Puerto Rico

Chapter 2 Culture
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
• Capital: San Juan
• Population: 3,937,316
• Official Language: Spanish and English
• Government: Free State Associated with
the United States
• Monetary: U.S. Dollar
• National Sport: Baseball (or Softball for
San Juan
• Puerto Rico was first named San Juan Bautista
and the capital was named Puerto Rico
(meaning Rich Port).
• The two names were switched by the Puerto
Rico’s first governor, Juan Ponce de León.
Puerto Rico: History
• Indigenous cultures
thrived for centuries in
Puerto Rico, until
Columbus claimed the
land for Spain in 1493.
The island remained
under colonial Spanish
rule for more than 400
History Continued
• After their defeat in the Spanish-American War in
1898, Spain ceded the islands of Puerto Rico, Cuba,
and the Philippines to the United States. In 1917,
Puerto Ricans received United States citizenships,
although in elections since then, they have chosen
to retain their status as a commonwealth.
• Puerto Rico is a self-governing commonwealth in
association with the U.S. The U.S. and Puerto Rico
share citizenship, currency, customs borders, and
defense. However, Puerto Ricans are not required to
pay federal income tax. Puerto Ricans have rejected
the prospect of United States statehood in three
different elections.
English or Spanish
• Since becoming a U.S territory in 1898, language has
been a central issue for the people of Puerto Rico. For
90 years, Spanish and English were the official
languages. But in 1991, Governor Rafael Hernandez
Colon, a supporter of Puerto Rican independence,
abolished English as an official language. In 1993, a
pro-statehood governor restored equal official status
to English and Spanish, and it remains so today.
English is spoken by approximately ¼ of the
population, and is spoken in nearly all areas
frequented by tourists.
Puerto Rico: Geography
• La Cordillera Central runs nearly the length of the island
from east to west, with mountains covering 60% of the
island’s terrain. Fed from rains in the interior mountains,
short rivers drain into the Atlantic and the Caribbean.
These rivers assure that the land is well watered and
contribute to the fertility of the coastal lowlands.
Puerto Rico: Geography
• El flamboyán is a tree with
beautiful red flowers that
grows in La Cordillera Central.
El Yunque
• El Yunque or the Caribbean
National Forest is the
rainforest of Puerto Rico
• It receives more than 100
billion gallons of rainfall
each year.
• Puerto Rican parrots are only
found in a few hidden areas
of the Caribbean National
El Yunque
El Yunque
• El coquí is the most
famous amphibian in
Puerto Rico.
• El coquí was named
because of the sound it
La Comida
• Puerto Rican cuisine is a
reflection of the island’s
history and the various
• The cocina criolla, or
native cooking, is a blend
of indigenous, Spanish,
African, Mexican, and
North American
La Comida continued
• Pollo Frito (Fried Chicken)
con tostones is a typical
dish of Puerto Rico.
• Tostones are deep fried
• Las habichuelas are
another typical Puerto
Rican dish of beans
served with rice and
chicken on meat.
Las celebraciones
• La fiesta de Santiago, held
in the small town of Loiza
Aldea, reenacts the
Spanish conquest over the
• In the third week of July,
this town of mostly
African descent honors
the town’s patron Saint
James (Santiago) and his
role in the unification of
Las celebraciones
• El festival Casals is a 40+
year old festival dedicated
to Classical music.
• It was created by Pablo
• The festival is held every
year in San Juan.
• Salsa is the most widely
heard and influential form
of music from Puerto Rico.
• The term translates to
English as "sauce" to denote
music that spices and
enlivens things.
• It is a complex musical
genre that evolved from
many roots into a uniquely
Puerto Rican product.
• Salsa music was made famous
by instruments like the güiro
and maracas.
• Famous Puerto musicians who
are noted for making salsa
music popular world-wide
– Willie Colón
– Tito Puente
– Marc Anthony
La famosa personal
• Daddy Yankee: Widely
popular Latin recording
artist whose album Barrio
Fino was nominated for an
MTV Video Music Award.
• Ricky Martin: After
launching his solo career
in 1991, he gained
widespread success for his
debut album, Ricky Martin,
and the hit song, "Livin' La
Vida Loca."
What is capital of Puerto
A. San José
B. San Juan
C. Santo Domingo
What is Puerto Rico’s
national sport?
A. basketball
B. soccer
What does Puerto Rico
A. Rich Port
B. Righteous Port
C.Poor Port
Who claimed Puerto Rico
for Spain in 1493?
A. Hernán Cortez
B. Juan Ponce de León
C. Cristóbal Colón (Christopher
How long did Puerto Rico
remain under Spanish rule?
A. 40 years
B. 400 years
C. 4,000 years
After what war did Spain cede
Puerto Rico (along with Cuba
& the Philippians) to the US?
A. The American Revolution
B. The Spanish-American War
C.The Spanish Civil War
A. 1/2
B. 1/3
C. 1/4
English is spoken by almost
____ of the Puerto Rican
La Cordillera Central covers
almost ____ of Puerto Rico.
A. 60%
B. 75%
C. 90%
What is the name of Puerto
Rico’s national forest?
A. El Coquí
B. El Bosque
C.El Yunque
How much rainfall does El
Yunque receive each year?
A. 100 million gallons
B. 100 billion gallons
C.100 trillion gallons
What is the name of Puerto
Rico’s national amphibian?
A. La rana
B. El coquí
C.El flamboyán
What is Puerto Rico’s
cooking called?
A. La comida de Puerto Rico y otros
B. La cocina criolla
C.El lonche
What is a typical Puerto
Rican dish?
A. El pollo frito con tostones
B. La hamburguesa
C.Las papitas fritas con tostones
Which festival held the third week in
July celebrates the Spanish conquest
over the Moors?
A. El festival Casals
B. La fiesta de Santiago
C.Loiza Aldea
What type of music is
celebrated during El Festival
A. Salsa
B. New age
C. Classical
What does salsa mean?
A. Spanish
B. spirited
Which of the following is a
famous Puerto Rican salsa
A. Tito Puente
B. Juan Ponce de León
C.Cristóbal Colón