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Bio-based products & Green Public
Marco Versari – Novamont
Novamont Profile
• Market pioneer and leader in the sector of biodegradable materials with
focus on renewable resources
• More than 10% of turnover and more than 30% of the HR dedicated to
• More than 100 articles and many awards (EPO: European inventor of the
year 2007)
Research centres and
production sites
ADRIA (RO) - Mater-Biotech
Novamont Headquarted
and R&D site
TERNI (Origo-Bi + Mater-Bi production)
Matrica biorefinery
Bio-based and biodegradable products
The Lead Market Initiative: bio-based products
• The use of bio-based resources is growing. This has triggered innovative
technologies and use of new bio-based materials and products.
• The bio-based products market has been identified as a lead market by
the European Commission’s Lead Market Initiative
• The Lead Market Initiative aims to support the up-take of the sectors
indentified with policy instruments such as regulation, public procurements,
standardization and other supporting activities, in order to lower barriers to
bring these new products onto the market.
Standardization in the bio-based economy
Standards are seen as essential elements in aggregating initial demand, in particular
for new bio-based products. Standards for bio-based products can help to increase
market transparency by providing common reference methods and requirements in
order to verify claims about these products (e.g. bio-degradability, bio-based content,
recyclability, sustainability).
Within the framework of the Lead Market Initiative for bio-based products, the
European Commission has identified a lack of European standards for these
• The Commission has issued several standardisation mandates to CEN
(European Committee for Standardization):
M/429 for the elaboration of a standardization programme for bio-based products
M/430 on bio-polymers and bio-lubricants
M/491 on bio-solvents and bio-surfactants
M/492 for the development of horizontal standards for bio-based products
Standardization in the bio-based economy
Standardization in the bio-based economy
 CEN/TC 411 Bio-based products
• The main objective of the TC is to develop standards for bio-based products covering
horizontal aspects. This includes a consistent terminology for bio-based products,
sampling, bio-based content, application of and correlation towards LCA and
sustainability of biomass used, and guidance on the use of existing standards for the
end-of-life options.
The GPP in the italian context
The GPP in the italian context
• Under the indication contained in the Communication of
the European Commission "Integrated Product Policy"
(COM (2003) 02), in 2008 the Italian Ministry of
Environment has developed through an extensive process
of consultation with local authorities, other relevant
ministries and with the technical support of National
Agencies, the “National Action Plan for the
environmental sustainability of consumption of public
administration” (PAN GPP).
The Italian National Action Plan GPP
The Plan has the objective of maximizing the dissemination of GPP among
public administration in order to make it unfold in its full potential in terms of
environment, economy and industry
The implementation of GPP in accordance with the Action Plan should take
place through the following actions:
involvement of relevant parties for GPP at national level (local governments,
CONSIP, Ministry for Environment);
definition, for products and services identified as priorities for the
environmental impact and volume of expenditure, of guidelines for the
construction of processes of "sustainable" procurement and environmental
criteria to be included in the tender specifications;
definition of national targets;
periodical monitoring and analysis of the environmental benefits achieved.
New national target on green procurement (updating 2013 - Official Journal
n.102, 3 May 2013): by 2014 at least 50% of public procurement must be
The product categories
The basic concept of GPP relies on having clear, justifiable, verifiable and ambitious
environmental criteria for products, services and works, based on a life-cycle approach and
scientific evidence base.
Environmental criteria
Bio-based application
Food and Catering services
Public catering: cutlery, plates, beakers, cups, boxes
biodegradable and compostable
Waste Management
Compostable bags for separate collection
Biodegradable lubricants
Gardening products and services
Biodegradable herbicides;
Road construction (in progress)
Biodegradable herbicides
Copying and graphic paper
Cleaning products and services
Electricity and Street lighting
Office IT equipment
1. The Environmental criteria on Food and
Catering services
• In 2011 was adopted the environmental criteria on food and
catering services.
• In order to reduce waste generation, food and beverages
must be served using cutlery, plates, glasses which are
reusable. If this is not possible, the public administration
can use disposable products.
• In this case, if the municipal has implemented the separate
collection of the organic waste, it is possible to use cutlery,
plates, glasses biodegradable and compostable in
accordance with the UNI EN 13432. The supplier will
have to provide product certificates in accordance with this
Survey on Environmental criteria on food and catering
In 2012, a national survey was conducted with the aim to discover if the public
administrations use the environmental criteria on food and catering services within the
64% of P.A. are using this criteria (reusable cutlery, plates, and glasses or compostable
if single-use) in their tender.
Where environmental criteria on food and catering services are
used (examples)
All schools
Grugliasco (TO)
Schio (VI)
Santorso (VI)
Cetara (SA)
Carpineti (RE)
Reggio Emilia
Catering company
Piaggio Laigueglia (SV)
Catering company
Catering company
Where environmental criteria on food and catering
services are used
Where environmental criteria are
Mazzè (TO)
Catering company
Castagneto Carducci (LI)
Catering company
Catering company
Portomaggiore (FE)
Catering company
Massafiscaglia (FE)
Catering company
Borgo Cascina Miglaro (FE)
Catering company
Migliarino (FE)
Catering company
Pramaggiore (VE)
Catering company
Laigueglia (SV)
Catering company
Mazze (TO)
Catering company
Monticello d’Alba (CN)
Catering company
Pieve di Teco (Im)
Catering company
Grinzane Cavour (CN)
Catering company
Where environmental criteria on food and catering
services are used
Where environmental criteria are
Fontaneto d’Agogna (NO)
Catering company
Barge (CN)
Catering company
Budrio (BO)
Catering company
Farigliano (CN)
Catering company
Airasca (TO)
Catering company
Pontedassio (IM)
Catering company
Murisengo (AL)
Catering company
Sant’Olcese (GE)
Catering company
Taggia (IM)
Catering company
2. The Environmental criteria on Waste
• On February 2014 was adopted the environmental criteria
on waste management.
• Collection Organic Waste (Art 182 ter of Legislative Decree
152/2006 as amended by Legislative Decree 205/2010):
– the bags must be compostable
– compostability meets the criteria defined by EN 13432
armonized standard.
• The separate collection “door to door” must cover at least
the collection of organic waste and the residual waste
3. The Environmental criteria on Transport
• On May 2012 the environmental criteria on transport was
• Future application  biodegradable lubricants
• Lubricants are mentioned as useful for reducing the
environmental impacts during the use and maintenance of
the public transport.
• Lubricants that are recommended:
– with low viscosity,
– regenerated or,
– that meet the ecological criteria of EU Ecolabel.
The GPP in the italian context: the
sustainable events
Sustainable events
Novamont works with several Italian
regions that are developing sustainable
events called "Ecofeste“ (eco-events) using
biodegradable and compostable tableware.
The advantages of biodegradable and
compostable tableware:
• Better waste management through
separate collection
• Reduce
• "Raising the profile“ of the event
• Support of the community efforts
in reducing the impact of waste
• Increase population awareness
• Reducing the
emissions of
greenhouse gases
The «Ecofeste» (Eco-events) in two
Italian Regions
The «Ecofeste» in Liguria Region
certifies the events more
"sustainable" in Liguria*
Region, those that promote
and disseminate good
practices for the reduction
and management of waste.
*Liguria is a turistic Region in the
north of Italy.
The brand “Ecofesta”
• The brand "Ecofesta" is granted to the events which agree to
implement the following basic requirements:
– separate collection of paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, cans, oils, food
– reusable cutlery, plates, and glasses (ceramic, glass, metal...). Disposable
tableware (only EN13432 certified biodegradable and compostable
– event manager for the waste management and responsible to train
– use the least possible amount of packaging;
– specific communication activities on the separate collection and use of
reusable or compostable catering to increase awareness of the citizens.
"Ecofesta”: the results of 2011/2012
20 events
105,000 participants
83,33% is the average result of the separate collection (high!)
41 tons of total waste produced.
34 tons collected separately
glass (8.7 tons)
paper and cardboard (5.8 tons)
biodegradable waste (15 tons)
plastic (2.2 tons)
vegetable oil (1.9 tons)
The Eco-events in Umbria Region
2009-2012: Primi d’Italia
200.000 Visitors
73% is the average result of
the separate collection
-30% reduction of CO2
The Eco-events in Umbria Region 2/2
CO2 eq processo smaltimento
% Indifferenziato
kg CO2 eq.
Catering in plastica
Catering bio
The support of Umbria Region
• In 2009 Umbria Region provides a plan to reduce waste and the
environmental impacts of events
• In 2013 the Region approved the Waste Reduction Plan and the
brand Eco-events.
• The Region has established a disciplinary regarding the ecoevents with the following mandatory action: separate collection,
identify a responsible person of the event, catering reusable
and/or compostable.
• City like, Foligno, Perugia, Terni, Amelia, Città di Castello, have
internal regulations that mandatory a conversion from traditional
events to eco-events
The International Eco-events:
Olympic Games 2012 and World
Youth Day 2013
London 2012 Zero Waste Games Vision
 During the last London Olympic Games 2012
the London Organising Committee of the
Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG)
decided to use compostable disposable
 The LOCOG required that all compostable items
proposed to be supplied should have been
certified in accordance with EN 13432.
 The compostable disposable tableware of
Ecozema, an Italian company, had been been
selected to be used in the Olympic Village for
athletes and visitors.
Environmental sustainability at World Youth Day 2013
Novamont has developed an experimental project
to limit the environmental impact of waste
production in collaboration with the Italian
Environment Ministry and the Pontifical Catholic
University in Rio
The experiment has taken place at the Pontifical
Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro: the young
people who visited the campus have used
compostable disposable tableware.
With assistance from CONRLUB, the Rio de
Janeiro municipal company responsible for
collecting solid urban waste, the organic waste
produced has be sent for separate collection,
organised by Novamont technicians in
collaboration with local partners, and passed on
to the treatment plant at Caju.
The project «400 ore» (400 hours) GPP
The project «400 ore» GPP
• Since 2011 Novamont participate at "400 ore GPP“ (400 hours GPP) project
• How it works: private companies sponsor seminars for P.A. on GPP, so P.A.
have the possibility to receive information on GPP and products
• Novamont, as sponsor, partecipates at seminars on separate collection and
sustainable events management.
• Scope of the seminars: to explain how biodegradable and compostable products
can offer an added value in food waste management schemes and in the
organization of sustainable events.
• GPP is a powerful tool (in Italy L.A. represent more than 15% of
total purchase)
• A full implementation of GPP needs a stronger legislative action
both a EU and national level
• New products / services to be added (e.g. biolubricants)
• Standards play a key role
• Clear rules for the tenders
Thank you
For more information