ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND CONTROLLING DEPARTMENT INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE 2008 WASTE MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES IN ISTANBUL ► Operation of 7 Solid Waste Transfer Stations ► Transferring of Solid Waste to the Landfills ► Sanitary Landfilling ► Electricity Generation from Landfill Gas ► Treatment Plants for Leachate ► Management of Medical Wastes ► Composting and Recovering of Organic Wastes ► Mechanical Sweeping Cleaning of Main Squares and Arterial Roads ► Sorted Waste At Their Source Put Into Blue Litter Bags ► Sustainable Management of Istanbul Local Electronical Waste Project (SMILE) ► Temporary Storage of Battery Waste CURRENT SOLID WASTE PLANTS OF IMM SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATIONS BARUTHANE TRANSFER STATION Planned Capacity (Ton/Day) Active Capacity (Ton/Day) Number of Platform Distance to Sanitary Landfill Number of Trucks (Semi) : 1.500 : 2.140 :5 :25 km : 11 YENIBOSNA TRANSFER STATION Planned Capacity (Ton/Day) Active Capacity (Ton/Day) Number of Platform Distance to Sanitary Landfill Number of Trucks (Semi) : 2.500 : 2.920 : 10 :42 km : 20 HALKALI TRANSFER STATION Planned Capacity (Ton/Day) Active Capacity (Ton/Day) Number of Platform Distance to Sanitary Landfill Number of Trucks (Semi) : 2.500 : 2.965 : 10 :41 km : 20 HEKIMBASI TRANSFER STATION Planned Capacity (Ton/Day) Active Capacity (Ton/Day) Number of Platform Distance to Sanitary Landfill Number of Trucks (Semi) : 2.500 : 1.650 : 10 :44 km : 71 K.BAKKALKOY TRANSFER STATION Planned Capacity (Ton/Day) Active Capacity (Ton/Day) Number of Platform Distance to Sanitary Landfill Number of Trucks (Semi) : 1.500 : 960 : 10 :46 km : 37 AYDINLI TRANSFER STATION Planned Capacity (Ton/Day) Active Capacity (Ton/Day) Number of Platform Distance to Sanitary Landfill Number of Trucks (Semi) : 2.500 : 1.550 : 10 :53 km : 76 Solid waste amounts that is transferred from stations to the landfills in 2007: ► European Side Total 2.862.952,90 tonnes ► Asian Side Total 1.462.323,28 tonnes SANITARY LANDFILLS ► IMM has started to serve at Komurcuoda Sanitary Landfill in Asian Side and Odayeri Sanitary Landfill in European Side since 1995 to dispose of the household solid waste. ► Everyday approximately 14.000 tonnes of solid waste is disposed in these sanitary landfills. Construction of Sanitary Landfills ► Landfill areas are isolated from groundwater by using clay, geomembrane, geotextile and gravel for filtration. By the way waste can not harm to the environment. ► There are also drainage lines for leakage and gaseous pipes for methane gase. Soil layer is the last layer and then afforestation starts. ► 10.000 tonnes solid waste is disposed in 75 hectars area, Odayeri/Gokturk every day. ► 4.000 tonnes soid waste is disposed in 100 hectars area, Komurcuoda/Karakiraz every day. WASTE AMOUNT OF ODAYERI (EUROPEAN SIDE) SANITARY LANDFILL 2007 276.952,65 JULY 273.921,85 AUGUST 269.281,90 SEPTEMBER 267.036,40 OCTOBER 268.761,50 NOVEMBER 257.979,85 DECEMBER 285.802,80 TOTAL 3.176.329,95 200000 285802,8 JUNE 250000 257979,85 268.726,80 268761,5 MAY 267036,4 237.087,95 269281,9 APRIL 300000 273921,85 240.483,75 276952,65 MARCH 350000 237087,95 212.674,75 240483,75 FEBRUARY 212674,75 317.619,75 317619,75 JANUARY 268726,8 TONNAGE ( TON) TONNAGE( TON) 150000 100000 50000 0 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER WASTE AMOUNT OF ODAYERI (ASIAN SIDE) SANITARY LANDFILL 2007 TONNAGE ( TON) JUNE 139.605,80 100.000,00 JULY 136.945,20 80.000,00 AUGUST 131.719,55 SEPTEMBER 131.898,40 OCTOBER 136.619,50 NOVEMBER 132.273,85 DECEMBER 147.885,05 111.726,05 120.000,00 147.885,05 133.852,10 132.273,85 MAY 140.000,00 136.619,50 120.178,80 131.898,40 APRIL 160.000,00 131.719,55 124.450,16 136.945,20 MARCH 180.000,00 139.605,80 111.726,05 133.852,10 FEBRUARY 120.178,80 166.591,30 124.450,16 JANUARY 166.591,30 TONNAGE( TON) 60.000,00 40.000,00 20.000,00 TOTAL 1.613.745,76 0,00 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER HASDAL LFG PLANT ► The LFG Plant was established on the Kemerburgaz Unsanitary Landfill that was closed in 1995. ► Electrical energy production plant from waste gaseous works by active gaseous collection system. Gases are collectioned, treated and burned in gaseous motor and electricity is occured. ELECTRICITY AMOUNT PRODUCED IN HASDAL LFG PLANT 2007 Given to System (Kw) JULY 215.280,00 AUGUST 233.620,00 SEPTEMBER 231.550,00 OCTOBER 235.090,00 NOVEMBER 287.175,00 DECEMBER 225.164,00 TOTAL 3.225.309,00 200.000,00 225.164,00 305.700,00 287.175,00 JUNE 250.000,00 235.090,00 288.190,00 231.550,00 MAY 233.620,00 313.200,00 215.280,00 APRIL 300.000,00 305.700,00 317.580,00 288.190,00 MARCH 350.000,00 313.200,00 274.580,00 317.580,00 FEBRUARY 274.580,00 298.180,00 298.180,00 JANUARY Given To System (kW) 150.000,00 100.000,00 50.000,00 0,00 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS ► There is a wastewater treatment plant that has capacity of 1500 m³/day in Odayeri Sanitary Landfill. ► There is a wastewater treatment plant that has capacity of 900 m³/day in Kömürcüoda Sanitary Landfill. ► Primary Treatment Chemical treatment Anaerobic Treatment Sludge Dewatering units are in these plants. ► ► ► ►Except General View of the Plant these units as a new technology, there is the biggest leachate treatment facility of Europe every day 5.000 m3 Leachate of high pollution load are treated with Membrane Bioreactor + Nanofiltration technology in this two plants. MEDICAL WASTE INCINERATION PLANT • Since 1995, IMM has collected and transferred medical waste of 224 medical institutions that have 20 and more beds. Collected medical wastes are transfered by teams that are educationed, certificated and special vehicles. • Medical wastes are incinerated at 1200 o C at the plant that has a capacity of 24 tonnes/day. There is a treatment system to decrease pollutant gaseous emission from incineration plant chimney. • Emissions are given to the atmosphere after acid notralization. There is also Carbon Filter System that is eligible to EU Standards. • Ash of the wastes are disposed in sanitary landfill seperately. WASTE AMOUNT OF MEDICAL WASTE INCINERATION PLANT 2007 TONNAGE (TON) WASTE AMOUNT JANUARY 1.049,60 AUGUST 846,45 SEPTEMBER 807,70 OCTOBER 886,50 NOVEMBER 933,25 DECEMBER 655,35 655,35 859,80 933,25 JULY 886,50 878,80 807,70 JUNE 800,00 846,45 950,70 859,80 MAY 878,80 869,65 950,70 APRIL 1.000,00 869,65 898,90 898,90 MARCH 819,40 819,40 1.049,60 1.200,00 FEBRUARY 600,00 400,00 200,00 0,00 JANUARY TOTAL 10.456,10 MARCH MAY JULY SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER COMPOSTING PLANT ► Composting plant is the second biggest plant of the Europe. Capasity of the plant is 1000 tons/day. ► Compost is produced from organic wastes that is collected from bazaars and produced compost is used in parks-gardens of Istanbul. ► Plastic and metal materials that are valuable are seperated by hand-selection and transferred to recycling plants. HOW İS THE PLANT OPERATED? The wastes that come to the plant are selected with hand-selection and recycling bands. After selecting paper, plastic and metal materials from the mixed wastes. Soil and ash that in the remaining waste is sifted in griddles and wastes come to fermentation unit. Fermentation unit has 8 sections; 3 of closed and 5 of open-air. Wastes stay one week in each section. Water and heat is necessary for fermentation. Fermentation process finishes after 8 weeks . Finally compost is ready to use. COMPOST AMOUNT OF COMPOSTING AND RECYCLING PLANT 2007 2.902,600 APRIL 2.354,100 MAY 3.018,900 JUNE 2.769,950 2.000,000 JULY 1.252,450 1.500,000 AUGUST 2.733,600 SEPTEMBER 1.576,450 OCTOBER 959,450 NOVEMBER 1.627,800 DECEMBER 1.727,100 TOTAL 25.793,400 3.018,900 1.252,450 2.354,100 2.902,600 2.633,750 2.500,000 2.237,250 3.000,000 1.000,000 500,000 0,000 JANUARY MARCH MAY JULY SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER 1.727,100 MARCH 3.500,000 1.627,800 2.633,750 959,450 FEBRUARY 1.576,450 2.237,250 2.733,600 JANUARY 2.769,950 0-15 MM Compost 0-15 MM Compost MECHANICAL SWEEPING AND CLEANING OF MAIN SQUARES AND ARTERIAL ROADS FIGURES BELONG TO MECHANICAL SWEEPING Existence of a city with clean streets is a significant indicator of urban life quality attained. Being aware of this fact, Integrated Solid Waste Directorate provides day and night uninterrupted cleaning services for arterial roads and main squares of 27 districts and 16 towns in Istanbul by using of 125 sweeping machines and 103 cleaning machines. LENGTH OF MECHANICAL SWEEPING IN EUROPEAN SIDE 2007 TOTAL M2 112.512.950 JUNE 98.422.595 JULY 104.057.051 AUGUST 107.824.117 SEPTEMBER 107.866.391 OCTOBER 111.741.268 NOVEMBER 104.402.881 DECEMBER 75.672.622 80.000.000 104.402.881 111.741.268 107.866.391 107.824.117 104.057.051 75.672.622 MAY 100.000.000 98.422.595 98.766.243 112.512.950 100.025.622 98.766.243 APRIL 120.000.000 100.025.622 MARCH 77.166.359 77.166.359 FEBRUARY 103.917.135 103.917.135 JANUARY TOTAL M2 60.000.000 40.000.000 TOTAL 1.202.375.234 20.000.000 0 JANUARY MARCH MAY JULY SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER LENGTH OF MECHANICAL SWEEPING IN ASIAN SIDE 2007 TOTAL M2 JULY 37.968.495 AUGUST 40.992.650 SEPTEMBER 39.187.790 OCTOBER 38.183.195 NOVEMBER 36.845.830 DECEMBER 27.159.835 TOTAL 451.673.385 30.000.000 27.159.835 36.045.900 36.845.830 JUNE 35.000.000 38.183.195 49.092.515 39.187.790 MAY 40.000.000 40.992.650 36.335.870 37.968.495 APRIL 45.000.000 36.045.900 35.358.690 49.092.515 MARCH 50.000.000 36.335.870 33.057.710 35.358.690 FEBRUARY 33.057.710 41.444.905 41.444.905 JANUARY TOTAL M2 25.000.000 20.000.000 15.000.000 10.000.000 5.000.000 0 JANUARY MARCH MAY JULY SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER COLLECTION OF PACKAGING WASTES ON THE SOURCE ► “ Project of Seperate Collection of packaging waste on the Source” has been introduced bu Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and ISTAC Inc. “Packaging Waste Management Plan” was prepared for Istanbul within the frame of this Project. The Project was implemented at certain determined pilot regions and it is thought to extent the Project as to cover the entire Istanbul. For this aim, the protocols between district municipalities and licenced firms have been signed. The number of district that the protocol has been signed is 22. 21 of these 22 districts has started to implementation. ► Within the Project, 200.000 students in 2007 and 300.000 student in 2008 were trained about environment and recycling by the people who are responsible for this. In the same way, 20 university students that have been emplooyed by ISTAC Inc. inform the people in their houses. In the period of one year total 120.000 houses (=500.000 people) have been informed and their awareness has been increased. ► 5.651 tons of packaging waste were collected in the first three month period of 2008. TEMPORARY STORAGE OF BATTERY WASTE ► Battery wastes are buried in specially built and impermeable sections in Odayeri Sanitary Landfill. Each of these sections has a capacity of 100 m3. ► Surroundings of these sections are covered with clay. HDPE on the concrete and soil on the HDPE is spread out in the internal floor of these sections. SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT of ISTANBUL LOCAL ELECTRONICAL WASTE PROJECT ► Project Code: LIFE 06 TCY/TR/282 ► Beneficiary : Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality ► Project Partners : Çevre ve Kültür Mirasını Koruma Association (ÇEVKU) from Turkey and Ecological Recycling Society Association from Greece ► Within the Project, unusable computers are collected and decomposed as usable, recyclable and unrecoverable. The ones that can be used again are repaired and delivered to the public institutions according to need. The ones that can not be used again are purify from toxic materials and sent to recycling plants. The rest of the computer are disposed. INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE