The WiderNet Project • Since 2000, building capacity at African institutions for academic collaborations • 4,700+ participants from 36 institutions across subSaharan Africa and India (~30% women) • Collected over $2,100,000 in new & used hardware, software for partners in Africa • Refurbished and shipped 1,200+ used computers for partner universities in Nigeria, Liberia, and Ethiopia • 700+ volunteers have put in over 15,000 hours • Focus on practical, cost effective solutions • Helping to build a digital culture (best practices, user groups, student internships, gender equity…) “see one – do one – teach one” The Reality of the Internet Cost • Freakishly expensive: 100x U.S. – Liberia 2011 : $150K for dedicated 1mbit • Beware the aristocratic “Oh, let them buy bandwidth” attitude. • 800 lb. gorilla effect • Bandwidth Blackmail • Internet an extraordinary sacrifice for institutions with other very compelling needs The Reality of the Internet Connection • Very slow: no audio/video, PDF paranoia • Can only be used by a handful of users • “Forget it between 10am and 3pm” as connection is saturated. • Very rarely 24 x 7. Many institutions hard pressed to deliver 6 hours a day • Frequent lapses of a day or more – Occasional lapses of a week or more Mobile is King • Europe 120%, Africa 53% • mHealth, mGovernance, mCommerce • Feature phones still outsell smartphones 4:1 • Usage is significantly different; rarely smorgasbord in developing countries • Texting, email most common The eGranary Digital Library “The Internet in a Box”™ Replacing Bandwidth with Storewidth • 4,000+ GB information store inside LAN • Over 30 Million educational documents • Collection created and maintained by librarians • Multimedia, audio, video at full network speeds • No bandwidth costs • Augments a conventional Internet connection Internet LAN The eGranary Digital Library can provide thousands of networked computers high-speed access to millions of documents and multimedia files over a local area network. Even when the Internet connection is broken! X Internet LAN The eGranary is already installed in more than 450 schools, hospitals, clinics, and universities in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. The eGranary Digital Library • Permission from over 1,800 authors & publishers (MIT OpenCourseware, Wikipedia, WHO, Math TV, Virtual Hospital, Khan Academy, etc.) • Over 30 million documents • 50,000+ books, hundreds of journals, hundreds of Web sites & CDs • Patrons open documents 100 – 5,000 times faster than with their Internet connection • Built-in search engine and catalog. Looks and acts just like the Internet. eGr a na 90 70 Orga n iza tion -- Ni ge ria Tech 16 City of C ape Tow n un ic ipalit y ss io n Ag & 23 nduz iM s Mi ity of SA 36 Msu State ta U niv e rs Fo un da tio n 39 Un ite d o Ke n yat 52 J om 54 of J o s 56 For d 66 Un iv er sit y of J o No rt s, Jo hern s, N C ap ig eri e Pr a ov in cia l L ibr ar y Se Sout r vic e h Pe nins ula A dmin is tr a tio n US p hon e mo d em Un iv er sit y 0 psta d 92 ltur e Kaa 105 Ag ric u 111 Sta d 117 a nd 437 Food ic a 40,000 UC T L ib ra r ie s Sala am C omp u ting C en tre Un iv er sit y of Abuj a h Afr 50,000 Da r es Sout 508 al L i brar y of 512 WAR O/ID RC 831 Na tio n 2,587 ity US H ome Ahm DSL adu Bello Univ ers it y Za ria Univ ers 20,000 Lu nd ry Di gital Libra ry Sain t J os eph' s Un Ca rn iv er s eg ie it y C orp orati on o f Ne w Yo rk Intra ne t - WiderNet Project Internet Speed Test Average Bandwidth by Organization in Kbits 70,000 9/21/04 -- 300+ tests 65,445 60,000 An eGranary on a LAN is 4 to 5 times faster than an Internet connection at a U.S. university 30,000 17,103 10,000 13 11 2010 Evaluation Program Supported by the Rockefeller Foundation • Logistics of implementing the eGranary highly dependent on the enthusiasm of a champion • Many of our subscribers do not expect or use technical support • Never enough access points (computers) • Information literacy the most daunting task faced by librarians and instructors User-Friendly Portals • Having access to information is one thing, being able to use it well to meet a specific purpose is another • Portals organize information into userfriendly, issue-centric interfaces – Health care, education, water development, etc. • Reduces the time and effort for new users to integrate digital resources into their mission Solidarity Librarianship • Area librarianship for groups of people with similar needs/goals • One half of good service is about listening • Wisdom of the crowd • Reduces the time and effort for new users to integrate digital resources into their mission Health Care Training in Zambia With colleagues at universities in Zambia and the Sparkman Center for Global Health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, we have identified, collected, cataloged 1,500+ resources and developed collections for teaching medicine, nursing and midwifery, and public health. Liberian medical students exploring The Bones of the Skull, a 3-D interactive software. Global Disability Rights Library • Networked with 100+ U.S. groups, international advisory board, and field partners to identify needs & resources. • Over 2 million new disability rights resources added to the eGranary • Thousands of these resources catalogued and mapped to 10 portals • Curricula developed for training disability rights advocates Community Information Platform Sponsored by the Intel Corporation • CIP adds interactive “Web 2.0” capabilities – Create IDs and logins (LDAP security) – Built-in software for making unlimited Web sites • Easy to upload and share locally-made content • Local content can be centrally developed and shared to other eGranary sites • MySQL and PHP for local dynamic Web databases • Moodle: course management software • Drupal: Web content management system • WordPress: Blog software Knowlegesphere Wi-Max Backbone LAN Knowlegesphere Gov’t Offices Clinics/Hospitals Universities Schools Churches/Mosques Private Homes Internet Cafés New Computers Refurbished Computers OLPC Mobile Phones Kiosks Laptops Pocket Computers Knowlegesphere Serve Millions of Educational Resources to Gov’t Offices New Computers Thousands of Patrons… Clinics/Hospitals Refurbished Computers Universities Schools Churches/Mosques Private Homes Internet Cafés OLPC Mobile Phones Kiosks Laptops Pocket Computers The Cost of Internet Connection??? Silos in the eGranary eGranary Local Others Web Content Web Content Web Content Software Catalog Software Catalog Software Catalog Index Index Index Data Data Data Silos Combine into Single View eGranary Local Web Content Software Catalog Index Data Others New Silos Snap-In / Snap-Out Registered Silos Web Content Web Content Software Catalog Software Catalog Index Index Data Data Silos Offer Flexibility • Anyone can make a silo • Silos can be made for specific groups or topics • Ideal for government documents or local languages • Silos can be created and updated centrally, then distributed via DVD or USB key Hybrid 12-volt Power Model 12-volt Core eGranary Server, essential 12-volt computers, and wireless network powered 24x7 by deepcycle battery bank. Hybrid 12-volt Power Model 12-volt Core eGranary Server, essential 12-volt computers, and wireless network powered 24x7 by deepcycle battery bank. Knowledgesphere Institutional and privately-owned battery-powered devices running for hours on their own charge that can access the services in the core. Hybrid 12-volt Power Model 12-volt Core eGranary Server, essential 12-volt computers, and wireless network powered 24x7 by deepcycle battery bank. Knowledgesphere Institutional and privately-owned battery-powered devices running for hours on their own charge that can access the services in the core. Traditional Systems 220-volt new and refurbished computers and printers that are only usable when the power is on. What’s Next?? • ILS (Evergreen, Koha…) • eMail • Various language versions • Machine cataloging • Targeted collections for smartphones, tablets • Asynchronous return pipe / GSM • Bandwidth Optimization • U.S. Prisons, etc. Lessons from a Sandbox or, “What goes around….” • Easy networking has been done • Better distinctions about information • Solidarity librarianship • Community information is key • Big difference between “doing no evil” and doing what’s right • The more things change… The eGranary Digital Library Delivers! The eGranary Digital Library The WiderNet Project The School of Library and Information Science University of Iowa Cliff Missen Presenter: