Baltimore’s Transition to Healthy Homes Structuring a comprehensive, community-based healthy homes effort Genevieve Birkby, MPH, MA Baltimore City Health Department Healthy Homes & Communities Division Overview Describe Baltimore’s transition to healthy homes Convey opportunities, resources & barriers Discuss expansion to communitybased initiatives which support healthy housing Baltimore 87 square miles; 650,000 people 55,000 children under 6 65% African American Median family income – $37,000 Limited affordable, healthy housing Goal - Clean, Green, Healthy Healthy Homes & Communities Division Created in May 2006 Deputy Commissioner, Dr. Madeleine Shea Mission: The Baltimore City Health Department -- in collaboration with community, city, state and national partners -- will improve the health and well being of children and their families by developing and targeting resources to make Baltimore homes lead safe, reduce home-based asthma triggers, reduce carbon monoxide poisoning, and decrease preventable home injuries. Baltimore’s Housing 50 years old on average (US is 30 yrs) 75% of rental units estimated to have lead Studies of low income housing show: 24% leaking roofs 53% peeling paint 38% mouse droppings 31% roaches present Lead Exposure in Baltimore 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 The number of lead-poisoned children under age 6 in Baltimore decreased from 2,189 in the year 2000 to 626 in 2007. Why Transition from Lead to HH? Declining lead cases Unmet needs in asthma prevention and control, and injury prevention Staff capacity in inspections, health education and case management Opportunity to expand public health services and impact New funding and partnership opportunities Healthy Homes Demonstration Project CDC-funded; piloted in 2007 Goal to develop, implement and evaluate a model to expand an urban childhood lead poisoning prevention program into a comprehensive healthy housing program 100 initial home assessments 50 three-month follow up assessments HH Demonstration Project Significant staff training (healthy homes 101; IPM; fire safety; CO etc.) Developed forms, assessments and protocols Identified relevant healthy housing resources Evaluation, evaluation, evaluation Population Demographics Mean income = $576/month Average household size = 4.9 people Population - Renters 56% live in rental properties 65% of renters have a written lease Average monthly rent is $328 Population - Asthma 40% of households have someone with asthma or other respiratory problem 32% have child with asthma Results: What did we find? Kitchens without a trash can: 28% Households reporting any pest problem: 79.5% 44% with no working smoke alarms Asthma reported: 43% No working heat: 17% Indoor smoking: 36% Lessons Learned: HH Pilot One-size fits all approach? Need to weigh “comprehensive” assessment with “actionable” interventions Priority intervention areas? Asthma? IPM? Staff Training Morale How? Resources & Opportunities City Agencies – (DHCD, HABC, FD, PD, Health Programs, Quasi Orgs, School System) State Agencies (DHMH, MDE, DHCD) Universities (public health, nursing, psychiatry, urban planning, community law, social work, forestry, etc.) Primary Care Providers Federal Agencies (CDC, HUD, EPA) Community Based Orgs (Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning, community groups, etc) National Advocacy and Training Orgs (NCHH, AHH) How? Resources & Opportunities City-wide initiatives Baltimore City Sustainability Commission Mayor’s Cleaner, Greener Initiative Food Policy Task Force Barriers to Transition Taking programs to scale Requires increased staff, training and supplies Lack of public investment in housing for low-income families Families “in crisis” – social issues beyond housing Resource constraints Current Division Structure Four Bureaus Lead Inspections & Enforcement LAAP (Lead Abatement Action Program) Asthma Community Planning & Initiatives Lead Inspections & Enforcement Registered sanitarians inspect all homes of children with elevated blood lead levels with a healthy homes approach. Issue violation notices to those homes with lead hazards 2009: Bed bug response Lead Inspections & Enforcement Case management for children with an EBL or with significant lead risks Provide integrated healthy homes assessment and risk-specific advice Link families to resources needed to improve the health and safety of their housing Lead Abatement Action Program Health intervention program geared towards interim control treatments of lead poisoning hazards in the home. Have completed lead hazard intervention work in over 2,500 units throughout the City. Asthma Home visiting asthma programs Enroll children ages 2- 18 who have moderate to severe asthma Home visits from nurses and trained community health workers to assess medical and environmental needs. Utilize a healthy homes approach. Community Planning & Initiatives Community-based initiatives and evaluation Outreach and training Lead Safe Work Practices Initiative Promotores program Community Environmental Health Planning Initiative Safe Pest Management for Health Initiative Expansion to the Community Healthy Homes Healthy Homes and Communities Community Approaches Response to both identified priorities and emerging needs Promotores program – need for better engagement with the Latino community Safe Pest Management for Health Bed bugs! New and creative approaches (MICA) Asthma community education groups Community Approaches Support other city-wide initiatives Weatherization + health Baltimore City Sustainability Commission Redline Project Safe Pest Management for Health Baltimore Housing, BCPSS Augment our IPM response within the division 35 site assessments Recommendations for city IPM contracts Bed bug subsidization program Peer education in public housing Weatherization Broad-based partnership Housing; CECLP; MD Rehab., Civicworks, Rebuilding Baltimore Together Weatherization + healthy housing Future Directions Healthy housing will continue to evolve Tailor according to your community’s needs – don’t take on too much Consider creative approaches and non-traditional partners