Extension Education 1 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Introduction to Extension Education Means for dissemination of education and information Helps to change human behaviour through use of knowledge, skill and attitude Was first implemented in Britain in 1894 Main aim: to reach out to the rural and farming population for promoting social and cultural development. Definition: It is an applied science consisting of content derived from research accumulated field experiences and relevant experiences drawn from behavioural sciences and combined with useful technology into a philosophy, principles and methods focused on the problems of out of school education for adults and youth. 2 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Introduction to Extension Education Purpose: To bring about a change in attitudes and practices of the people with whom work is done. Results: Narrows the gap between what is and what is required or desired. It encompasses the educational, economic, cultural, social and communal objective of learning and teaching. 3 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani How can Extension Education be effective? It should be: humanitarian realistic flexible based on the principle of learning by doing cater to the needs and interests of people at grass root levels needs to be regularly assessed and evaluated should include feedback from participants and local authorities needs to be well planned 4 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Principles of Extension Education that need to be catered to 5 Principle of Voluntary Education Principle of Self- Help Principle of Satisfaction Principle of Self- Dependence Principle of Motivation and Encouragement Principle of Cooperation and Participation Principle of Local Leadership Principle of whole family participation Principle of slow and a continuous process In agreement with the National Policies and Programmes Undertaken by Trained Subject matter specialists Be based on applied technology and science, and in accordance with appropriate teaching method Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Communication Essential for the functioning of any programme It is a two way process by which the messages are transmitted from the source to the receiver. It is the process by which information, decisions and directions pass through a social system and the ways in which knowledge, opinions and attitudes are formed or modified It is a process by which two or more people exchange ideas, facts, feelings or impressions in a way that each gains common understanding of a message bringing the sender and receiver together. Gestures and symbols are very important in the process of communication 6 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Visual Aids Ensure more effective communication. Attracts the receiver through the sense organs Useful in achieving the objectives by creating interest, motivation, desire and activity. Classification of audio visual is based on the sense organs involved: Audio- radio, tape recorder, telephone, public address system, songs, slogans etc. Visual- These are of two types: Non- projected- posters, charts, pictures, models, flash cards, cartoons, black- board, bulleti- boards, handbills, paper, clippings, exhibitions Projected- Slides, film strips, silent films, overhead projections, opaque projections, slide projections, close circuit TV, films, television, VCR, drama, puppetry and songs and dance programmes 7 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Types of Communication One-way Communication (Didactic Method) The flow of communication is one way from the communicator to the audience. e.g. lecture method in class rooms Drawbacks knowledge is imposed learning is authoritative less audience participation no feedback doe not influence human behaviour 8 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Types of Communication Two- way communication (Socratic Method) Both the communicator and the audience take part The audience may raise questions, and add their own information, ideas and opinions to the subject. Learning process is active and democratic More likely to influence behaviour than oneway communication 9 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Types of Communication Verbal Communication The traditional way of communication has been by word of mouth. The advent of written and printed matter are of comparatively recent origin. Direct verbal communication by word of mouth may be loaded with hidden meanings It is persuasive. Non- direct or written communication may not be as persuasive as the spoken word 10 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Types of Communication Non- verbal Communication Communication without words It includes a whole range of bodily movements, postures, gestures, facial expressions etc. Silence is non-verbal communication It speaks louder than words 11 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Types of Communication Communication Formal Communication - follows lines of authority 12 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Informal Communication - grape- vine communication - exists in all organizations - could be more active if the formal channels do not cater to the information needs Types of Communication Persuasion (influence) art of winning friends and influencing people does not employ force or deliberate manipulation Definition: A conscious attempt by one individual to change or influence the general beliefs, understanding, values and behaviour of another individual or group of individuals in some desired way Persuasive communication is more effective than coercion or authoritative communication It can change lifestyle and modify the risk factors of diseases When persuasive communication is deliberately employed to manipulate feelings, attitudes and beliefs, it becomes Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani 13 'propaganda' or 'brain washing' Types of Communication Information The primary function of health communication is to provide scientific knowledge or information to people about health problems and how to maintain and promote health. Information should be easily available to the people . Exposure to the right kind of health information can eliminate social and psychological barriers of ignorance, prejudice and misconceptions people may have about health matters Increase awareness of the people to the point that they are able to perceive their health needs influence people to the extent that unfelt needs become Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani 14 felt needs, and felt needs become demands Types of Communication Message It is the information which the communicator transmits to his audience to receive, understand, accept and act upon. It may be in the form of words, pictures or signs. Health communication may fail if the message is not adequate 15 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Types of Communication Characteristics of a good message in line with the objectives meaningful based on felt needs clear and understandable specific and accurate timely and adequate fitting the audience interesting culturally and socially appropriate Transmitting the right message to the right people at 16 the right time is a crucial factor in successful Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani communication Elements of Communication Element Sender Description The person or device intending to transmit the information Message The information in the form of an idea, thought, attitude, feeling, opinion, etc Receiver The person willing to share the message with the sender Feedback The reactions and responses of receiver to the sender after receiving the message Noise The barriers to the message resulting in the distortion or blackout of communication Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani 17 The Two-Way Process of Communication FEEDBACK SENDER MESSAGE RECEIVER NOISE 18 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Terminology Audio aid: The device which can be heard but the person and objects whose voices are recorded cannot be seen. e.g. audio-tapes, audio cassettes, record discs Visual aid: The teaching device which can be seen but not heard. e.g. slides, film- strips, opaque projections, photographs, pictures etc Audio- visual aid: The teaching device that can be both 19 heard and seen. e.g. motion pictures, video cassette players and television programmes Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Categories of Teaching Aids Teaching Aid Category Examples Graphic Aids Charts, posters, pictures, cut-outs, placcards, flash cards, bulletin boards, flannel boards, magnetic boards, chalk boards ThreeModels, specimen, real objects, apparatus, dimensional Aids exhibits, dioramas Activity Aids Demonstrations, dramatization, projects, excursions, field trips etc Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani 20 Sensory Learning Experiences Sense Organ Eye Sensory Experience Visual Example Ear Aural Listening to gramophone recording Nose Olifactory Smelling a gas prepared in chemistry laboratory Tongue Gustatory Tasting a food item prepared in the home science laboratory Skin Tactile Showing the diagram of digestive system Feeling the shape, roughness etc. of an object Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani 21 Category of Aids Examples Auditory Aids Radio receivers; recordings Visual Aids Slides, film strips, over-head projector, transparencies, epidiascopic projections Audio- Visual Aids Motion pictures, television programmes, video shows, computer- video interface Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani 22 Kinds of Communication Kind Descriptions Examples Speaking- Listening The sender speaks and the receiver listens 1. Listening to a lecture or discourse 2. Listening to a talk or a lesson on a radio- set. 3. Listening to a tape or disc Visualizing- Observing The sender uses visual symbols and the receiver observes 1. Use of an illustration or diagram Speaking- Listening, Visualizing- Observing The sender combines speaking and visual symbols while the receiver listens and observes simultaneously 1. An educational television programme 2. A video lesson 3. An educational movie Writing- reading Kind The sender uses written words and symbols. While the receiver reads or feels those 1. A handout on a given topic. 2. Silent reading from a text book Home Science Facilitator Jasmina 3. Braille system for the blind 23 Sangani Media Systems The total communication effort is based on three media systems: Interpersonal communication Mass media Traditional or folk media Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani 24 Interpersonal Communication It is the most common channel. It is also called face-to-face communication It is more persuasive and effective than any 25 other form of communication It is important in influencing the decisions of the undecided persons The superiority of interpersonal communication over mass media for creation of motivational effect has been well documented. Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Mass Media Channels of mass media: TV, radio, printed media. It has the advantage of reaching a relatively larger population in a shorter time as compared to other means of communication. It is a one-way channel of communication It carries messages from the centre to the peripheri Feedback systems are poorly organized They are usually not effective in changing established modes of behaviour. 26 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Folk Media Network of traditional or folk media includes 27 folk dances, singing, dramas, Nautanki in Uttar Pradesh, Burrakatha in Andhra Pradesh and Harikatha in Western India besides informal group gatherings, caste or religious meetings. These are important channels of communication close to the cultural values of the rural population. They have been the principal instruments of preserving the cultural heritage. Health messages may be communicated through these traditional media. Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Feedback It is the flow of information from the audience to the sender. It is the reaction of the audience to the message. If the message is not clear or otherwise not acceptable the audience may reject it outright The feedback thus provides an opportunity to the sender to modify the message and render it acceptable. In interpersonal communication the feedback is immediate. In mass communication it takes sometime to get feedback Feedback is generally obtained through opinion polls, attitude surveys and interviews. It can rectify transmission errors. 28 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Use of Audio- Visual Aids Suggestions for an effective and efficient use of audio- visual aids: The school must have the audio-visual department for 29 acquiring, co-ordinating and providing counseling about the use of audio-visual aids. The advisory services of the departments in national institutes connected with the audio-visual aids should be sought. The liaison should be maintained with the state level and national institutes connected for getting the audiovisual materials on loan for special use in the schools. Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Use of Audio- Visual Aids Suggestions for an effective and efficient use of audio- visual aids: Teachers must update their knowledge about teaching aids through professional associations and journals Prepare your own improvised teaching aids and catalogue for use. The training sessions should be held for effective use of audio- visual aids 30 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Use of Audio- Visual Aids Steps for developing and organizing an audio-visual program for teachers: Integrate audio- visual aids with the 31 curricular and co- curricular activities of the school Correlate the audio- visual aids with the prescribed textual material. Get the audio- visual lessons evaluated frequently to improve the performance of a teacher Train the teachers for proper use and care of audio- visual equipment Set up an audio- visual resource center for cataloguing the teaching- aid materials Prepare lesson-Jasmina wise Sangani instructional guides for use with the audioHome Science Facilitator visual aids. Use of Audio- Visual Aids Criteria for Selection of Audio- Visual Aids Subject Relatedness- The audio- visual aids should be 32 closely related to the lesson topics. These aids should give the feeling of entertainment and amusement. Supplementary Role- The audio- visual aids must be used to supplement the classroom teaching. The audio- visual aids should be selected in such a way that they assist the classroom instructor Accuracy- It should be observed that the audio- visual aids should have accurate details as any incorrect information conveyed by these aids can cause a lot of Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani harm. Use of Audio- Visual Aids Criteria for Selection of Audio- Visual Aids Accessibility- The audio- visual aids to be used for a given lesson should be easily accessible and available to a teacher. Variety- A large number of audio- visual aids should be used for teaching a lesson because use of a single aid produces monotony Cost Effectiveness- The audio- visual equipment should be used frequently and for a large number of students so that it becomes cost- effective. 33 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Use of Audio- Visual Aids Criteria for Selection of Audio- Visual Aids Pre- viewing- For selecting audio- visual aids for classroom situation , they must be pre viewed and appraised. Utility- Only those audio- visuals should be selected which are useful and help further education. 34 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Flash Cards Small cards of generally 25cm x 30 cm size which are shown 35 for a few moments before the class to send across a message or impart an idea. The idea on the flash card should be brief. These cards are usually used for the drill in various subjects. They may also be used for reviewing a lesson with the students. Flash cards can be used with other graphic aids to make the lesson effective. Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Preparation of Flash Cards Cut a foolscap chart paper and cut it into four equal parts. Write the content on it either in the free hand or using lettering stencils and sketch pen. The height of the writing on the flash cards should be approximately 5 cm so that the whole class can see the flash cards clearly 36 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Advantages of Flash Cards Can be used to introduce and present topics Can be used to apply information already gained by students 37 to new situations Can be used to review a topic Can be used for drill and practice in elementary classes Can be used to develop the cognitive abilities of recognition and recall of students A series of special purpose flash cards can be used for playing educational games to couple learning with fun Can be used as a supplementary aid and can be effectively used with other materials Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Bulletin Boards The material on the bulletin board should change periodically as new lesson topics are taught. The students can be asked to collect the display material to be put on the bulletin board. During the course of the lesson, the teacher can make special reference to the displayed material to make his lesson lively. 38 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Using the Bulletin Boards Effectively Procure enough illustrative material from various sources on a given subject or topic. Sort out the relevant material specific to the subject or topic Display the material on the bulletin board in an aesthetic manner keeping the color balance and harmony in view. On the top centre of the bulletin board fix a title for the specific subject of the display material Below the title fix a brief description about the specific subject or topic 39 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Using the Bulletin Boards Effectively While teaching make reference to the material displayed on the bulletin board. Keep the interest of the students alive by involving them in collection of material for the bulletin board The height of the bulletin board should be one metre above the ground. The area where the bulletin boards are fixed should be well-lit. 40 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Advantages of Bulletin Boards Work as a good supplement to normal classroom teaching Arouses students’ interest in specific subjects Can be used effectively as a follow-up of chalkboard work Add color and liveliness to the classroom as they have decorative as well as educational value Can be used to introduce a topic and review it. 41 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Limitations of Bulletin Boards They can not be used for all inclusive teaching. They can only be used as supplementary aids to other teaching aids At times the collection of materials for a certain topic may be difficult. 42 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Flannel Board It is a display board made of wood, cardboard or straw board covered with colored flannel or woolen cloth. Display material like the cut-outs, pictures, drawings and light objects backed with rough surfaces like sand paper strips, flannel strips etc. will stick to the flannel board temporarily The sand paper backed material can be detached easily and replaced with new relevant material as the lesson progresses. A flannel board of 1.5 m x 1.5 m is most widely used. It can be fixed next to the chalk board 43 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Using a Flannel Board Collect pictures, light objects or make cut-outs and back them with sand paper pieces. Display the material on the flannel board in a sequence to develop the lesson Change the pictures or the cut-outs as you talk to the students Create proper scenes and designs relevant to the lesson. 44 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Teaching situations & Flannel Boards For telling a story For letter recognition For recall testing For teaching elementary lessons on numbers For playing educative jig- saw puzzles For showing inter- relationship between different parts of a process 45 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Advantages of Flannel Boards Holds the interest of students and arrests their attention Continuity in lesson development due to sequential change of material Quick and easy to use Enable teachers to talk along with the changing illustrations to develop a lesson Kindles enthusiasm and interest of the teachers as well as students 46 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Chalkboards Preferred varieties of chalkboards Ground glass chalkboards Dull surfaced plastic chalkboards Vitreous coated iron chalkboards Recommended Size: 5m x 6m 47 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Characteristics of a board The surface of the chalkboard should be rough enough to write The surface of the chalkboard should be dull enough to eliminate glare which hampers visibility of the writing on the board The writing should be easily removable with a cloth or foam duster The chalkboard should be mounted on an appropriate height within the height of the teacher and visibility of the students 48 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Dramatization Very potent method of keeping the classroom lively and interesting When a teacher dramatizes a lesson, the students become both the spectators and participants. This makes learning easy and permanent. 49 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Types of Dramatization Type Description Example Role Playing The players act out the characters based upon their own knowledge and impressions of a small incident. A role playing act requires no script and rehearsal. Acting out a family scene in which dowry is being demanded from the bride Playlets The players stage a small play lasting for 10-15 The story of Snow White and Seven minutes with script preparation and costumes Dwarfs staged by primary students Pageant The players present a colorful enactment of a phase of history with the period costumes Pantomime The players present a scene in which A street scene in which objects and characters act out loudly with expressions and some characters are shown by gestures but do not speak gestures Tableaux The players neither talk nor they act, but they only pose different actions. 50 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani The story of Indian freedom struggle being staged. A factory scene with workers’ action posed with commentary from the background and spotlight shifting from one pose to another Pictorial Graph Contains of pictures of the same type but different sizes, proportionate to the magnitudes of the attributes being represented. It can also be made with the pictures of the same size but different in number to represent different magnitudes. It has a popular appeal to the viewer Could be used for younger children too to develop the concepts of more, equal, less and similar comparisons 51 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani The Bar Graph A graph is an illustration comparing or showing changes in a fact or set of facts. A bar graph is a very commonly used graph 52 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani The Pie Graph A pie graph is a circle or pie that represents one whole unit 53 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Points to be borne in mind while preparing a Pie Graph Find out the angles from the percentages or fractions. Draw the circle on a chart paper using a big compass using a sketch pen or marker pen Divide the circle into appropriate sectors using the protractor Color each section and write the corresponding percentage it represents Caption the pie chart with a descriptive title 54 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Posters Posters are the graphic aids with short, quick and typical 55 messages with attention capturing paintings. They can be of different sizes A big poster on a wooden or iron board is called a bill board or hoarding Bill boards are usually used for advertising or propaganda They are displayed in the market places, by rail and road sides to convey messages and ideas in one shooting glance Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Uses of Posters It could be used for any one of these: Advertising an event or product Campaigning for a cause Giving a directive Popularizing a slogan Drawing attention towards desirable actions and values Giving a warning Popularizing a symbol or a sign Propaganda 56 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani 57 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Types of Models for Classroom Instruction Type of Model Description Examples Solid Models A solid model is the replica of an original Globe; clay model of human and thing made with some suitable material like animal ; a vegetable; dolls, toys clay, plaster of paris, wood, iron etc. to show etc the external parts and features of the thing Cut-away and X- Ray Models Cut- away and X- Ray models are the Cross- sectional model of human replicas of the original things to show body; Petrol engine; automatic internal parts of a thing; it may either be in traffic control system the form of a cross- sectional model showing internal parts of a thing or may be composed of detachable parts. Cross- sectional models are difficult to make in the institutions as they require expertise to construct them 58 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Types of Models for Classroom Instruction Type of Model Description Examples Working Models These models are either actual working A motor, a generator, a cycle things or their miniature replicas. For pump etc illustrating an operation , working models are of great educational value Sand Models These are graphic lay-out using sand, clay, A tribal village, a city area, saw-dust and other objects to show trees, marketing complex, a forest area buildings, rivers, etc. Sand models are made by using colored sand in a tray of convenient size or on a table. Generally a green field is shown by covering area with green saw dust, water with blue cellophane, cardboard cut-outs for showing forests. 59 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Demonstration It is the method of doing and showing or undertaking an activity to logically prove some principal or phenomenon. It is widely used in the science laboratory It helps to give proof and show clearly or point out certain facts underlying the topic being taught 60 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Do’s of Demonstration Keep everything ready and well- organized before the 61 demonstration. Place the pieces of equipment for demonstration high enough for everybody to observe Present the information sequentially stressing the main ideas Let the demonstrator proceed smoothly without interruptions. Do not drag the demonstration unnecessarily as student are likely to loose interest then Ask questions to the students regarding their observations Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Do’s of Demonstration If students have not understood certain ideas during the 62 demonstration , repeat the concept Use other teaching aids to supplement your demonstration Check continually that your demonstration is going on the right track and students are getting the intended ideas. Summarize the main points after the demonstration Have a friendly and warm behavior during the demonstration Allow students to perform after the demonstration is over Give a handout or written material on the demonstration along with key concepts Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Advantages of Demonstration Good for acquiring and perfecting operational skills Engages students’ attention and operation Encourages students’ participation in learning through questions and answers as the teacher performs 63 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani How to make a demonstration effective? Pre- Planning Rehearsal Performance Follow- up 64 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Puppetry- Different types of a Puppet Type Description String puppets Or marionettes Marionettes consist of puppets with hinged body parts which are controlled by nine strings running through screw eyes in the hands of a performer. Pulling of these strings produces required movements in the puppet. These puppets are mainly manipulated by professional puppeteers Stick puppets These are painted cardboard cut-outs attached by sticks. The actions of these puppets are manipulated by the teacher and students by hiding behind a screen so that only puppets are visible to the audience Shadow puppets These are silhouettes (dark shape of someone) of cardboard which produce shadows on a white screen. The motion of these silhouettes is manipulated by the teacher and the students Finger or hand puppets Hand puppets are round balls painted as heads with overflowing colorful costumes. These are worn on fingers which operate their movements from below the stage 65 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Advantages of Puppetry It has all the advantages of dramatization It provides amusement and entertainment It can heighten human emotions and capture rapt attention 66 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Types of Radio Programmes Kind of Programme Description Talk A talk is the sequential narration about a topic by a single speaker. A good radio talk is characterized by naturaleness of voice; pleasant tone punctuated by humorous incidents, human interest stories and word pictures Discussion In a discussion a group of participants air their views in the from of panels, interviews and debates. A number of voices make a discussion interesting but much depends on the moderator who sets the tone of the discussion. The end of discussion is followed by a summary to review the major inputs which emerge out of the discussion or debate Dramatization These radio lessons have various interesting sound effects to amplify emotions and give the mental pictures of the characters in a pot. Lessons on stories or dance dramas would make use of special sound effects. 67 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani The teaching procedure of a radio lesson Procure and study in advance the nature and content of the radio lesson Prepare students for the radio lesson by informing them about the background of the lesson Allow the students to listen to the radio lesson and you as a teacher note down the important points covered by it. Make use of the noted down points to discuss the radio lesson with the students Clarify and amplify the main points of the radio lesson using other visual aids 68 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Micro-Projector These are slide projectors designed to project the micro-film slides or microscopic slides to a group of students simultaneously. It reduces the cost of instruction as it eliminates the expensive individual microscopies for each student. Enlargement on the screen is quite large for the students to see and get more details Accompanied with the teacher's commentary, microprojection can assure the instructor that the students are understanding what is being taught to them which is otherwise not possible with viewing slides individually Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani microscopes 69 through Overhead Projection It is a vital teaching aid. It has made projections so simple and easy that it has replaced chalk- board completely in many classrooms. It produces images on a screen behind and over the head of the teacher It can be used in soft light conditions and enables the students to take down notes while viewing the projections on the screen 70 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Advantages of Motion Picture as Teaching Aid It captures attention, arouses interest and imparts emotional 71 experiences. It can bring far-away experiences, events and actions filmed earlier to the classroom and motion part of the film heightens reality By slow motion filming and projection, the stages in a process, acting or event can be viewed in details Many slow processes can be shown as fast by filming them at the right stages of development to educate students quickly It allows events which are out of reach or specific to be seen without getting near those events It can enlarge or reduce things and show the internal parts, Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani processes and working of things Different Types of Screen Type 72 Description Advantage Silver Screen An aluminium powder coated cloth screen is called silver screen It reflects light well and gives an illusion of depth to the image Matte Screen A simple white cloth screen with smooth surface is called matte screen It is cheap and suitable to wide rooms Beaded Screen A white cloth screen coated with glass beads is called beaded screen It reflects light well and is useful for narrow long rooms Translucent Screen A thin white silken cloth or tracing cloth screen is called translucent screen It gives distinct images on both sides of screen suitable for exhibitions where projection is done from behind without the audience seeing the projector Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Advantages of Educational Television Programme Television appeals to the eye, ear and emotions. Thus due to total involvement, it can induce effective learning It can relive with vividness the past events and happenings It can directly show the current happenings and even live shows taking place in remote areas A television set is a compact piece of equipment which is easy and convenient to handle 73 Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Effective Use of Television for teaching Motivate students to watch the program critically and for 74 specific details. During the program draw attention of students to certain important aspects with short phrases After the programme, a follow-up session should be carried out and other instructional aids used to reinforce the learning The follow up should be extended to certain related activities like panel discussion or question- answer session Test the students on their learning gains after the programme and its application Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) When the computer is used as an aid to teaching , method of 75 instruction is called Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) In implementing the CAI, the principles of programmed learning are used with an added advantage that the responses of the students are instantly and permanently recorded by the computer. For CAI the information is broken into small pieces and fed to the memory of the computer. The students interacts with the computer for learning, testing, immediate feedback and reinforcement The instructional spectrum ranges from simple drills to problem solving Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani Classification of Field Trips Type Description Local School Trip It is a trip within the school and its immediate neighbour to acquaint students about the potential of learning from the immediate environment. It is essential for new students to obtain all the information about the school 76 Specific Example A trip to the school library to know all the details about using the library A trip to the first aid room to acquaint the students with the services available Community Trip It is a trip made to a nearby place of A trip to the local zoo, local educational interest and it requires some park, garden, local museum, hours or a complete day local factory, historical place, poultry farm, nature hunt trip,, bank, railway station, post office Educational Trip It is the trip made to a distant place requiring more than one day Home Science Facilitator Jasmina Sangani A trip to a far off historical place, dam, a few important towns enroute a journey