UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN: THINKING ABOUT THE KEY PRINCIPLES FOR YOUR SCHOOL Allison Zmuda, Facilitator 1 GOALS FOR TODAY’S WORK Examine the four big ideas behind Understanding by Design Identify key challenges in teaching and learning in your school Student Achievement Coherence Preparation for post-graduation Design a template that meets your needs 2 GOALS FOR TOMORROW’S WORK Review template components Take template for a “test drive” Use a unit that you currently teach “Play” with essential questions, enduring understandings, and performance task Align with established goals Plan for October rollout 3 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What is “understanding” as a goal and what does it demand of assessment and instruction? How can we more likely achieve understanding by design rather than by good fortune? 4 CYCLE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING Plan Adjust Teach Assess 5 UBD FOCUSES ON THE PLANNING PIECE A framework to – Stay focused on the long-term goals Get the blend of ‘content’ and ‘performance’ right Engage learners by using questions and tasks 6 WHY UBD? If too many students… do not apply their learning unless you ‘hold their hand’ do not know why they are learning what they are asked to see their job as passive learners 7 LEARNER METAPHORS I learn like a ______________________ because __________________________ Sample response: I learn like a car because when I hop into gear, I accelerate quickly when I get into the swing of things. 8 WHAT PATTERNS DO YOU SEE IN STUDENT RESPONSES? I learn like a turtle because it takes awhile for me to get something but in the end I understand. I learn like a lamp; when I’m “on” I do my job well and when I’m “off” I don’t do much. I learn like a dog because it takes me a while to completely understand things but once I get it, I won’t forget it. I learn like a digestive system because I take in what I want and take out the rest. 9 WHAT PATTERNS DO YOU SEE IN STUDENT RESPONSES? I learn like a clock because every second changes. One second I’m listening, the next second I’m not. I learn like a little kid because everything they see and hear they want to touch and talk about it. I learn like a CD because in some subjects I just flow freely and in other I skip like a scratched one and in others I need things repeated like the way a favorite song is repeated over and over again. 10 WHAT PATTERNS DO YOU SEE IN STUDENT RESPONSES? I learn like a tabletop. Things just get piled on top of me and after a while everything gets cluttered. Eventually I discard everything and the process starts all over again. I learn like meatloaf because my brain is fat in the beginning and then it shrinks up when it is overheated. I learn like a camera because I am capable of doing great things, but I need motivation. I need to know why. Just like a camera, I need the perfect light and a perfect moment, then everything is in focus. Without these things, the camera has no use. Without inspiration I am like a camera without film .11 WHAT PATTERNS DO YOU SEE IN STUDENT RESPONSES? I learn like a dead body because all I do is lay there. I learn like a ball of clay because teachers can mold my mind into whatever they teach. I learn like a parrot because after seeing something I can mimic it. I learn like a sponge because I absorb all of the information that is thrown at me. I learn like a tunnel because things go in one side and out the other. 12 WHAT PATTERNS DO YOU SEE IN STUDENT RESPONSES? Your thoughts… 13 OUR RESPONSIBILIT Y How did learners come to see themselves that way? Too Too Not Not Not much “stuff” much “teacher talk” enough student questioning enough student application enough connections 14 LACK OF ALIGNMENT BETWEEN DAILY LESSON AND LONG-TERM GOALS 15 THE BIG IDEAS ABOUT UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN The point of school is effective understanding, not prompted recall of content & compliance Understanding = using content effectively for transfer & meaning ‘Backward’Design: from engaging work and competent understanding, not ‘coverage’ 16 IDEA #1 The point of school is effective understanding, not prompted recall of content & compliance Understanding = using content effectively for transfer & meaning ‘Backward’Design: from engaging work and effective understanding, not ‘coverage’ 17 I.E. HOW WOULD YOU COMPLETE THESE SENTENCES? By the end of the year, learners should be (better) able, on their own, to effectively use all the ‘content’ learned this year, to... 18 HOW WOULD YOU COMPLETE THE SENTENCE? (2) By the end of their formal schooling, learners should be able, on their own, to use all the‘content’learned, to... 19 I.E. CONTENT IS A ‘TOOL’... 20 TOWARD WHAT END? 21 FROM DALE CARNEGIE “Learning is an active process. We learn by doing. Only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind.” 22 THE BIG IDEAS - #2 The point of school is effective understanding, not prompted recall of content & compliance Understanding = using content effectively for transfer & meaning ‘Backward’Design: from engaging work and effective understanding, not ‘coverage’ 23 WHAT IS REAL UNDERSTANDING? HOW DOES IT DIFFER FROM ‘KNOWS A LOT’ If you really understand you can... If you know a lot, but don’t really understand, you can only... 24 GROUP THE ANSWERS If you really understand you can... Connect Figure Out Support Not just Plug in Teach Use Create Say why Apply Interpret 25 ONE CIRCLE FEEDS THE OTHER If you really understand you can... Figure Out Apply 26 FORMAL LANGAUGE If you really understand you can... Make Meaning via active inferencing Transfer your learning in context 27 NOT NEW IDEA — FROM BLOOM "Application is different from simple comprehension: the student is not prompted to give specific knowledge, nor is the problem old-hat. The tests must involve situations new to the student...” “Ideally we are seeking a problem which will test the extent to which the individual has learned to apply an abstraction in a practical way." 28 IN SHORT, IF YOU HAVE EFFECTIVE UNDERSTANDING, YOU ARE ABLE TO – Efficiently and effectively retrieve and adapt the most appropriate content, in context, to make sense of things and perform effectively 29 CRUCIAL DESIGN IMPLICATIONS Work must require students to – Learn how to use content in novel situations Confront endless problems with no obvious answer and various plausible alternatives Face challenges that require figuring out which prior learning applies here Handling varied situations: different demands/audiences/purposes/options/constr aints 30 AN EXAMPLE OF UNIT DESIGN: MATH What is fair? How can math help (or not)? When we say something is ‘fair’ or ‘unfair’ what do we mean? How ‘mathematical’ should our evidence be? Students generate, categorize examples of “That’s fair!” and “That’s not fair!” 31 “WHAT IS FAIR? CAN MATH HELP?” Problem - Four 7th-grade classes had a race of all the students. IN GROUPS: Devise at least 2 different ways to determine a fair ranking of the classes, given the results. Agree on the most fair way, and be prepared to defend your answers… Individual ranking of runners in a race by all 7th-grade classes 32 NEXT: FURTHER DISCUSSIONS Jigsaw on fairness What do we mean when we say that the rules of a game of chance are “not fair”? What role does math play in our judgment? Why is it fair to have one person cut the cake and the other person to choose the piece? When is straight majority voting “fair” and when is it “not fair”? When is it “fair” to consider an “average” in ranking performance (e.g. salaries, home prices, batting average) and when is it “unfair”? 33 THE CONTENT IS LEARNED - “JUST IN TIME” “Guys, mathematicians have a few tools that might help us…” Lessons on measures of central tendency: oMean oMedian oMode Quizzes to check for skill 34 FINAL ASSESSMENT TASKS Propose and defend a “fair” grading system for use in this class. How should everyone’s grade be calculated? Why is your system more fair than the current system (or: why is the current system most fair?) A final reflection on the question: What is fair and what isn’t fair? When should you and shouldn’t you use mean, median, mode? 35 QUESTION: HOW DOES THIS UNIT DIFFER FROM T YPICAL UNITS? This unit.... Typical units... The start: The assessment: The textbook: The EQ: Building efficacy: 36 HONORS HOW WE NATURALLY LEARN Question, story or problem to solve Just in time teaching related to the concept at the heart of the question, story, or problem Application to a novel question, story or problem Connection amongst questions, stories or problems 37 Make Meaning Acquire Authentic Learning Transfer 38 TRANSFER GOALS Transfer Adapt your knowledge, skill, and understanding to specific and realistic situations and contexts AIM: efficient, effective solutions for real-world challenges, audiences, purposes, settings 39 MEANING GOALS Make Meaning Make connections & generalizations, using the facts and skills – e.g. interpret, gist, main idea, thesis, empathize, critique, etc. AIM: independent and defensible student inferences about situations, texts – ‘helpful and insightful understandings’ 40 ACQUISITION GOALS Acquire Learn, with accurate and timely recall, important facts and discrete skills Aim: automaticity of recall when needed in performance 41 TMA IN FRENCH T: solve a communication problem, on the spot, in which an American cannot make himself understood to a Parisian because the American relies on too many ‘faux amis’ words (sound like ours, different meanings) and is getting tenses wrong M: Correctly interpret the scene and translate the meanings accurately A: Acquire skills of accurate conjugation and vocabulary (related to the misleading words) 42 TMA IN GEOGRAPHY T: Make a map of your school; see if people can read your map and use it to get somewhere M: Make sense of the spatial relations, so as to interpret three dimensions into two; make sense of other people’s maps A: Acquire skills of making and reading maps 43 TMA IN PHYSICS T: Maximize the distance travelled by a CO2 car, roller coaster or catapalted object, using the laws of physics M: Correctly interpret the acting forces in the situation A: Acquire skills of analysis of motion and knowledge 44 TMA IN ALGEBRA T: Solve a non-routine and unfamiliar problem in context in which there may or may not be a linear relationship. M: Correctly interpret the meaning of data patterns or line of ‘best fit’ of data points A: Acquire skills of plotting point pairs, accurately drawing the graph of a line from a linear equation, etc. 45 THE BIG IDEAS - #3 The point of school is effective understanding, not prompted recall of content & compliance Understanding = using content for transfer & meaning ‘Backward’Design: from engaging work and competent understanding, not ‘coverage’ 46 THREE STAGES OF BACKWARD DESIGN Stage 1: Identify the long-term desired results Stage 2: Determine appropriate assessment evidence to achieve those results Stage 3: Design learning activities and instruction, given the goals of Stage 1 and evidence in Stage 2 47 THREE STAGES OF BACKWARD DESIGN Stage 1: GOALS Stage 2: ASSESSMENT Stage 3: LEARNING EVENTS 48 WHAT WE T YPICALLY (INCORRECTLY) DO: Identify the topics and content to be covered Determine instruction for teaching the content When grades are due, assess the learning of the content 49 GOALS FOR LEARNING? “I want students to learn to speak in the perfect tense” “I want students to be able to solve linear equations” “I want students to identify author purpose” These are two of many skills; what’s the goal? What’s the point of each skill? 50 CONSIDER: The game The drills 51 YES, BUT… “Backward from performance? Come on! My textbook is 560 pages! There are 24 Standards!” 52 NO. YOUR COURSE HAS NO GOALS, THEN: A goal is not another task or to-do. It is the rationale and plan for how you prioritize & design everything on the todo list, & use limited time wisely. 53 WITH INCREDIBLY LIMITED TIME, THE #1 GOAL IN DRIVER’S ED. IS STILL “REAL DRIVING, SAFELY” 54 HINT: NOT A GOOD WAY TO LEARN TO DRIVE... 55 AIMING FOR EXPLICIT UNDERSTANDING I want students to understand – The Constitution The 3 branches of government No - not a goal - this just says what the content is 56 BACKWARD FROM GOALS: MEANING “I want students to leave having inferred/realized that, now & in the future – The Constitution is a solution, based on compromise, to real problems of balance and limit of powers The compromise has a long, sometimes bitter history – with many fights that are with us and will always be with us. 57 BACKWARD FROM GOALS: TRANSFER “I want students to leave able to transfer their understanding – on their own – to concretely address current and future situations: Design a school government Design a government for Iraq Organize their workplace Support candidates who understand our core principles 58 NOTE THE KEY PHRASE! “ON THEIR OWN” There has to be a deliberate plan for developing independent and pro-active meaning & transfer 59 THUS, THE COURSE IS NOT THE TEXTBOOK The textbook is a resource It is jam-packed, to be sold in 50 states! Like an encyclopedia & dictionary, it provides topically organized content No text can cause transfer, and most texts mistakenly treat meaning-making as acquisition of the “meaning” the authors give. 60 TREATING MEANINGS AS FACTS PREVENTS STUDENTS FROM THINKING That’s like the textbook telling you the meaning of Romeo and Juliet, owl pellet experiments, or primary source historical documents, giving you no chance to make meaning yourself. 61 THUS: PRIORITIZE USE OF TEXTBOOKS Given our understanding goals, which chapters should be – highlighted? skimmed? skipped? Re-sequenced? What assessments are needed, beyond what the textbook has? 62 THE RELATION BETWEEN STANDARDS & CURRICULUM Content Standards = building code The Curriculum = the architect’s blueprint 63 TEST PREP AND TEXTBOOK COVERAGE – MISUNDERSTANDING! Don’t confuse Fitness & Wellness A home designed to suit the client Causing effective learning Using facts and skills A great meal Fluent performance With The doctor’s physical Meeting building code Teaching by mentioning Learning facts & skills Mindless use of a recipe Prompted recall 64 WHAT’S THE BEST USE OF PRECIOUS CLASS TIME? What can only or best be done in class together? What is the most engaging and thoughtprovoking way to use class time? What can’t be found for free on the Internet? 65 UBD TEMPLATE Stage 1 - Desired Results The UbD Template– Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks Stage 3 - Learning Plan Other Evidence: Other Evidence Other Evidence: ‘by design’ addresses the issues we have identified T-M-A live at each stage of the template 66 WHAT HOW we assess HOW we teach 67 UBD TEMPLATE – STAGE 1 STAGE 1 Standards Transfer Long term goals of schooling Meaning Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Insight, wisdom, inference, Kid friendly question that gist, generalization that the activates prior knowledge and learner develops over time focuses learning events Acquisition Primary knowledge and skills embedded in this topic, chapter or theme as a basis for transfer 68 UBD TEMPLATE – STAGE 2 STAGE 2 — ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Evaluative Criteria Elements of Success Aligned with Transfer Meaning Acquisition Transfer Tasks Novel problems or challenges that requires explanation and application of learning Aligned with meaning and transfer in Stage 1 Other Evidence Straightforward, efficient forms of assessment Aligned with acquisition in Stage 1 69 UBD TEMPLATE – STAGE 2 STAGE 3 — LEARNING EVENTS Code Key Learning Events & Instruction Goal is to maximize engagement and effectiveness of instruction through — • Robust use of formative assessment Transfer • Gradual release of responsibility Meaning Acquisition • Encourage “learning from failure” Identify learning events as 70 OTHER VARIATIONS ON THE TEMPLATE: STAGE 2 Renamed “performance tasks” or “performance assessments” Elimination of established criteria and added link for rubrics Separation of Summative Tasks and Formative Tasks 71 OTHER VARIATIONS ON THE TEMPLATE: STAGE 1 Addition of mission related goals Addition of 21 st century skills Addition of “student friendly” goals Addition of critical vocabulary Separation of knowledge and skill Elimination of Transfer 72 OTHER VARIATIONS ON THE TEMPLATE: STAGE 3 Identified technology resources Identified any pedagogical strategies already in use 73 DESIGN YOUR OWN TEMPLATE Given the three stages and the variations presented, build your ideal template (15 minutes) Work in groups of 2-4 Use Post-it Notes or index cards Be prepared to explain your thinking to others (10 minutes) Determine similarities and differences through gallery walk of templates (15 minutes) Conference committee of everyone to get consensus on final version 74 GOALS FOR TODAY’S WORK Review template components Take template for a “test drive” Use a unit that you currently teach “Play” with essential questions, enduring understandings, and performance task Align with established goals Plan for October rollout 75 76 MEANING MAKING Connect the dots’ Make sense of (seemingly isolated) experiences, data, or facts Identify the gist, point, purpose, significance, big idea Draw appropriate (but not obvious) inferences (e.g. motive) NATURE OF INTELLIGENCE “Intelligence cannot develop without matter to think about. Making new connections depends on knowing about something in the first place to provide a basis for thinking of other things to do – of other questions to ask – that demand more complex connections in order to make sense. The more ideas about something people already have at their disposal, the more new ideas occur and the more they can coordinate to build up more complicated schemes.” -- Eleanor Duckworth, The Having of Wonderful Ideas 78 RESEARCH ON THE SCIENCE OF LEARNING New knowledge is built as an extension of existing knowledge. When given a question, problem, or situation, people search their memory banks to look for an answer. Novice learners need to acquire factual knowledge in tandem with conceptual understanding in order to be able to think effectively. 79 RESEARCH ON THE SCIENCE OF LEARNING The quality of focus during learning impacts the likelihood of whether it will be remembered. The motivation and capacity to learn is naturally intrinsic. 80 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Spark a meaningful connection in the minds of students (connections to prior learning, accessible language, sentence structure) Genuine inquiry (not a predetermined, fixed answer) Encourages transfer across a range of learning experiences 81 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ON COMPARISONS, RELATIONSHIPS How are these alike? How are they different? What do I learn from the grouping/comparison? How can one person impact the world around them? What are the rules of this relationship? How does the context/situation affect the rules? What am I bringing to the text? What am I getting from it? (text-self connection) What relationship do I see here? How do I apply that? Where do I see evidence of interactions in the world? ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ON CONSTANCY AND CHANGE What changes occurred? What stayed the same? How is this story/shape/problem the same? How do people/communities change over time? What are the events/challenges that create change? How do people/environments respond to change? ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ON PATTERNS What looks familiar here? How do I use that to make sense of this situation? What’s the pattern here? How does that help me make predictions? How do I find/set up a pattern? How do I know if it works? How do I describe/communicate a pattern? What is the pattern in the text? How does that help me be a better reader? ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ON ANALYZING TEXT AND DATA What does the author / text / the results mean? How do my results compare with what other people have found? What are the relationships that I see in the text? What is the relationship that I see in the equation? How do I read between the lines? How do I use my inferences to draw a conclusion ? Is my conclusion supported by my details/evidence? ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ON POINT OF VIEW What information is this text giving me? What’s missing? What is the intent of the text/author? What does the author/character want me to believe? How do I convince someone that I’m right? Why am I so sure that I’m right? Why is this person so convinced that he/she is right? What do these groups/people disagree about? Is it possible to resolve it? How do I justify my conclusion/judgment? ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ON PROBLEM SOLVING What’s my strategy? How is it working? What do I do if I’m stuck? Where do I go for help? How am I learning from how other people see or work on the problem? What is the best strategy for this given problem? What kind of problem/situation is this? Have I seen it before? How do I use that past experience to help me? ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS VS. FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE Essential Questions -Are meant to be explored, argued, and continually revisited -Have various plausible answers (and often the answers raise new questions) -Spark and provoke thought and stimulate students to engage in sustained inquiry and extended thinking -Reflect genuine questions that real people seriously ask 88 Knowledge Questions -Have a specific, straightforward or unproblematic answer -Are asked to prompt factual recall rather than generate a sustained inquiry -Are more likely to be asked by a teacher or a textbook tan by a curious student or person out in the world -Are more rhetorical than genuine 89 POP QUIZ ON ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What makes objects move the way they do? How does the body turn food into energy? How are stories from other places and times about me? Whose story is this? Whose voices aren’t we hearing? Which parts of me are fixed and which parts of me am I free to change? What were the primary causes of World War I? Who is my audience and what follows for what I say and how I say it? 89 ROLE OF ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS Pursue the Essential Questions in order to… establish or create a theory craft an inference develop and test ideas by the learner DESIGN STANDARDS FOR ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS Big ideas at the heart of the discipline Requires “uncoverage” in order to be earned Assessor-friendly language -- measurable SAMPLE ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS PHYSICAL EDUCATION Successful teams strategically position themselves to enhance performance. K-12 Collaboration, Knowledge An effective training plan is clearly grounded in the goals of the individual. 9-12 Knowledge Attention to detail has significant effect on overall results. K-12 Preparation, Knowledge Successful individuals constantly monitor and adjust their plan to ensure that they are appropriately challenged. 9-12 Knowledge Understanding rules and the appropriate use of equipment decreases the risk of injury to you and other people. K-12 Collaboration, Knowledge SAMPLE ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS MATHEMATICS (Relations: Functions, Inverses) Recognizing the predictable patterns in mathematics allows the analysis of functional relationships. (Functions, Domain and Range) Real life situations result in restrictions in the pattern. (Variables) Variables represent the unknown so that we can generalize a pattern rather than being limited to looking at specific values. (Measurement, Formulas) The accurate measurement of space is determined by the ability to visualize the object/problem situation and apply an appropriate algorithm. UNDERSTANDINGS VS. FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE Understandings Factual Knowledge -Reflect big ideas in the form of powerful generalizations -Transferrable across situations, places and times -Must be “earned” through processes of inquiry, inference and rethinking -Assessed through performance tasks -Consists of facts and basic concepts -Facts do not transfer -Can be learned in rote fashion -Can be assessed using test or quiz items that have a “right” or “wrong” answer 94 POP QUIZ ON ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS Writing involves many elements. In a free-market economy, price is a function of supply and demand. DNA Students will understand how to compare and order fractions, decimals, percents, and numbers written in scientific notation. Students will understand that there are numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. 95 PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER Identity EU: Who I identify with affects how I experience the world. EQ: How do groups / communities shape who I am? Writing EU: Purpose and audience dictate the structure and rules of a task, text, or product. EQ: What’s my purpose? How does that affect the choices I make? STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Traditional quizzes & tests Paper/pencil •Selected-response •Constructed response Worth being familiar with Important to know & do Performance tasks & projects Complex •Open ended •Authentic 97 ASCD SF 2011; Zmuda and Herold Big ideas & Enduring Understandings Nice to know Foundational knowledge & skill “Big ideas” worth exploring and understanding in depth T - M - A STILL APPLIES IN STAGE 2 Meaning Making Acquisition Authentic Critical analysis Immediate recall Application Judgment or conclusion Procedural steps Transfer 98 KEY QUESTIONS AS ASSESSMENT DESIGNERS (TRANSFER) By what evidence can we convince ourselves that they understand well enough to transfer what they have learned? (MEANING MAKING) How will we determine if they grasp subtle understandings or can make new meaning of the content? (ACQUISITION) Where do we look and what do we look for to see if students genuinely understand what they also recall? 99 DEMONSTRATION OF UNDERSTANDING EXPLAIN in their own words the “meaning making” APPLY to new, complex situations SELECT (without being cued) what is relevant based on an existing repertoire of knowledge and skills 100 KEY RESEARCH FINDINGS PREPARING TEACHERS FOR A CHANGING WORLD “Authentic tasks increase student motivation to learn.” --Stipek (2002) “Student’s beliefs about real-world significance of what they are learning were a strong predictor of their interest and enjoyment of math class. ” — Mitchell (1993) “Students give highest interest ratings to classes that make them think hard and require them to participate actively in thinking and learning. ” — Newmann (1992) 101 BASED ON BLOOM’S TAXONOMY “If the situations are to involve application as we are defining it here, then they must either be situations new to the student or situations containing new elements as compared to the situation in which the abstraction was learned... Ideally we are seeking a problem which will test the extent to which an individual has learned to apply the abstraction in a practical way. ” — Bloom, et. al, 1956 102 SAMPLE PERFORMANCE TASK: FIRST GRADE (PART 1) Students will work in groups to identify the main offerings in the lunch line. Using their knowledge of “My Plate”http://www.choosemyplate.gov/ students will determine the most healthful and least healthful options offered in the cafeteria (rank ordering). Students will explain the rationale for their order. (Critical thinking, Communication) 103 SAMPLE PERFORMANCE TASK: FIRST GRADE (PART 2) Students will design and draw their plate for their favorite cafeteria lunch. Write a persuasive letter to the cafeteria manager to ask for additional healthy items to be offered to supplement that favorite lunch. (Problem Solving, Communication) 104 SAMPLE PERFORMANCE TASK: CHEMISTRY You are a researcher hired by a group of expert mountain climbers. Hypoxia is the set of symptoms (headache, fatigue, nausea) that comes from a lack of oxygen in body tissues. It is often felt by mountain climbers as they ascend altitude quickly. Sherpas, long-time residents of high altitudes, seem to feel no hypoxic discomfort. Why might that be? Your group wants to know, and to benefit from the knowledge. Design a series of experiments that would test the difference in hypoxic symptoms between mountain climbers and Sherpas. Explain, using chemical equilibrium, why high altitude causes hypoxia in the climbers. How can Sherpas avoid these symptoms? How can you test for these possibilities? What would a positive test look like? What inherent errors would you have to be aware of? SAMPLE PERFORMANCE TASK: GEOGRAPHY, HIGH SCHOOL BIGMART is a chain of very large department stores. The owners of BIGMART have asked you, a geographer, for advice. They want to know if Whilkton, Illinois will eventually be large enough to support a BIGMART store. Currently, there aren’t enough people living in Whilkton and the surrounding area to make the investment in building a BIGMART store worth while. But, if the population of Whilkton is likely to grow by as much as 10 percent in the next 5 to 10 years, then the owner will go ahead with plans to build a store. Your task is to obtain enough geographical information about Whilkton to predict whether the population of Whilkton is going to increase by 10 percent in the next 5 to 10 years. In the space below, identify the geographical information you would need to obtain in order to formulate a reasonable prediction. 106 SAMPLE PERFORMANCE TASKS TO FRAME WORLD HISTORY The design of a tour of the world’s most holy sites The writing of a Bill of Rights for use in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other new democracies Report on Latin America to the Secretary of State: Policy analysis and background report on a Latin American country. What should be our current policy, and how effective has recent policy with that country been? Collect and analyze media reports from the Internet on other countries’ views of US policies in the Middle East. Do we understand the issues? Provide a briefing on the AIDS crisis in Africa and how American policy has helped as well as hurt the situation Take part in a model UN on the issue of terrorism: you will be part of a group of 2-3, representing a country, and you will try to pass a Security Council resolution on terrorism Russia: friend or foe? Provide the Foreign Relations Committee with a briefing on the current state of Russia, the last century of American Russian relations, and future worries and possibilities India and outsourcing: to what extent is the global economy a good thing for America? India? India’s neighbors? 107 VALIDIT Y CHECK QUESTION #1 How likely is it that a student could do well on the assessment by... Making clever guesses, parroting back, or plugging in what was learned, perhaps with accurate recall but limited or no understanding? Making a good-faith effort, with lots of hard work and enthusiasm but with limited understanding? Producing a lovely product or an engaging and articulate performance but with limited understanding? 108 VALIDIT Y CHECK QUESTION #2 How likely is it that a student could do poorly on the assessment by... Failing to meet the requirements of this particular task while nonetheless revealing a good understanding of the ideas? Not being skilled at certain aspects of the task but those skills are not central to the goal or involve outside learning or natural talent (e.g. require acting or computer ability unrelated to Stage 1 goals)? 109 OTHER EVIDENCE Efficiently measures acquisition goals Goals is a balanced assessment plan Performance tasks are necessary to measure transfer and meaning making Other evidence is necessary to measure the full complement of knowledge and skills 110 FORMS OF OTHER EVIDENCE Straightforward writing prompts (short answer, essay) Execution of procedural knowledge Summarization Problems that have one predetermined solution Questions that have an established answer 112 DRAFTING STAGE 3: LEARNING PLAN If you have determined the goals (STAGE 1), and If you have determined the evidence of learning (STAGE 2), THEN what kinds of learning activities are most appropriate? (STAGE 3) GRADUAL RELEASE OF TEACHER RESPONSIBILIT Y I do, you watch I do, you help You do, I help You do, I watch This is a general schema for the development of transfer ability at any age, in any subject 115 KEY ELEMENTS OF THE LEARNING PLAN Learner should be increasingly able to do it on their own Ask as simple a question Should require them to think, to transfer, to communicate Give feedback on their learning and space to try again 116 INTERRELATED LEARNING GOALS ACQUIRE This goal seeks to help learners acquire factual information and basic skills. MAKE MEANING TRANSFER This goal seeks to This goal seeks to support the learners’ hep students ability to transfer construct meaning their learning of important ideas autonomously and and processes. effectively in new situations. 117 ACTION VERBS FOR A -M-T GOAL TYPE ACTION VERBS ACQUISITIO N apprehend • calculate • define • discern • identify • memorize • notice • paraphrase • plug in • recall • select • state Making Meaning analyze • compare • contrast • critique • defend • evaluate • explain • generalize • interpret • justify/support •prove • summarize • synthesize • test • translate • verify Transfer adapt (based on feedback)• adjust (based on results) • apply • create • design • innovate • perform effectively • self-assess • solve • troubleshoot 118 TEACHER ROLE AND INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: ACQUISITION VIA DIRECT INSTRUCTION To inform the learners through explicit instruction in targeted knowledge and skills; differentiating as needed Lecture Graphic organizers Demonstration or modeling Process guides Guided practice Feedback, corrections 119 ACTION VERBS FOR A -M-T GOAL TYPE ACTION VERBS Acquisition apprehend • calculate • define • discern • identify • memorize • notice • paraphrase • plug in • recall • select • state MAKING MEANIN G analyze • compare • contrast • critique • defend • evaluate • explain • generalize • interpret • justify/support •prove • summarize • synthesize • test • translate • verify Transfer adapt (based on feedback)• adjust (based on results) • apply • create • design • innovate • perform effectively • self-assess • solve • troubleshoot TEACHER ROLE AND INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: MAKE MEANING VIA FACILITATIVE To engage the TEACHING learners in actively processing the information and guide their inquiry into problems, texts, or simulations, differentiating as needed Graphic organizers Concept attainment Problem based learning Formative assessments Rethinking and reflection prompts Using analogies 120 Meaning Making CHALLENGE UNDERSTANDING BY... Providing new information that requires a student to extend the tentative understanding (broaden and confirm) Providing conflicting information (contradiction, requiring re-thinking) Proposing an alternative understanding (challenge, requiring consideration of the same problem in a new light; might ultimately confirm or contradict) Adding complexity to the issue (deepen, likely confirming some pieces and contradicting others) Comparing a new understanding to previous understandings about related issues (connect and synthesize) NO THINKING ACTIVATED WITHOUT AMBIGUITY!!! “Hmmm, what does this mean?” is the beginning of depth and getting beyond passive learning for acquisition only NO THINKING ACTIVATED WITHOUT AMBIGUITY!!! Note that this demand runs counter to our instincts as teachers: we work hard to make things easier and unambiguous (i.e. when acquisition is the goal) ERIC MAZUR’S RESEARCH IN PHYSICS AT HARVARD After 10 minutes, Mazur poses a question that requires conceptual understanding (such as estimating the displacement of a toy boat in a bathtub). Students write their answers on a sheet and identify their levels of confidence in the answer. In pairs, attempt to convince others of their answers. Students then answer the question a second time and report their confidence levels again. The whole class is polled again about their answers. MAZUR’S DATA OVER 2 DECADES Students scored – considerably better on standard physics course exams higher on measures of traditional problem solving much higher in conceptual understanding Mazur: “No lecturer, however engaging and lucid, can achieve this level of improvement and participation simply by speaking.” KEY MISUNDERSTANDING IN SEQUENCING: FIRST, LEARN ALL THE “STUFF” Try “just in time” teaching - content as needed, in light of questions and challenges Look at the AMT structure, and see how often great learning begins with M, not A - e.g. anticipation guide, puzzle, debate, text, movie Note the geography and math unit sketches Look at computer games We learn by going back and forth between part and whole, drill and performance: The sequence of the textbook is designed to organize information logically, not necessarily to provide the best sequence for learning. (cf. CH 12 in UbD) ACTION VERBS FOR A -M-T 127 GOAL TYPE ACTION VERBS Acquisition apprehend • calculate • define • discern • identify • memorize • notice • paraphrase • plug in • recall • select • state Making Meaning analyze • compare • contrast • critique • defend • evaluate • explain • generalize • interpret • justify/support •prove • summarize • synthesize • test • translate • verify adapt (based on feedback)• adjust (based on TRANSFE results) • apply • create • design • innovate • R perform effectively • self-assess • solve • troubleshoot TEACHER ROLE AND INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: TRANSFER VIA COACHING To coach the learners to independently perform in increasingly complex situations, provide models, and give ongoing feedback (as personalized as possible). Ongoing assessment, providing specific feedback in the context of authentic application Conferencing Provide just-in-time teaching (both individuals, small groups and whole class) when needed 128 129 EXAMPLES OF CHALLENGING INQUIRY Here are some data about women’s marathon times. What is the trend? Are women likely to match the winning times for men in the marathon in the future? Here is a video in Spanish of a scene in Madrid. What’s going on here? What might you say to help the person in need, given your limited vocabulary? I found this object near my home, and I don’t know what it is. What do you think it might me? What do we need to ask and investigate after we take it apart? 130 CHALLENGING INQUIRY “By regularly confronting learners with such challenges and questions, we can help them become adept at tapping prior learning to understand a current challenge and thinking strategically, through practice and feedback: What does this remind me of? What have I learned about handling challenges of this sort? To what does this connect? How would I compare and contrast this with what we learned last week/month/year?” — Wiggins and McTighe 131 LEARNING TO TRANSFER “The research is very clear on this point: students who really develop and ‘own’ an idea are more likely to successfully interpret new situations and tackle new problems that students who possess only drilled knowledge and skill.” — Wiggins and McTighe 132 DESIGNING AND TEACHING FOR TRANSFER Establish and keep highlighting clear transfer goals. Have learners practice judgment in using a few dif ferent skills, not just plugging in one skill on command. Provide students with feedback on their self -cueing, knowledge retrieval, self -assessment, and self-adjustment. Change the set-up so that students realize that use of prior learning comes in many guises. Have students regularly generalize from specific instances and cases. Require students to constantly reword, rephrase, and represent what they learn. 133 GENERAL TEMPLATE FOR A LEARNING PLAN Introduce a question, problem or other thought -provoking experience that challenges current understanding. Engender plausible dif ferent answers and disagreement among learners so that a more satisfactory “theory” is needed. Students either must develop their own theory or use ones provided by you, the text, or other students. Students try out their theory, refining ideas as needed and debating the merits of the dif ferent meanings. Students confront new challenges to their or the group’s theory, provided either by you, a text, a dif ferent experience or some other new viewpoint. Students refine their ideas, as needed. Students transfer their theory to one or more concrete situations, as needed. Students generalize from their inquiries, being careful to note qualifications and nuances that derive from attempted transfer KEY QUESTIONS, FRAMING YOUR LEARNING PLAN What’s the best use of our (precious) time together in class? What do my STAGE 1 goals imply for what has to take place in class and outside of class? What do the final evidence demands in STAGE 2 imply for learning and how to best achieve transfer? What should I cover? What must the student uncover, with my design and facilitation help? What moves and inferences must students learn to make increasingly on their own? How will they develop that independence ‘by design’? What should the flow of the unit be to maximize student understanding culminating in successful transfer? PURPOSEFUL LEARNING, ALIGNED WITH GOALS The essence of backward design The key question, then: what learning is needed? How can the needed learning best occur? Think of “teaching” and “content” as resources, not the causes of learning. Think of textbook as resource, not the syllabus THINK HOW THE NEED TO UNDERSTAND IS ACTIVATED IN MOVIES We wonder what a clue, an event means “ The art of holding interest lies in raising questions and delaying the answers...” – David Lodge, The Art of Fiction HOW PEOPLE LEARN Students develop flexible understanding of when, where, why, and how to use their knowledge to solve new problems if they [are instructed in] how to extract underlying themes and principles from their learning exercises. Understanding how and when to put knowledge to use—known as conditions of applicability—is an important characteristic of expertise. 138 Stage two planning is revealed in Stage three instructional design Feedback and Goal Setting Pre-assessment (Finding Out) Readiness, Interests, and Learning Preferences of students Essential Questions [reading/writing] Formative Assessment Summative Assessment (Keeping Track & Checking -up) (Making sure) Exit Cards Peer evaluation 3-minute pauses Vocabulary - quiz/notebooks Observations Creating Rubrics Self-evaluation Journals - Essential Questions+ Performance Task Academic Prompt Portfolio 139 MAKE ASSESSMENT PART OF LEARNING FOR EVERYONE Assessment for learning Look at student work to coach for quality Differentiate instruction based on what you see Assessment as learning Teach students to learn about their own learning Reflect on nature of errors, talents, progress to further personalize future learning 140 ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Information to modify and differentiate teaching and learning activities, streamline/target instruction and resources, use feedback to advance learning “To make student learning visible so that teachers can decide what to do to help students progress” – effectiveness is based on the usefulness of the information in designing next stage of learning (importance of good record keeping).” -- Rethinking Classroom Assessment 141 ASSESSMENT AS LEARNING Develop and support metacognition: “Learning is not just a matter of transferring ideas from someone who is knowledgeable to someone who is not, but is an active process of cognitive restructuring that occurs when individuals interact with new ideas.” -- Rethinking Classroom Assessment 142 THE COST OF NOT TEACHING THIS… Students will never be able to get beyond: “Is this what you want?” 143 All learners need a balanced success to effort ratio 144 Struggling Learners: Heavy Effort Little Success 145 Advanced Learners: Great Success, Little Effort SUMMARIZE FOR STAGE 3 I really understand___________________ ________________________________ I do not yet understand_________________ _________________________________