Downloads - Green Valley E-Waste Management Pvt. Ltd.

Presented By,
M/s. Green Valley E-Waste Management Pvt. Ltd.
Pritesh Complex, Bldg., No. A-7, Gala No. 7, Anjurpada, Dapoda Road,
Village – Val, Bhiwandi Dist: Thane
Email :
Established in 2012
Provides the full spectrum of activities covered under e-waste management: Collection,
Segregation, Dismantling, Shredding, Sorting & ultimate destruction/ disposal of
hazardous items
Currently operates out from its facility in Bhiwandi, Thane and has the installed
capacity to process 240 tones of e-waste feed per annum
Capital Investment OF Around 11 Lacs.
Auditing, Testing & Repair
Processing, sorting, and testing of your equipment is done at our warehouse in
Bhiwandi, Maharashtra.
Complete Audit
Our detailed inventory list of the equipment will contain each item's brand,
model, serial number, asset tag number(s), and other necessary identifying
Data Destruction Guarantee
As technicians process your equipment, they destroy your data. All other
magnetic media is shredded in a large 100-horsepower hydraulic shredder.
Table of contents
What E-waste and its Implications
Generation of E-waste
Components of E waste
 Electronic products often contain hazardous and toxic materials that pose
environmental risks if they are land filled or incinerated.
 Televisions, video and computer monitors use cathode ray tubes(CRTs),
which have significant amounts of lead.
 Printed circuit boards contain primarily plastic and copper and most have
small amounts of chromium, lead solder nickel and zinc.
 In addition, many electronic products have batteries that often contain
nickel, cadmium and other heavy metals. Relays and switches in electronics,
especially older ones, may contain mercury.
 Also, capacitors in some types of older and larger equipment that is now
entering the waste stream may contain polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs).
Due to the pervading reach of information technology in trade and commerce, computer waste is
the most significant of all e-waste, along with televisions and cellular phones
E-waste contains both valuable as well as harmful components
 Valuable components include precious metals such as gold, silver, copper, palladium, etc.
 Harmful substances include lead, mercury, cadmium, etc.
Some of the key toxic elements contained within components of a computer include:
Toxic Elements Inside a Computer
Components of a computer
Printed Circuit Boards
Cathode ray Tubes(CRTs)
Switches and Flat-screen Monitors
Computer Batteries
Capacitors and Transformers
Printed Circuit Boards, Plastic Casing Cable
Computer Batteries
Key Toxic Constituents
Lead and cadmium
Lead oxide and cadmium
Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs)
Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC)
Currently we have Approx 2600Sqft
Space for E-waste Process and
•1250 Sqft for Raw Material Storage
•530Sqft for Dismantling Process
•440Sqft for Air Pollution Control
Equipment , Wire Cutter and Hdd
Cutting Machine.
•350Sqft for Refurbishing and
repacking .
• 260Sqft Office / Staff Room
 PCB – PCB Recyclers who extracts precious metal from pcbs,
 Authorised Recyclers – Attero & E-parisara.
 CRT Tubes – TV Manufactures,
 Vendor – Global Electronics Industries (Delhi).
 Plastic Material – Plastic Recyclers,
 Vendor – Green-O-Tech India.
 Metal Scrap – Metal Recyclers for smelting & metal recovery,
 Vendor – Metal Refinery epz ltd, Venus Precious Metal Refinery.
 Hazardous Waste – To CHWTSD Facility
First aid kit
Fire extinguishers
High visibility jackets
Cup masks with valve
Hand gloves
Ear plugs
Safety helmets
Safety shoes
Shower cum eye wash
Spill kit (incl. Sorbent pads, CEP pillows, sorbent boom, nitrile
gloves, chemical suit, CE/EN certified chemical splash goggles,
mask, waste bags, emergency response hand book/CD)
•Brick & Tile
Bombay Waste
Printed Circuit
Metal extraction