Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Program What’s New? 2013 CPRS Conference October 14, 2013 Vik Moore, CPRS, ITE, MS Table of Contents 1) History of Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS) Program 2) BRSS TACS Grant 3) Program Changes Highlights 4) CPRS Training 5) CPRS Website-Forms 2 Table of Contents 6) CPRS Website-Forms 7) Continuing Education Hours 8) Substance Use Disorders 9) RecoveryWithinReach.org 10)Future Plans 11)Question Time 3 HISTORY OF CPRS PROGRAM 4 History of CPRS Program May 9, 2007 TDMHDD and the Office of Consumer Affairs certify its first Tennessee Certified Peer Specialist. New state certification program for peers to work as Peer Specialists in community mental health agencies. 5 History of CPRS Program 2007 TDMHDD receives a Real Choice Systems Change Grant from CMS 380 people become WRAP® Facilitators 6,003 people develop their own personal WRAP® plans 6 History of CPRS Program April 1, 2007 TennCare approves peer support services as provided by a Certified Peer Specialist to be a reimbursable expense in Middle Tennessee. Opened the door for enhanced employment opportunities and increased marketability. In August of 2009, services become reimbursable statewide. 7 History of CPRS Program August 15, 2007 The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issues a formal letter to the states approving the provision of peer support services as a Medicaid reimbursable service. 8 History of CPRS Program 2010 Recovery Within Reach website begins. See http://www.recoverywithinreach.org for more details. 9 History of CPRS Program July 1, 2011 The governor approves merger between Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Department name changes 10 BRSS TACS GRANT 11 BRSS TACS Grant Building Recovery Supports to Scale: Technical Assistance Center Strategy $50,000 for six months Team of Tennessee policy makers, decision makers, key stakeholders Policy Academy in Washington, D.C. 12 BRSS TACS Grant Expand program to include peers with lived experience of substance use disorders Establish a standardized initial training curriculum for all Certified Peer Specialists Identify training opportunities for supervisors of Peer Specialists Develop a statewide strategy to educate community behavioral health providers about Peer Specialists Hire a Peer Recovery Coordinator (Vik Moore) 13 PROGRAM CHANGES HIGHLIGHTS 14 Program Changes Highlights Name Change (CPRS replaces TCPS) Name Change: OCA & Peer Recovery Services Statewide Training Created April 29, 2013 Continuing Education Requirements (10 hours) Addition of lived experience with substance use disorders as a CPRS 15 New Address Department’s New Address: 5th Floor Andrew Jackson Bldg 500 Deaderick St Nashville, TN 37243 (November 2013) 16 CPRS TRAINING 17 Meet the Trainers Michelle WebsterTAADAS SUBSTANCE USE RECOVERY Sheryl McCormickPeninsula Behavioral Health MENTAL HEALTH RECOVERY Mark BreseeAim Center, MHMCML WHOLE HEALTH RECOVERY TAADAS= Tennessee Association of Alcohol, Drug, & other Addiction Services MHMCML= My Health My Choice My Life (Statewide Health & Wellness Initiative) 18 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training The training lasts for five days, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. There are two breaks and an hour-long lunch break each day. 19 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training The training itself is offered at no cost to qualified applicants. however, travel, lodging, and meals (including lunch and snacks) are your responsibility. 20 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training 40 intensive hours of interactive class participation, role-play, selfexamination, and testing The tests average about five multiple-choice questions each 75% must be answered correctly 21 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Homework Each night you will be given homework and reading assignments that will aid in your study for the tests. 22 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 1: Welcome Training Agreement Section 2: History A Brief History of Mental Illness & Substance Use Disorder Treatment Self-determination & Legal Rights 23 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 3: Peer Recovery Specialists What Is a Peer Recovery Specialist? Peer Recovery Specialist Roles & Definitions What Do Peer Recovery Specialists Do? Why do Peer Recovery Specialists Do What They Do? 24 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 4: Recovery A Consensus Statement Defining Recovery The Importance of Hope Recovery & the Strengths Perspective Section 5: Values 25 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 6: Communication Active Listening The Three Main Components of Active Listening Reflecting Feelings Awareness of Nonverbal Messages 26 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 6: Communication, continued Paraverbal Messages Paraphrasing Using Open-Ended Questions Helpful Phrases Listening Blocks 27 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 7: Problem Solving Decision-Making & Problem-Solving Conflict Resolution 28 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 8: Stigma Stigma, Labels & Types Recognizing & Responding to Stigma Strategies & Examples 29 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 8: Stigma, continued Person-First Language a New Paradigm Using People First Language is Crucial Information Sources 30 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 9: Cultural Competency Basic Definitions Communication is Key 31 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 10: Health & Wellness (with Mark Bresee from My Health My Choice My Life) Health & Wellness Contributing factors for preventable & premature death Eight Dimensions of Wellness 32 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 10: Health & Wellness, continued Habits to Support Physical Wellness Healthy Eating Sleep 33 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 11: Ethics & Boundaries Confidentiality Making Ethical Decisions Roles Peer Recovery Specialists & Lived Experience Peer Support Services & the Vulnerability of Peers & Providers Potential Conflicts & the Risk of Harm 34 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 11: Ethics & Boundaries, continued Ethical Considerations Core Peer Support Values & Ethical Conduct Self-Disclosure Boundaries Codependency 35 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 12: Trauma-Informed Peer Support Section 13: Co-occurring Disorders 36 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 14: Motivation & Readiness What Is Motivation? Readiness to Change Stages of Change Talking about Change Pitfalls to Avoid 37 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 15: Documentation What to document Things to remember when documenting services Ethical & Legal Issues Using Recovery Language 38 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 16: Supervision How Peer Recovery Specialists & Their Supervisors Can Work Together Ask the Consumer Give Your Supervisors What They Need to Help You! 39 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 16: Supervision, continued Make Opportunities for People to Shine Take Time to Speak Out Guidelines I Use to Manage My Supervisor 40 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Section 17: Workplace Relationships Section 18: Self-care & Stress Management 41 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training-Schedule April 29-May 3 May 20-24 graduated June 17-21 August 19-23 September 9-13 October 21-25 November 18-22 December 9-13 January 13-17, 2014 March 24-28 April 28 May 2 May 19-23 June 23-27 July 21-25 Nashville Jackson graduated Knoxville Memphis graduated graduated graduated Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded Planned Planned Chattanooga Johnson City Nashville Jackson Nashville Knoxville Memphis Chattanooga Johnson City Murfreesboro or Cookeville 42 CPRS WEBSITE FORMS 43 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Website- Forms COPY SLIDE 44 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Website-Forms COPY SLIDE 45 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Website-Forms COPY SLIDE 46 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Forms CPRS Program Guidelines, Standards and Procedures (Handbook) Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Training Application 1-CPRS Program Details (12 pages) 2-CPRS Initial Application Checklist 47 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Website-Forms 3-CPRS Initial Application (2 pages) 4-CPRS Employment Summary (2 pages) 5-CPRS Volunteer Summary (2 pages) 6-CPRS Professional Reference (2 pages) 7-CPRS Acknowledgment of Scope of Activities 48 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Website-Forms 8-CPRS Acknowledgment of Code of Ethics 9-CPRS Conservator Status Form 10-CPRS Renewal Application (2 pages) Duplicate Diploma Request Request for GED Documents Proof of Webinar Attendance Procedure Continuing Education Fact Sheet 49 SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS 50 Substance Use Disorders Lived Experience with Psychiatric (Mental Health) Disorders Lived Experience with Co-occurring Disorders As of April 29, 2013 ALSO Lived Experience with Substance Use Disorders with no mental health experience 51 CPRS CONTINUING EDUCATION HOURS (CEHS) 52 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist CEH Continuing Education Hours Ten Total Five Live Five can be ‘e-media’ based One must be in Ethics 53 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist CEHs http://goo.gl/RZPgwz 54 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist CEHs http://www.attcelearn.org/ http://www.magellanhealth.com/training/ 55 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist CEHs http://training.sprc.org/course/description.php#course3 http://www.softconference.com/dbsa/slist.asp?C=1798 56 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist CEHs http://goo.gl/cehMF 57 RECOVERY WITHIN REACH WEBSITE 58 www.recoverywithinreach.org-Headings Recovery Education Recovery Tools Recovery-Based Treatment Recovery From Substance Abuse Peer Support Friends & Caregivers Housing Within Reach Recovery through Employment My Health My Choice My Life Resource Search Recovery Within Art- Gallery 59 www.recoverywithinreach.org-Housing 60 www.recoverywithinreach.org-Transportation 61 www.recoverywithinreach.org-LGBTQI 62 www.recoverywithinreach.org-Support Groups 63 www.recoverywithinreach.org-Veterans Resources 64 www.recoverywithinreach.org-Art Gallery 65 www.recoverywithinreach.org-Jobortunity Board 66 www.recoverywithinreach.org-Jobs NASHVILLE Prevention Partnership is hiring for a Peer Recovery Coordinator KNOXVILLE-Mental Health Association of East Tennessee (Inbound-Outbound Peer Run Call Center) Peer Recovery Specialist & Part Time Call Center Specialist KNOXVILLE-Peninsula a Division of Parkwest Medical Center (Recovery Education Center) Program Counselor 67 www.recoverywithinreach.org-Jobs TMHCA-Administrative Assistant MURFREESBORO PeerLINK Case Manager – MURFREESBORO Veterans Advocate in NASHVILLE & MURFREESBORO VA OPENINGS Peer Specialists STATEWIDE MEMPHIS -Posting Soon- S.O.A.R. Openings In The Memphis Area Stay Tuned! 68 FUTURE PLANS 69 Future Plans Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Newsletter (send in your suggestions for the name) Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Mentoring Program Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Supervisor Training 70 QUESTION TIME 71 ?Question Time? CPRS Program What’s New? Vik Moore, CPRS, ITE, MS Peer Recovery Coordinator Office of Consumer Affairs & Peer Recovery Services Vik.Moore@tn.gov (615) 741-7693 http://www.recoverywithinreach.org 5th Floor Andrew Jackson Building 500 Deaderick Nashville, TN 37243 72