrimental to human health and environment High maintenance cost High wear and tear of equipment's Will result in variation in the sand system to before and after reclamation process , which will eventually make it un-fit for use in the foundries Therefore to overcome the above disadvantages and to ensure it is beneficial to both the user and the environment, MET Group has developed - A 100% sand reclamation system for Sodium Silicate bonded CO 2 sand by detergent wash method. This system recycles foundry CO2 sand which otherwise would be a natural waste and hard to dispose disturbing the environment. Email : Ph: +91-98864-94441 Website: CO2 Sand Reclamation System by detergent wash method. With lot of experiments and through evaluation of various methods available for the CO2 sand Reclamation, MET Group has finally boiled down to the detergent wash method which is a fool proof system and will retain the original sand grain shape, size and distribution. Advantages of the System: 1. 100% Recycling of sand 2. Conserve resources 3. Low operating cost 4. No Grain Size variation – as seen in other methods of reclamation 5. No harmful or hazardous end products 6. Reduce Pollution 7. No additional disposal cost Email : Ph: +91-98864-94441 Website: Existing Methods Of Reclamation i. Mechanical Attrition Attrition using mechanical vibrators/crushers breaks down used sand lumps into sand grains and part of the fine binder is removed by dust collector. Only 60 to 70 % of binder is possible to be removed and balance remain in the sand system. ii. Thermal Treatment and Attrition Lumps are subjected for breaking in rotary furnace between 400 to 8000 C, when sand particles expand; this helps to break the bond on the sand grains and simultaneous rubbing peels off the coating from the sand grains and fines are removed from the sand system. In this process, the removal of binder may be in the order of 75 to 80%, and the additional cost of cooling of sand is involved. Email : Ph: +91-98864-94441 Website: iii. Detergent Wash Method by MET Group of Industries The used sand lumps are broken into individual sand grains through mechanical vibrators During breaking the lumps, part of the binder becomes fine powder and being removed by the action of dust collector in the system. Subsequently, the sand system is treated with detergent (say 4 to 5 % by wt of the sand) to remove the adhered binder to the sand grains and the treatment will last for 5 minutes. By this, 100 % removal of binder is possible. Thus, the sand is free from binder and virtually without wet condition. Email : Ph: +91-98864-94441 Website: System Flow Chart: Used Sodium Silicate Sand (Lumps) Mechanical Attrition Hydraulic Press Silicate Sand – Individual grains Detergent Aeration Reclaimed Sand Wash Storage & Distribution Pre Process Email : Ph: +91-98864-94441 Website: Process Post Process System Requirements: Power : ~50 -55 Hp Capacity : 2MT per Hour * Plant Size : 2500 sqft * The capacity can be increased upto 10 MT, using the same technology and setup without significant increase in investment. Cost of the Detergent Wash Method System: System Cost : Rs. 1.25 crore Operating Cost : ~ Rs 1,250 per MT * * taking into account the following: electricity, labour, maintenance, interest on plant and machinery, consumables and overheads Email : Ph: +91-98864-94441 Website: Laboratory Trials On Properties of Reclaimed Sand v/s New Sand Sodium Silicate Addition Used 4% 5% 6% Reclaimed Sand by Detergent Wash Method (Compression Strength) 5.8Kg F/cm2 6.5Kg F/cm2 8.6Kg F/cm2 9Kg F/cm2 10.8Kg F/cm2 11Kg F/cm2 (Compression Strength) New Sand The above results shows that the properties of the reclaimed sand is almost close to the properties of the New sand. The sand reclaimed by detergent route will be 100 % reusable. Email : Ph: +91-98864-94441 Website: Thank you! For queries please contact us: Mr. C. Natarajan #126, Ballur Cross, Attibele Post, Bangalore Dist 562107 Cell: +91.98864.94441 Email: Website: