TCTW Leaders Forum 2014 Literacy Design Collaborative “Lite” Company LOGO for Career Technical Centers The Literacy Design Collaborative Company LOGO Goals of LDC • To engage students in reading, comprehending, analyzing, interpreting, and responding to complex texts Company • To align assignments to the College and LOGO Career Readiness Standards within the CCSS and to promote collaboration • To help teachers personalize learning so that every student can master the CCSS • To ensure that all students can be college and career ready Assignments Matter An assignment involves what effective teachers do—engaging students in complex Company LOGO thinking and skills using appropriate and focused instruction. Eleanor Dougherty Dougherty, Eleanor, Assignments Matter. ASCD 2012 What is an “assignment”? A quality assignment is the hallmark of effective instruction and does these things: • Includes a prompt, rubric and product Company LOGO • Creates a context for learning and thinking • Aligns to standards • Focuses on instruction • Guides practice • Provides closure • Puts the “ing” in “Teaching” Eleanor Dougherty, Assignments Matter. LDC Writing Task vs. Traditional Writing Prompt As you view the next slides, think about the Company differences between LDC writing tasks LOGO and traditional writing prompts. Which one is more rigorous? Which one is more engaging? Company LOGO Write a one-page article summary on “Full-Scale Visualization: More Is More” Nov 18, 2010 by Nancy Spurling Johnson. Is a full scale virtual environment possible, and if so, is it economically feasible? After reading “FullScale Visualization: More Is More” 18 Nov, 2010 By: Nancy Spurling Johnson, write an essay that discusses full scale virtual environments and evaluate their feasibility. Support your position with evidence from the text. LDC Task Traditional Writing Prompt Digital Art and Design Steve Couture, CV-Tec, NY LOGO Traditional Writing Prompt Company Write a report on how automotive technology has changed. After researching sources on green technological advances in the automotive industry, write a magazine article that relates how these changes have affected the environment. Support your discussion with evidence from your research. LDC Writing Task Automotive Technology Traditional Writing Prompt Company LOGO Write an essay on using cell phones in vehicles. Should there be a federal law preventing drivers from using all hand-held communication devices while they are operating a vehicle? After reading teacherselected informational articles and statistics, write an editorial that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. LDC Writing Task Law and Public Safety What are the three types of writing tasks? 1. Argumentation (10) LOGO2. Informational/explanatory (15) 3. Narrative (4) Company Intention is Everything! Argumentation/Analysis Information/Explanation Intention Task Intention Task Analysis 1, 2 Definition 11, 12 LOGO Comparison 3, 4 Description 13, 14 Evaluation 5, 6 Procedural-Sequential 15, 16, 17 Problem-Solution 7, 8 Synthesis 18, 19 Cause-Effect 9, 10 Analysis 20, 21 Comparison 22, 23 Cause-Effect 24, 25 Company Task 2—Argumentation/Analysis [Insert critical focus question] After reading ________ (literature Company or informational texts), write ________ (an LOGO essay or substitute) in which you address the question and argue_______(content). Support your position with evidence from the text(s). Family and Consumer Science Should the government regulate the content of restaurant menus? After reading federal regulations, Chapter 10 of FOOD FIGHT, and Company teacher-selected news articles and blogs, write LOGO an editorial that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Agriculture How involved should the government be in workplace safety? After reading the provided articles, write an argumentative essay that Company addresses the question and support your LOGO position with evidence from the texts. Child Care Education Grades10-12, Task 2 Are children active or passive in their cognitive development? After reading multiple text selections, charts, and scholarly articles, write a parent newsletter article in Company which you address the question and argue your opinion. LOGO Support your position with evidence from the texts. Career Development Grades11-12, Task 2 Should a job applicant be refused employment based on visible body decorations? After reading Company teacher-selected articles, write an LOGO essay in which you address the question and argue whether hiring should be based on personal appearance. Support your position with evidence from the texts. Electrical Careers Grade 11, Task 14 How do economics, ecology and law affect the installation of Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters? After Company reading NNCER Chapter 8, groundfault LOGO, and GFCI in the National Electrical Code, write a research paper in which you describe how these things have affected the installation of GFCIs. Support your discussion with evidence from the texts. Automotive Repair Technology Grade 12, Task 6 During your initial diagnosis of a vehicle’s engine performance concern, which is a more effective diagnostic strategy: using computerized test Company LOGO equipment or using mechanical testing tools? After reading the assigned article and chapters in the textbook, write a position paper in which you discuss the two types of testing and evaluate which is more effective. Support your position with evidence from the texts. What are the LDC tools? • The bank of reading/writing tasks • The module template Tasks • Skills Company LOGO • Instruction • Results • • Scoring rubrics • Local and national collaboration • Access to a community of educators with LDC modules aligned to course content and to CCSS LDC Framework 10-17-11 A Complete Example Company LOGO Modules Modules wrap a teaching plan around the task. Company Courses LOGO Modules Tasks • New courses • Existing courses Information Sheet Module title: Community Awareness Module description (overview) This unit sits inside a module in which students study how to identify the truth about Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness (OTDA). The focus of the module is to create awareness in school, at home and in the community. Students will learn the truth about OTDA. They will learn about myths versus facts. Students will draw on primary and Company secondary sources to write an argumentative essay. Template [Insert critical focus question] After reading ________(literature or informational task (include texts), write ________ (an essay or substitute) in which you address the question and number, argue_______(content). Support your position with evidence from the text(s). type, level): LOGO Teaching task: Would you be an organ and tissue donor? After reading informational texts on OTDA and visiting the OTDA website, write an essay in which you address the question and argue either for or against organ and tissue donation. Support your position with evidence from the text(s). Course Health Information Management [dh1]Provide brief description Teaching Task Teaching task: Should the Barnes Foundation have brought its multi-billion dollar art teaching collection to a new home on the Parkway? After reading all three articles from the resource list, write a position paper that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views. Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. Reading Nobody To Blame But Albert C. Barnes For The Barnes Foundation’s Moving texts: Company Philadelphia (finally) gets the Barnes Art Collection by Christopher Tkaczyk “The Art of the Steal, The Untold Story of the Barnes Foundation” 3page handout PDF LOGO Background Extension Barnes Foundation Journal “Renoir at the Barnes” August16, 2010 posted in Collections PDF In order to learn more about Barnes' work, students will read about the collection, watch documentary films and take a trip to see the artwork. Students will design an 8-sided folded promotional brochure that promotes “The Barnes Foundation” its breadth and intentionality. Students will take a field trip to view the Barnes collection, write their reflections on the experience and share those reflections with the class. “Hard-wired” Standards NUMBER 1 ANCHOR STANDARDS FOR READING Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and Company 4 figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. 2 LOGO 10 NUMBER 1 4 5 9 10 Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. ANCHOR STANDARDS FOR WRITING Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audience. Content Standards/Tasks From State or District Standards source: NUMBER RST. Company 9-10.2 CC.3.5. 9-10B WHST. 9-10.4 CC.3.6. 9-10.C. 601 1.7.11.A.R R11.A.1.3.1 R11.A.1.3.2 R11.A.2.5.1 LOGO Industry Standards, NOCTI Standards, Common Core State Standards for Technical Subjects (RSTs, WHSTs) CONTENT STANDARDS Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the text. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Design, Layout and Production Research the history of advertising design. What Skills? SKILL SKILLS CLUSTER 1. Task engagement 2. Task analysis SKILLS CLUSTER 1. Text selection Company 2. Active reading LOGO 3. Essential vocabulary 4. Academic integrity 5. Note-taking SKILLS CLUSTER 1. Bridging SKILLS CLUSTER 1. Claim 2. Planning DEFINITION 1: PREPARING FOR THE TASK Ability to connect the task and new content to existing knowledge, skills, experiences, interests, and concerns. Ability to understand and explain the task’s prompt and rubric. 2: READING PROCESS Ability to identify appropriate texts. Ability to identify the central point and main supporting elements of a text. L2 Ability to identify and analyze the credibility and origin of sources. L3 Ability to identify gaps or unanswered questions. Ability to identify and master terms essential to understanding a text. Ability to use and credit sources appropriately. Ability to select important facts and passages for use in one’s own writing. 3: TRANSITION TO WRITING Ability to begin linking reading results to writing task. 4: WRITING PROCESS Ability to establish a claim and consolidate information relevant to task. Ability to develop a line of thought and text structure appropriate to an informational/explanatory task. What Instruction? PAC- SKILL AND DEFINITION ING SCORING (PRODUCT “MEETS EXPECTATIONS” IF IT…) SKILLS CLUSTER 1: PREPARING FOR THE TASK Company 20 1. Task What directions does Journal entry engagement the teacher give the min Completed KWL students? Ability to No scoring connect the task and new content to existing knowledge, skills, experiences, interests, and concerns. LOGO PRODUCT AND PROMPT INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES What strategy does the teacher choose? •Small group discussion •T Chart •Brainstorm •KWL •Structured Overview •Chalk Talk •Think/Pair/Share •Anticipation Guide What Skills? Clusters SKILL DEFINITION SKILLS CLUSTER 1: PREPARING FOR THE TASK SKILLS CLUSTER 2: READING PROCESS Company LOGO SKILLS CLUSTER 3: TRANSITION TO WRITING SKILLS CLUSTER 4: WRITING PROCESS SKILLS CLUSTER 5: AUTOMOTIVE I 4.F.1 4.F.3 (Ability to) Inspect tire condition; identify tire wear patterns; check and adjust air pressure; determine necessary action. P-1 (Ability to) Rotate tires according to manufacturer’s recommendations. P-1 What Instruction? PACING SKILL AND MINI-TASKS DEFINITION PRODUCT AND SCORING PROMPT (PRODUCT “MEETS EXPECT.” IF IT…) SKILLS CLUSTER 1: PREPARING FOR THE TASK 30-40 min. 1. Task Prompt: Using your Completed Company engagement Classification Flip Book, response to prompt define the domains Ability to and kingdoms for connect the organisms of your task and new choice and provide content to examples of organisms existing in each group. knowledge, skills, experiences, interests, and concerns. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Review each student’s response to ensure she/he understands the task. Ensure relevant reading material is selected or provided. Have students share responses so that students can hear/know what each other is doing and encourage them to help each other when appropriate. Discuss in detail the task prompt, type of writing and structure, the product, and the rubric. LOGO Text Selection SKILLS CLUSTER 2: READING PROCESS 20 1. Text selection For each text, create an One correct entry MLA style works cited for each text. Company min Ability to entry. identify appropriate texts. LOGO Direct instruction: Provide a citation guide and explain why each piece of information is necessary. Explain how to determine if a source is credible. Explain the importance of finding information on both sides of an issue. MATERIALS, REFERENCES, AND SUPPORTS Materials and References FOR TEACHERS FOR STUDENTS List materials, videos, films, references, Indicate that a Writer’s Workbook or some variation guides, etc. that you used for lecture is in the Appendix. Company materials or other information you provided for students. LOGO Attach PowerPoints you created. Instructional Ladder Lite Task Prompt________________________________________________ Course_________ Teacher_________ What Skills? 1. Task Engagement (Get their attention) Company 2. Task Analysis LOGO (Discuss prompt and rubric) 3. Text Selection (Connect to text) 4. Active Reading (Do the reading) 5. Essential Vocabulary (Process new words) 6. Academic Integrity (Give credit where it is due) 7. Note-taking (Record info, cite sources) 8. Bridging (Begin the writing process) 9. Claim (Write thesis statement What Instruction? What Assessment? Standards Alignment Course:_______________ Unit:___________ Teacher:________________ Content Standards Company LOGO WHSTs RSTs Reading Materials Health Occupations: Medical Ethics Task 2: Can allowing surrogate mothers to be paid for their troubles allow poorer women to be oppressed? After reading Chapter 6 in the Health Science Fundamentals Company text and Cases in Medical Ethics: Student-Led LOGO Discussions, write an essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views. This training made our team believe in the LDC process. Lindsey Smetak, PA Automotive Repair Technology Task 2: During your initial diagnosis of a vehicle’s engine performance concern, which is a more effective diagnostic strategy, using computerized test equipment or Company using mechanical testing tools? After reading the LOGO assigned article and chapters in the textbook, write a position paper that addresses the question and support you position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views. After the crying stopped, they began to build confidence in their ability to read and write. Will Soleau, PA Precision Machining Task 3: After researching materials on manually operated and computer numerical controls write a position paper that compares the two types of machines and argues Company which has the most advantages. Be sure to support your LOGO position with evidence from the texts. Students were quite negative about writing an essay in shop class, but they worked through it a little each day, and I believe that their finished product came easier than they expected. Rob Barclay, PA Cosmetology Task 2: Should hair color products be tested on animals? After reading Ch. 19: Hair Color in Malady Standard Cosmetology and other teacher-selected articles, write an essay that addresses the question and support your Company position with evidence from the text. L2 Be sure to LOGO acknowledge competing views. L3 Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. My biggest surprise so far has been that kids agree to the work load. Ben Shaw, PA Digital Input Technologies Task 2: As a consumer, which digital camera (Canon/Olympus) would you recommend based on its features and cost? After reading various articles and consumer reports, write a consumer report that Company addresses the question and support your position with LOGO evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views. I was pleasantly surprised at the level of thinking my students are capable of when they are not just regurgitating information back to me. We were genuinely excited at what some of the students produced and asked each other, “Did you read that?!” Shadaris Bradley, SC Advertising & Graphic Design Task 11: After researching informational texts and presentations on Art Deco, write the script for a classroom presentation that defines Art Deco and Company explains how it was expressed across the art forms of LOGO architectural, industrial, graphic and fashion design in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Support your discussion with evidence from your research. The tasks made my students more willing to work through a project than they were in the past. They realize that writing is not instant. It takes work, but that’s okay. Denise Powell, PA Vocational Agriculture Should fracking be permitted in our state? After researching articles on fracking, write a report that describes the environmental and financial impact of Company fracking. Support your discussion with evidence from LOGO your research. This training has caused me to think more about the way I teach. Tim Mauk, PA Metal Working/Career Development Task 13: After researching articles on the effects of visible tattoos and piercings in the workplace, write a section of an employment handbook that describes company policy Company on visible body decorations. Support your discussion with LOGO evidence from your research. I feel more confident about explaining the importance of literacy and how it connects in and out of the classroom or shop. Skip Shope, PA LDC Lite Questions? Company LOGO Comments? Contact