EFFECTIVE CHINESE TEACHING & LEARNING in international schools’ context 国际学校的实效中文教学 Daegu International School, Korea September 4-6, 2013 Penny Pan CONTENT 内容 ✴ International School Chinese Learner’s landscape 国际学校的中文学生版图 ✴ Setting Teaching & Learning frame 制定教学架构 ✴ Setting Teaching & Learning Procedure 制定教学程序 ✴ Differentiated Assessments Examples 分类评估方法实例 ✴ Effective Teaching Strategies Examples 有效教学方法实例 PART 1 第一部分 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CHINESE LEARNERS’ LANDSCAPE 国际学校的中文学生版图 Student’s language profile 学生的语言学习背景 • Total beginner 初学者 - European language background 欧语语系背景 - Script/tone language background 形体语系背 景 • Limited/some experience 曾学者 - Transit students from other international school 其它国际学校的转校生 different curriculum framework/standards/focus 不同课程/标准/着重点 - different length of learning 学习时间长短 • Native/Near-native learner 母语/近母语学生 - Putonghua speakers 普通话背景 - degree of listening/speaking proficiency 听说流利程度 - degree of reading/writing proficiency 读写流利程度 - traditional or simplified characters 简繁字体 - Dialect speakers 方言背景 - Know your students /your teaching 知己知彼 • Know your student’s language experience at the beginning of each school year/entering point 入学/开学时了解学生中文程度 - language background check form 表格 - class survey 班级调查 - formal/informal placement assessment 正式/非正式分班测试 • Adjust your teaching 调整教学 - Streaming students 学生分流 - Grouping students 学生分组 - Class Differentiated Instruction (DI) 课堂教学分层 Know your student’s learning style 因材施教 Dr. Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence Gardner 博士的“多元智能”学说 自我认识智能 语言智能 逻辑数学智能 人际关系智能 图像空间智能 音乐智能 身体运动智能 PART 2 第二部分 Setting teaching & Learning Frame 制定教学架构 Curriculum Standards 课程标准 • IB - MYP/DP Language B: Ab initio, SL, HL - MYP/DP Language A: • K-12 ACTFL Standards - AP Chinese - SAT Chinese • A Level/GCSE/other national curriculum • Adult HSK / Junior HSK • Hybrid model / custom made Curriculum Alignment 课程流程 vocab & grammar S & S 词汇语法技能顺序 文 体 顺 序 Assessment criteria 评估标准 How is MYP Foundation/Standard Level Assessment Criteria assessed? Overall Expectations Student is able to... (3 - 5 min.) Communicate information with relevant ideas and supporting details. Show understanding and respond correctly in familiar situations Let ideas flow B. Oral communication - language Use correct pronunciation and intonation Use range of vocabulary and grammatical structures Attempt to use idioms and appropriate register A. Oral communication – message and interaction C. Writing – Message and organization (180 characters min for Foundation, 240 characters for standard) D. Writing – Language E. Reading comprehension (500 characters for Foundation, 750 characters for standard) Maximum Band 8 8 Communicate information clearly Give relevant ideas with detail and support Justify opinions Use cohesive devices to structure the work 8 Use range of vocabulary and grammatical structures Attempt to use idioms Use accurate Chinese characters Show sense of audience and use appropriate register 8 Identify stated information, main ideas and supporting details in texts with familiar and/or unfamiliar language and/or complex ideas. Draw conclusion Understand the text(s) 16 How is MYP Advanced Level assessed? Assessment Criteria A. Oral communication – message and interaction (3-5 min) B. Oral communication – style and language use C. Writing – Message and organization (360 min. characters) D. Writing – style and language use E. Reading - Text interpretation (Approx. 1000 characters, one of the text must be of a literary nature) Overall Expectations Student is able to... Communicate information with relevant ideas and supporting details. Show understanding and respond correctly to variety of topics Engage in conversation Let ideas flow cohesively Use correct pronunciation and intonation Use range of vocabulary and grammatical structures Use idiomatic expressions Use appropriate register and style Communicate information clearly Give relevant ideas with detail and support Show depth in understanding of the topic Use appropriate structures and make use of cohesive devices Use varied vocabulary and accurate grammatical structures Use idiomatic expressions Use accurate Chinese characters Show sense of audience, use appropriate register and style Show understanding of stated and implied information, main ideas and supporting details in texts with familiar and/or unfamiliar language and/or complex ideas. Make inferences that are supported with details from the text Identify aspects of style Show understanding of the text(s) Maximum Band 8 8 8 8 16 How is MYP Mandarin A assessed? 評核標準 Overall Expectation Assessment Criteria 最高得分 Maximum • Understand and analyse language, content, structure, meaning and A. 內容 (接受和產生) Content (receptive and productive) B. 組織結構 Organization C. 文體和語言技巧 Style and language mechanics significance of both familiar and previously unseen oral, written and visual texts. 理解與分析 語言、內容、結構、含義和意義。 • Compare and contrast works, and connect themes across and within genres. 比較和對照不同作品 • Analyse the effects of the author’s choices on an audience. 分析對讀者的影響 • Express an informed and independent response to literary and non-literary texts. 就文學和非文學的作品表達見解 • Compose pieces that apply appropriate literary and/or non-literary features to serve the context and intention. 開展文學或非文學作品的寫作 • Apply language A terminology in context. 應用語言A的術語詞彙 10 • Create work that employs organizational structures and language-specific conventions throughout a variety of text types. 運用組織結構和具體語言的 規範完成各種類型創作。 • Organize ideas and arguments in a sustained, coherent and logical manner. 以連貫、緊湊、符合邏輯的方式,組織想法和論點 • Employ appropriate critical apparatus. 運用適當的關鍵性組織結構手法 10 • • • • • Use appropriate and varied register, vocabulary and idiom. 語域、詞彙與成語 Use correct grammar and syntax. 語法和句法 Use appropriate and varied sentence structure. 適當和多樣的句子結構 Use correct spelling/writing. 正確書寫 Use language to narrate, describe, analyse, explain, argue, persuade, inform, entertain and express feelings. 敘述、描寫、分析、解釋、爭辯、說服 • Use language accurately. 10 PART 3 第三部分 Setting Teaching & Learning Procedure 制定教学程序 Group discussion: Primary: Differences in teacher’s teaching Secondary: Differences in student’s learning QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Understanding By Design (UBD) Model 教学单元设计 Stage 1: Desired results 单元教学目的 Stage 2: Assessment Evidence 单元评估证据 Stage 3: Learning Plan 单元教学计划 www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/.../Essential_Questions.pdf Stage 1: The desired result 单元教学目的 • Curriculum Unit Standards: 课程单元标准 (eg:PYP,MYP, DP standards) • understanding / goals (Big ideas: Timeless ideas/concepts): (宏观理念: 没有时间,空间,文化等等因素限制的理念) • Essential questions (实质必要的问题) (a HOOK: A leading question that can lead to understand the big idea, sustain student’s interests) (诱惑性:一个引导性的问题来帮助学生懂得大的理念,保持学生学习兴趣) • Learning outcomes (学习目标): (Visible, measurable outcomes that achieve the understanding and answer the essential questions) (看得见,能衡量的学习目标,帮助学生理解宏观理念,回答实质必要的问题) Example 范例: Clothing Unit 衣服单元 • Curriculum Unit Standards: 课程单元标准 (eg:PYP,MYP, DP standards) • understanding / goals (Big ideas: Timeless ideas/concepts): (宏观理念: 没有时间,空间,文化等等因素限制的理念) A. Fashion shows our life style. 服装体现我们的生活方式 B. We can express ourselves through fashion. 我们用时装表达我们自己 • Essential questions (实质必要的问题) (a HOOK: A leading question that can lead to understand the big idea, sustain student’s interests) (诱惑性:一个引导性的问题来帮助学生懂得大的理念,保持学生学习兴趣) A. How do you use fashion to show people your life style? 你是怎样用服装来向别人表现你的生活方式? B. How do you use fashion to express yourself? 你怎样用时装来表达你自己? • Learning outcomes (学习目标): (Visible, measurable outcomes that achieve the understanding and answer the essential questions) (看得见,能衡量的学习目标,帮助学生理解宏观理念,回答此单元的实质必要的问题) Matching learning outcomes with Essential questions: 学习目标需与单元的实质必要的问题相吻合 2 samples of essential questions: A. How do you use fashion to show people your life style? 你是怎样用服装来向别人表现你的生活方式 ? B. How do you use fashion to express yourself ? 你怎样用时装来表达你自己? Please discuss below outcomes matching Essential Question A or B? 讨论以下学习目标与A还是B相吻合? Students will be able to...., 学生能够... 1. Discuss/Describe different clothing in different seasons / different activities 讨论/形容不同季节/活动不同的穿着 2. Discuss/Describe different clothing in different countries /occupation/function/occasion 讨论/形容不同国家/职业/特别日子或节目的穿着 3. Give reasons for choose different style of clothing 讲出不同穿着的原因 4. Putting together an interactive product to express your view about fashion 制作一个表达你的时装意识的媒体作品 Stage 2: Assessment Evidence 评估证据 Performance tasks 综合表现任务 - authentic performance-based tasks 和实际生活相关/有实质性关联性的任务 - achieve at least application level or higher on Bloom’s Taxonomy 任务要达到最起码能应用的水平或更高(参照布鲁姆分类学) - with self-assessable rubric for students 学生能自我评估 Other assessment evidence 其它评估依据 - Summative assessment (unit test, presentation, project etc.) 综合评估 (包括单元测试,报告,项目设计等等) - Formative assessment (quiz, worksheet, essays etc.) 积累评估 (词汇语法等方面小测,工作纸,作文等等) - Informal assessment (observation of group work, class participation etc.) 非正式评估 (课堂个人/小组活动观察等等) Performance tasks examples 综合表现任务范例 Example 范例: Clothing Unit 衣服单元 EXAMPLE 1: Primary school learners As a school student representative, please send a letter/email/youtube link/facebook post to new incoming students a clothing packing list and reason 作为学生会成员,至信/电邮/youtube link/facebook post 给新转校来韩国(或其他国家)的 学生一份来韩置装清单及原因 EXAMPLE 2: Middle school learners You are the chief designer for a fashion house, putting together a collection to for different occasions 作为一间时装公司的首席设计师,设计新一季的时装展,体现不同场合穿着。 EXAMPLE 3: High school learners Graduation prom is scheduled for next month, you know your parents may not agree with your fashion choices for this special occasion (before and after party wear), you have to find a way to present you ideas to persuade them. 下个月就是毕业舞会,你知道你父母不会同意你所做的服饰选择。请自我选择用一种方式来说服 你的父母。 Other Assessment Evidence 其它评估依据 - Summative assessment (unit test, presentation, project etc.) 综合评估 (包括单元测试,报告,项目设计等等) - Formative assessment (quiz, worksheet, essays etc.) 积累评估 (词汇语法等方面小测,工作纸,作文等等) - Informal assessment (observation of group work, class participation etc.) 非正式评估 (课堂个人/小组活动观察等等) Stage 3: Learning Plan 教学计划 Learning activities 教学活动 This is the core of each lesson plan, may use bullet points to list teaching and learning activities that help to reach unit goals. 这是每课计划的核心部分,可列举用来达到教学目的的活动 STEP 1: Plan Vocabulary & Grammar structures 第一步: 选择词汇和语法结构 Base on your performance task, choose unit’s vocabulary bank and grammar structures that are needed for performing this task. 根据你所决定的综合表现任务,决定需要教的词汇及语法。 Note: Spiral learning - Remember utilize your student’s prior knowledge, try to include previous units‘ vocabulary and structures if you can. 注: 螺旋上升教学 - 记住取利学生已有知识,在任务中包括以前单元学过的词汇语法。 EXAMPLE 2: Middle school learners Student’s performance task sample 中学综合表现任务 学生指导实例 EXAMPLE 2: Middle school learners Student’s performance task sample 中学综合表现任务 学生作品实例 QuickTime™ and a H.264 decompressor are needed to see this picture. Practice 1: 实际操作 1 List vocabulary groups & grammar structure needed. Design the performance task student guide. 列出词汇组和所需语法,设计综合表现任务学生指南。 EXAMPLE 1: Primary school learners As a school student representative, please send a letter/email/youtube link/facebook post o new incoming students a clothing packing list and reason 作为学生会成员,至信/电邮/youtube link/facebook post 给新转校来韩国(或其他国家) 的 学生一份来韩置装清单及原因 EXAMPLE 3: High school learners Graduation prom is scheduled for next month, you know your parents may not agree with your fashion choices for this special occasion (before and after party wear), you have to find a way to persuade them. 下个月就是毕业舞会,你知道你父母不会同意你所做的服饰选择。请自我选择用一种方式来 说服你的父母。 STEP 2: Plan Teaching & Learning Activities and Related Formative Assessments 第二步: 计划教学活动和有关积累评估 Integrating planed vocabulary and grammar into listening & speaking, reading & writing activities/formative assessments to build up for the performance task . 把要学的词汇语法放入听说和读写教学活动/累计评估之中,一步步达到能 完成综合表现项目设定的目的。 Note: When teaching vocabulary and grammar structures, remember always try to design activities/assessments with real life situations in mind, making them as authentic & applicable as possible. 注: 当计划教学活动/评估时尽量和现实生活情形相结合,有真实实用性。 Example 范例: Middle School Clothing Unit 初中衣服单元 Activity/formative assessment examples: 活动/累计评估范例: 1. Make a clothes packing list for a school trip, (vocab only, can assess L, S, R, W) 做一份学校出游时需带的衣服清单 (词汇:可评估听说读写) 2. write a SMS/facebook message/oral WeChat message to a friend to borrow clothes for a special occasion (vocab & grammar, can assess L, S, R, W) 写/录一条电话/面书/微信短讯,向朋友借衣服去参加一个特别活动 (词汇和语法:可评估听说读写) 3. Interview a student who is interested to be a model for your fashion show (combine prior units’ knowledge with new unit’s knowledge) 和一个想做你服装秀模特儿的同学面谈 (可结合以前和现在的知识进行评估) Practice 2: 实际操作 2 Design a few teaching and learning activities/formative assessments , helping to build up towards the final performance task requirment. 设计一系列教学活动/累积评估,帮助一步步达到综合表现任务的要求。 EXAMPLE 1: Primary school learners As a school student representative, please send a letter/email/youtube link/facebook post o new incoming students a clothing packing list and reason 作为学生会成员,至信/电邮/youtube link/facebook post 给新转校来韩国(或其他国家) 的 学生一份来韩置装清单及原因 EXAMPLE 3: High school learners Graduation prom is next month, you know your parents may not agree with your fashion choices for this special occasion (before and after party wear), you have to find a way to present your ideas to persuade them. 下个月就是毕业舞会,你知道你父母不会同意你所做的服饰选择。请自我选择用一种方式来 说服你的父母。 PART 4 第四部分 Differentiated Assessments Examples 分类评估实例 *designed by Rachel Kung from ICS HK QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. EXAMPLE 1: Multi Intelligence Assessments “多元智能”评估实例 Practice 3: 实际操作 3 Use “Clothing Unit”, design multi intelligence assessment tasks. 用“衣服单元”为例,设计一系列“多智能”评估任务。 图像空间智能 音乐智能 逻辑数学智能 身体运动智能 自我认识智能 人际关系智能 TASK OBJECTIVES 任务目的 语言智能 EXAMPLE 2: Tiered Assessments “分层次”评估实例 Level 1: Proficiency level 达标层度 Level 2: Challenge Level 挑战层度 Level 3: Extension Level 延伸层度 Practice 4: 实际操作 4 Use “Clothing Unit”, design a tiered assessment tasks. 用“衣服单元”为例,设计一系列“分层次”评估任务。 Level 1: Proficiency level 达标层度 Level 2: Challenge Level 挑战层度 Level 3: Extension Level 延伸层度 EXAMPLE 2: Contract Assessments “合同制”评估实例 Option 1: Remediation 选择1: 辅助型 Option 2: Acceleration 选择2: 加速型 Option 3: Extension 选择3: 延伸型 PART 5 第五部分 Effective Teaching Strategies Examples 有效教学方式实例 Grouping while learning vocab 分组学词汇 Noun group: 名词组 animal 动物 country 国家 sports etc 运动等等 Adj. group: 形容词组 appearance 外貌 taste 味道 weather 天气等等 Verb group: 动词组 Direction Group: 方向组 Clock group: 一点 到 十二点 learning while moving 学学动动 Chinese whisper Writing whisper who want to be a millionaire mastermind bus stop Guess who/where/what am I (head crown) Perfect match Amazing race QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.