Presentation Title

RecycleMania Promo Strategies:
Tips from Oregon State University
Andrea Norris, Marketing & Development Coordinator
Oregon State University Overview
OSU by the numbers:
• 26,393 students
• From all 50 states and
100 countries
• Instructed by 3,481 faculty
• On a 400 acre campus in Corvallis, OR
• Since 1868
OSU goals for RecycleMania
• Promote and develop recycling and waste
reduction habits year-round
• Gauge OSU’s waste stats over time
TIP #1:
Go where the people are
Play a role in an already-popular event
• Co-sponsor an event
• Make an
announcement or
give a presentation
• Offer “zero waste”
event services
• OSU Example:
Presented to ~300
attendees at the
2013 Recycled
Fashion Show
Organize activities and competitions in res. halls
• OSU Example: Res. Hall
• 3 weeks long; based on per capita
• Halls will be rewarded points in an
already existing Inter-Hall Challenge
• Lessons learned:
• Mobilizing and involving housing staff
can be challenging and takes time
• Peer-to-peer promotion is important –
recruit building captains if you don’t
have Eco-Reps
• Post weekly results to provide feedback
during the competition
Host a booth, activity or display in high traffic area
• Locations might include dining centers, rec centers, memorial
unions, etc.
• OSU Example: Annual scrap sculpture display
Accompany display with RecycleMania logo, calendar, recycling tips, etc.
Host a booth, activity or display in high traffic area
Host a booth, activity or display in high traffic area
TIP #2:
Involve students & staff
in planning
Involve students and staff in planning
• Include both to maximize
your creativity and capacity
• Involve students in all
stages, including planning
events and marketing
• OSU Example: Student
volunteer team plans much
of the activities and assists
with carrying out event and
marketing tasks
TIP #3:
Collaborate with other
Collaborate with other groups
• Organize events together
• Invite other groups to put on waste reduction-related events
during RecycleMania
You gain more activities and awareness while they gain more marketing
• OSU Examples:
Clothing swaps sponsored by
Womens Center
Career Wardrobe exchange
Scrap vinyl pride stickers by
Pride Center
TIP #4:
Promote existing
programs and services
Promote existing programs and services
• Offering something you
want people to know
about? Now’s the time to
promote it!
Promote it under the umbrella of
RecycleMania, i.e. encourage
people to participate to help your
university compete
Might include services (e.g. event
recycling), products (reusable to-go
containers) or programs
• OSU Example: Host
department compost
TIP #5:
Tap into people’s
competitive nature
Tap into people’s competitive nature
• Host competitions within your university
• Piggyback on an existing school rivalry
• OSU Example: Oregon State v. Oregon Civil War
Established in 2010; based on per capita recycling + compost
Promoted via scoreboards in high traffic areas, website, social
media, school newspaper, etc.
TIP #6:
Establish and stick to a
standard design
Establish and stick to a standard design
• Create a “visual identity” – a look and feel repeated across all
marketing materials
May include standard fonts, colors, graphics, layout, etc.
Repetition across materials makes them more memorable
• Use RecycleMania logo and provide logo(s) to partnering
groups to use on their materials too
• OSU Examples: Utilize “visual identity” standards for OSU
along with RecycleMania logo and trash can graphic
¼-Sheet Flier
Hall Poster
TV Slide
Web Graphics
For more information:
Andrea Norris