Slides - LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies

Developing vocabulary learning
and teaching: a learner strategy
Suzanne Graham, Institute of Education
April 13, 2015
© University of Reading 2008
• More progress seems to occur in Year 12 mean number of words known rises from 852 in
Year 11 to 1,555 (Milton, 2006)
• Strong relationship between vocabulary levels
and the A-Level grade learners achieve in
French (Richards et al, 2008)
• Issues of motivation alongside issues of
• Reason for discontinuing with language study? –
McLaughlan (2006, in McLaughlan, 2007)
• Source of difficulty and sense of being
overwhelmed (Graham, 1997; Richards et al, 2008)
• Continues at undergraduate level (Gallagher-Brett,
• Lack of sense of how to improve (Graham, 2004;
Williams et al, 2002))
• Incidental vocabulary learning not enough; explicit
learning also needed BUT
• Do learners know how to learn vocabulary effectively?
• Narrow range of strategies by Year 12 – Look, say,
cover, write, check: ‘I read it through looking at it, and I
usually have one side of the page in French and
another in English, I look at the French and then I cover
up the French side, look at the English and see if I can
do the French bit and then the other way round. [It’s
just] Continuous looking at it’ (Graham, 1997, 77)
• KS3 National Curriculum expectations but unassessed
and lacking in explicit guidance for teachers:
• Key Processes - Developing language-learning
• Pupils should be able to (…):
• • develop techniques for memorising words, phrases
and spellings
• Vocabulary central to all aspects of language
• A problematic area within MFL in England –
secondary school pupils lag behind European
learners even accounting for differences in
lesson time
• Learners learn on average 170 words a year in
the first five years of schooling; slow down after
a spurt in year 7 (Milton, 2006)
• National Curriculum gloss:
• Techniques for memorising
• These include identifying similarities between new and
known words, associating words and phrases with a
physical response, actions, images, the written form or
sounds(including rhymes, repetition), practising with a
friend or family member and using the technique
‘look, cover, write/say, check’.
• Textbooks: Expo 1, Module 1 Strategy box:
• ‘Stratégie 1:
• Look, say, cover, write, check’
• More advice and a worksheet in Module 2;
advice to learn high-frequency words in Module
• KS2 Framework includes LLS but not widely
taught (Cable et al, 2010)
Teaching learners how to learn vocabulary
• Studies of instruction in vocabulary learning strategies
have provided generally positive results (Nyikos & Fan,
• Mirrors research in other areas – without explicit
instruction in learner strategies, learners don’t develop
Learner strategies-definitions
• Macaro (2006) – ‘mental activity’, ‘specific task’, ‘in
pursuit of a learning goal’ ‘transferrable’
• Metacognitive - 'higher order executive skills that may
entail planning for, monitoring, or evaluating the
success of a learning activity' (O'Malley & Chamot,
1990, 44)
• Cognitive -'operate directly on incoming information,
manipulating it in ways that enhance learning' (O'Malley
& Chamot, 1990, 44)
Macaro, 2006 - combinations
• ‘strategy clusters may be ineffective if individual
strategies within them are inappropriately orchestrated.
… Evaluation of strategy effectiveness, by learners, is
likely to be undertaken against a background of the
relative effectiveness of strategy clusters’. (pp. 327328).
• Perception of lack of progress or real
achievement, or sense of how to improve
(Graham, 2004, 2006)
• Difficulty an important factor in giving up
language learning (Graham, 2004;
Macaro and Erler, 2007, and forthcoming)
© University of Reading 2008
Theoretical perspectives
• Expectancy-value models of motivation
(Eccles, 1983): individuals ‘ levels of
motivation influenced by
a) their expectations of success in a given
b) The value they place on such success
• Expectancy and value closely related – those
who expect success, tend to value it more
(Mills et al, 2007)
© University of Reading 2008
Self-efficacy and learner strategies
• Self-efficacy (Bandura, 1993) as a sub-theory
within expectancy-value framework (Dörnyei
and Ottó,1998) central to persistence within
‘actional’ phase of a process model of
• Self-efficacy beliefs linked to attributions,
explanations for success/failure
• Adaptive versus maladaptive attributions:
controllable/uncontrollable, internal/external
• Learner strategies clearly adaptive
© University of Reading 2008
Learner strategy instruction
Aims to:
• ‘Demystify’ successful language learning: ‘Often
poorer learners don’t have a clue as to how good
learners arrive at their answers and feel that they can
never perform as good learners do. By revealing the
process, this myth can be exposed’.
• Develop greater awareness in learners that how they
learn is just as important as what they learn
Learner strategies and self-efficacy
• Growing evidence that strategy instruction can
significantly improve MFL learners’ self-efficacy:
• Studies so far in reading (Macaro & Erler, 2008) and in
listening (Graham & Macaro, 2008).
• Why not in relation to vocabulary?
action planning
Teacher feedback
Raising learners’ awareness
Learner strategy
Strategy modelling
Guided practice
Macaro & Graham,
The cycle illustrated through vocabulary
learning – adapted from Grenfell & Harris, 1999)
• Awareness-raising – set task ‘cold’ – 10 words to learn
– brainstorm – checklist;
• Modelling – by pupils, teacher, add to checklist
• General practice – 10 words to learn; each group of
learners tries a different strategy; checklist for
• Action planning – personal needs and targets
• Focussed practice, fading out of reminders
• Evaluation – progress? What worked best?
Examples of types of strategies
• Overview of interventions in Nyikos and Fan (2007):
• Elaboration/associative strategies (using imagery,
colours, etc.) – more effective than simple repetitiondepth of processing (Craik & Lockhart, 1972; Lawson
and Hogben, 1996)
• Keyword method Keyword strategy for vocabulary
found to be effective in a number of studies, especially
if keywords were self-generated (Laufer et al, 1997) and
if L1 and L2 are related
Nyikos & Fan (2007) cont.
• Vocabulary strategy instruction more likely to be
successful if:
• Explicit
• On-going
• Practice of strategies available, with feedback from
• A metacognitive element is included that allows
learners to evaluate effectiveness of strategy use
Further practical examples of strategies to
introduce to learners
• Macaro (2001):
• Words into shapes:
• Word webs and hooks
• Word associations, e.g. ‘chips’, French sheep
eat crisps (p. 206)
• Songs
• Raps
• Also the loci method
• Vocabulary learning an important issue in MFL
• Improvement is possible
• Effective strategies unlikely to develop on their own
except for the most effective learners – others need
• Practice, evaluation and action planning key, with
feedback from teacher on strategy use
• Improved vocabulary and improved motivation through
underlining of link between what learners do and what
they achieve