AIM/CPM Briefing & Demo Jamie Stewart, AIM Team ISD Lead Danette Likens, AIM Team ISD 4-6 May 2010 Overview • Summary of AIM I/II and CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Release 5.0 • OCCSTDS support in CPM • Demonstration of expanded video help tools • NAVEDTRA 136 impacts on CPM / LO Module • MT Continuum impacts on CPM / LO Module Summary of AIM I/II ACRS in Rel 5.0 • • • • ACR’s Many Prioritized at Last FRB Supporting AIM I and AIM II Coding in Process Include Big Items: ‒ Exercise Controller Guide support ‒ Associated Curriculum Documents • Numerous Smaller Items: ‒ Ease of Use • NETC specific items (mostly related to TPP) OCCSTDS Support in CPM Existing Interface Content Planning Module (CPM) Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA) data OCCSTDS data Proposed Interface Learning Objectives/ COI data Fleet validated OCCSTDS data Initial OCCSTDS data for fleet validation AIM Proposed Capability LAS Applications Analysis/Validation of Fleet Data Learning objectives, content outline, JDTA Links OCCSTDS survey results Content structure data for Level 3 surveys Test item data for Level of Knowledge exams JDTA Links Self-paced authoring tool AIM I/AIM II Test item data for in-course exams (Traditional LP/TG Content) Content structure data for Level 3 surveys Test item data for Level of Knowledge exams Perception (Standard OCCSTD Fleet Survey and Level 3 Survey/LOK Exam Templates populated from AIM I/II, CPM and LO Module via Web service functions) Test item data for in-course exams CMS Data CeTARS (Baseline Master Course Schedules and In-course Traditional Tests populated from AIM I/II, CPM and LO Module via Web service functions) Learning Object [LO] Module (ILE ILT content objects) Prelim Design Data Final Content Data CBT Authoring Tool(s) (ILE self-paced content objects) CMS Data Test item data for in-course exams Rev A – 5 Mar 10 Note: Data interfaces with Perception via tailored implementations of Perception API (hopefully) Demonstration of Expanded Video Help Tools • Support for AIM I, AIM II, CPM, and LO Module • Demonstration NAVEDTRA 136 Impacts on CPM / LO Module • Need to re-evaluate and prioritize existing functional requirements based on ILE process changes. • Re-write has created a need for additional functionality to meet – Design Strategy (IMDP/LSR) – Analysis – Potentially, FEA, BCA, Surveillance and other issues MT Continuum Impacts on CPM / LO Module • Live version of the CPM/LO Module FRM and show: – Items completed – Items pending Questions? Backup Summary of AIM I/II ACRS in Rel 5.0 Requirement Description Modify AIM I/II to standardize the discussion points for introduction: (Establish contact, introduce yourself and give any background that might be of interest, establish readiness, motivating statements, tell the trainer why he or she needs to know the lesson material, tell the trainee How he will Use the course material, and Safety) in the front matter of the LP. ACR ACR AIM-II1998-260 When IMPORTING a Training Path System (TPS) or Course, AIM I checks the contents of 'included PPP tables' with tables currently in the database; however, whenever a difference is detected, the import process terminates with the error message "Line items differ for PPP <name> Rev _ Change _, cannot import". Determining where/what the difference is can be a time consuming process but has to be performed if the difference is to be corrected. The Contractor shall modify ACR AIM-IAIM I to have the error message include the location (e.g., the Personnel Performance Profile (PPP) line item number) 2000-014 where the difference was detected. Additionally, the import process shall continue comparing line items until either the end of the PPP table or differences in 10 line items have been detected. AIM I shall then terminate the import process and display the expanded error message. Development and maintenance of the Exercise Controller Guide (ECG) is currently not supported in AIM. The Contractor shall implement an ECG Module in AIM I/II as an option for development following the development of the Training Course Control Document (TCCD). The ECG shall support the Lesson Plan (LP) or stand alone as guidance for the instructor and ensure consistency of the learning objectives throughout curriculum. ACR AIM-I2000-004 Summary of AIM I/II ACRS in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description ACR Linking to folders within the IMI category of the Site RRL in traditional AIM I ACR AIM-I2004-002 The Contractor shall change the import function in both AIM I/II to determine if the importing course exists in importing database earlier in the process than such check currently occurs. If the course already exists in the importing database, AIM shall ask the user if he/she wants to replace the existing course. ACR AIM II2000-485 The Contractor shall use the Split Unit/Topic functionality from the COI screen in AIM II to enable the following functionality: User clicks on first EO to be joined - clicks on “Join EO” ACR AIM-IIa new window comes up that allows the user to select the applicable EO from the list of ALL EOs (even those from 2008-656 other TOs) user performs the Join function as usual (possibly more than one at a time) The Contractor shall modify AIM I/II to permit the user to associate RIA with Notes or Cautions. The user shall be able to move lower level DPs created after Notes/Cautions. ACR AIM-II1999-420 Summary of AIM I/II ACRS in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description ACR The Contractor shall modify the message in the AIM II CTTL to advise the user as to which LOs will be affected by selecting Rebuild LOs. ACR AIM-II2000-475 The Contractor shall modify AIM I/II to add the capability to update the TCCD with newer info when the Training Project Plan (TPP) is locked after the first time. ACR AIM-II2000-511 The Contractor shall modify AIM I/II to allow the user to remove an RLL from CTTL as easily as it was added. ACR AIM-II2000-518 The Contractor shall modify AIM I/II so that when the user is adding the document name for Job Sheet input (References), he/she need only double click on the document block and have the program automatically call up the course RRL. ACR AIM-II2000-525 Summary of AIM I/II ACRS in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description ACR The Contractor shall modify AIM I/II to save graphics in their native file format vs. converting before saving in the graphics library. ACR AIM-II2001-577 The Contractor shall add a notes field to the Manpower section in the TPP for AIM I/II. ACR AIM-II2001-578 The Contractor shall modify AIM I/II to provide users the option to turn Lesson Plan IMI preview on or off. ACR AIM-II2003-628 The Contractor shall modify AIM I/II create and maintain performance tests. ACR AIM-II2004-642 Summary of AIM I/II ACRS in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description The Contractor shall modify AIM I/II so that the Testing Module Testing Plan allows enough text in the fields to copy and paste the Testing Plan outline, and Written Progress Test information from pages 2 - 4 of the 1540C sample package. ACR ACR AIM-II2006-651 The Contractor shall develop a document that defines software tools and implementation options that support TG printing to ACR AIM-IIPDF and support NAWCTSD staff in evaluating those options with various members 2002-614 Development and maintenance of high risk documents is currently not supported in AIM. The Contractor shall implement White paper an Associated Curriculum Documents (ACD) Module in AIM I/II as an option for development following the development of to AIM Pgm the Training Course Control Document (TCCD). The ACD shall support the Lesson Plan (LP) or stand alone as guidance Mgr for for the instructor and ensure consistency of the learning objectives throughout the curriculum. The ACD functionality shall NSWC support authoring and administration of high risk training documents to address NSW unique curriculum documents per Coronado paragraph 2.1.3 of SOW for DO 0069. requirement Implement business rules/processes (additional user priviilege levels) to support the migration process and subsequent management of AIM data in the centralized CNATT AIM environment. FD on user privilege levels provided by Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 Requirement Description FRM The CPM shall provide a workflow capability to facilitate approval of Navy Learning Objective Statements (NLOSs) for content development projects. Individual or bulk approval. As NLOSs are built and approved, the CPM shall mark the mappings between NLOSs and Skills data as draft and completed respectively. NLOSs shall be searchable within the CPM. An NLOS shall be searchable on its Components. (For example, search all LOSs beginning with the verb “align” or search all NLOSs with the system “AN/BQN-17 SONAR SOUNDING SET.”) Search results shall display NLOSs. Users shall be able to select NLOSs from Search results to see detailed information. Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM NLOS versioning and life-cycle maintenance based on changes to any of the authoritative data sources on which NLOS was originally built will be implemented. Include capability to build an NLOS from an existing NLOS reusing the verb, object combination and maintaining existing links to skill/performance data. CPM will provide NLOS metadata (i.e., Skills data) defined and captured in CPM to the EDE NLOSs shall be provided via web services to EDE The CPM shall have the capability to store degree of simulation The CPM shall have the capability to store frequency of testing Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM The CPM shall have the capability to store test and layout conventions The CPM shall have the capability to store info on the descriptions of the types of personnel and their respective roles and responsibilities for lesson development A project will support creation of Modification/Cancellation TPPs once the original TPP is approved. CPM will have an RRL Category titled PC Simulation that will allow for text entries only similar to the Software Category CPM will have the capability for All manpower to print in the TPP and TCCD even if civilian, officer, and enlisted are zeros. CPM will have the capability for adding “NETC Post Pilot Report Approval” as default to the milestones. Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM CPM will have the capability to export Milestones to MS Project CPM will have the capability to import Milestones from MS Project CPM will have the capability to Import spreadsheets into Training Site Funding Users will have access to definitions and samples of the 5 content types while selecting EOS content type. CPM shall support the filterable reporting of learning content that has been superseded or deprecated by changes in Level 1 or 2 Skills data. CPM shall report on cross-Center utilization of developed content. Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM CPM shall report NLOSs linked to changed Level 1 and Level 2 data as the basis for life-cycle maintenance of the NLOSs and linked to their related learning objects. CPM shall allow users to create a report of mapped skill data to learning objectives through user chosen time frames. (For example, report for the last xdays, xweeks, or from xdate to xdate.) Will also include reports that: Show Lessons and Sections which were built using "Unassigned" and Show Tasks not included in a course. CPM will provide "Flag Related Materials" functionality similar to AIM by allowing a user to select a piece of NJA data and flag the associated links to elements of the COI CPM will provide a report that lists and prints "Status of Elements Within a Project" that will list the status of all modules, lessons, and sections within a project. CPM will provide a report that lists all of a Center's NJA data and associated support objects (C/M/L/S, OJT, EPSS, CIN, etc) that have been built with an option to show NJA data with no support objects built. Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM CPM shall support the filterable reporting of NLOS that have been superseded or deprecated by changes in Level 1 or 2 Skills data. CPM shall contain a fully functioning KSAT editor. Users shall be able to search for NLOSs based on verb, object, condition or standard data to identify skill data appropriate to link to COI data CPM will support NETC Job, Duty, Task, Analysis (JDTA) model Ability to spell check lesson. Ability to spell check section Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM Spell check module data entries. Spell check course data entries. The AIM LO Module will have the capability to compare different versions of ILE projects with the same functionality as the LP/TG Content Comparison Report. It should be able to determine if any text, graphic, or RRL item has changed, and should also be able to compare different versions of IETMs selected in the different versions of the ILE projects. In addition, if any Skills data has been modified, which was used to create any of the terminal or enabling objectives in the project, the Content Comparison Report should indicate the change. The LO Module will have the capability to generate Content Comparison Report with manual printing of change packages CPM shall support NETC Job, Duty, Task, Analysis (JDTA) model as implemented in the final NETC JDTA instruction CPM shall warn a user when exiting a modified screen if they want to save their work before exiting. Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM CPM shall allow only 1 user to edit a single element (field) in the database and warn users that try to access an element being edited with a message "Element is being edited, can only view". CPM shall lock and notify of additions/changes to data while someone else is working in that same element in CPM. CPM users shall have capability to use defaulted verb/skill data for building TOS. CPM shall have the capability for tracking "Contractors" category in the TPP and TCCD Manpower area. Contractors category data will print on the TPP and TCCD even if the numbers are zeros. Contractors category is in addition to Civilian, Officer, and Enlisted categories. Changes in CPM to items that have been approved shall result in flagging of associated Course, Module, Lesson and Section in CPM project, notification to Project Owner for impacted Course, Module, Lesson and Section (under assignments or messages on their home page), and flagging of associated Course, Module, Lesson and Section in LO Module when project is exported again or update from EDE (or similar function) is run. The LO Module shall have the ability for users to define, for each element, the spacing to occur before the printing of the next element. This allows the developer to put in a large enough gap between elements (DPs) for instructors to add their own personalization. Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM implement "Select All" functionality when selecting JDTA data for a project in CPM implement the ability to reuse a module/lesson/section in another CPM project. When that new project imports to an LO Module database, the correct Module/Lesson/Section is reused (assuming it exists in that database) implement the capability that when entering Standards, the user will have the capability to pull up the Publications list from RRL and select items using a checkbox implement the functionality that all checkbox areas will have a "Select All" box at the top of the list implement the functionality that when entering Skill Items after saving, the user will be able to add another item at the same level (so if he saves a Task, he can add another Task without having to go up a level and select Duty and New.) Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM enable the user to reuse a Skill Item (Duty, Task, Sub-task) in another Skill item. For example, the Duty “Implement Curriculum Materials” is under the Job “Curriculum Developer” but could also be under another Job “Training Manager”. The user doesn’t want a new duty but recognizes that this duty is performed by more than 1 job. Similarly, a task could fall under by more than 1 duty implement the capability to copy Section elements to a new Section or within a Section enable automatic numbering at the element level so the user doesn’t need to use the title field for this information provide for resources (RRL Items) entered in CPM Project to be web-serviced to LO Module on course import implement the ability for the user to Replace a Resource (as in AIM I/II) enable auto-population of the title of the Module, Lesson, and Section with the JDTA Skills item name if it is selected as the skills basis Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM implement the ability to link or move an existing Module/Lesson/Section within an existing Course/Module/Lesson or to another Project's Course/Module/Lesson enable CPM to provide a report that lists and prints "All Exports Available for Import Into AIM LO Module" modify CPM so that only approved items may be selected as a “Skill Basis” for a Module, Lesson or Section in the project tab of CPM (and therefore potentially exported to EDE as part of an approved project) Items are considered approved if: they are part of the original population, from authoritative database, from spreadsheet authorized by learning center, have been entered and add a link to the O*NET Online site near the DOL/ONET Occupation field on the same tab develop a detailed design of the capability for a “recently used” list for conditions, standards and task source items. So that the last 10 (or so) items are displayed and available to choose from or you can select a see all box (or some other way of the user controlling). The capability is designed to speed selection of items during JDTA process modify CPM so that when user is entering multiple Resources into the LO Module, CPM shall open back up to the last resource that was selected instead of forcing the user to navigate through the IETM tree again Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM modify the LO Module to have the capability for capturing Trainee Prep information similar to the data captured in traditional AIM. Trainee Prep shall print on the Lesson Plan in all LO Module views modify the LO Module to enable updating Course/Module/Lesson structure and content without losing element content. Running update may add and/or remove Lessons/Sections to reflect new structure and a warning should be given duplicate in CPM existing JDTA tab functions into an OCCSTDS tab. N/A modify JDTA-specific functions duplicated in the new OCCSTDS tab to support OCCSTDS specific business processes/rules as defined by NAVMAC and as coordinated with the AIM team N/A add additional functionality to the new OCCSTDS tab as requested by NAVMAC and as coordinated with the AIM team N/A create the capability in CPM Rel 5.0 to generate data outputs from the new OCCSTDS tab for import into the Navy’s Learning Assessment System (LAS) QuestionMark Perception N/A Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd) Requirement Description FRM develop a detailed design for implementation of Front-end Analysis (FEA) support in CPM in accordance with NETC Instruction 1500.6. N/A develop a detailed design for implementation of Business Case Analysis (BCA) support in CPM in accordance with NETC Instruction 1510.3 N/A