Applied Linguistics: An Introduction Prof. TIAN Bing College of Foreign Languages Shaanxi Normal University Chapter One A General Introduction to Applied Linguistics (vs Theoretical Linguistics) Applied Linguistics, as field of academic enquiry, deals with the theoretical and empirical investigation of real world problems in which language and communication are a central issue. Applied Linguistics is a problem-oriented and problemsolving activity As such, it is actively involved in the development of innovative theoretical approaches as well as practical solutions, drawing on insights from linguistics, but also from neighboring disciplines such as psychology, anthropology, sociology, pedagogy, computer science, etc.” – [From an online introduction to Handbooks of Applied Linguistics: Communication Competence, Language and Communication Problems, Practical Solutions (Ed. by Knapp, Karlfried / Antos, Gerd)] (2008-7-21) What is applied linguistics? What do applied linguists do? Though the term "applied linguistics" has traditionally been associated with the scientific study of such areas as TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages), TEFL, TESL, language teaching and learning, applied linguists do a variety of things: The basic idea is, as the definition implies, to contribute to the real-world issues. Some of the questions that applied linguists ask include: How can languages be best learnt and taught? What social factors affect language learning? How can technology be used to contribute to the effectiveness of language teaching/ learning? What are the related problems associated with language disorders? How can these be prevented? What does Applied Linguistics do? Applied Linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of research and practice dealing with practical problems of language and communication that can be identified, analyzed or solved by applying available theories, methods and results of Linguistics or by developing new theoretical and methodological frameworks in Linguistics to work on these problems. Applied Linguistics differs from Linguistics in general mainly with respect to its explicit orientation towards practical, everyday problems related to language and communication. Major fields Branches of Applied Linguistics include Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, Critical Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Intercultural Studies, as well as areas of language material development, and teacher education. Certain branches of Applied Linguistics are criticised by traditionalists for being overtly political in their research of the connection between society, language and political influence. Conversely researchers in these areas argue that only through such analysis can the interactional nature of discourse and its influences on societies and cultures be fully understood. The field of applied linguistics first concerned itself with second language acquisition, in particular errors and contrastive analysis, in the 1950s and 1960s. In the 1970s, with the failure of contrastive analysis as a theory to predict errors, applied linguists began to adopt Noam Chomsky's theory of universal grammar to explain second language (L2) learning phenomena. In the 1990s, more and more researchers began to employ research methods from cognitive psychology. The first university department and postgraduate course in Applied Linguistics was established at the University of Edinburgh in 1958. The first international conference was held in 1964, and saw the foundation of the discipline’s international association l’Association Internationale de la Linguistique Appliquée (AILA). The British Association for the discipline (BAAL) was founded in 1965 and the American Association (AAAL) ten years later. The main journal Applied Linguistics was launched in 1980. Major journals include Applied Linguistics, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, The Journal of Applied Linguistics, Second Language Research, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Modern Language Review, Language Learning, AILA Journal, and the TESOL Quarterly. Some important associations and websites for applied linguistics IAAL (International Association of Applied Linguistics): Canadian Association for Applied Linguistics British Association for Applied Linguistics American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 中国英语教学研究会(China English Language Education Association) Applied Linguistics: The Center for Applied Linguistics 外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心(National Key Research Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (CLAL)) 中国外语教育研究中心 (The National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education (NRCFLE)) AILA Congresses Every three years, AILA holds its international World Congress. This congress is the biggest event in Applied Linguistics, bringing together - usually more than 2.000 researchers and practitioners from all areas of Applied Linguistics for five days. The Congress is characterized by high level presentations and discussions on key issues of the field. Its format includes keynote addresses, plenary speeches by outstanding scholars, invited symposia, symposia, individual papers and poster presentations. The first AILA Congress took part in Nancy, France, 1964, presenting in its strands cutting edge findings from theory and practice of the time. Following this model, the programs of the Past Congresses represent the history of the discipline. Each congress is organised by a different national or regional affiliate. The congress sites alternate between different areas of the world to reflect the global character of AILA. The next AILA World Congress August 24-29 2008, Essen, Germany It is only natural that an AILA World congress in Europe should focus on aspects of multilingual matters and the linguistic richness of this continent. The European Union and the Council of Europe have a clearly defined policy to preserve Europe as a multilingual and multicultural region. Because of the expansion of the European Union in the coming years, multilingualism and the challenges and opportunities connected with it will be a very topical theme in 2008, thus attracting a lot of attention and promising to be a great stimulus for academic debate. Consequently, the GAL-Executive and the AGM chose Multilingualism: Challenges and Opportunities as the theme for the 2008 congress. The Theme Second Language Acquisition Language and Education in Multilingual Settings Foreign Language Teaching and Teacher Education Educational Technology and Language Learning Business Communication Translating, Interpreting and Mediation Discourse Analysis, Rhetoric and Stylistics Sociolinguistics Multilingualism and Multiculturalism Intercultural Communication The potential of linguistic diversity in Europe Top Applied Linguistics Programs / Departments (US only) and in China Boston University, Boston University of California, Los Angeles, California University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii University of Arizona, Arizona Columbia University, New York University of Maryland, Maryland University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Georgetown University, Washington, DC Indiana University, Indiana University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois City University of New York (CUNY), New York Penn State University, Pennsylvania University of Iowa, Iowa Portland State University, Oregon University of Michigan, Michigan 北京外国语大学,北京 广东外语外贸大学,广州 上海外国语大学,上海 北京大学,北京 复旦大学,上海 南京大学,南京 清华大学,北京 上海交通大学,上海 中山大学,广州 厦门大学,厦门 黑龙江大学,哈尔滨 河南大学,开封 北京师范大学,北京 东北师范大学,长春 华东师范大学,上海 湖南师范大学,长沙 南京师范大学,南京 What are the leading applied linguistics journals? Applied Linguistics Second Language Research (SLR) Studies in Second Language Acquisition (SSLA) Language Learning (LL) Language Acquisition Cognition Research in Second Language Acquisition Language Research Applied Psycholinguistics International Journal of Lexicography 《外语教学与研究》 《现代外语》 《外国语》 《外语学刊》 《语言教学与研究》 《当代语言学》 《中国语文》 《中国翻译》 《语言文字应用》 《辞书研究》 Linguistic and applied linguistic studies in China: a survey In 1995, 王福祥、刘润清gave an overview of the linguistic studies conducted by those in the field of foreign language teaching in China and pointed out the trends for future studies. 从研究对象来看,现代语言学有三个明显的发展 趋势: 第一,由微观研究转向宏观研究,即由研究语言本身 的系统转向跨学科的研究……。 第二,由结构研究转向对功能和应用的研究。 第三,由单一语言研究再次转向多语言的对比研究 (但不同于历史语言学),于是有了对比语言学的兴 起。 从研究方法上讲,现代语言学也有三大趋势: 第一,先从演绎法转为归纳法,又从归纳法转向演绎 -归纳法。 第二,从单层次、单角度、静态的研究转向多层次、 多角度、动态的研究。 第三,从手工操作转向高科技的运用。 从研究目的来看,现代语言学也有三大特征。 第一,目标不断从狭窄到宽广,从肤浅到深刻。 第二,从描写转向解释。 第三,从理论的探讨转向应用价值的分析。 存在的主要问题: 图书经费和研究经费不足。 外语界的语言学研究者靠外语“起家”,长于吸收国 外新思想、新知识,短于汉语语言学的修养。 科研难,成果出版更难。 关于第二点:用王宗炎先生的话说, 搜集采购之功多,提炼转化之功少。比方有的搞 理论的人只是读洋书,讲洋道理,没有回头看看 本国的情况,把从外国学来的那些东西加以试用、 验证、修正、补充。讲语义学的只讲英语语义学, 讲语用学的只讲英语语用学,仿佛把外国教授的 讲座搬到中国来。我们应当承认,这样做有其好 处,因为引进了一些新学问、新知识,可是中国 学者不研究中国问题、汉语问题,拿不出本土材 料来,很难说完成了自己的任务。 The following is a brief description of our course: An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. Part I Linguistics-Applied (applying linguistic theories to studying lg (learner’s lg included)) Section 1 (overview and historical perspective) Traditional Chinese Educational Thought Foreign Language Education in China: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (Pedagogical) Lexicography [recording and prescribing how lg is and should be used] (Tian Bing) Section 2 [studying language facts from different perspectives and by applying different means] Language Descriptions (language study and linguistic study) Discourse Analysis. (Hugh Trappes-Lomax) vs Conversation Analysis. (Rod Gardner) Language Corpora. (Maocheng Liang) Language Acquisition: L1 vs L2 [individual] Language, Thought, and Culture. [social] (Claire Kramsch ) Section 3 [studying lg from a sociofunctional perspective][personcenteredness] Language and Gender. (Susan Ehrlich) Stylistics. (John McRae and Urzula Clark) Language and Politics. (John E. Joseph) [political correctness] World Englishes. (Kingsley Bolton) Part II Applied Linguistics [Investigating language learning and teaching by applying linguistic theories] Section 4 [methodology] Research Methods for Applied Linguistics: Scope, Characteristics, and Standards. (James Dean Brown) Section 5 [learning] Second Language Learning. (William Littlewood) Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. (Rod Ellis) Social Influences on Language Learning. (Gary Barkhuizen) Section 6 [Teaching] Fashions in Language Teaching Methodology. (Bob Adamson) Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). (Paul Gruba) Language Teacher Education. (Richard Johnstone) The Practice of LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes). (Helen Basturkmen and Catherine Elder) Bilingual Education.( Heather Lotherington) Section 7 [assessment] Language Testing. (Tim McNamara) [e.g. Formative Assessment]. Cook, Guy (2003). 'Applied Linguistics' (in the series Oxford Introduction to Language Study) Oxford: Oxford University Press Cook, Guy, and Seidlhofer, Barbara (eds.) (1995). 'Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics' Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cook, V. (2001). Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. London: Hodder Arnold. Corder, S. P. (1973). 'Introducing Applied Linguistics'. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Davies, Alan. (1999). 'An Introduction to Applied Linguistics' Edinburgh University Press. Johnson, K., and Johnson, H. (eds.) (1998). 'The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Applied Linguistics' Oxford: Blackwell. McCarthy, Michael (2001). 'Issues in Applied Linguistics' Cambridge University Press. Mitchell, R. and Myles, F. (2006). Second Language Learning Theories. London: Hodder Arnold. 2nd edition. Pennycook, Alastair (2001). 'Critical applied linguistics: a critical introduction' London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Schmitt, Norbert (2002). 'An Introduction to Applied Linguistics' London: Arnold. White, L. (1989). 'Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar, Cambridge: MA. Widdowson, H.G. (1979). 'Explorations in Applied Linguistics' Oxford: Oxford University Press. Widdowson, H.G. (1984). 'Explorations in Applied Linguistics 2' Oxford: Oxford University Press. Widdowson, H. G. (2003). 'Defining Issues in English Language Teaching' Oxford: Oxford University Press. ﹡田兵 2004国内外语言学及应用语言学研究纵览 《外语教学》 (专刊)2004 ﹡桂诗春2000 20世纪应用语言学评述《外语教学与研究》 Vol.32.No.1,2000年第1期 ﹡许嘉璐、王福祥、刘润清 1996 《中国语言学:现状与展望》, 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 ﹡许国璋1991《许国璋论语言》北京:外语教学与研究出版社 桂诗春1988《应用语言学》长沙:湖南教育出版社 桂诗春2000《应用语言学研究》广州:世界图书出版公司 董燕萍、王初明2001《中国的语言学研究与应用》(庆祝桂诗春 教授七十华诞)上海:上海外语教育出版社 许国璋1997《论语言和语言学》北京:商务印书馆 吕叔湘1984《汉语语法论文集》(增订本)北京:商务印书馆 王福祥、刘润清 1996 我国外语界语言学研究现状和发展趋势, 载《中国语言学:现状与展望》(许嘉璐、王福祥、刘润清 1996) 王福祥 刘润清 1995我国语言学研究现状和发展趋势_外语界的 研究《外语教学与研究》1995年第3期 [也载《中国语言学:现 状与展望》(许嘉璐、王福祥、刘润清 1996)] Thanks!