Annual Mentor Update 2014: NMC Standards for Mentorship

Implemented September
2007 – updated 2008
Criteria for mentorship
NMC domains for mentors
Triennial review
Reliability & validity of assessments
Supporting students who have a disability or a
weak student
• Protecting the public –your role as a mentor
• New curriculum – ‘Nursing 2012’
Criteria to remain a mentor
Mentor at least two students within a three year
period. For Sign off Mentors this MUST be 2 final
placement students
Attend an annual update
Demonstrate maintenance and development of
knowledge skills and competence as a mentor
during Triennial Review
Maintain a record of all mentorship activity
Same part of register and same field of practice as the
Meet NMC requirements to remain on mentor register
Been supervised on at least 3 occasions for signing off
proficiency at end of course by existing sign off mentor
(first 2 can be simulated)
Knowledge of programme / assessment requirements
Understanding of NMC registration requirements and
contribution made – licence to practice
Understanding of the accountability to NMC for
decisions made to pass or fail a student – a prime means
of protecting the public
Establishing effective working relationships
Facilitation of learning
Assessment and accountability
Evaluation of learning
Creating an environment for learning
Context of practice
Evidence based practice
It is the responsibility of each Mentor/‘Sign Off’
Mentor to undertake a self assessment and
complete documentation prior to their Triennial
Who can review Mentors/Sign off Mentors?
• The ward/department Sister or Charge Nurse or a
designated deputy who is:
• A nurse mentor with a minimum of two years experience
as a mentor or sign off mentor who is able to facilitate
any development and/or action plans that may arise from
the review
Examples of ‘evidence’ to show
competence as a mentor
Copies of (anonymous) student/mentor
learning contract
Evidence of placement audit report
including student feedback
Reflective accounts of learning situations
Record of meeting/ liaison with HEI staff
Student placement info / induction pack
Individual student feedback
Documentation re action plans/ extra
learning contracts if drawn up
If you don’t meet the criteria in
your Triennial Review….
Develop an action plan with your reviewer, detailing
when you aim to achieve your outcomes
Examples of actions:
• If you have not had 2 students over 3 years – you can work
with a current mentor, who can support you to achieve
• If you have not attended updates for more than 5 years
you will need to undertake the mentor course (or parts of)
to be able demonstrate your knowledge of Pre
Registration Nursing Standards 2010 ( NMC 2010)
• If you feel you need to re attend the course, due to lack of
students/ being out-dated please negotiate with your
Reliability of Assessments
An assessment is said to ‘reliable’ if it gives
similar results when used on separate occasions,
and with different assessors.
Stuart (2007) identifies three key issues:
1) Consistency of student performance –how
consistent is the student’s performance across different
care giving situations?
2) Consistency of interpretation – would I interpret the
student’s performance of a particular skill in the same
way if I saw it again?
3) Consistency between assessors –would other
assessors agree with my interpretations of the student’s
Validity of Assessments
An assessment is said to be ‘valid’ if it measures
what it was designed to measure. (Stuart 2007).
Two key areas are important: how and what we
measure. This means that you should use appropriate
methods, depending on what is being assessed.
For example:
You would not assess performance of aseptic
technique by verbal questioning alone; you would need
to observe the skill being performed.
However, using both methods to test theory and
practice of technique capability will enhance validity.
How then do we know our
assessments are valid?
Opinions of others/ colleagues
Review portfolio
Reflective discussions with students
Triangulation of evidence - attitude scales/
learning outcomes/ learning contract
• Avoid making snap judgments/ stereotyping
• Make individualised judgments, not
comparisons to other students
• Students with learning differences - support
How do we identify a weak
• Lack of practical skills commensurate with the
student’s level of training
• Inconsistent clinical performance
• Exhibits poor preparation and organisational skills
• Poor communication / interpersonal skills
• Lack of interest
• Absence of professional boundaries
(Duffy, 2004)
Protecting the public – your role as
a mentor
• Accurate assessment of your student - avoid
giving ‘benefit of the doubt’.
• Deal with any concerns you have about a
student appropriately & in a timely manner
• Be aware of the ‘Escalation of Concerns’
collaborative policy ( BCHUB and AEIs) which
supports students to raise concerns about
patient care
‘Nursing 2012’
Service Users
and Carers
Generic and Field
• More generic elements in year 1 which reduce as
course progresses
• Fewer field elements in year 1 which increase as
course progresses
Year 3
Year 2
Year 1
Overview of year 1
19 weeks theory
Wk 5 -19 1 day/week in
Holidays and reading weeks
interspersed throughout the
10 week placement
with 7 study days
11 week placement with
8 study days
50% of Modular Credits - Clinical/Practice
Overview of year 2
16 weeks theory
1) 12 week HUB placement with
SPOKE placements(1-3 weeks)
- arranged by HEI.
Short spokes negotiated between
student & mentor.
PLUS 7 study days set by HEI
Holidays and reading weeks
interspersed throughout the
2) 12 week placement as for
placement1 but with 8 set
study days
Overview of year 3
16 weeks theory
Holidays and reading weeks
interspersed throughout the
1) 11 week HUB placement with
SPOKE placements(1-3 weeks) arranged by HEI.
Short spokes negotiated between
student & mentor.
PLUS 5 study days set by HEI
13 week placement with
NO Spoke placement
Plus 5 set study days
HUB placements
• Hub mentor facilitates ‘insight visits’
• Students assessed in terms of Learning
Contract/ Attitude Scale and Learning
• Responsibility of hub mentor to assess and
sign Learning Outcomes (competencies)
• This decision will informed through liaison
and documentation by SPOKE supervisor
HUB - Placement 2 each year
• ALL practice outcomes must be completed the end of each year
to enable the student to progress into the next year.
• Student documentation will be submitted to personal tutors
part way through placement 2 in each year, so they can be
• Please note: Learning outcomes, attitude scales and leaning
contracts DO NOT need to be completed at this point. However
the submitted documentation should accurately reflect the
students’ progression to date, at the time of this midway
• Any subsequent student needs can then be identified (including
any makeup time that may be required)
• This is in line with NMC requirements that students should
have two attempts at portfolio completion before each
progression point
SPOKE placements
• No formal summative assessment required in Spoke
placements, BUT all learning must contribute to
students ability to achieve NMC competencies
• Appropriate learning opportunities must be
identified to ensure student learning needs are
achieved in SPOKE
• Staff in SPOKE to liaise with mentor in HUB if there
are areas of concern or excellence
Documentation in Spoke
If a student is with you for up to 1 week:
Please complete a Short Placement Record,
documenting the student’s experiences and
achievements/on-going learning needs
If a student is with you for over a week:
Please complete the first and final sections on
the Learning Contract and one Attitude Scale
Meeting NMC standards in Wales
for BN Nursing
• Course 360 credits – 120 at level 4, 5 & 6
• Opportunity to select English medium or bi-
lingual module
• Exit Awards:
• 120 credits level 4 - Certificate
• 120 credits both level 4 and level 5 - Diploma
• BN (Hons) for achievement of all credits
Mentoring Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Welsh scholarship students
• Two types of scholarships available- Incentive or Full/ Lead
• £500 a year if they complete a 40 credit module through the
medium of Welsh each academic year
• £1000 a year if they complete a 80 credit module through the
medium of Welsh each academic year
• 50% of the credits are achieved in the clinical setting,
highlighting the key role the mentor plays in helping them
achieve the credits
• Supports the principle of Active Offer and for students to be
able to learn in their language of choice
Needs and responsibilities of the
CCC nursing students
• Portfolio-Need to identify what has been taught / learnt
through the medium of Welsh by means of placing a ‘
Working Welsh’ sticker next to the relevant competence/
learning outcome, reflective reports and so on ( stickers can
be obtained from Link Tutors or Practice Educators)
• Feedback to be discussed and written in Welsh when
appropriate ( N.B Mentors are not obliged to write reports in
Welsh but are encouraged to do so if they are happy to do so)
• Use the bilingual/ Welsh documentation
• Complete a Welsh Language Skills Certificate
£500 a year
£1,000 a year
Number of credits to
Number of Theory
be presented a year
through the medium
of Welsh
At least 40 credits a 20 credits
e.g. ONE 20 credit
At least 80 credits a
40 credits
e.g. TWO 20 credit
Number of Practice
Total Credits
20 credits
e.g. evidence of learning
and assessing through
the medium of Welsh in
at least ONE placement,
e.g. SWOT Analysis,
Action Plan, Reflective
accounts ,learning
/practice outcomes
40 credits
40 credits e.g. . evidence
80 credits
of learning and assessing
through the medium of
Welsh in at least TWO
placement, e.g. SWOT
Analysis, Action Plan,
Reflective accounts
,learning /practice
Support for CCC and bilingual
student Mentors
• Mentor updates and resources available in Welsh
• ‘Improve your Welsh ‘ courses available at the Health Board
• Can refer to and utilise the ‘Mentoring in the Bilingual setting’
pages on the University and Health Boards’ internet sites
• Discuss any concerns with the Practice Educators
• Support available from University link Sharon Pierce at extension 8622
• Remember to record your skills as a Bilingual Mentor on the
‘E roster’ system!
Mentoring students on other
When mentoring students on post registration,
post graduate courses and other HCPs mentors
should have knowledge of:
• course structure and content (handbook)
• learning outcomes
• assessment requirements for each programme
Return to Practice students (NMC
PREP requirement)
Part time over 3 months
2 weeks theory and study days, , Manual Handling, BLS
IT distance learning packages, drug calcs, IC, Nutrition etc
clinical placement (av. min 15hrs per week over 3 months)
placement hours determined by profile and time out of practice
assessment of summative ''On-going record of achievement of
competencies' document utilised
• supervised practice placement competencies'
• other competences and learning outcomes may be considered
Formative in response to identified needs
Sign off mentor required to assess safe and effective
practice for entry to register
Accessing information on BCUHB
(This information
can only be&accessed
on site within
How to access mentor
student documentation
Go to BCUHB home page then:
1. Scroll down page to ‘Nursing and Midwifery I Z’ link and click on this.
2. Click on the picture below ‘Local learning and Development’
3. Click on ‘Nursing and Midwifery education’ on top right hand side of page in
the LINKS section (in blue)
4. Click on ‘Mentor Information’ on top right hand side of page in the LINKS
section (in blue)
5. Scroll down for all mentor information
This link provides useful mentorship information, including mentor newsletters
and all current mentor training/ update dates.
External link -
References / useful websites
Aston L; Hallam P. (2014) Successful Mentoring in Nursing .London, Sage, Learning Matters
Bailey – McHale J; Hart D. (2013) Mastering Mentorship. London, Sage Publications.
Barker, B. (2013) Evidence – based Practice for Nurses. London, Sage Publications.
Gopee, N; (2010), Mentoring and Supervision in Healthcare, 2nd edition London: SAGE Publications Ltd
Kinnell, D; Hughes, P; (2010) Mentoring, Nursing and Healthcare students. SAGE Publications Ltd
Nash, S., Scammell, J., (2010), Skills to ensure success in mentoring and other workplace learning approaches.
Nursing Times, 106, 2.
Nursing & Midwifery Council (2008) Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice, 2nd edition.
London: NMC
RCN Toolkit (2007)
Rhodes, C ;Stokes M Hampton G (2004) A practical Guide to Mentoring, Coaching and Peer-networking London:
Routledge Falmer
Stuart C.C, (2007) Assessment, Supervision and Support in Clinical Practice: A Guide for Nurses, Midwives and
Other Health Professionals, 2nd edition. Oxford: Churchill Livingstone
Veeramah, V., (2012), What are the barriers to good mentoring? Nursing Times,108, 39, pp12-15
Walsh, D (2010) The Nurse Mentor’s Handbook: Supporting Students in Clinical Practice. Berkshire: Open
University Press
Useful contacts
• Karen Hughes:
• Sandra Roberts:
• Gill Truscott:
• Justine Mason:
01978 293599
• Sharon Pierce
01248 388622