U.S. FLEET CYBER COMMAND U.S. TENTH FLEET CDR Scott Coughlin Director of Current Operations U.S. Fleet Cyber Command / U.S. TENTH Fleet ——— FLTCYBERCOM / C10F ——— U.S. FLEET CYBER COMMAND / U.S. TENTH FLEET Missions and Lines Of Operations Mission • Central operational authority for networks, cryptology/SIGINT, IO, cyber, EW and space in support of forces afloat and ashore • Navy Component Commander to USCYBERCOM • Service Cryptologic Component Commander Lines of Operation • Assuring Navy Command and Control • Achieve and sustain ability to navigate and maneuver freely in cyberspace and Radio Frequency spectrum • On command, and in coordination with Joint and Navy commanders, conduct operations to achieve effects in and through cyberspace First Year Successes Operational Alignments Administrative Alignments Operationalizing Cyberspace Navy Command and Control Relationships CNO COCOM STRATCOM ADCON Navy Component Commanders and Numbered Fleets NSW NAVSOUTH NAVCENT NAVAF NAVEUR PACFLT USFF OPCON USCYBERCOM NSA SCC FLTCYBERCOM C10F Type Commanders SUBFOR AIRFOR SURFOR Service Employment NCDOC NNWC NIOCs/ CTFs CYBERFOR NAVSOC NCTAMS NCWDG C10F Standing Task Organization CTF 1010 COMNNWC CTF 1020 CO NCDOC CTG 1010.1 NCTAMS LANT C10F CTG 1020.1 NCDOC CTG 1010.2 NCTAMS PAC CTG 1020.2 NIOC Pensacola CTG 1010.3 NAVSOC CTF 1030 CO NIOC Norfolk CTG 1030.2 NIOC San Diego CTG 1030.1 NIOC Norfolk CTG 1030.3 NIOC Whidbey Island CTF 1090 CO NCWDG R&D Information Operations Network Operations & Defense CTF 1040 CTF 1050 CTF 1060 CTF 1070 CTF 1080 CO NIOC CO NIOC CO NIOC CO NIOC CO NIOC Texas Georgia Maryland Hawaii Colorado CTF 1000 C10F CTG 1000.1 CTG 1000.2 NIOC Menwith NIOC Hill Station Sugar Grove CTG 1000.5 NIOC Georgia CTG 1000.3 NIOC Misawa CTG 1000.4 NIOC Texas CTG 1040.1 CTG 1050.1 CTG 1060.1 CTG 1070.1 CTG 1080.1 NIOC NIOC NIOC NIOC NIOC Texas Georgia Maryland Hawaii Colorado CTG 1000.6 NIOC Maryland CTG 1000.7 NIOC Hawaii CTG 1000.8 NIOC Colorado CTG 1050.2 CTG 1060.2 CTG 1070.2 NIOC NIOC FIOC Bahrain Yokosuka UK CTG 1000.9 NIOD Yakima CTG 1000.10 NIOD Alice Springs Service Cryptologic Component Operations CTG 1070.3 NIOC Misawa Fleet and Theater SIGINT Operations Administrative Realignments Maritime Fleet Operations Center Situational Awareness Common Operational Cyberspace Picture Dynamic Network Defense Network Transport Management Signals Intelligence Collection Coordination Cyber Planning Cell Raw Data Information Knowledge Decision Superiority Managing Networks Nodes and Netflows Network Views QOS Mgmt SLA Management and SA Cyber Security Certification and Inspection Purpose Highlights • Improve Navy Cyber Security Posture • Drive accountability, responsibility, and authority for cyber security • Uncover gaps in our cyber doctrine, procedures, and processes • Find best cyber operators to inspect and train the rest • Build Foundation for annual interaction with every command • Initiate process leading to a formal inspection every third year • Partnering with DISA • Navy first Cyber Command Component to implement • Promotes efficiencies, expectations, and operational standards NAVY OWNERSHIP OF NAVY CYBER SECURITY Service Cryptologic Component Signals Intelligence Collections Cyber Planning Cells Consolidated Fleet Indications and Warning Our Way Ahead Move from reactive to predictive Effects based offensive cyber requirements Target Folder development Integration into the ITO cycle Fragility of cyber targeting Confidence factors for planning Metrics: Pk and CEP for cyber operations Impact of outside influences Second- and third-order effects Integration of all assets to achieve effects EW, IO, Space Personnel / Training 11