Plan on Introduction of New UN Regulations in Chinese Taipei Simon Hsu Vehicle Safety Certification Center (VSCC) - MOTC Chinese Taipei APEC 39th TPT-WG Meeting, New Zealand, Apr. 2014 1/22 CONTENTS PLAN Readibility & Availability in Test Facility Candidates Vehicle Category 2/22 18 Candidate(s) Active Safety EC Compulsory Newly Created UN Items 3/22 9 Previously Postponed UN Items 18 Candidates(1/3) Previously Postponed UN Items (9/18) 4/22 UN UN No EC Compulsory MUST R61 Front Projection ○ ○ 1 R67 LPG ○ ○ X(Similar one) R87 DRL ○ ○ 2 R21 Interior ○ ○ 3 R26 External Projection ○ ○ 4 R110 CNG ○ ○ X(Similar One) R58 RUP ○ ○ 5 R73 LPD ○ ○ 6 R93 FUP ○ ○ 7 Candidates Candidates(2/3) Previously Postponed UN Items UN UN No EC Compulsory MUST R89 Speed Limiter ○ ○ 8 R29 Cabin ○ X R32 Rear Collision ○ 9-suggested R35 Foot Controls ○ 10-Active S R42 Bumper ○ X R69 Rear RetroPlate ○ X R70 Rear RetroPlate(H/L) ○ 11-Active S Candidates (18/18) R102 Closed Coupling R111 Rollover 5/22 X ○ 12-Stability Candidates(3/3) UN UN No EC Compulsory MUST R121 Tell-Tale ○ ○ Candidates R124 RIM Newly Created UN Items (9/9) R125 Front Vision X ○ ○ R126 Partition R127 Pedestrian 14 X ○ ○ R128 LED 15 16-Active S R129 ECRS 6/22 13 ○ X R130 LDW ○ ○ 17 R131 AEBS ○ ○ 18 Manufacturers’Division in Nature Vehicle Attributes 1-Stage Makers/10 It’s hard to gather comments from significan tly distinctive makers and body builders。 N-Stage Body Builders/11 18-UN Regulation Candidates 7/22 By Vehicle Category –M1/N1/L(2/10) UN Regulation UNECE R21 INTERIOR FITTINGS 車輛內裝規格 UNECE R26 EXTERNAL PROJECTIONS 車外突出物 確認車外零組件設計是否妥 適,避免對其他道路使用者 及空間產生干擾與侵害。 8/22 Purpose 1. This Regulation applies to the interior fittings of vehicles of category M1 with regard to: 1.1. the interior parts of the passenger compartment other than the rear-view mirror or mirrors; 1.2. the arrangement of the controls; 1.3. the roof or opening roof, and 1.4. the seat-back and the rear parts of seats. 1.5. power-operation of windows, roof panels and partition systems. 1.1. This Regulation applies to external projections of category Ml vehicles. 1/ It does not apply to exterior rear-view mirrors or to the ball of towing devices. 1.2. The purpose of this Regulation is to reduce the risk or seriousness of bodily injury to a person hit by the bodywork or brushing against it in the event of a collision. This is valid both when the vehicle is stationary and in motion. Concept By Vehicle Category –M1/N1/L(4/10) UN Regulation UNECE R32 THE EHAVIOUR OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE IMPACTED VEHICLE IN A REAREND COLLISION Purpose the behaviour of the structure of the passenger compartment of private (passenger) cars when subjected to a rear-end collision. 後方碰撞結構特性 提升車輛後方防護性能,減 少因後方碰撞對乘員所產生 之傷害。 UNECE R35 ARRANGEMENT OF FOOT CONTROLS 腳控制器 確認腳踏板與該空間之設計, 降低駕駛者因錯誤操作產生 之行車危險。 9/22 vehicles of category M1 with regard to the arrangement and mode of operation of the foot controls. Concept By Vehicle Category –M1/N1/L(6/10) UN Regulation UNECE R61 EXTERNAL PROJECTIONS FORWARD OF THE CAB'S REAR PANEL Purpose to reduce the risk of the severity of injuries sustained by a person coming into contact with the external surface of the vehicle in the event of an impact. 商用車輛前方車外突出 物 確認商用車前方各項零組 件之設計是否妥適,避免 對於其他道路使用者造成 侵害。 UNECE R87 晝行燈 DAYTIME RUNNING LAMPS 確保晝行燈零組件之產品 品質,並避免對於其他道 路使用者所造成之視覺傷 害。 10/22 lamps intended to increase conspicuity of a vehicle in daylight. Concept By Vehicle Category –M1/N1/L(8/10) UN Regulation UNECE R121 LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF HAND CONTROLS, TELL-TALES AND INDICATORS 汽車控制器標誌 提供駕駛人完整掌握車輛控制 狀態。 UNECE R125 FORWARD FIELD OF VISION OF DRIVERS 前方視野 確保駕駛人之前方行車視野, 提高行車安全。 11/22 Purpose to reduce the safety hazards caused by the diversion of the driver's attention from the driving task and by mistakes in selecting controls. to ensure an adequate field of vision when the windscreen and other glazed surfaces are dry and clean. Concept By Vehicle Category –M1/N1/L(10/10) UN Regulation UNECE R127 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY PERFORMANCE 行人碰撞防護法規 Purpose Concept Test and Assessment procedures for integrated pedestrian safety systems 降低行人於遭受車輛正面碰撞 時所產生之嚴重傷害。 UNECE R128 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) LIGHT SOURCES FOR USE IN APPROVED LAMP UNITS 發光二極體(LED)光源 確保LED光源零組件之產品品 質,並避免對於其他道路使用 者所造成之視覺傷害。 12/22 intended for use in approved signalling lamp units Time Development For LED By Vehicle Category –Others(2/11) UN Regulation UNECE R58 REAR UNDERRUN PROTECTIVE DEVICES (RUPDs) 後方防突入保護裝置安 裝規定/結構強度 Purpose to offer effective protection against underrunning of vehicles in the event of rear collision with vehicles of category M1 and N1 減緩小車碰撞大車後方所造 成之嚴重傷害。 UNECE R73 LATERAL PROTECTION DEVICES (LPD) 左右兩側防止捲入裝置 安裝規定/結構強度 避免機車及行人遭大型車側 方捲入車底所造成之嚴重傷 害。 13/22 to offer effective protection to unprotected road users against the risk of falling under the sides of the vehicle and being caught under the wheels. Concept By Vehicle Category –Others(4/11) UN Regulation Purpose UNECE R93 FRONT UNDERRUN PROTECTION(FUP) 前方安全防護裝置安裝 規定/結構強度 to offer effective protection for vehicles of category M1 and N1 against underrunning of vehicles in the event of rear collision 減緩小車因碰撞大車前方所 造成之嚴重傷害。 UNECE R61 EXTERNAL PROJECTIONS OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 商用車輛前方車外突出物 確認商用車前方各項零組件 之設計是否妥適,避免對於 其他道路使用者造成侵害。 14/22 To prevent catching pedestrians, cyclists and motor cyclists Concept By Vehicle Category –Others(7/11) UN Regulation UNECE R87 晝行燈 Purpose lamps intended to increase conspicuity of a vehicle in daylight. DAYTIME RUNNING LAMPS 確保晝行燈零組件之產品品質, 並避免對於其他道路使用者所造 成之視覺傷害。 UNECE R89 SPEED LIMITATION DEVICES 速率限制裝置 to limit the road speed of vehicles by means of a vehicle system which has the primary function of controlling the fuel feed to the engine or via the engine management. 降低因超速所造成事故發生率。 UNECE R130 LANE DEPARTURE WARNING SYSTEM (LDWS) 車道偏離警示系統 避免大車駕駛因分心或其他因素 偏離車道造成事故發生。 15/22 to warn the driver of an unintentional drift of the vehicle out of its travel lane Concept By Vehicle Category –Others(9/11) UN Regulation UNECE R111 ROLLOVER STABILITY (TANK VEHICLES OF CATEGORIES N AND O) N/O類罐槽車翻覆穩定性 Purpose Concept to ensure the rollover stability of tank vehicles intended for the carriage of dangerous goods 提升此類車輛之操控穩定性,降低車 輛翻覆之風險。 UNECE R128 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) LIGHT SOURCES FOR USE IN APPROVED LAMP UNITS 發光二極體(LED)光源 確保LED光源零組件之產品品質,並 避免對於其他道路使用者所造成之視 覺傷害。 16/22 intended for use in approved signalling lamp units Time Development For LED By Vehicle Category –Others(11/11) UN Regulation UNECE R70 REAR MARKING PLATES FOR HEAVY AND LONG VEHICLES 重車及長車後方標示牌 Purpose To ensure the reflection in which radiation is returned in directions close to the direction from which it came, this property being maintained even over wide variations of the direction of the incident radiation 提高後方來車辨識前方可能為移動 緩慢之車輛,降低追撞事故發生率。 UNECE R131 ADVANCED EMERGENCY BRAKING SYSTEMS (AEBS) 自動緊急煞車系統 降低駕駛因未保持車距或分心等因 素造成追撞事故所產生之傷害,可 提昇大客車之行車安全。 17/22 automatically detect a potential forward collision, provide the driver with a warning and activate the vehicle braking system to decelerate the vehicle with the purpose of avoiding or mitigating the severity of a collision in the event that the driver does not respond to the warning Concept Priority Classification for Drafting Priority on DRAFT Regulation 18/22 I Highest Readibility In Capacity II Potential Availability III After II, check Updated Situation of Capacity By Readibility & Availability in Test Facility (1/3) Classification for Vehicle Category M1/N1/L Class Readibility & Availability in Test Facility Item UN Regulation Category 1 R26 M1 FULL 2 R61 N1 FULL 3 R87 M1/N1/L FULL 4 R121 M1 / N1 FULL 5 R127 M1 / N1 Planning 6 R128 M1/N1/L FULL 7 R21 M1 Planning 8 R125 M1 Planning III 9 R35 M1 Planning (Observer) 10 R32 M1 FULL I II 19/22 By Readibility & Availability in Test Facility (2/3) Classification for Vehicle Category other than M1/N1/L (1/2) Class I 20/22 Readibility & Availability in Test Facility Item UN Regulation Category 1 R58 N2/N3/O3/O4 FULL 2 R73 N2/N3/O3/O4 FULL 3 R93 N2/N3 FULL 4 R61 N2/N3 FULL 5 R87 M2/M3/N2/N3 FULL 6 R89 M2/M3/N2/N3 FULL 7 R128 ALL FULL 8 R130 M2/M3/N2/N3 FULL 9 R131 M2/M3/N2/N3 Partial: (Checking soft target) By Readibility & Availability in Test Facility (3/3) Classification for Vehicle Category other than M1/N1/L (2/2) Class II III (observer) 21/22 Item UN Regulation Category 10 R70 HV: 1. N2>7.5t /N3 2. O4 LV: 1.articulated bus 2. O1~O3 > 8m 11 R111 N2/N3/O3/O4 Readibility & Availability in Test Facility Partial: (FULL upon regulation announcement) Partial: Simulation for >20t Thank You For Your Attention 22/22