University Human Resources HR User Group (HUG) Agenda April 17, 2013 2 HR User Group (HUG) - Agenda 1. Taleo Recruit Manager – Cindy Martin Taleo Applicant Tracking System – Stanford’s new recruiting tool How does it work? 2. Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Reporting – Anh Hoang OBI Portal – new reporting tool HR Reports migrating to OBI 3. PeopleSoft Termination Web Forms - Amy Hornibrook New panel/field changes and gross pay totals 4. HR Transaction Services – Steve Holoien 5. Axess Redesign – Kelly Wright 6. Payroll/Form I-9 – Lalida Sritanyaratana 7. STARS Learner Experience Project & Services – Angelina Ruggiero & Eric Nakagawa 8. Microsoft Office Skills Testing – Lindsey Gauci Taleo Recruit Manager 4 What is Taleo ATS? T H E T A L E O A P P L I C A N T T R A C K I N G S Y S T E M ( AT S ) I S T H E R E C RU I T I N G P L AT F O R M T H AT W I L L R E P L A C E T R OV I X R E C RU I T M A N A G E R T H I S S U M M E R . Why are we replacing Trovix? › Trovix has reached its “end-of-life” phase, with no further support or development available. Why are we using Taleo? › Taleo is a robust state-of-the-art application for tracking requisitions and applicants through the hiring process. › Taleo offers opportunities for improved system performance and integration. › The way data are collected will improve applicant tracking reporting. 5 The Taleo Recruit Manager Welcome Screen When you access Taleo, your personal welcome screen shows information on candidates, requisitions, offers and tasks that you “own” or collaborate on. Candidate and Requisition data you own and control Easy access to support documents and other resources 6 Creating a Requisition 1. Select requisition values from menus 2. Add a description 3. Select prescreen questions for filtering candidates early Now, you are ready to recruit! 7 Displaying Your List of Requisitions Requisitions can be displayed with one click. Sorting options are available. Requisitions are listed showing the number of candidates attached. Click on the number to display the matched candidates list (below). Matched Candidate details are a click away 8 Displaying Candidates Matched to Requisitions Select “Candidates” to display this list The action bar is an easy way to perform tasks with a single click on an icon, or select an action from the “More Actions” pull down menu. Questions HR Reports Moving to Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Reporting 11 Transition to OBI Portal 1. Purpose of Conversion Improved technical and browser support Consolidating Stanford reports into one consistent environment Time/Leave and STARS have moved all RM1 reports over to BI Portal Improve Reporting Experience 2. Timeline Job, Position, General HR, and Salary Planning reports converted, tested, and available in OBI environment today! Access reports at ReportMart1 to OBI transition April 30th HR Reports Available In OBI Now! Report Verification by HR Units ReportMart1 Transition to OBI April 30 12 Transition to OBI Portal 1. What is the same? Folder Structure Report Name and Number Results sections and formatted reports Ability to Export to Excel Pivots Sorting/Filtering 2. 3. What is different? URL Change Navigation to Folder Structure Result sections are now Tab sections Steps to Export OBI Report Demo 13 QUESTIONS? PeopleSoft – Termination Web Forms 15 Termination Web Forms – a new look! 16 Termination Web Forms – a new look! When processing a termination without a final check 17 Termination Webform Updates 1. The following earn codes will be excluded from the Total Gross Amount when calculating an employee’s final check. BDS, BVS, CSK, HLS, JRS, LBD, LHL, LPS, LSK, LVC, MLS, PST, SKS, SST, SWC, TBD, TPS, TVC, VCS, EXT AND SLT 2. The Total Gross Amount will be the correct amount on the final paycheck and will no longer include all the time taken and add it to the Total Gross Amount. 3. These entries should still be made for a final check to charge the appropriate accruals for time taken during their final pay period. 4. The Adjustment (ADJ) earn code may now be used if it is necessary to reduce a final check to recover a salary overpayment from the employee. Enter the negative sign (-) in the Hours or Gross Amount field. The Total Gross Amount will calculate accordingly at the bottom of the page. Termination Webform Reminders 1. When processing final check for an employee on terminal vacation Last date of employment is the last day on terminal vacation Enter hours for salary payment line (do not use gross amount) Enter TVC hours for the same amount 2. When paying out accrual balance for Personal Time Off use earn code PPO PTO will not payout, use only when PTO is taken during the last pay period HR Transaction Services Process Enhancements 19 HR Transaction Services (HRTS) Part of University HR, located at 3160 Porter Drive Formed in 2011 to leverage a concentration of PeopleSoft expertise, support, and systems experience, as well as close ties to Payroll and Benefits Services provided 1. PeopleSoft transaction processing 2. Background checks 3. Trovix job postings 4. University-wide PeopleSoft support Transactions Team Specialized Support Denise Ford Amy Hornibrook Lourdes Rodriguez Sharon Shea Michael Jarocki Kathy Lucas 20 HR Transaction Services - Top 10 Service Enhancements! Note: services in GREEN are available to the entire university 10. PeopleSoft and HR Administration – references, job aids, transaction forms 9. PeopleSoft Helpline (x59079) – for questions on processing transactions (proactive “look before you leap”) 8. Bulk summer hires (temps, casuals & students) 7. Converting Stanford student appointments to Summer student appointments JCC 9100 to JCC 9154…and back again! 6. Faculty summer supplements 5. Handle all PeopleSoft and Trovix posting for HRAs going on vacation or leave 4. Working with your existing processes, forms, and spreadsheets 3. Non-employee Affiliate entries 2. One-touch-processing: Create – Approve – Update 1. Private Portal for submission of SSN and DOB 21 Private portal for new hires’ SSN and DOB Secure database to submit social security number and date of birth No more writing down numbers, information comes straight from the applicant Not yet available to the whole university Axess Redesign 23 Axess Redesign: Project Overview Future releases of PeopleSoft will decouple the HCM (Human Resources) and Campus Solutions (Student) products. As our community places a high value on the consolidation of content within Axess, we launched the Axess Redesign Project to create a platform to continue to unify this content as we move to the future. The Axess Redesign Project proposes to reinvent our user experience (UX), deploying a flexible platform product and engaging professional UX resources to create an Axess that is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Modern and intuitive for all of our user populations User-centric in content presentation, with personalization options Mobile responsive Compatible with the latest browser versions Equipped to consolidate content from multiple sources 24 Axess Redesign: Project Timeline Last fall, we engaged a professional user experience and design firm, TandemSeven, to lead the Axess Redesign effort. The project is on schedule, on the following timeline: January February March April May – June July 29 Stakeholder Interviews & Content Mapping Design Prototyping Content Remapping Usability Testing & Design Refinement User Acceptance Testing Go-Live: Axess Redesign Phase 1 August – July 2014 Incremental releases of Axess Redesign Phase 2 25 Axess Redesign: Phase 1 – Simplified Design 26 Axess Redesign: Phase 1 – Dashboard View 27 Axess Redesign: Phase 1 – MegaMenu Navigation 28 Axess Redesign: Phase 1 – PeopleSoft Navigation 29 Axess Redesign: Phase 1 - Preferences Payroll/Form I-9 31 New & Noteworthy: Form I-9 1. New Form I-9: Effective 3/8/13 2. Form I-9 Gateway: 32 New Form I-9 (Rev. 03/08/13 N) Old Form I-9 only accepted until 5/7/13. Changes include: Added fields - Email Address -Telephone Number Clarified instructions on citizenship status Reminder: P.O. Box not accepted; must be a physical address 33 New Form I-9 (Rev. 03/08/13 N) Added lines for List A documentation Relocated date fields for: -Employee’s first day of employment -Employer’s signature 34 New Form I-9 (Rev. 03/08/13 N) Clarified Lists of Acceptable Documents 35 New I-9 Gateway: • H O W- T O ’ S F O R F O R M I - 9 COMPLETION AND REV E R I F I C AT I O N • EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED & U P DAT E D I - 9 S • F R E Q U E N T LY A S K E D QUESTIONS 36 New I-9 Gateway: 37 New I-9 Gateway: STARS Learner Experience Project & Services L E A R N I N G S O LU T I O N S G RO U P 39 Training Management Training Impact & Risk Mitigation Audience Evaluation Risk Management Reporting Profile Management Learner Experience Development & Delivery Regulatory Compliance Tracking & Enforcement Systems Governance Organization Notifications & Escalations Staffing 40 Learning Solutions Group (LSG) Learners Learning Providers 41 Stanford Learning Trends Staffing/Cost Drivers Active Learners Scope Complexity # of Courses Enrollments per Year FY07 FY10 FY11 FY12 19,987 25,132 27,861 29,500 FY12/ FY07 FY11/ FY10 FY12/ FY11 148% 111% 106% 1,820 234% 116% 152% 46,055 60,769 68,617 85,560 186% 113% 125% 779 1,035 1,199 Training Groups in STARS 10 20 38 45 450% 190% 118% Active eLearning Courses 23 96 133 194 843% 139% 146% 0.03 0.09 0.11 0.11 367% 122% 100% eLearning Ratio 42 Learner Experience Project Identify Training Training Impact Audience Evaluation Seamless Learner Experience Reporting Learner Records & Reports Tracking & Enforcement Course Design & Administration Cycle Development & Delivery Timely Course Completions 43 LSG Services Course Design & Development Course Administration & Reporting Maintenance 10% Testing 10% Developing 30% Needs and Task Analysis 20% Designing 30% Reporting 15% Roster Management 30% Course Administration 45% Testing 10% Enabling Services Infrastructure System Infrastructure • Bundles & Enhancements • Profile Management •Learner Experience Executing Services Microsoft Office Skills Testing UHR’s Staff Employment Team 45 MICROSOFT OFFICE SKILLS TESTING A d va n t a g e s o f Te s t i n g • P r o v i d e s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o a s s e s s a c a n d i d a t e ’s Microsoft Office skills • Candidates can complete the assessments on their own computers • Te s t i n g i s o f f e r e d a t n o c o s t t o y o u r d e p a r t m e n t Staff Employment “Connecting Stanford to Great Talent!” 46 MICROSOFT OFFICE SKILLS TESTING Cur rent Practice • Administered by Staff Employment • O n l i n e Te s t s P r o v i d e d b y E m p l o y Te s t (exter nal vendor) • A v a i l a b l e Te s t s I n c l u d e * : • Word • Excel • PowerPoint • Outlook • Access * 2003, 2007, and 2010 versions available • Results sent to hiring team once received Staff Employment “Connecting Stanford to Great Talent!” 47 MICROSOFT OFFICE SKILLS TESTING S a m p l e A s s e s s m e n t To p i c s Word Excel PowerPoint Outlook Find text Create a column chart Create new presentation template Calendar-display Cut and paste text Create a formula Delete a slide Change the calendar view Display ruler Delete cells Change layout of slide Add a contact Insert page break Merge cells Print speaker’s notes Sort email Adjust line spacing Change worksheet margins Insert clip art Return receipt Create a bulleted list Create pie chart Add a text box Send message Insert a picture Print workbook Animate shape with motion path Display a to do list Insert a citation Rename a worksheet Print full page slides Create a note Replace text Change font size Edit text in the slide pane Recurring meetings Staff Employment “Connecting Stanford to Great Talent!” 48 MICROSOFT OFFICE SKILLS TESTING Wo u l d y o u l i k e t o l e a r n m o r e ? • Please contact: • Staff Employment ( • S t a f f E m p l oy m e n t ’s we b s i t e : • Questions? Staff Employment “Connecting Stanford to Great Talent!” University Human Resources T H A N K YO U !