Title Underlining

When to effectively use italics, underlines, or quotes.
Why do we use italics, underlines,
and quotes
 We use italics, underlines, and quotes
to differentiate words within our
 When referring to the titles of works,
using these labels allows for the work
to stand by itself.
Rules for Using Italics or
 Italics and Underlining may be used interchangably
 Use Italics or Underlining when referring to longer works
such as:
 Movies
 Books
 Plays
 Journals/Newspapers
 Television Programs
 Longer Poems
 The New York Times
 NOTE: the word “the” is not included in italics
 Long Day’s Journey into Night
 The Simpsons
 Leaves of Grass
 Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Rules for using Quotes
 Use quotes when referring to shorter works such as:
 Poems
 Short stories
 Episodes of television shows
 “Fire and Ice”
 “Nothing Gold can Stay”
 “The Monkey’s Paw”
 “The Lottery”
 “Bart the Genius”
Let’s Practice
 The Grapes of Wrath
 Chicago Tribune
 Of Mice and Men
 The Raven
 The Fall of the House of Usher