From the Pulpit of Jonathan Edwards: “Sinners in the Hands of an

From the Pulpit of Jonathan Edwards:
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
In this PowerPoint, you will find:
*Edwards QuickWrite 9/13
*Author Biography
*ISMS chart update
*Elements of a Puritan Sermon
Edwards QuickWrite 9/13
In your notes, please write down the
following questions to be
answered as you listen.
1) As you listen to minister Billy
Graham read a portion of his
sermon with Edwards’ “Sinners..”
included, list FIVE key
words/phrases you hear.
2) How does the tone of Graham’s
voice impact you, the listener?
3) What was Graham’s purpose in
speaking to his audience with this
tone of voice? Explain. (click on track #8)
The Wrath of God is like great Waters that are dammed, restrained for the present;
but they increase more and more and rise higher and higher, til an Outlet is given and
the longer the Stream is stop’d, the more rapid and mighty is its Course, when once it
is let loose. ‘Tis true, that Judgment against your evil Works has not be executed
hitherto before; the Floods of God’s Vengeance have been withheld; but your Guild in
the mean time is constantly increasing, and you are every day treasuring up more
Wrath against your souls; the Waters are continually rising and waxing more and
more mighty; and there is nothing but the mere mercy of God that holds the Waters
back that are unwilling to be stopped, and press hard to go forward; if God should
only withdraw his Hand from the Flood-Gate it would immediately fly open, and the
fiery Floods of the Fierceness and Wrath of God would rush forth with inconceivable
Fury, and would come upon you with omnipotent power; and if your Strength were
ten thousand times greater than it is, yea ten thousand Times greater than the
Strength of the stoutest, sturdiest Devil in Hell, it would be nothing to withstand or
endure it, the wrath of Almighty God. I’ll tell you tonight, the wrath of God is
something. And God says, that judgment it coming upon the world. And God says,
the wages of sin is death…And God says, the soul that sins shall die. Ladies and
gentleman, tonight, men and women, tonight every one of us are hanging over the pit
of hell and the only thing that keeps us from dropping in is the mercy of Almighty
God… (he continues from here, but you can just listen…)
Please add the following details in your notes beneath your QuickWrite:
Believed that religion should be rooted not only in reason but also in
• Considered by many to be America’s greatest religious thinker.
• Born in East Windsor, Connecticut and entered Yale University at
12yrs old.
• 1722: finished his education and followed became a Puritan minister,
just like father and grandfather.
• 1735 &1735: Delivered a series of sermons that resulted in a great #
of conversions of people who believed that they had felt God’s grace
and were “born again” when they accepted Christ.
****Edwards’ sermons helped trigger the Great Awakening, a religious
revival that swept through New England from 1734-1750
• “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was delivered at the height
of the Great Awakening and is the most famous of his 1200 sermons.
• 1750: Edwards was dismissed from his church because he wanted to
limit membership to those who had undergone conversion. A year
later he was in Stockbridge, MA, where he became a missionary in a
Native American settlement.
• 1757: Accepted the appointment of President of what is now
Princeton University.
• A year later, at the time of his death, the Great Awakening’s
extremism had been rejected.
Homework 9/13
Define and practice your new vocabulary (list below)
Remember: QUIZ Friday 9/16!
Bradstreet Vocabulary (p. 115 in textbook or in red glossary at the back)
1) metaphor
2) extended metaphor
3) personification
4) hyperbole
5) allusion
6) Inversion
Edwards Vocabulary (p. 124 in the textbook or with a dictionary)
1) abhors
2) abominable
3) appease
4) ascribed
5) constitution
6) contrivance
7) induce
8) inconceivable
9) omnipotent
10) provoked
Edwards QuickWrite 9/14-9/15
Heaven is the palace or presence-chamber of the high and holy
One, whose name is love, and who is both the cause and source
of all holy love”
~Jonathan Edwards
In your own words, and based on what you might have a) heard, b) been taught,
describe HEAVEN.
1) What does it look like? What’s the weather like? (use colorful word choice)
2) Who would be there?
3) What would your “dwelling place” be like?
4) How does one “get into” Heaven?? What must they do?
5) What type of God do you imagine would greet you?
ISMs Chart
Please take out your ISMs chart to add key details into. This will serve as a timeline of events, facts, and
authors of all time periods of study.
Called upon in times of trial and for
divine inspiration
Strict; vengeful and punishing
Man/The Individual
Seeking freedom from religious
persecution; Glory, God and Gold;
adventurous spirit
No freedom over fate---all was up to god;
man was born sinful
Meant to be conquered; used for
profit/gain; materials for colonization
Evil—devil’s hideout; superstitious;
assumed Native Americans lived
Small settlements; farming;
relationships with Native Americans;
slavery issue
Predestination; TULIP; villages
Key Writers
Columbus; deVaca; Smith; Equiano
Bradford, Bradstreet, Edwards
II. Delivery of a Puritan
*Real power of
sermon=words, not delivery
*Preacher was a flawed agent
of God’s work
*Plain style of delivery to
listeners focused on God
*Use of monotone voice is
(Consider the effect as you
read Edwards’ “Sinners…”)
III. Persuasive Appeals
*As in all persuasive writing, Edwards’ sermons
are shaped by the author’s purpose, his
audience, and his context (his reason for
preaching, his Puritan congregation, and the
times in which the Puritans lived.)
*One of his MOST PROMINENT persuasive
techniques=use of Biblical allusions
designed to persuade the audience by
creating strong feelings.
They often include sensory language to
create vivid imagery and loaded words.
Consider Edwards’ use of these feelings:
*fear—which taps into a fear of losing one’s safety and
*pity—which relies on one’s sense of sympathy or
compassion for others
*guilt—which relies on one’s sense of ethics or
Challenge Statements Round Robin Activity
• Working as a group of four, please respond to the
statements provided.
• You must write legibly, as it will appear on the ELMO.
• There are eight prompts—you must respond to all.
• Reflect on your group’s mutual perspective on the issue.
Write an Opinion Statement and One Example to Support
• Leave room underneath your answers for other groups
to reflect.
• When the teacher calls time, you will pass to the left and
reflect again.
• We will share out when all papers have circulated back
to you.
III. Style/Structure of a Puritan
In your notes underneath Edwards’ biography,
please jot down the following concepts:
Most Puritan sermons were modeled after this
structure. Examine “Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God” for the five main sections of the
sermon – epigraph, doctrine, reasons,
application, and epilogue
A. Epigraph
*A Biblical quotation focused on a specific
problem/concern in the community.
III. Style/Structure of a Puritan
Sermon Part 2
B. Doctrine
1. Selection of scriptural passages scriptural passages
that support the preacher’s purpose
III. Style/Structure of a Puritan
Sermon Parts 3 &4
C. Reasons
Explanation of why the listeners, specifically, should
believe in the truth of the doctrine.
D. Application
1. Statement that applies to
a) personal, spiritual, and family lives
b) immediate community, as well as the greater world
III. Style/Structure of a Puritan
Sermon Part 4
E. Epilogue
2. Encourages the congregation to act on the message
3. Emotional Appeal- Final attempt to convince
congregation of the truth of the message/doctrine
Imagery Activity--JIGSAW
In your same groups, read your assigned section.
Write a three sentence summary.
Illustrate and color your main imagery.
Label your image with a quote from your section.
Evaluate Edwards’ use of the Emotional Appeal
using the three terms of fear, pity or guilt.
• Find one quote/phrase to support the Emotional