Module 1 business topic 1.1 Ways of working Overview n: A mini-presentation Vocabulary: Different ways of working Reading: How to job-share Listening: Working from home Grammar: Present tenses Speaking: A mini-presentation Warming Up Can you tell me some ways of working? 正常工作时间 regular hour flexitime ['fleksi,taim] n. 弹性工作制 freelance ['fri:'lɑ:ns] n. adj自由职业者(的) job-sharing shift work n 工作分担 n 倒班制 teleworking 电子办公,远程办公 Temp [temp] (temporary job) n 临时雇员 vt 做临时工作 consultancy [kən'sʌltənsi] n. 咨询 hot-desking office gossip part-time 办公桌轮用 办公室八卦 兼职 department in charge of involve in attend deal with embrace [di'pɑ:tmənt] [ə'tend] [im'breis] worst-case scenarios [si'na:riəu] inevitable [in'evitəbl] manage to 负责,主管 参与;涉及;卷入 vt&vi 出席; 照料; 处理;做生意 vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依; 包含 n.拥抱 最差的情形 adj.不可避免的 设法;达成 vt. 适应;符合;与...一致 fit in with delegate workload n. 部;部门;系;科;局 ['deliɡeit] ['wə:kləud] vt. 委派/任命 n 代表 n. 工作量 availability [ə,veilə'biləti] n. 可用性;有效性;实用性 voice mail 语音信箱 Enniscrone You might find hot desking useful if you are: * Starting a new business idea/exploring a new business idea * Carrying out a feasibility study * Carrying out some research * Studying or writing a thesis * Writing a book * Need somewhere peaceful to work, without family or children interrupting facilities available will include: * Printing, photocopying and fax service * Business Mailing Address and Post Box * Professional Telephone Answering Service * Meeting space (bookable in advance) 0 freelance 1 teleworking 2 job-sharing 3 shift work 4 part time 5 temping 6 consultancy 7 flexitime 8 hot-desking A You working during different parts of the day (eg nights) You sell your work or services to a number of different B companies You work for different companies for a short time without a C permanent contract You work a number of hours per week or month but you D decide when you start or finish You don't have permanent place or office to work at, but you E find a place to work when you arrive you work for a company from home via email, phone or the F internet G You only work for some of the week (not full-time) You do your job for part of the week and another person does H it for the other part You aren't employed by a company, but are paid to give I specialist advice Which ways of working you would like to try? comments It is great because I am my own boss, but I still work with lots of different people. freelance Temping consultancy I wish I had my own space. I have to carry everything around in my bag and sometimes there is nowhere to sit Hot-desking I like it because it is only for a couple of months and I am saving up to go around the world Temping comments The only problem is sleeping. Your body never knows if it is night or day! It can get a bit lonely at times. And I miss my colleagues and all the office gossip. My children are at school, so it lets me spend more time with them When one of us wants a week off, the other person does a few extra days so it is fairly flexible Shift work Teleworking Teleworking Part-time Job-sharing Working in Pairs. Think of one more advantage or disadvantage for each way ADVATAGE DISADVATAGE freelance you choose the job no job security teleworking organize your work time you need to be good at self-organization job-sharing more free time need to coordinate with other person shift work your days free tiring part-time More free time less money temping lots of variety hard to progress your career consultancy well paid no job security flexitime good for work-life balance not good for people who like routine hot desking saves the company money disruptive to employees READING get organized open your mind plan for disaster set your limits put your pen to paper don’t feel guilty two become one 3 Complete the notes about Michela’s typical day. 7:00 --- get up, get the kids ready 8:30 --- take kids to school 9:00 --- Star to work 12:00--- Have lunch 14:30--- Finish work LISTENING You will hear a woman called Michela talking about working from home 1 What does she say is important when working from home? Have a timetable and stick to it 2 What does she think are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this way of working ? Advantages: •Spend more time with the children •More flexibility •Company saves money on office space •No commuting Disadvantages: •Sometimes you work in the evening •You miss people and office news 4 How long has she been with her current employer? How long has she been home-working ? She has been with her current employer since she left school, but she’s been home-working for 5 years 5 Is she doing anything different from normal this week? She is going to the office everyday to meet visitors. Grammar 时态 tense 一般时 simple 进行时 continuous 完成时 perfect 完成进行时 perfect continuous 现在 present write(s) am/is/are writing have/has written have/has been writing 过去 Past wrote was/were writing had written had been writing 将来 future shall/will write shall/will be writing shall/ will have written shall/will have been writing 过去将来 past future should/would write should/would be writing should/would have should/would have written been writing 一般现在时 simple present 现在进行时 present continuous 现在完成时 present perfect 一般过去时 simple past 过去进行时 past continuous 过去完成时 past perfect 一般将来时 simple future 将来进行时 future continuous 将来完成时 future perfect 现在完成进行时 present perfect continuous 过去将来 past future 过去完成进行时 past perfect continuous 过去将来进行时 past future continuous 将来完成进行时 future perfect continuous 过去将来完成时 past future perfect 过去将来完成进行时 past future perfect continuous Speaking Assignment: A mini-presentation (1 min. ) Working in pairs, Chooses one of the ways of working below and prepare a mini-presentation on the topic . A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? Job sharing Find someone you like Organize and plan how you share the work communication Working from home set up an office space in the house plan your working hours and your breaks communication Module 2 business skill 1.2 Making contacts Overview n: A mini-presentation Vocabulary Job responsibilities Reading: Life’s all about making connections Listening: Starting a conversation Speaking: Developing a conversation Writing: Business correspondence Part I Word list 商品交易会 trade fair coffee/tea break 咖啡休息时间/茶歇 drinks evening 晚间酒会 coaching event 专项体验训练活动 ['netwə:k] vt 建立关系网 n网络 maximise ['mæksimaiz] vt. 最大化 socialize ['səuʃəlaiz] vi 交际 network 企业界, 商界 corporate world 副主席 co-chair 联谊活动 networking event spread out post-it note Vt使社会化 [spred] 分散各地,展开 便笺 Warming up Question: Why is making contacts, or ‘networking’, an important part of many jobs? Is that true for you? “有关系就没关系, 没关系就真的有关系了.” Networking is the skill of making contacts and can help people progress in their career through knowing the right people. the skill is important in areas such as sales where you need to develop relationships with potential customers. “ Contacts and networking are essential in my job. I am responsible for sourcing raw materials for my company. Networking helps me to develop new markets as well as keep good relationships with suppliers.” Part II Reading Pls tell me where people network and the reasons. 德勤会计师事务所 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu To you, networking might mean (1) a conference or trade fair event to meet new clients or partners. Or it could be the coffee break at 普华永道会计师事务所 work where you share(2) with colleaguesPricewaterhouseCoopers in other departments. But nowadays networking has become an event in itself. 安永会计师事务所 Ernst & Young 1 A attending B Going C meeting 毕马威会计师事务所 KPMG International For example, Pricewaterhouse Coopers offer its female staff a formal networking(3) called PwCwomen. With 900 members, it organizes events ranging from informal drink evenings to coaching events. Tina Hallet, who is (4) for the group, says that she got involved (5) networking because ‘I’d got to a reasonably senior level and I wanted to help other people to maximize their potential.’ 2 A ideas 3 B sugar A department C money B company C group 4 A work B charge C responsible 5 A to B in C about You don’t have to be senior to(6) a networking though. Vicky Wood and Sally Hopkins had the idea for the City Girls Network when they first moved into London’s corporate world and wondered how to get to(7) other women. ‘We couldn’t find anything for people with no experience. So we thought we’d start our own.’ From twelve friends meeting regularly, it rapidly grew to 250 members from many different organizations. It’s a great way to (8) useful contacts and bring in potential business. 6 A run B control C produce 7 A speak B know C be 8 A do B see C make Fiona Clutterbuck is co-chair of a network for the bank ABN AMRO. ‘Women tend to think of networking as (9) and give it low priority.’ But given the chance, women will network- as the bank’s last ‘speed networking’ event demonstrated. ‘With over 100 women and men, it was a great(10) . It is amazing how many people you get to meet from different parts of the organization.’ 9 A socializing 10 A talk B work C extra B win C success The place people network and the reasons People network at: Conference Trade fair events Coffee breaks Formal networking events The reasons are: To help people maximize their potential To get to know other people for people with little experience. Would it be useful for u to join or set up similar networks? Part III Listening Conversation 1 A at a conference Conversation 2 B over dinner Conversation 3 C in someone’s office Conversation 4 D on a training course Match the expression on the left to the respondses on the right. 0 I’d liket to introduce you to Marek. A) Yes, it is. And you ? 1 Nice to meet you at last. B) Hello, marek. How do you do? 2 Do you two know each other already? C) Thanks 3 Would you like a coffee? D) Pleased to meet you too. 4 So have you enjoyed this morning? E) Sure 5 Is this your first time at one of these events? F) Two, Twins 6 may I join you? G) Yes, most of my life 7 You are a colleague of Martin Obach, H) Yes, Is that something you might aren’t you? 8 How do you know him? 9 How many children do you have? 10 have you always lived in Lille? 11 I know your company is looking for a partner on this Thai project. be interested in…? I) Well, we’ve spoken on the phone a few times. J) Yes, it was very interesting. K) That is right.He works in our Barcelona office L) We were both at Elcotil together. What do u think are good topic for networking? Safe to talk about weather, work language, sports, arts, travel, hobbies and fashion Avoid religion, politics and race. It may be an intrusion of privacy to ask about personal finance or family matters. Part IV Writing Business correspondence. (商业信函) 常见的商业信函主要有: •Trade correspondence (letter) (贸易信函) (eg: enquiry, offer, counter offer, refusal, order, Delivery) •Memo (商务便函/备忘录) •Notice (通知函) •Letter of Invitation, thanks and congratulations (邀请函、感谢信、祝贺信) •Resume (简历) •Letter of Application (申请函) •Letter of Recommendation (推荐信) •Business report (商务报告) •Business contract (商务合同) •Minutes (会议记录) Memo • • • • Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 The structure of Business Memo(结构) The characteristics of Business Memo(特点) Sample(举例) Useful expressions (常用的表达方式) 备忘录Memo,是英文单词memorandum的缩写形式。 是公司处理日常事务所广泛使用的一种简便函件。主要用 途通常有:上传下达,提出意见或建议反馈;各部门之间 互相沟通,交流信息,公布或通知事项;来函回复等等。 分类: • 告知信息 • 布置安排 • 征求意见 • 询问信息 • 求助申请 • 推荐建议 inform arrange request enquire apply suggest Section 1 The structure of Business Memo 商业便函有固定的格式,开头部分和正文部分如下: 开头部分 收件人(recipient) (heading) 发件人(sender) 日期(date) 事由(subject) 正文部分 介绍(opening segment) (body) 讨论(discussion segment) 结尾(close segment) 总结 (summary segment) Heading (layout) Memorandum TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: … … Memorandum TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: … … The memo uses the to/from/date/subject headings. It doesn’t require an opening salutation line (dear…) or closing salutation (best… yours…). Memos often have only one paragraph. Body 便函的正文部分通常以发函的目的为开头,以 号召具体的行动结尾,保密性和敏感性的信息基本 不能通过便函传递. The reason for writing : why Statement: see what happened Suggestion/Request/Remind/announce (summary or annex) Sample To: All staff From: Sabrina He Date: 9th, Sep Subject: Presentation of new insurance policy To offer staff a better health insurance scheme, we are now working with a new insurance company. Please note therefore that a representative from this company will present the new staff policy on 9th October at 2pm in the conference room. All staff are welcome to attend. Section 2 The characteristics • Informative: arrangement in order of importance • Precise: Information and spelling should be correct. • Concise: efficient and straight. avoid verbiage and elaborate rhetoric Due to the carcinogenic risk apparent in abundant nicotine fumes, the administration request that you refrain from partaking of your tobacco during the customary break for lunch • Neutral: be neutral in formal situation. Tips: •可以通过用数字序号的列举,使读者容易浏览信息 •字号、下划线、黑体以及斜体的使用和调整可以让重要信息凸显 •大量使用长段落不利于阅读, 在撰写过程中,尽量用短的段落切题。 Section 3 Sample 1 Is it all related to her work? The email and post-it note are not related to her work. 2 Which is formal ? What is it about the content and language which tells you this? The memo and the letter are formal because they are giving information and replying to a customer with a complaint. The language uses quite long and fixed expressions. 3 Which is internal communication? Did anyone else receive it? The memo is internal communication because it was sent within the company. Everyone in the company received a copy of it. 4 How is the memo different to the letter and the email? Think about the following: • The layout: The memo uses the to/from/date/subject headings. • The beginning and ending: It doesn’t require an opening salutation line (dear…) or closing salutation (best… yours…). • The paragraphs: Memos often have only one paragraph. • • • • • Abbreviations: Telephone number: Tel. As soon as possible: ASAP At: @ Subject(or) With reference to: RE More formal Less formal opening salutation Dear… Hi… Give reason for writing (1) I am wring to Just a quick note to say… Refer to previous contact (2) Further to our previous meeting Thanks for your email… (3) With regard to your letter dated… It is good to see you last week.. Make a suggestion I would like to suggest that… (4) How about What about Apologise (5) I would like to apologize for I am afraid that We apologize for any inconvenience casused by.. (6) I am sorry that We are delighted to… Great news! Give good news (7) We are pleased to Give bad news (8) unfortunately The bad news is… we regret to tell you that… Request I would be grateful if you could (9) Can you Offer help If you have any further queries /problems, pls do not hesitate t contact me… (10) Do you want me to Remind (11) May I remind you … (12) Don't forget Refer to future contact (13) We look forward to working with you… (14) See you soon I look forward to meeting you again soon. Closing salutation Yours faithfully Best regards/wishes (15) Yours sincerely All the best (when the letter begins Dear sir/madam dear Mr/Ms/Mrs) Usefull expression Part V Speaking Every 7 persons form a group. You are at a networking event. Meet one person and have the conversation below. Pls use expressions in previous contents. Greeting the other person Find a reason for doing business in the future Introduce yourself Talk about the event Describe your job Part V Speaking Introduce your partner to someone else Meet another person Talk about where you come from Homework: You are a manager at Lar Bonner. After a meeting with staff, the company has agreed to extend parental leave for fathers from two weeks to three weeks. Write a memo to all staff. •Refer to the previous meeting. •Say when the new system will begin (25th September). •Remind staff that their managers need one month’s notice. Your homework is expected to reach my email box by 7:00pm on Sep 20th.