The Designer Methods
Total Physical Response (TPR) and The Natural
Yuleyzi Márquez
Mayo, 2012
Total Physical Response (TPR) and The Natural
A method which attempts to teach language through
physical motor activity. It was developed by James
Asher .
According to Asher “… the fastest, least stressful way
top achieve understanding of any target language is to
follow directions uttered by the instructor( without
native language translation) ( Larsen, D :108)
“Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching
method built around the coordination of speech and
action; it attempts to teach language through physical
(motor) activity. Developed by James Asher, a professor of
psychology at San Jose State University, California...”
(Richards, J and Rogers, T : 87)
Theoretical Background
Research in the 1960’s and 1970’s “… gave rise to the
hypothesis that language learning should start first with
understanding and later proceed to production” ( Winitz in
Theory of Language
Structuralism and grammar views of language .
Language is composed of abstractions and nonabstractions,
with nonabstractions being most specifically represented
by concrete nouns and imperative verbs.
According to Asher, vocabulary and most of grammar of
the target language can be acquire from the use of the
Theory of Language Learning
It is based on a stimulus-response view (Sv-R).
“…Asher still sees a stimulus-response view as providing the
learning theory underlying language teaching pedagogy”
(Richards and Rodgers, T:89)
-It is an easy method to implement.
-Activities are simple.
-It does not require well-trained teachers.
-It is suitable for children and adults, among others.
-The teacher controls all the process of learning.
-It is not useful for all levels.
-It does not give students the opportunity of using their
-Not suitable for all kind of students for example: shy
Practical Applications
-It is useful for children and adults as well as low levels and
people with some problems of learning
The Natural Approach was developed by Tracy Terrel, a
colleague of Stephen Krasken in 1977. From the beginning,
The Natural Approach had the purpose of develop a
language teaching proposal that incorporated naturalistic
principles some researchers had identified in L2 studies.
The major emphasis is on exposure to input rather than
Theory of Language
“Language is viewed as a vehicle for communicating meanings
and messages” ( Richards and Rogers:130)
Theory of Language Learning
Two processes are involved in the learning of a language:
Acquisition refers to an unconscious process that involves the
naturalistic development of language proficiency through
understanding language and through using language for
meaningful communication. Learning, by contrast, refers to a
process in which conscious rules about a language are
-It reduces the learner’s anxiety
-It is based on student’s needs.
-A tool for beginners to become intermediates.
-It helps students to develop understanding of the L2.
-Its principles can be applied to different situations and
-It is not suitable for all levels
-It does not pay attention to form and accuracy
Practical Applications
-It helps to develop communicative skills
Personal Opinion
TPR and The Natural Approach are useful for children
and beginners. Nevertheless, these methods should be used
in combination with other methods and strategies because
they are not complete. The giving of commands and the
exposure of input is not enough for learning a language and
develop communicative skills which are very important is
this new world where communication is crucial
Larsen-Freeman, D (2000). Techniques and Principles in
Language Teaching.
Oxford University Press
Richard , J and Rogers, T ( 1986). Approaches and
Methods in Language Teaching. United Kingdom, UK.
Cambridge University Press.