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The Writing Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Prewriting (Brain Drain)
In this step you gather your ideas. You must first determine your T.A.P.
(topic, audience, and purpose/tone/voice). Then you must apply at least 2
prewriting techniques. One technique should be an idea generator and the
other should be an organizer. Prewriting techniques that generate ideas
are: brainstorming, listing, freewriting, 5 W’s & How ?s, sensory detail
questions, Writer’s Journal, etc. Prewriting techniques that organize are:
outlining, webbing, clustering, charting, categorizing, classifying,
grouping, 4 , etc.
Step 2: Drafting (Sloppy Copy)
This step of the writing process requires that you put your
organized ideas into a standard written form. This is an
imperfect copy and will be re-visited often. Your rough drafts demonstrate
whether you have enough information and if you have it organized
Step 3: Editing and proofreading (Wise Eyes)
In this step of the writing process, your mission is to find any
errors that are present in your draft. Your first job is to carefully
read your draft and find your own errors. You then will correct
(revise) the errors that you found. Then have another set of “fresh eyes”
proofread your work and check for errors.
Step 4: Revising (Goof Proof)
Steps 3 & 4 are interchangeable and you will go back and
forth between them quite frequently. In the revising step,
you are to correct the errors that were found in Step 3. You
will also revisit the drafting stage as needed as well.
Step 5: Publishing (Neat Sheet)
Step 5 produces the final copy for sharing with its intended
audience. It should be error-free, neat, and complete.