Welcome On a sheet of paper, respond to the following question in at least a paragraph. Where were you at this time last year? Describe yourself and how you have changed since last year. (Think deeper than…well, I used to have long hair, but now it’s short.) Agenda Syllabus Graduation Project Getting to Know You Activity Student Survey Reflection Graduation Project Lab Day tomorrow Cover Page Title Page Resumé Table of contents Academic Advisor Form Due January 31 Product Approval Form Due February 7 Getting to Know You Think – look over the questions. Pick one or two you want to talk about. Think about how you would answer it. Pair - with someone sitting next to you, discuss the questions you picked and talk about them. Share – with the class Student Survey Go to my webpage Click on English IV in the left column Click on the survey link Answer the questions completely and honestly What Type of Learner are You? Visual Auditory Read-Write Kinesthetic Visual They tend to be fast talkers. They exhibit impatience and have a tendency to interrupt. They use words and phrases that evoke visual images. They learn by seeing and visualizing. Kinesthetic They tend to be slow talkers. They tend to be slow to make decisions. They use all their senses to engage in learning. They learn by doing and solving real-life problems. They like hands-on approaches to things and learn through trial and error. Auditory They speak slowly and tend to be natural listeners. They think in a linear manner. They prefer to have things explained to them verbally rather than to read written information. They learn by listening and verbalizing. Read-Write They prefer for information to be displayed in writing, such as lists of ideas. They emphasize text-based input and output. They enjoy reading and writing in all forms. Reflection Where will you be at this time next year? Describe how you think your life will be different. If you don’t think it will be different, explain why. January 24 What are your goals for this class this semester? What is your plan to accomplish these goals? Who is going to support you? Agenda Table of Contents Title Page Cover Page Resumé January 27 What is a hero? Agenda Hero Reaction Guide Anglo History Context academic vocab Reading Beowulf – pg 42 Academic Vocab T-chart to interpret and analyze text Epic Hero graphic organizer to support claims in analysis Final Reflection Anglo-Saxons – What you need to know Romans leave Britain Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invade Bloody conflicts, ignorance, violence, barbarism Angle-land Fatalistic and grim world view Vikings invade The appeal of Christianity Anglo-Saxon Virtues Bravery Loyalty Generosity Friendship Academic Vocab Alliteration Caesura Assonance Scops Dichotomy Kenning Epic poetry Epic Hero Alliteration Repetition of stressed sounds, particularly consonants from the beginning of words or syllables. …hoping to kill anyone he could trap on this trip to high Herot. …the struggling great bodies beating at its beautiful walls … …gold-covered boards grating as Grendel and Beowulf battled across them. Caesura A pause dividing each line, with each part having two accented syllables to help maintain the rhythm of the line A powerful monster, living down In the darkness, growled in pain, impatient As day after day the music rang Loud in that hall, the harp’s rejoicing Assonance Repetition of vowel sounds … lying in waiting, hidden in mist, invisibly following them … And wondering what the bravest of warriors could do. And sometimes they sacrificed to the … sung of the ancient beginnings of us all, recalling the Almighty making the earth … Scops Poet singers Dichotomy Opposites on the same spectrum Light/Dark Male/Female Good/Evil Kenning Metaphor - figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily means one thing is applied to another thing to suggest a likeness between the two Compound – raven-haired, ring-marked Possessive – heaven’s high arch, her evil skin Prepositional – frozen with fear, winters of grief, running to his doom Epic Long narrative poem Praised heroic warriors Recited by scops Instilled cultural pride History lesson Moral sermon Epic Hero Glorified On a Quest Ethical Strong Epic Hero? Beowulf – What you need to know Oldest surviving epic poem 750? Written in Old English Originally untitled Originally chanted Author unknown Beowulf Cheat Sheet Herot – mead-hall King Hrothgar – king of the Danes Grendel - monster Healfdane – Hrothgar’s father Higlac – Beowulf’s uncle, king of the Geats Wulfgar - herald Edgetho – Beowulf’s father Wiglaf – Beowulf’s wing man T-Chart Academic Vocab Example Alliteration Caesura Assonance Dichotomy Kenning January 28 What does evil mean to you? Write your own definition of the word and provide some examples of real-life monsters. Agenda Reading Beowulf – pg 50 Academic Vocab T-chart to interpret and analyze text Epic Hero graphic organizer to support claims in analysis Final Reflection Homework: Cover page, title page, table of contents, and resumé Exit Slip Summarize what you will take away from class today in one short sentence – 10 words or less. January 31 Who would you consider a modern day epic hero? Why? Agenda Finish reading Beowulf – pg 66 Revisit Hero Reaction Guide Modern Day Epic Hero Project Homework Due Tuesday: Cover page, title page, table of contents, and resumé Academic Advisor Form Products Connection to and extension of research Should reflect 15 hours of work Must be adequately documented with photographs, logs, letters, reflective journal entries, and other forms of documentation Must involve a community component Ideas Write a story Teach a lesson Create a website Interview a professional February 3 The Anglo-Saxon virtues are bravery, loyalty, generosity, and friendship. Which do you think is the most important and why? Agenda Reading “The Seafarer” – pg 104 Analyzing lines of the poem by paraphrasing, visualizing, and clarifying. Finishing Modern Day Epic Hero Project Final Reflection Homework Due Tomorrow: Cover page, title page, table of contents, and resumé Imagery Find images that convey a mood of isolation. Image Sense “frozen chains” line 10 touch Poem Analysis “The Seafarer” Speaker Remembers or Ponders Lines 1-38 Being cold, hungry, and lonely on the sea Lines 39 – 64 Lines 64 - 80 Lines 81 – 102 Lines 103 - 124 Reflection What is your own definition of an epic hero? February 4 Describe the most interesting person you have ever met? Agenda Academic Vocab Intro to the Middle Ages and Chaucer Reading The Canterbury Tales Prologue - pg 144 Middle English Prologue Extra Credit Reading and Comparing Prologue Pilgrims Knight pg 146/Squire pg 147 Parson pg 157/Nun pg 148 Intro to Modern Pilgrim Assignment Homework: Product Approval Form Academic Vocab Frame story – joins one or more stories within a story Prologue – intro to a literary work; can establish setting and give background Medieval literature – ballads, romances, allegories, and moral tales; most were religious – but some dealt with love, exemplary life and behavior, and political and social issues Ballads – narrative songs (tragic love, domestic conflicts, disastrous wars, shipwrecks, sensational crimes, exploits of outlaws, celebrated historical events, romantic heroes, revenge, rebellion, envy, betrayal, and superstition) Allegories – narrative in which something concrete represents something abstract (Ex. Cowardly Lion; Animal Farm, Pilgrim’s Progress) Academic Vocab Iambic pentameter – line of poetry with 5 meters, or 10 syllables, patter in unstressed followed by stressed syllable Characterization - techniques an author uses to develop characters including description of the character’s appearance; character’s speech, thoughts, and actions; responses of other characters to the character; and direct comments from the narrator. Satire - a literary work that ridicules its subject in order to make a comment or criticism about it Dramatic irony – reader knows more than the character Verbal irony – someone says one thing but means another Situational irony – what is expected to happen is not what actually happens Who’s Who in the Middle Ages God – Church King Lords Vassals Knights Ladies Serfs What They Ate Lord Wine or ale White bread Deer, boar, and rabbits Salmon and trout Breakfast of white bread, meat, and wine or ale Dinner (lunch) usually consisted of many courses Supper similar to dinner but may include pigeon pie, woodcock, or sturgeon Peasant Water, milk, or ale Rye bread Mutton Hedgehogs and squirrels Black Pudding Dace, grayling, and gudgeon Breakfast of bread and ale Dinner of dark bread and cheese – meat rarely included Supper of vegetable pottage and bread – lucky to have meat Chaucer – What you need to know Father of English Literature First to write in the vernacular Member of Parliament Knight of the shire Middle English Modern Prologue Pilgrims Pilgrim Knight pg 146 Squire pg 147 Parson pg 157 Nun pg 148 Description Analysis Reflection In 1809, the English poet and artist William Blake made the following observation: “Chaucer’s pilgrims are the characters which compose all ages and nations…Some of the names or titles are altered by time, but the characters themselves forever remain unaltered.” Do you agree or disagree that Chaucer’s characters seem timeless and universal? Support your opinion with details from the text and your own experiences. February 5 It has been said that “Money is the root of all evil.” Do you agree/disagree? Why? Agenda Analyze modern depiction of greed Read Pardoner’s Description - pg 162 Read Pardoner’s Tale – pg 170 Complete plot activity Watch Pardoner’s Tale Compare/Contrast Pardoner’s Tale to modern depiction Final Reflection Homework: Product Form Due Friday Modern Pilgrim Assignment Due Monday with Test Modern Pilgrim Assignment Choose a modern day pilgrim Decide how they should act Decide how they should be critiqued Describe them – include physical aspects as well Write 20 lines of rhyming couplets Due with your test on Monday – worth 15 points The Dark Knight The Pardoner’s Tale Reflection Why is the theme of the Pardoner’s Tale still being repeated today? Describe another source (TV show, song, book, etc) where you have seen this theme repeated. (Casino, Jerry Maguire, Slumdog Millionaire, DoYouWant to be a Millionaire,The Lorax, A Christmas Carol, “Billionaire,” “Bills-Bills-Bills,” “Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems”) February 6 Would you rather spend the rest of your life with someone who is ugly/faithful or beautiful/unfaithful? Explain why. Agenda Decide a class goal Read Wife’s Description - pg 156 Read Wife’s Tale – pg 184 Watch Wife’s Tale Answer viewing and analysis questions Discuss theme questions in small groups Final Reflection Homework: Product Form Modern Pilgrim Assignment Modern Pilgrim Assignment Choose a modern day pilgrim Decide how they should act Decide how they should be critiqued Describe them – include physical aspects as well Write 20 lines of rhyming couplets Due with your test on Monday – worth 15 points Wife of Bath Viewing and Analysis Wife of Bath What was the knight’s crime? What was his punishment? According to the wife, what do women want? How do you know the knight learned his lesson? Did the knight get what he deserved? What is the moral of the story? Reflection What Women Want What connection can you make between the wife’s tale and the movie clip? What is the meaning? February 7 What code do you live by? Gratitude Caring Understanding Humor Diligence Integrity Commitment Acceptance Generosity Compassion Enthusiasm Courage Discretion Sincere Humble Discipline Focus Gentleness Honesty Reliability Hope Moderation Perseverance Flexibility Respect Wisdom Spontaneity Faith Confidence Thankfulness Devotion Grace Persistence Empathy Tolerance Agenda Grammar Diagnostic Review Pilgrim Characterization Chart Test Study Guide Homework: Modern Pilgrim Assignment Modern Pilgrim Assignment Choose a modern day pilgrim Decide how they should act Decide how they should be critiqued Describe them – include physical aspects as well Write 20 lines of rhyming couplets Due with your test on Monday – worth 15 points Schoology 2nd: HWJVT-K6VBR 3rd: 9W4XF-ZKTS8 February 10 Test Today. You will have a few minutes to look over your notes. Use your time wisely or lose it. I will collect the extra credit study guides before beginning the test. Day Book Check 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Jan 24 –Your goals this semester Jan 27 – Beowulf Academic Vocab Feb 3 – Analysis of Seafarer Feb 4 – Pilgrim Chart Feb 5 – Pardoner Storyboard Pilgrims – Extra Credit Complete the sheet on the stool based on one of the following pilgrims and receive extra credit. Yeoman – pg 147 Monk – pg 149 Plowman – pg 158 Miller – pg 159 Summoner – 161 Friar – pg 150 Oxford Cleric – pg 152 February 11 Today’s Agenda 1. Resumé Tips 2. Finish Test/Complete pilgrim characterization chart 3. Define AcademicVocab for new unit 4. Begin Macbeth Journal Pilgrims – Extra Credit Complete the sheet on the stool based on one of the following pilgrims and receive extra credit. Yeoman – pg 147 Monk – pg 149 Plowman – pg 158 Miller – pg 159 Summoner – 161 Friar – pg 150 Oxford Cleric – pg 152 New Unit Academic Vocab Sonnet Tragic flaw Situational irony Octave Antagonist Metaphor Theme Mood Comic relief Imagery Blank verse Motifs Soliloquy Symbols Aside Inverted sentences Dramatic irony Paradox Sestet Quatrains Couplet Petrarchan Sonnet Shakespearean Sonnet Iambic Pentameter Tragedy Tragic hero Foreshadowing Macbeth Journal 1 Write a full page. What is your highest ambition? What are you willing to do to get there? February 17 Agree/Disagree 1. Behind every great man is a great woman. 2. Sometimes it is necessary to do something wrong to get what you want. 3. What goes around comes around. 4. There are circumstances or events that justify murder. 5. Success is worth any price. 6. One mistake always leads to another. 7. A guilty conscious will destroy you. 8. Greed and ambition are the same. Agenda Review Test and Complete Objective Tracking The Globe England in Shakespeare’s Time Summarizing Context Vocabulary Search Progress Check One DUE Monday, February 24th Shakespeare Quotes "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him". Quote (Julius Caesar Act III, Scene II). "But, for my own part, it was Greek to me". - Julius Caesar Quote (Act I, Scene II). "To be, or not to be: that is the question". Hamlet quote (Act III, Sc. I). "This above all: to thine own self be true" Hamlet quote (Act I, Sc. III). "Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't." Haml "Good Night, Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." Romeo and Juliet ( Quote Act II, Scene II). "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". Romeo and Juliet ( Quote Act II, Sc. II). "‘T’is neither here nor there." Othello Quote (Act IV, Scene III). "I will wear my heart upon my sleeve for daws to peck at". Othello Quote (Act I, Scene I).et quote (Act II, Scene II). England in Shakespeare’s Time Work in your groups to: Read and Summarize each section of the handout 2. Skim and Identify 4 instances of unfamiliar vocabulary in Macbeth Act I – page 350 3. Cite page #, line, define, and explain in context 1. Group 1 = Scene 1 & 2 Group 2 = Scene 3 Group 3 = Scene 4 Group 4 = Scene 5 Group 5 = Scene 6 & 7 February 18 Spend 10 minutes looking up your academic vocab words, if you have not yet completed that task. The definitions should be in your daybook. If you have completed that task, use this time to finish the context vocabulary assignment we started yesterday. Each group should write their words and definitions on the board. Agenda Finish Context Vocabulary Search and Share Out Review England in Shakespeare’s Time Summarizing Macbeth Cast of Characters Read Act 1 Scene 1 pg 350 Compare/Contrast with Audio and Visual Productions Continue Reading Act I Progress Check One DUE Monday, February 24th England in Shakespeare’s Time Work in your groups to: Read and Summarize each section of the handout 2. Skim and Identify 4 instances of unfamiliar vocabulary in Macbeth Act I – page 350 3. Cite page #, line, define, and explain in context 1. Group 1 = Scene 1 & 2 Group 2 = Scene 3 Group 3 = Scene 4 Group 4 = Scene 5 Group 5 = Scene 6 & 7 Macbeth Cast of Characters Macbeth - a Scottish general and the thane of Glamis Lady Macbeth - Macbeth’s wife Banquo - a general King Duncan - good King of Scotland Macduff - a Scottish nobleman Malcolm - son of Duncan Hecate - goddess of witchcraft Fleance - Banquo’s son Lennox - a Scottish nobleman. Ross - a Scottish nobleman. Porter - drunken doorman of Macbeth’s castle. Lady Macduff - Macduff’s wife Donalbain - Duncan’s son and Malcolm’s younger brother. Pg 350 - Readers Narrator Lady Macbeth First Witch Messenger Second Witch Lennox Third Witch Ross Duncan Malcolm Captain Macbeth Banquo Act I Scene 1 Audio Older Movie Newer Movie Movie with a twist February 19 Pick one of the following words and explain how it could lead to a theme in Macbeth. Make a prediction on what you think will happen based on what we have read already. Ambition, Power, Prophecy, Guilt, Supernatural, Deception Agenda Context Vocabulary Quiz Next Week Continue Reading Act 1 Analyze Act 1 Quotes Complete Act 1 Summary Subject Verb Agreement Notes and Practice Progress Check One DUE Monday, February 24th Pg 360 - Readers Duncan Lady Macbeth Messenger Macbeth Banquo Reflection: online Which character or characters should fear Macbeth’s ambition? Why? Subject Verb Agreement 1. Subjects joined by and use a plural verb. a. She and her friends are going to the mall. 2. Singular subjects joined by or or nor use a singular verb. a. The book or the pen is on the desk. 3. When a singular and plural subject are joined by or or nor, the verb should agree with the closest subject. a. The boy or his friends run every day. 4. Do not be misled by a phrase between a subject and verb. Cross it out and make the subject agree with the verb. a. One of the boxes is open. 5. Each, Each one, either, neither, everyone, everybody, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone, and no one are singular – always – and take a singular verb. a. Everybody knows Mr. Smith. Subject Verb Agreement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. His friends or the boy run/runs every day. The people who listen to that music is/are few. Either is/are correct. Paul and Gary has/have baseball practice. Each one gives/give his all. Elaine or Sophia sings/sing at the home games. The team captain, as well as his players, is/are anxious. February 20 Would Macbeth have considered murdering Duncan if the witches had not spoken to him? Explain your answer. Agenda Identify and Define unfamiliar vocabulary in Act II Read Act II pg 368 Analyze Act II Quotes Complete Act II Summary Subject Verb Agreement Notes and Practice Progress Check One DUE Monday, February 24th Context Vocabulary Act II – pg 368 On a sheet of paper to turn in TODAY Skim each scene of Act II and Identify 1 instance of unfamiliar vocabulary for each scene Cite page # Cite line Define the word Explain the line now that you know the definition *Do not use the words already defined for you in the margins. Example -Ravishing pg 370 line 54 -“With Tarquin’s ravishing strides, towards his design moves like a ghost.” -delightful, entrancing -His moves are entrancing because he is almost invisible as he moves towards his goal. 1. 2. 3. 4. Act II pg 368 - Readers Banquo Fleance Macbeth Lady Macbeth Porter Macduff Lennox Donalbain Reflection - online Can Macbeth do anything to stop his ambition? Subject Verb Agreement 1. Nouns such as civics, mathematics, dollars*, measles, and news use singular verbs. a. b. 2. The news is on at six. Five dollars is a lot of money. Nouns such as scissors, tweezers, and shears use plural verbs. a. The scissors are dull. Subject Verb Agreement 3. Sentences beginning with there is or there are, the subject follows the verb. a. There are many questions. b. There is a question. 4. Collective nouns are words that imply more than one person but are considered singular and take a singular verb – group, team, committee, class, and family. a. The team travels on Friday. b. The committee decides what to purchase. Subject Verb Agreement 5. Expressions such as with, together with, including, accompanied by, in addition to, or as well do not change the number of the subject. a. The President, accompanied by his wife, is traveling to India. b. All of the books, including yours, are in that box. February 21 When people do the wrong thing knowing it is wrong, can they stay the same or are they changed? How will not getting caught affect them psychologically? How are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth affected? Agenda Analyze Act II Quotes Complete Act II Summary View Uncovering Shakespeare Macbeth Macbeth Journal 2 Online Reflections Progress Check One DUE Monday, February 24th Macbeth Journal 2 Think about a time when you have done or said something that “snowballed” to a point where you had no control over the situation. Write about this time and consider what you may or may not have learned from it. (This might be someone else you know if it didn’t happen to you.) February 24 Which characters seem to be the antagonists, preparing to move against the tragic hero, Macbeth? Agenda Progress Check One DUE Today Online Reflections DUE by Wednesday Subject Verb Agreement Practice Identify and Define unfamiliar vocabulary in Act III Read Act III and paraphrase scenes with a partner Subject Verb Agreement Notes Plural indefinite pronouns always take plural verbs: Several, Few, Both, Many 1. Both of my parents are from Florida. Many are coming to the concert. Some indefinite pronouns can be either singular or plural: Some, Any, None, All, Most. Look to the antecedent to determine whether it is singular or plural. 2. Some of the test was easy. Some of the tests in English are easy. Subject Verb Agreement Practice The class is/are reading Macbeth. Seven dollars is/are sitting on the table. Saturday, in addition to Sunday, is/are my favorite day of the week. Civics requires/require a prerequisite. Each of the boys (do/does) his own cooking. There is/are many students working in the media center. The tweezers is/are sharp. The people across the hall, as well as the man in the next apartment, (has/have) lived in the building since the mid-1980s. Either of these videos (is/are) suitable for a four-year-old. Several of the students (has/have) transferred. All of the exercises (seem/seems) simple. Context Vocabulary Act III – pg 382 On a sheet of paper to turn in TODAY Skim each scene of Act III and Identify unfamiliar vocabulary Cite page # and line # Define the word Explain the line now that you know the definition *Do not use the words already defined for you in the margins. *2 words must come from Scenes 1-3; 2 must come from Scenes 4-6 Example -Ravishing pg 370 line 54 -“With Tarquin’s ravishing strides, towards his design moves like a ghost.” -delightful, entrancing -His moves are entrancing because he is almost invisible as he moves towards his goal. 1. 2. 3. Act III 5 groups – Read Act III together As you read, Paraphrase/Summarize each scene using dialogue and narration Basically, you are putting together a production that will take about a minute or two per scene. Be prepared to perform tomorrow Reflection How would you prefer to read this play? Individually, partners, small groups, whole class? Original text, Modern text, Audio Version? We have read in a variety of ways. Which suited you best and why? Explain which you prefer and why? Do you have a suggestion for a different way? Not reading it is not an option. February 25 A tragic hero comes to ruin due to 1) an error in judgment or 2) a weakness in character. Which of these two factors applies better to Macbeth? Explain. Agenda Subject Verb Agreement Practice Finish work on Act III mini productions Review Act III quotes and summary Discuss Act One – Three Questions in groups Macbeth Journal 3 Subject Verb Agreement Practice A jacket or a sweater (is/are) warm enough for tonight. Either the singer or the musicians (is/are) off-key. Here (is/are) the books you reserved. The team (has/have) won the semifinals. Twenty-seven dollars (is/are) all we have raised so far. To illustrate books for young readers require/requires a vivid imagination. One junior, as well as four seniors, has/have been invited to attend the Milford Youth Council next month. A few in my class help/helps the coach set up the bleachers. None of the people in the theater was/were sitting in the first two rows. Public relations and advertising is/are exciting but often stressful work. Macbeth Journal 3 CSI, Law and Order, NCIS – these are just a few of the popular TV shows that involve solving a mystery or finding a solution to a problem. Why are mysteries so popular? February 26 According to one definition, knowledge is power. When might this be true? When might it not be true? Provide concrete examples from the play that prove and disprove this definition of “knowledge.” Agenda Subject Verb Agreement Practice Read Act IV – pg 400 Review Act IV quotes and complete summary Reflection Subject Verb Agreement Practice Look back over your notes. Pick two rules to use. Write out a sentence following each rule. Leave the two verb choices (singular/plural) in the sentences. Under each sentence explain the correct answer. Do this in your daybook – notebook – English binder. Act IV pg 400 Narrator Lennox First Witch Lady Macduff Second Witch Ross Third Witch Son Hecate Messenger Macbeth Murderer First Apparition Malcolm Second Apparition Macduff Third Apparition Doctor Reflection What seems the most tragic aspect of the play? February 27 Without the witches’ predictions, do you think Macbeth and Lady Macbeth would have been satisfied with their place in life? Explain why. Agenda Subject Verb Agreement Practice Discuss Acts One – Four in small groups Read Act V – pg 418 Review Act V quotes and complete summary Reflection Subject Verb Agreement Practice Write five sentences using the following criteria. All sentences must use a present tense verb. Use “None” as the subject. Use “Either,Or” at the beginning of the sentence. One subject must be singular. The other must be plural. Start your sentence with “Tomorrow, as well as three other days this week…” Use “All” as the subject. Start your sentence with “Each of my friends…” Act One Questions Who is the tragic hero? What makes him the tragic hero? What tragic decision does he make? 2. What becomes Macbeth’s primary ambition after he hears the witches’ prophesy? What event strengthens that ambition? 3. In which scene does Macbeth begin to think of murdering Duncan? How do you know? 4. Reread the aside in scene 3, lines 153-155. What does Macbeth ask Banquo to do? How does the request reflect Macbeth’s feelings? What does Banquo’s response indicate about him? 1. Act Two Questions What actions result from the Macbeths’ ambition? How is their ambition fulfilled? 2. Why does Macbeth say the things he does during the “dagger” soliloquy? 3. Reread Scene 1, lines 61-63. What do these lines suggest about Macbeth’s hard-heartedness in murdering Duncan? Explain. 4. In Scene 2, lines 31-32, what does Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth not to do? What does her statement reveal about her? What might it foreshadow? 1. Act Three Questions What is Macduff’s ambition revealed to be? 2. Reread Scene 4, lines 40-45. How does this brief exchange demonstrate dramatic irony? 3. Why are stage directions – “[To the Ghost]”-on pg 384 and 1. 4. 5. 385 important? Reread Scene 1, lines 87-90. What does Macbeth ask the murderers? What does their response imply about what it means to be a real “man”? Does it seem that Macbeth’s ambition is producing benefits? Is Macbeth happier now that he has become king? Explain. Act IV Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which character does Macbeth focus on as his antagonist in Act Four? By the end of Act Four, what is this antagonist doing? Macbeth already has reached his goal of becoming king. What is Macbeth’s major ambition in Act Four? Which characters reveal ambition in Act Four? Whose ambition seems the most pure and just? Why? What error in judgment seems likely to lead to Macbecth’s ruin? What tragic flaw does this error in judgment reveal? Reread Scene 3, lines 205-208. As Ross shares his devasting news, what does he seem to suggest to Macduff? Macbeth Journal 4 “Blood will have blood.” What is the relevance of this quote from the play to today’s world? February 28 Put yourself in the place of either Macbeth or Lady Macbeth. What would you have done differently or similarly? Why? Agenda Subject Verb Agreement Practice Read Act V – pg 418 Review Act V quotes and complete summary Reflection Subject Verb Agreement Practice Write five sentences using the following criteria. All sentences must use a present tense verb. Use “Most” as the subject. Use “Neither, Nor” at the beginning of the sentence. The first subject must be plural. The second must be singular. Start your sentence with “The teachers, in addition to the administrators…” Use “Neither” as the subject. Start your sentence with “Any of the paper…” Act V pg 418 Narrator Doctor Gentlewoman Lady Macbeth Macbeth Servant Seyton Malcolm Menteith Siward Messenger Ross Reflection Do you feel sorry for Lady Macbeth? Why or why not? 2. What is the irony in Scene 4 when Malcolm asks the men to cut down the tree branches? Explain. 3. Based on the ending speech, what similarities exist between Malcolm and Duncan? 1. March 3 Look back at February 17 (the first time we looked at these). Has your opinion changed after reading Macbeth? How? Also, how can you relate at least two of these statements to our reading? Explain. 1. Behind every great man is a great woman. 2. Sometimes it is necessary to do something wrong to get what you want. 3. What goes around comes around. 4. There are circumstances or events that justify murder. 5. Success is worth any price. 6. One mistake always leads to another. 7. A guilty conscious will destroy you. 8. Greed and ambition are the same. Agenda Subject Verb Agreement Practice Macbeth Debate Prep Progress Check Two DUE Friday, March 7 Macbeth Final Quiz Thursday Journals Due Thursday Subject Verb Agreement Quiz Friday Subject Verb Agreement Choose 5 subject verb rules to focus on. Create a 5 problem quiz with 5 sentences in which someone must find and underline the subject AND choose between a singular or plural verb. Do NOT copy my examples. Example: Each of the girls on my volleyball team also like/likes to play softball. Most of the stadium is/are filled with football fans. Most of the students waits/wait until the last minute to complete their work. Debate Prep Your group will have at least 5 members. Each person must speak once. A couple will speak twice. Your goal will be to convince the audience either Macbeth is inherently good, Macbeth is inherently bad, Lady Macbeth is inherently good, or Lady Macbeth is inherently bad. Everyone has read Macbeth, so be sure to include relevant, accurate examples from the text to support your argument. You will be judged based on your knowledge of the text, critical thinking, and persuasive abilities. You MUST have a thesis statement. State your purpose for persuading us and support it. Your thesis statement should appear in your topic sentence, between each point, and in your concluding sentence. Each speaker will have a 2 minute time limit. So, PRACTICE. Debate Schedule Side Topic Affirmative Opening Negative Opening Affirmative First point Negative First point Affirmative Second point Negative Second point Affirmative Third point Negative Third point Negative Rebuttal Affirmative Rebuttal Negative Second Rebuttal Affirmative Second Rebuttal Negative Third Rebuttal Affirmative Third Rebuttal Negative Closing Affirmative Closing Rubric 5 10 15 20 Time Speech is under one minute. Speech is between 1:00 – 1:15. Speech is between 1:16 – 1:45. Speech is between 1:46-2:00. Thesis Thesis is hard to identify in the speech; it’s not clearly stated. Thesis stated once in the speech. Thesis is stated multiple times in the speech. Thesis is consistently stated and supported throughout speech. Support Quotes and examples do not enhance argument. One or two quotes and examples are used; quotes are not explained or analyzed. Adequate amount of quotes and examples used to enhance argument. Quotes are explained. Numerous specific quotes are used to support argument. Quotes are explained, analyzed, and well connected. Presenta -tion Speaker reads from notes, speaks too low, and used no emotion. Speaker has minimal eye contact, is somewhat hard to hear, and uses some emotion. Speaker has good eye contact, can be heard, and has adequate emotion in tone. Speaker has excellent eye contact, good volume, and captures audience with tone and presentation. Helpful Hints Avoid slang. Avoid filler words – like, huh, yea If you mess up, take a breath. Avoid conversational tone. Sound like an authority on the subject. Be confident. Don’t apologize. Stand tall. Be prepared. Practice. Macbeth Journal 5 Can you think of recent leaders/celebrities whose overreaching ambition caused their downfall? Explain. March 5 Free Write Agenda Subject Verb Agreement Practice – Review Practice Quiz Macbeth Debate Prep Returning Work Progress Check Two DUE Friday, March 7 Subject Verb Agreement Quiz Friday Macbeth Final Quiz Tomorrow Journals Due Tomorrow Subject Verb Agreement None of the team want/wants to compete at WSSU competition. Either my dad or none of us is/are going to attend the school’s basketball game. Each cat is/are important to Stephanie. A majority of the lessons in precalculus is/are easy. Either of the boys is/are going to football practice. Most of the crowd is/are on their feet in the stadium. Neither Adam nor his brothers is/are home. Each person walk/walks to the stage. The students and instructor each hopes/hope for a new facility by next year. Progress Reports Place ALL work in the purple folder to return to me. Write your name on the tab. Look over your grades on your progress report and on what I return to you. Write a reflection about your grades on your progress report. Look at where you did well and where you could use some improvement. Is this where you want to be? If it’s not, write a plan to get you where you want to be. If it is, what’s your plan to stay where you are and not get comfortable and detour? March 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The dead trees and peeling paint, along with the broken windows and flapping shutters, (make/makes) everyone believe that evil spirits haunt the deserted Sinclair house. Neither of those sharks circling your boogie board (look/looks) hungry enough to bite. Physics (has/have) proven to be Jerry’s easiest subject this semester. He brings Carol, the lab assistant, an oatmeal-raisin cookie, and as his reward, she finishes his report. This weekend, a Great White shark, as well as a school of barracuda, (is/are) terrorizing the tourists at Daytona Beach. Every piece of popcorn and dropped chocolate on the theater floor (has/have) stuck in the treads of Larry’s new running shoes. Agenda Macbeth Debate Macbeth Final Quiz Journals Due Progress Check Two DUE Tomorrow Subject Verb Agreement Quiz Tomorrow Reflection Who won the debate? Why? Whose argument was most effective? Who had the best evidence? Who was most persuasive? Who did you find yourself agreeing with even though you thought you wouldn’t?