Linguistic Projects for Multilingual Programmes Krista Ireland 2nd Conference on Foreign Languages A Realistic Approach Pamplona-Iruña 15th December 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Context of Multilingual Programmes in Spain 2010 What is a Linguistic Project? Main aspects of the PLC Checklist for planning a PLC Coordination suggestions: A PLC step by step 1. Multilingualism in Spain Today Personalization and innovation: from Catalonia to Cadiz Wide array of curricular possibilities in all communities. Hours Languages Area contents 1. Multilingualism in Spain Today 1.1 A brief comparative example of Spanish diversity: • Madrid Castilla-La Mancha Andalucia Copia de Mapa_Bilingue_contenidos_areas_horas_def.xls • • 1. Multilingualism in Spain Today 1. Multilingualism in Spain Today 1.2 Comparative outcome: • Many different possible models. • Within regions, schools can opt for varied combinations of hours, area subjects and languages. So…our deductive conclusion = each centre needs to define their own personalized documents. PE = PGA + PCE + PEC + PLC new! 1. Multilingualism in Spain Today What are the main documents of the Centre? PE = Educational Project PGA= General Annual Programme PCE= Curricular Project /Proposal PEC= Educational Project /Proposal PLC= Linguistic Project 1. Multilingualism in Spain Today 1.3.1 Methodological foundations underlying the documents of the centre Figure 1: Constructivist Course Design Adapted from Hutchison & Waters 1987 Contextual Needs Analysis Curricular legislation oMinimum Content requirements o Socio-cultural setting o Student’s needs o Student’s psychological / linguistic development oAssessment procedures oAttention to Diversity oStrategies and teaching tools Results in the creation of: Personalized Documents for the centre PE = PGA + PCE + PEC + PLC new!! Classroom Course Designs and units 1. Multilingualism in Spain Today 1.3.2 Legislative foundations PLC Figure 2: Levels of Educational Planning Adapted from Escamilla & Lagres 2007 1. Multilingualism in Spain Today 1.4 What does a Linguistic Project offer the Centre? It helps us to… • organize choices made about languages: L1, L2, L3, L4… • reflect on the relevance of previous choices that have been made. • carry on with, update or complete previous choices after reflection. • give coherence to: language learning, student learning, the use of languages in other areas. • foment literacy and Communicative competence in all languages used at the centre in a systematic fashion. • coordinate more effectively. 2.1 Background Developed from 1990’s to present Catalonia-proposals and guides Basque Country & Valencia Andalucía with CIL (Currículo Integrado de la Lenguas) Planning literacy from here…… infinity! 2.2 Key features of a Linguistic Project It is a document that takes into account the educational and linguistic objectives of the centre as well as the sociolinguistic context of the setting. It defines the resources set out to develop language in a coherent and coordinated aspect in Bilingual / Plurilingual programmes in all of the spaces in the centre. It reflects a series of organizational criteria and paths of action that serve to plan and regulate the introduction of language, the treatment it is given and the role of it’s presence. 2.2 Important Choices: Steps in organization Who participates? The whole teaching staff= Language and content teachers who help each other “democratically” What to consider? ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Define the centre’s Socio-linguistic reality Define the objectives at the centre regarding Language and Education Consult the legislation in your Autonomous Community for hours, area subjects and time tables Set out the criteria for organization and a plan of action: moment of stating a language programme and at what level the degree of language present the linguistic treatment that will be given Now determine the Bilingual or Plurilingual Project needed ! 2.3 What is NOT a linguistic project? Course design / syllabus (Although they will interact with the PLC.) A prescriptive project or plan for all centres A tome that will be sent to the basement of the DAT Conclusion: It must be a working document specific for the context! See an example: Characteristics of a PLC: Legal, Lasting, Coherent, Parcipitative, Integrated Linked to the following documents: Educational project of the centre (PEC) Curricular Project of the Centre PCC Regulations of Organization in the Centre (ROC) Project of Regulating Linguistic Usage (Valencia, etc.) 3.1 Define the setting. What about….? • • • • The general objectives for the stage and areas The student’ profiles The use of languages in the centre. The coherence & flexibility ex. Madrid secondary = 3 modes in 1 centre. 3.2 Establish a relationship between Cycles and stages: • Model / Type of centre ex. Line 4 or CRA? • Hours for L1, L2 and L3 • The treatment of each language • Staging / Timing of pre-writing & reading skills stages ex. Andalucía CIL vs. Madrid 3.3 In all areas establish: the use of languages in all areas subjects diverse activities and tasks to use of language. See Fernando Trujillo’s Task based proposal PLC in the webography Activities Tasks Provide specific practice: -Guided -Semi-guided -Freer -Free Tasks give a feeling of unity & provide a final product. Looking for information on Internet is an activity. Creating a class newspaper or webpage is a task. 3.4 In linguistic areas establish: Methodological criteria for all languages Time and place for language learning Staging of contents of each language Common assessment criteria for each language Official assessment criteria for the school- standardized exams ex. Trinity, KET, PET and/or Content Exams 1 Define Contextualization 2 Define Legislation 4.2 Communicative competenceMethodological assumptions (Consult your CCAA) 3 Check and modify Centre’s Objectives 4. Methodology 4.1. Integration of different aspect to ensure the building of knowledge to provide coherence between: Cycles and stages areas and the whole centre consensus between teachersex.. Use of PEL? define common aspects in language teaching and shared methodology CLIL? AICOLE? In order to develop Definition: the use of language in different communicative situations: Sociolinguistic, discourse, linguistic, strategic, grammatical Communicative competence vs. Academic Competence (Fred Genesse CEIB) Communicative focus in CLIL Real use of Language Various contexts Genre based & Content based-learn by doing-Task based planning Learning through motivation and use Activities that include reception and production of oral and written texts in addition to conversation Selection and sequencing of texts according to communicative situations Assessment- Diagnostic, formative and summative Units are developed related to concrete linguistic uses and contents linked to a task, a project, etc. participation in meaningful learning. Ex. Not “copying” in Science to create a book, rather give portfolio adaptation idea w / PEL. 5 From Planning to practice Implementing PEL Planning for tasks and project work= literacy in linguistic activity, multimodal communication, socio-cultural and cognitive aspects ◦ 1. Get together information about the Linguistic Project and agree on a possible table of contents outline. ◦ 2. Analyze the documentation of the centre to accept or modify the choices being made. ◦ 3. Use the table of contents as a guide to fill in for the choices that are being made at the centre. ◦ 4. Make needed choices. Research, then be firm! ◦ 5. Use the PLC create and integrated planning strategy for the centre. THANK YOU! You can reach me at: PPT del proyecto Lingüístico del Centro: Ponencia presentada por Antonia Gómez Vidal y Diego Arcos Cañete, el Proyecto lingüístico del IES Mirador del Genil, Iznájar, Córdoba Crónicas de las secciones bilingües VII Encuentro en Santander 2009 Resumen de todas las esquemas de ponencias. Video de la Ponencia Fernando Trujillo sobre el Proyecto Lingüístico del centro VII Encuentro en Santander 2009: Conferencia “Leer en el Escorial”- Fernando Trujillo Sobre El proyecto Lingüístico en Castellano, relacionado con tareas = producto final y la vida real – El Proyecto Lingüístico de Centro Montserrat Ferrer Todo ELE: Sección de Proyectos Lingüístico del Centro propuestas para castellano Practical example: Lorca CEP- PLC (Registration required- Moodle) Excellent practical E-book on Lingusitic Project T. I. L. B01 2002-2003 DESDE EL PROYECTO LINGÜÍSTICO HACIA EL TRATAMIENTO INTEGRADO DE LENGUAS Programa de Programa de PROCESOS LINGÜÍSTICOSPROCESOS LINGÜÍSTICOS Plan de mejora de la competencia lingüística. elaboración del proyecto lingüístico de centro Escrito por Antonia Gómez Vidal y Diego Arcos Revista de Avances en supervisión educativa- La revista de la asociación de Inspectores en España