West Midlands Information Literacy Passport: mapped to Knowledge Skills Framework (KSF) and to Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Competences West Midlands Regional Trainers Forum Learning Outcomes Project Team: Colin Engel, Deputy Library Manager1; Helen Farquharson, E-resources Librarian2; Kate Jones, Library Skills Trainer3; Stuart Purchase, Assistant Librarian4; Fiona Rees, Site Librarian5 Introduction Content & Purposes A project to develop a set of learning outcomes for Information Literacy training programmes in the West Midlands was commissioned by the West Midland Regional Trainers Forum (WMRTF) in 2009. The intention was to inform the content of individual structured training programmes across the West Midlands and develop a planned package of e learning. The format would be in line with and replace an existing West Midlands information skills training scheme a. As illustrated in Figure 1. the Training Sessions Framework modules include: Bibliographic Databases – Basic; Bibliographic Databases – Advanced; Electronic subscription resources; Evidence based databases (including Cochrane Library), Evaluation, Critical Appraisal, Publishing, Copyright, Citations. The opportunity was taken to incorporate the recommendations of: • HILL Review and Framework for Quality Improvement b • West Midlands NHS Improving patient care: meeting the NHS challenge to improve quality and productivity, through innovation in Library and Knowledge Services c • Department of Health National Service framework of quality improvement for NHS funded library services in England. DH, 2008 d The modules make up what the Project Team considers to be a comprehensive curriculum of information literacy. The list is not a minimum curriculum to be completed in entirety. The core outcomes must be met within each module alongside as many of the non-core elements as are considered relevant in context. Information literacy facilitators may add further elements of their choosing to the outcomes. This document provides a method for linking the training sessions to the NHS KSF and to the RCN information literacy competences. Referenced Standards Recent Developments The earlier document mapped the skills to the NHS Knowledge Skills Framework e. In January 2011 a further relevant publication emerged from the Royal College of Nursing, RCN Competences: finding, using and managing information f. The passport was therefore revised by mapping its modules to the RCN document. The result is this current revision. Since this document was launched in 2011 it has been adopted by the BaSE E-learning Group (Birmingham, Solihull, Black Country) as the template for its VLE. In 2012 another Midlands Trainers Forum Project Team has taken it as the basis for mapping the skills set to SCONUL’s Seven Pillars of Information Literacy. Fig.1 Content Outcomes KSF Dimensions Skills Group RCN Competencies Bibliographic Databases – Basic Topics to be covered: Delegates will be able to: PICO search strategy Formulate a clinical question and devise an effective search strategy. A 1a, 3c, 3e, 3f Bibliographic databases available through NHS Evidence Identify appropriate sources of information, understanding their range, coverage and features. B, C, D 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, 2g, 2h, 2i Free text searching Use text word searches, understanding uses of synonyms and truncation, use of wildcard operators. E 3c, 3e Boolean operators/ combining sets Use the Boolean operators effectively. E 3e Limiting Use special search features to limit sets. E 2i, 3f Viewing results, selecting appropriate citations, printing, saving Display, print, save and email the search results. and emailing F 3a Viewing full-text links F 3h Select available links from search results to full-text resources. References a. Williams, P. West Midlands Workforce Deanery Information Skills Approved Training Scheme: Training Sessions Framework, 2007. [Superseded by current document] b. HILL, P. Report of a National Review of NHS Health Library Services in England: from knowledge to health in the 21st Century. DH, 2008. c. West Midlands NHS Improving patient care: meeting the NHS challenge to improve quality and productivity, through innovation in Library and Knowledge Services. A West Midlands Framework for Library and Knowledge Services 2010-2015. 2010 d. Department of Health National Service Framework of Quality Improvement for NHS funded library services in England. DH, 2008. e. Department of Health: Agenda for Change Project Team The NHS knowledge and skills framework (NHS KSF) and the development review process. DH, 2004. f. Royal College of Nursing RCN competencies: finding, using and managing information. Nursing, midwifery, health and social care competencies. 2011. 1. Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust 2. Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 3. Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust 4. Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 5. South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust CONTACT : Colin Engel, Project Leader, e-mail : Colin.Engel@dgh.nhs.uk July 2012